Louis Gesbert 72cf477dd9 Toplevel definitions: fixes following review
Thanks @denismerigoux!
2023-02-15 12:40:15 +01:00

709 lines
18 KiB

This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits
computation rules.
Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributors: Denis Merigoux <>,
Emile Rolley <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
open Catala_utils
%parameter<Localisation: sig
val lex_builtin: string -> Ast.builtin_expression option
(* The token is returned for every line of law text, make them right-associative
so that we concat them efficiently as much as possible. *)
%right LAW_TEXT
(* Precedence of expression constructions *)
%right top_expr
%right ALT
%right let_expr IS
%right AND OR XOR (* Desugaring enforces proper parens later on *)
%left MULT DIV
%right COMMA
%right unop_expr
%right CONTENT
%nonassoc UIDENT
%left DOT
(* Types of all rules, in order. Without this, Menhir type errors are nearly
impossible to debug because of inlining *)
%type<Ast.uident Marked.pos> addpos(UIDENT)
%type<Pos.t> pos(CONDITION)
%type<Ast.primitive_typ> typ_base
%type<Ast.base_typ_data> typ
%type<Ast.uident Marked.pos> uident
%type<Ast.lident Marked.pos> lident
%type<Ast.scope_var> scope_var
%type<Ast.path * Ast.uident Marked.pos> quident
%type<Ast.path * Ast.lident Marked.pos> qlident
%type<Ast.expression> expression
%type<Ast.naked_expression> naked_expression
%type<Ast.lident Marked.pos * expression> struct_content_field
%type<Ast.naked_expression> struct_or_enum_inject
%type<Ast.literal_number> num_literal
%type<Ast.literal_unit> unit_literal
%type<Ast.literal> literal
%type<(Ast.lident Marked.pos * expression) list> scope_call_args
%type<bool> minmax
%type<Ast.unop> unop
%type<Ast.binop> binop
%type<Ast.match_case_pattern> constructor_binding
%type<Ast.match_case> match_arm
%type<Ast.expression> condition_consequence
%type<Ast.scope_var Marked.pos * Ast.lident Marked.pos option> rule_expr
%type<bool> rule_consequence
%type<Ast.rule> rule
%type<Ast.lident Marked.pos> definition_parameters
%type<Ast.lident Marked.pos> label
%type<Ast.lident Marked.pos> state
%type<Ast.exception_to> exception_to
%type<Ast.definition> definition
%type<Ast.variation_typ> variation_type
%type<Ast.scope_use_item> assertion
%type<Ast.scope_use_item> scope_item
%type<Ast.lident Marked.pos * Ast.base_typ Marked.pos> struct_scope_base
%type<Ast.base_typ_data Marked.pos> struct_scope_func
%type<Ast.struct_decl_field> struct_scope
%type<Ast.io_input> scope_decl_item_attribute_input
%type<bool> scope_decl_item_attribute_output
%type<Ast.scope_decl_context_io> scope_decl_item_attribute
%type<Ast.scope_decl_context_item> scope_decl_item
%type<Ast.enum_decl_case> enum_decl_line
%type<Ast.code_item> code_item
%type<Ast.code_block> code
%type<Ast.code_block * string Marked.pos> metadata_block
%type<Ast.law_heading> law_heading
%type<string> law_text
%type<Ast.law_structure> source_file_item
%type<Ast.law_structure list> source_file
%start source_file
let pos(x) ==
| x ; { Pos.from_lpos $loc }
let addpos(x) ==
| ~=x ; { x, Pos.from_lpos $loc(x) }
let typ_base :=
| INTEGER ; { Integer }
| BOOLEAN ; { Boolean }
| MONEY ; { Money }
| DURATION ; { Duration }
| TEXT ; { Text }
| DECIMAL ; { Decimal }
| DATE ; { Date }
| c = quident ; { let path, uid = c in Named (path, uid) }
let typ :=
| t = typ_base ; <Primitive>
| COLLECTION ; t = addpos(typ) ; <Collection>
let uident ==
| ~ = addpos(UIDENT) ; <>
