2022-08-19 15:21:29 +02:00

265 lines
6.3 KiB

# This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits
# computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Denis Merigoux
# <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
# in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
# is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
name = catala_pl
file_extensions [] = catala_pl;
## Styles
styles [] {
.comment : style {
color = light_green
italic = true
textmate_scope = comment.line
pygments_scope = Comment.Single
.sc_id : style {
textmate_scope = meta.variable_id
pygments_scope = String
color = violet_red
.sc_id_def : style {
textmate_scope =
pygments_scope = Name.Variable
color = orange
.cc_id : style {
color = light_blue
textmate_scope =
pygments_scope = Name.Class
.law_title : style {
color = yellow
italic = false
textmate_scope = markup.heading.title
pygments_scope = Generic.Heading
.law_subtitle : style {
color = gold
italic = true
textmate_scope = markup.heading.subtitle
pygments_scope = Generic.Heading
.law : style {
color = light_yellow
italic = false
textmate_scope =
pygments_scope = String
.code_delimiter : style {
color = grey
italic = false
textmate_scope = comment.block.documentation
pygments_scope = String
.primitive : style {
color = purple
textmate_scope = support.type
pygments_scope = Keyword.Type
.whitespace : style {
textmate_scope = text
pygments_scope = String
.keyword_expression : style {
color = pink
textmate_scope = keyword.control
pygments_scope = Keyword.Reserved
.keyword_rule : style {
color = cyan
textmate_scope = keyword.other
pygments_scope = Keyword.Declaration
.punctuation : style {
color = red_2
ace_scope = punctuation
textmate_scope = punctuation
pygments_scope = Operator
.literal : style {
color = green
textmate_scope = constant
pygments_scope = Keyword.Constant
.literal_numeric : style {
color = violet
textmate_scope = constant.numeric
pygments_scope = Number.Integer
.operator : style {
color = brown
textmate_scope = keyword.operator
pygments_scope = Operator
## Parse contexts
__LOWER_CHARS \= a-ząćęłńóśżź
__SC_ID \= [$${__LOWER_CHARS}][$${__LOWER_CHARS}$${__UPPER_CHARS}0-9_\']*
__SC_ID_COMPOSED \= [$${__LOWER_CHARS}][$${__LOWER_CHARS}$${__UPPER_CHARS}0-9_\'\.]*
__CC_ID \= [$${__UPPER_CHARS}][$${__LOWER_CHARS}$${__UPPER_CHARS}0-9_\']*
contexts [] {
## Main Context - Entry point context
main : context {
: pattern {
regex \= (^\s*[\#]+.*)
styles [] = .law_title;
: pattern {
regex \= (^\s*[\#]+\s*\[[^\]]\s*].*)
styles [] = .law_subtitle;
: pattern {
regex \= ([^`])
styles [] = .law;
: push {
regex \= (```catala)
styles [] = .code_delimiter;
context [] = code;
: push {
regex \= (```catala-metadata)
styles [] = .code_delimiter;
context [] = code;
code : context {
: pop {
regex \= (```)
styles [] = .code_delimiter;
: pattern {
regex \= (\s*\#.*$)
styles [] = .comment ;
: pattern {
regex \= (kontekst|wejście|wyjście|wewnętrzny)(\s*)(|wyjście)(\s+)($${__SC_ID})
styles [] = .keyword_rule, .whitespace, .keyword_rule, .whitespace, .sc_id_def;
: pattern {
regex \= \b(pasuje|ze\s+wzorem|staloprzecinkowa|przez|malejacy|rosnacy|rozna|wraz z|mamy|niech|in|takich ze|istnieje|dla|wszystkie|z|jezeli|wtedy|inaczej|poczatkowy)\b
styles [] = .keyword_expression ;
: pattern {
regex \= \b(zakres|zalezy\s+od|deklaracja|kolekcja|typu|opcjonalny|struktura|enumeracja|kontekst|zasada|pod\s+warunkuem|czas|konsekwencja|spelnione|wynosi|asercja|definicja|stan|etykieta|wyjątek)\b
styles [] = .keyword_rule ;
: pattern {
regex \= (\|[0-9]+\-[0-9]+\-[0-9]+\|)
styles [] = .literal_numeric ;
: pattern {
regex \= \b(prawda|falsz)\b
styles [] = .literal ;
: pattern {
regex \= \b([0-9]+(,[0-9]*|))\b
styles [] = .literal_numeric ;
: pattern {
regex \= (\-\-|\;|\.|\,|\:|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\})
styles [] = .punctuation;
: pattern {
regex \= (\-\>|\+\.|\+\@|\+\^|\+\$|\+|\-\.|\-\@|\-\^|\-\$|\-|\*\.|\*\@|\*\^|\*\$|\*|/\.|/\@|/\$|/|\!|>\.|>=\.|<=\.|<\.|>\@|>=\@|<=\@|<\@|>\$|>=\$|<=\$|<\$|>\^|>=\^|<=\^|<\^|>|>=|<=|<|=|nie|lub|xor|i|\$|%|rok|miesiac|dzien)
styles [] = .operator;
: pattern {
regex \= \b(calkowita|zerojedynkowy|czas|czas trwania|pieniądze|warunek|tekst|dziesiętny|suma)\b
styles [] = .primitive;
: pattern {
regex \= \b($${__CC_ID})(\.)($${__SC_ID})\b
styles [] = .cc_id, .punctuation, .sc_id_def ;
: pattern {
regex \= \b($${__SC_ID})(\.)($${__SC_ID_COMPOSED})\b
styles [] = .sc_id_def, .punctuation, .sc_id ;
: pattern {
regex \= \b($${__SC_ID})\b
styles [] = .sc_id_def ;
: pattern {
regex \= \b($${__CC_ID})\b
styles [] = .cc_id ;