Aminata-Dev b087ca4f47 Improve suggestions
- Improved implementation of suggestions (suggestion_minimum_levenshtein_distance_association >
- Magnifying glass emoji added for suggestions
- Improve display by...
	- Fixing "" (pretty-printing box not closed)
	- Remove unnecessary spaces
- compiler/surface/
	- Optionnal suggestions added when raising a parser error
	- Function "levenshtein_distance" removed and replaced by "Suggestions.levenshtein_distance"
- Tests updated (mostly line breaks and spacing changes)
- Variable names renamed for greater clarity
- (Based on commit 0813f5c36e)
2023-07-12 11:55:11 +02:00

284 lines
9.6 KiB

(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2023 Inria,
contributors: Denis Merigoux <>, Louis Gesbert
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
(** Error formatting and helper functions *)
(**{1 Terminal formatting}*)
(* Adds handling of color tags in the formatter *)
let color_formatter ppf =
Ocolor_format.prettify_formatter ppf;
(* Sets handling of tags in the formatter to ignore them (don't print any color
codes) *)
let unstyle_formatter ppf =
Format.pp_set_mark_tags ppf false;
(* SIDE EFFECT AT MODULE LOAD: this turns on handling of tags in
[Format.sprintf] etc. functions (ignoring them) *)
let () = ignore (unstyle_formatter Format.str_formatter)
(* Note: we could do the same for std_formatter, err_formatter... but we'd
rather promote the use of the formatting functions of this module and the
below std_ppf / err_ppf *)
let has_color oc =
match Cli.globals.color with
| Cli.Never -> false
| Always -> true
| Auto -> Unix.(isatty (descr_of_out_channel oc))
(* Here we create new formatters to stderr/stdout that remain separate from the
ones used by [Format.printf] / [Format.eprintf] (which remain unchanged) *)
let formatter_of_out_channel oc =
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
if has_color oc then color_formatter ppf else unstyle_formatter ppf
let std_ppf = lazy (formatter_of_out_channel stdout)
let err_ppf = lazy (formatter_of_out_channel stderr)
let ignore_ppf = lazy (Format.make_formatter (fun _ _ _ -> ()) (fun () -> ()))
let unformat (f : Format.formatter -> unit) : string =
let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
let ppf = unstyle_formatter (Format.formatter_of_buffer buf) in
Format.pp_set_margin ppf max_int;
(* We won't print newlines anyways, but better not have them in the first
place (this wouldn't remove cuts in a vbox for example) *)
let out_funs = Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions ppf () in
Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf
out_funs with
Format.out_newline = (fun () -> out_funs.out_string " " 0 1);
Format.out_indent = (fun _ -> ());
f ppf;
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
Buffer.contents buf
(**{2 Message types and output helpers *)
type content_type = Error | Warning | Debug | Log | Result
let get_ppf = function
| Result -> Lazy.force std_ppf
| Debug when not Cli.globals.debug -> Lazy.force ignore_ppf
| Warning when Cli.globals.disable_warnings -> Lazy.force ignore_ppf
| Error | Log | Debug | Warning -> Lazy.force err_ppf
(**{3 Markers}*)
let print_time_marker =
let time : float ref = ref (Unix.gettimeofday ()) in
fun ppf () ->
let new_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let old_time = !time in
time := new_time;
let delta = (new_time -. old_time) *. 1000. in
if delta > 50. then
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<bold;black>[TIME] %.0fms@}@\n" delta
let pp_marker target ppf =
let open Ocolor_types in
let tags, str =
match target with
| Debug -> [Bold; Fg (C4 magenta)], "[DEBUG]"
| Error -> [Bold; Fg (C4 red)], "[ERROR]"
| Warning -> [Bold; Fg (C4 yellow)], "[WARNING]"
| Result -> [Bold; Fg (C4 green)], "[RESULT]"
| Log -> [Bold; Fg (C4 black)], "[LOG]"
if target = Debug then print_time_marker ppf ();
Format.pp_open_stag ppf (Ocolor_format.Ocolor_styles_tag tags);
Format.pp_print_string ppf str;
Format.pp_close_stag ppf ()
(**{2 Printers}*)
(** {1 Message content} *)
module Content = struct
type message = Format.formatter -> unit
type position = { pos_message : message option; pos : Pos.t }
type message_element =
| MainMessage of message
| Position of position
| Suggestion of message
| Result of message
type t = message_element list
let of_message (message : message) : t = [MainMessage message]