let lident :=
| i = LIDENT ; {
match Localisation.lex_builtin i with
| Some _ ->
(Pos.from_lpos $sloc)
"Reserved builtin name"
| None ->
(i, Pos.from_lpos $sloc)
let scope_var ==
| b = separated_nonempty_list(DOT, addpos(LIDENT)) ; <>
let quident :=
| uid = uident ; DOT ; quid = quident ; {
let path, quid = quid in uid :: path, quid
| id = uident ; { [], id }
let qlident :=
| uid = uident ; DOT ; qlid = qlident ; {
let path, lid = qlid in uid :: path, lid
| id = lident ; { [], id }
let expression :=
| e = addpos(naked_expression) ; <>
let naked_expression ==
| id = addpos(LIDENT) ; {
match Localisation.lex_builtin (Marked.unmark id) with
| Some b -> Builtin b
| None -> Ident ([], id)
| uid = uident ; DOT ; qlid = qlident ; {
let path, lid = qlid in Ident (uid :: path, lid)
| l = literal ; {
Literal l
| LPAREN ; e = expression ; RPAREN ; <Paren>
| e = expression ;
DOT ; i = addpos(qlident) ; <Dotted>
Builtin Cardinal
Builtin ToDecimal
| MONEY ; {
Builtin ToMoney
| LBRACKET ; l = separated_list(SEMICOLON, expression) ; RBRACKET ;
| e = struct_or_enum_inject ; <>
| e1 = expression ;
OF ;
args = funcall_args ; {
FunCall (e1, args)
c = addpos(quident) ;
fields = option(scope_call_args) ; {
let fields = Option.value ~default:[] fields in
ScopeCall (c, fields)
| e = expression ;
WITH ; c = constructor_binding ; {
TestMatchCase (e, (c, Pos.from_lpos $sloc))
| e1 = expression ;
e2 = expression ; {
MemCollection (e2, e1)
} %prec apply
| SUM ; typ = addpos(typ_base) ;
OF ; coll = expression ; {
CollectionOp (AggregateSum { typ = Marked.unmark typ }, coll)
} %prec apply
| f = expression ;
FOR ; i = lident ;
AMONG ; coll = expression ; {
CollectionOp (Map {f = i, f}, coll)
} %prec apply
| max = minmax ;
OF ; coll = expression ;
default = expression ; {
CollectionOp (AggregateExtremum { max; default }, coll)
} %prec apply
| op = addpos(unop) ; e = expression ; {
Unop (op, e)
} %prec unop_expr
| e1 = expression ;
binop = addpos(binop) ;
e2 = expression ; {
Binop (binop, e1, e2)
| EXISTS ; i = lident ;
AMONG ; coll = expression ;
SUCH ; THAT ; predicate = expression ; {
CollectionOp (Exists {predicate = i, predicate}, coll)
} %prec let_expr
| FOR ; ALL ; i = lident ;
AMONG ; coll = expression ;
WE_HAVE ; predicate = expression ; {
CollectionOp (Forall {predicate = i, predicate}, coll)
} %prec let_expr
| MATCH ; e = expression ;
arms = addpos(nonempty_list(addpos(preceded(ALT, match_arm)))) ; {
MatchWith (e, arms)
| IF ; e1 = expression ;
THEN ; e2 = expression ;
ELSE ; e3 = expression ; {
IfThenElse (e1, e2, e3)
} %prec let_expr
| LET ; id = lident ;
DEFINED_AS ; e1 = expression ;
IN ; e2 = expression ; {
LetIn (id, e1, e2)
} %prec let_expr
| i = lident ;
AMONG ; coll = expression ;
SUCH ; THAT ; f = expression ; {
CollectionOp (Filter {f = i, f}, coll)
} %prec top_expr
| fmap = expression ;
FOR ; i = lident ;
AMONG ; coll = expression ;
SUCH ; THAT ; ffilt = expression ; {
CollectionOp (Map {f = i, fmap}, (CollectionOp (Filter {f = i, ffilt}, coll), Pos.from_lpos $loc))
} %prec top_expr
| i = lident ;
AMONG ; coll = expression ;
SUCH ; THAT ; f = expression ;
IS ; max = minmax ;
OR ; IF ; COLLECTION ; EMPTY ; THEN ; default = expression ; {
CollectionOp (AggregateArgExtremum { max; default; f = i, f }, coll)
} %prec top_expr
let struct_content_field :=
| field = lident ; COLON ; e = expression ; <>
let struct_or_enum_inject ==
| uid = addpos(quident) ;
data = option(preceded(CONTENT,expression)) ; {
