2022-01-05 10:42:46 +01:00

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(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits
computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Nicolas Chataing
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
(** Scope dependencies computations using {{:} OCamlgraph} *)
open Utils
(** {1 Scope variables dependency graph} *)
(** {2 Graph declaration} *)
(** Vertices: scope variables or subscopes.
The vertices of the scope dependency graph are either :
- the variables of the scope ;
- the subscopes of the scope.
Indeed, during interpretation, subscopes are executed atomically. *)
module Vertex = struct
type t = Var of Scopelang.Ast.ScopeVar.t | SubScope of Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.t
let hash x =
match x with
| Var x -> Scopelang.Ast.ScopeVar.hash x
| SubScope x -> Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.hash x
let compare = compare
let equal x y =
match (x, y) with
| Var x, Var y -> x y = 0
| SubScope x, SubScope y -> x y = 0
| _ -> false
let format_t (fmt : Format.formatter) (x : t) : unit =
match x with
| Var v -> Scopelang.Ast.ScopeVar.format_t fmt v
| SubScope v -> Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.format_t fmt v
(** On the edges, the label is the position of the expression responsible for the use of the
variable. In the graph, [x -> y] if [x] is used in the definition of [y].*)
module Edge = struct
type t = Pos.t
let compare = compare
let default = Pos.no_pos
module ScopeDependencies = Graph.Persistent.Digraph.ConcreteBidirectionalLabeled (Vertex) (Edge)
(** Module of the graph, provided by OCamlGraph *)
module TopologicalTraversal = Graph.Topological.Make (ScopeDependencies)
(** Module of the topological traversal of the graph, provided by OCamlGraph *)
module SCC = Graph.Components.Make (ScopeDependencies)
(** Tarjan's stongly connected components algorithm, provided by OCamlGraph *)
(** {2 Graph computations} *)
(** Returns an ordering of the scope variables and subscope compatible with the dependencies of the
computation *)
let correct_computation_ordering (g : ScopeDependencies.t) : Vertex.t list =
List.rev (TopologicalTraversal.fold (fun sd acc -> sd :: acc) g [])
(** Outputs an error in case of cycles. *)
let check_for_cycle (scope : Ast.scope) (g : ScopeDependencies.t) : unit =
(* if there is a cycle, there will be an strongly connected component of cardinality > 1 *)
let sccs = SCC.scc_list g in
if List.length sccs < ScopeDependencies.nb_vertex g then
let scc = List.find (fun scc -> List.length scc > 1) sccs in
(Format.asprintf "Cyclic dependency detected between variables of scope %a!"
Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.format_t scope.scope_uid)
(fun v ->
let var_str, var_info =
match v with
| Vertex.Var v ->
( Format.asprintf "%a" Scopelang.Ast.ScopeVar.format_t v,
Scopelang.Ast.ScopeVar.get_info v )
| Vertex.SubScope v ->
( Format.asprintf "%a" Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.format_t v,
Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.get_info v )
let succs = ScopeDependencies.succ_e g v in
let _, edge_pos, succ = List.find (fun (_, _, succ) -> List.mem succ scc) succs in
let succ_str =
match succ with
| Vertex.Var v -> Format.asprintf "%a" Scopelang.Ast.ScopeVar.format_t v
| Vertex.SubScope v -> Format.asprintf "%a" Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.format_t v
(Some ("Cycle variable " ^ var_str ^ ", declared:"), Pos.get_position var_info);
( Some ("Used here in the definition of another cycle variable " ^ succ_str ^ ":"),
edge_pos );
(** Builds the dependency graph of a particular scope *)
let build_scope_dependencies (scope : Ast.scope) : ScopeDependencies.t =
let g = ScopeDependencies.empty in
(* Add all the vertices to the graph *)
let g =
(fun (v : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeVar.t) g -> ScopeDependencies.add_vertex g (Vertex.Var v))
scope.scope_vars g
let g =
(fun (v : Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.t) _ g ->
ScopeDependencies.add_vertex g (Vertex.SubScope v))
scope.scope_sub_scopes g
let g =
(fun def_key scope_def g ->
let def = scope_def.Ast.scope_def_rules in
let fv = Ast.free_variables def in
(fun fv_def fv_def_pos g ->
match (def_key, fv_def) with
| Ast.ScopeDef.Var defined, Ast.ScopeDef.Var used ->
(* simple case *)
if used = defined then
(* variable definitions cannot be recursive *)
"The variable %a is used in one of its definitions, but recursion is \
forbidden in Catala"
Scopelang.Ast.ScopeVar.format_t defined)
let edge =
ScopeDependencies.E.create (Vertex.Var used) fv_def_pos (Vertex.Var defined)
ScopeDependencies.add_edge_e g edge
| Ast.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (defined, _), Ast.ScopeDef.Var used ->
(* here we are defining the input of a subscope using a var of the scope *)
let edge =
ScopeDependencies.E.create (Vertex.Var used) fv_def_pos (Vertex.SubScope defined)
ScopeDependencies.add_edge_e g edge