let of_result (message : message) : t = [Result message]
let prepend_message (content : t) prefix : t = MainMessage prefix :: content
let to_internal_error (content : t) : t =
let internal_error_prefix ppf =
Format.pp_print_string ppf
"Internal Error, please report to \"
prepend_message content internal_error_prefix
let add_suggestion (content : t) (suggestion : message) =
content @ [Suggestion suggestion]
let of_string (s : string) : t =
[MainMessage (fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_string ppf s)]
let emit (content : t) (target : content_type) : unit =
match Cli.globals.message_format with
| Cli.Human ->
let ppf = get_ppf target in
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>%t%t%a@]@." (pp_marker target)
(fun (ppf : Format.formatter) ->
match content, target with
| MainMessage _ :: _, (Result | Error) -> Format.pp_print_space ppf ()
| _ -> Format.pp_print_char ppf ' ')
(fun (ppf : Format.formatter) (message_elements : t) ->
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@,@,")
(fun ppf (elt : message_element) ->
match elt with
| Position pos ->
(fun msg -> Format.fprintf ppf "%t@," msg)
Pos.format_loc_text ppf pos.pos
| MainMessage msg -> msg ppf
| Result msg -> msg ppf
| Suggestion msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "🔎 Maybe you wanted to write %t" msg)
ppf message_elements)
| Cli.GNU -> failwith "unimplemented until the message library stabilises"
(* (* The top message doesn't come with a position, which is not something the
GNU standard allows. So we look the position list and put the top message
everywhere there is not a more precise message. If we can't find a position
without a more precise message, we just take the first position in the list
to pair with the message. *) let ppf = get_ppf target in let () = if
positions != [] && List.for_all (fun (pos' : Content.position) ->
Option.is_some pos'.pos_message) positions then Format.fprintf ppf
"@{<blue>%s@}: %t %s@\n" (Pos.to_string_short (List.hd positions).pos)
(pp_marker target) (unformat message) in Format.pp_print_list
~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_newline (fun ppf pos' -> Format.fprintf ppf
"@{<blue>%s@}: %t %s" (Pos.to_string_short pos'.pos) (pp_marker target)
(match pos'.pos_message with | None -> unformat message | Some msg' ->
unformat msg')) ppf positions *)
open Content
(** {1 Error exception} *)
exception CompilerError of Content.t
(** {1 Error printing} *)
let raise_spanned_error
?(span_msg : Content.message option)
?(suggestion : Content.message option)
(span : Pos.t)
format =
let continuation (message : Format.formatter -> unit) =
([MainMessage message; Position { pos_message = span_msg; pos = span }]
@ match suggestion with None -> [] | Some sugg -> [Suggestion sugg]))
Format.kdprintf continuation format
let raise_multispanned_error_full
?(suggestion : Content.message option)
(spans : (Content.message option * Pos.t) list)
format =
(fun message ->
(MainMessage message
(fun (pos_message, pos) -> Position { pos_message; pos })
@ match suggestion with None -> [] | Some sugg -> [Suggestion sugg])))
let raise_multispanned_error
?(suggestion : Content.message option)
(spans : (string option * Pos.t) list)
format =
raise_multispanned_error_full ?suggestion
(fun (msg, pos) -> (fun s ppf -> Format.pp_print_string ppf s) msg, pos)
let raise_error format =
(fun message -> raise (CompilerError [MainMessage message]))
let raise_internal_error format =
(fun message ->
raise (CompilerError (Content.to_internal_error [MainMessage message])))
(** {1 Warning printing}*)
let assert_internal_error condition fmt =
if condition then raise_internal_error ("assertion failed: " ^^ fmt)
else Format.ifprintf (Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout) fmt
let emit_multispanned_warning
(pos : (Content.message option * Pos.t) list)
format =
(fun message ->
(MainMessage message
(fun (pos_message, pos) -> Position { pos_message; pos })
let emit_spanned_warning
?(span_msg : Content.message option)
(span : Pos.t)
format =
emit_multispanned_warning [span_msg, span] format
let emit_warning format = emit_multispanned_warning [] format
let emit_log format =
Format.kdprintf (fun message -> Content.emit [MainMessage message] Log) format
let emit_debug format =
(fun message -> Content.emit [MainMessage message] Debug)
let emit_result format =
(fun message -> Content.emit [MainMessage message] Result)