EnumInject(uid, data)
| c = addpos(quident) ;
fields = nonempty_list(preceded(ALT, struct_content_field)) ;
StructLit(c, fields)
let num_literal ==
| d = INT_LITERAL ; <Int>
let (d1, d2) = d in Dec (d1, d2)
let unit_literal ==
| PERCENT ; { Percent }
| YEAR ; { Year}
| MONTH ; { Month }
| DAY ; { Day }
let literal :=
| l = addpos(num_literal); u = option(addpos(unit_literal)) ; <LNumber>
| money = MONEY_AMOUNT ; {
let (units, cents) = money in
LMoneyAmount {
money_amount_units = units;
money_amount_cents = cents;
| d = DATE_LITERAL ; {
let (y,m,d) = d in
LDate {
literal_date_year = y;
literal_date_month = m;
literal_date_day = d;
| TRUE ; { LBool true }
| FALSE ; { LBool false }
let scope_call_args ==
| WITH_V ;
fields = list(preceded (ALT, struct_content_field)) ;
let funcall_args :=
| e = expression; { [e] } %prec apply
| e = expression; COMMA; el = funcall_args ; { e :: el }
let minmax ==
| MAXIMUM ; { true }
| MINIMUM ; { false }
let unop ==
| NOT ; { Not }
| k = MINUS ; <Minus>
let binop ==
| k = MULT ; <Mult>
| k = DIV ; <Div>
| k = PLUS ; <Add>
| k = MINUS ; <Sub>
| PLUSPLUS ; { Concat }
| k = LESSER ; <Lt>
| k = LESSER_EQUAL ; <Lte>
| k = GREATER ; <Gt>
| k = GREATER_EQUAL ; <Gte>
| EQUAL ; { Eq }
| NOT_EQUAL ; { Neq }
| AND ; { And }
| OR ; { Or }
| XOR ; { Xor }
let constructor_binding :=
| uid = addpos(quident) ; OF ; lid = lident ; {
([uid], Some lid)
| uid = addpos(quident) ; {
([uid], None)
} %prec apply
let match_arm :=
| WILDCARD ; COLON ; ~ = expression ; <WildCard>
%prec ALT
| pat = addpos(constructor_binding) ;
COLON ; e = expression ; {
MatchCase {
match_case_pattern = pat;
match_case_expr = e;
} %prec ALT
let condition_consequence :=
| UNDER_CONDITION ; c = expression ; CONSEQUENCE ; <>
let rule_expr :=
| i = addpos(scope_var) ; p = option(definition_parameters) ; <>
let rule_consequence :=
| flag = option(NOT); FILLED ; {
None = flag
let rule :=
| label = option(label) ;
except = option(exception_to) ;
name_and_param = rule_expr ;
cond = option(condition_consequence) ;
state = option(state) ;
consequence = addpos(rule_consequence) ; {
let (name, param_applied) = name_and_param in
let cons : bool Marked.pos = consequence in
let rule_exception = match except with
| None -> NotAnException
| Some x -> x
rule_label = label;
rule_exception_to = rule_exception;
rule_parameter = param_applied;
rule_condition = cond;
rule_name = name;
rule_id = Shared_ast.RuleName.fresh
(String.concat "." ( (fun i -> Marked.unmark i) (Marked.unmark name)),
Pos.from_lpos $sloc);
rule_consequence = cons;
rule_state = state;
let definition_parameters :=
| OF ; i = lident ; <>
let label :=
| LABEL ; i = lident ; <>
let state :=
| STATE ; s = lident ; <>
let exception_to :=
| EXCEPTION ; i = option(lident) ; {
match i with
| None -> UnlabeledException
| Some x -> ExceptionToLabel x
let definition :=
| label = option(label);
except = option(exception_to) ;
name = addpos(scope_var) ;
param = option(definition_parameters) ;
state = option(state) ;
cond = option(condition_consequence) ;
e = expression ; {
let def_exception = match except with
| None -> NotAnException
| Some x -> x
definition_label = label;
definition_exception_to = def_exception;
definition_name = name;
definition_parameter = param;
definition_condition = cond;
definition_id =
(String.concat "." ( (fun i -> Marked.unmark i) (Marked.unmark name)),
Pos.from_lpos $sloc);
definition_expr = e;
definition_state = state;
let variation_type :=
