2021-06-21 11:39:06 +02:00

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{0 Default calculus}
This representation is the fourth in the compilation chain
(see {{: index.html#architecture} Architecture}). Its main difference
with the previous {{: desugared.html} desugared representation} is that scopes
have been lowered into regular functions, and enums and structs have been
lowered to sum and product types. The default calculus can be later compiled
to a {{: lcalc.html} lambda calculus}.
The module describing the abstract syntax tree is:
{!modules: Dcalc.Ast}
Printing helpers can be found in {!module: Dcalc.Print}.
This intermediate representation corresponds to the default calculus
presented in the {{:} Catala formalization}.
{1 Typing }
Related modules:
{!modules: Dcalc.Typing}
This representation is where the typing is performed. Indeed, {!module: Dcalc.Typing}
implements the classical {{:} W algorithm}
corresponding to a Hindley-Milner type system, without type constraints.
{1 Interpreter}
Related modules:
{!modules: Dcalc.Interpreter}
Since this representation is currently the last of the compilation chain,
an {!module: Dcalc.Interpreter} module is provided to match the execution
semantics of the default calculus.
Later, translations to a regular lambda calculus and/or a simple imperative
language are bound to be added.