| Ast.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (defined, _), Ast.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (used, _) ->
(* here we are defining the input of a scope with the output of another subscope *)
if used = defined then
(* subscopes are not recursive functions *)
"The subscope %a is used when defining one of its inputs, but recursion is \
forbidden in Catala"
Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.format_t defined)
let edge =
ScopeDependencies.E.create (Vertex.SubScope used) fv_def_pos
(Vertex.SubScope defined)
ScopeDependencies.add_edge_e g edge
| Ast.ScopeDef.Var defined, Ast.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (used, _) ->
(* finally we define a scope var with the output of a subscope *)
let edge =
ScopeDependencies.E.create (Vertex.SubScope used) fv_def_pos (Vertex.Var defined)
ScopeDependencies.add_edge_e g edge)
fv g)
scope.scope_defs g
(** {1 Exceptions dependency graph} *)
(** {2 Graph declaration} *)
module ExceptionVertex = struct
include Ast.RuleSet
let hash (x : t) : int = Ast.RuleSet.fold (fun r acc -> Int.logxor (Ast.RuleName.hash r) acc) x 0
let equal x y = compare x y = 0
module ExceptionsDependencies =
Graph.Persistent.Digraph.ConcreteBidirectionalLabeled (ExceptionVertex) (Edge)
(** Module of the graph, provided by OCamlGraph. [x -> y] if [y] is an exception to [x] *)
module ExceptionsSCC = Graph.Components.Make (ExceptionsDependencies)
(** Tarjan's stongly connected components algorithm, provided by OCamlGraph *)
(** {2 Graph computations} *)
let build_exceptions_graph (def : Ast.rule Ast.RuleMap.t) (def_info : Ast.ScopeDef.t) :
ExceptionsDependencies.t =
(* first we collect all the rule sets referred by exceptions *)
let all_rule_sets_pointed_to_by_exceptions : Ast.RuleSet.t list =
(fun _rule_name rule acc ->
if Ast.RuleSet.is_empty (Pos.unmark rule.Ast.rule_exception_to_rules) then acc
else Pos.unmark rule.Ast.rule_exception_to_rules :: acc)
def []
(* we make sure these sets are either disjoint or equal ; should be a syntactic invariant since
you currently can't assign two labels to a single rule but an extra check is valuable since
this is a required invariant for the graph to be sound *)
(fun rule_set1 ->
(fun rule_set2 ->
if Ast.RuleSet.equal rule_set1 rule_set2 then ()
else if Ast.RuleSet.disjoint rule_set1 rule_set2 then ()
"Definitions or rules grouped by different labels overlap, whereas these groups \
shoule be disjoint"
(fun rule ->
( Some "Rule or definition from the first group:",
Pos.get_position (Ast.RuleName.get_info rule) ))
(Ast.RuleSet.to_seq rule_set1))
@ List.of_seq
(fun rule ->
( Some "Rule or definition from the second group:",
Pos.get_position (Ast.RuleName.get_info rule) ))
(Ast.RuleSet.to_seq rule_set2))))
(* Then we add the exception graph vertices by taking all those sets of rules pointed to by
exceptions, and adding the remaining rules not pointed as separate singleton set vertices *)
let g =
(fun g rule_set -> ExceptionsDependencies.add_vertex g rule_set)
ExceptionsDependencies.empty all_rule_sets_pointed_to_by_exceptions
let g =
(fun (rule_name : Ast.RuleName.t) _ g ->
(fun rule_set_pointed_to_by_exceptions ->
Ast.RuleSet.mem rule_name rule_set_pointed_to_by_exceptions)
then g
else ExceptionsDependencies.add_vertex g (Ast.RuleSet.singleton rule_name))
def g
(* then we add the edges *)
let g =
(fun rule_name rule g ->
(* Right now, exceptions can only consist of one rule, we may want to relax that constraint
later in the development of Catala. *)
let exception_to_ruleset, pos = rule.Ast.rule_exception_to_rules in
if Ast.RuleSet.is_empty exception_to_ruleset then g (* we don't add an edge*)
else if ExceptionsDependencies.mem_vertex g exception_to_ruleset then
if exception_to_ruleset = Ast.RuleSet.singleton rule_name then
Errors.raise_spanned_error "Cannot define rule as an exception to itself" pos
let edge =
ExceptionsDependencies.E.create (Ast.RuleSet.singleton rule_name) pos
ExceptionsDependencies.add_edge_e g edge
"This rule has been declared as an exception to an incorrect label: this label is \
not attached to a definition of \"%a\""
Ast.ScopeDef.format_t def_info)
def g
(** Outputs an error in case of cycles. *)
let check_for_exception_cycle (g : ExceptionsDependencies.t) : unit =
(* if there is a cycle, there will be an strongly connected component of cardinality > 1 *)
let sccs = ExceptionsSCC.scc_list g in
if List.length sccs < ExceptionsDependencies.nb_vertex g then
let scc = List.find (fun scc -> List.length scc > 1) sccs in
(Format.asprintf "Cyclic dependency detected between exceptions!")
(fun (vs : Ast.RuleSet.t) ->
let v = Ast.RuleSet.choose vs in
let var_str, var_info =
(Format.asprintf "%a" Ast.RuleName.format_t v, Ast.RuleName.get_info v)
let succs = ExceptionsDependencies.succ_e g vs in
let _, edge_pos, _ = List.find (fun (_, _, succ) -> List.mem succ scc) succs in
( Some
("Cyclic exception for definition of variable \"" ^ var_str
^ "\", declared here:"),
Pos.get_position var_info );
( Some
("Used here in the definition of another cyclic exception for defining \""
^ var_str ^ "\":"),
edge_pos );