| INCREASING ; { Increasing }
| DECREASING ; { Decreasing }
let assertion :=
| cond = option(condition_consequence) ;
base = expression ; {
(Assertion {
assertion_condition = cond;
assertion_content = base;
| FIXED ; q = addpos(scope_var) ; BY ; i = lident ; {
MetaAssertion (FixedBy (q, i))
| VARIES ; q = addpos(scope_var) ;
WITH_V ; e = expression ;
t = option(addpos(variation_type)) ; {
MetaAssertion (VariesWith (q, e, t))
let scope_item :=
| r = rule ; <Rule>
| d = definition ; <Definition>
| ASSERTION ; contents = assertion ; <>
let struct_scope_base :=
| DATA ; i = lident ;
CONTENT ; t = addpos(typ) ; {
let t, pos = t in
(i, (Data t, pos))
| pos = pos(CONDITION) ; i = lident ; {
(i, (Condition, pos))
let struct_scope_func ==
| DEPENDS ; t = addpos(typ) ; <>
let struct_scope :=
| name_and_typ = struct_scope_base ;
func_typ = option(struct_scope_func) ; {
let (name, typ) = name_and_typ in
let (typ, typ_pos) = typ in
struct_decl_field_name = name;
struct_decl_field_typ = match func_typ with
| None -> (Base typ, typ_pos)
| Some (arg_typ, arg_pos) ->
Func {
arg_typ = (Data arg_typ, arg_pos);
return_typ = (typ, typ_pos);
}, Pos.from_lpos $sloc ;
let scope_decl_item_attribute_input :=
| CONTEXT ; { Context }
| INPUT ; { Input }
let scope_decl_item_attribute_output :=
| OUTPUT ; { true }
| { false }
let scope_decl_item_attribute :=
| input = addpos(scope_decl_item_attribute_input) ;
output = addpos(scope_decl_item_attribute_output) ; {
scope_decl_context_io_input = input;
scope_decl_context_io_output = output
scope_decl_context_io_input = (Internal, Pos.from_lpos $sloc);
scope_decl_context_io_output = (false, Pos.from_lpos $sloc)
| OUTPUT ; {
scope_decl_context_io_input = (Internal, Pos.from_lpos $sloc);
scope_decl_context_io_output = (true, Pos.from_lpos $sloc)
let scope_decl_item :=
| attr = scope_decl_item_attribute ;
i = lident ;
CONTENT ; t = addpos(typ) ;
func_typ = option(struct_scope_func) ;
states = list(state) ; {
ContextData {
scope_decl_context_item_name = i;
scope_decl_context_item_attribute = attr;
scope_decl_context_item_typ =
(let (typ, typ_pos) = t in
match func_typ with
| None -> (Base (Data typ), typ_pos)
| Some (arg_typ, arg_pos) ->
Func {
arg_typ = (Data arg_typ, arg_pos);
return_typ = (Data typ, typ_pos);
}, Pos.from_lpos $sloc);
scope_decl_context_item_states = states;
| i = lident ; SCOPE ; c = uident ; {
scope_decl_context_scope_name = i;
scope_decl_context_scope_sub_scope = c;
scope_decl_context_scope_attribute = {
scope_decl_context_io_input = (Internal, Pos.from_lpos $sloc);
scope_decl_context_io_output = (false, Pos.from_lpos $sloc);
| attr = scope_decl_item_attribute ;
i = lident ;
pos_condition = pos(CONDITION) ;
func_typ = option(struct_scope_func) ;
states = list(state) ; {
ContextData {
scope_decl_context_item_name = i;
scope_decl_context_item_attribute = attr;
scope_decl_context_item_typ =
(match func_typ with
| None -> (Base (Condition), pos_condition)
| Some (arg_typ, arg_pos) ->
Func {
arg_typ = (Data arg_typ, arg_pos);
return_typ = (Condition, pos_condition);
}, Pos.from_lpos $sloc);
scope_decl_context_item_states = states;
let enum_decl_line :=
| ALT ; c = uident ;
t = option(preceded(CONTENT,addpos(typ))) ; {
enum_decl_case_name = c;
enum_decl_case_typ = (fun (t, t_pos) -> Base (Data t), t_pos) t;
let var_content ==
| ~ = lident ; CONTENT ; ty = addpos(typ) ; <>
let depends_stance ==
| DEPENDS ; args = separated_nonempty_list(COMMA,var_content) ; <>
| DEPENDS ; LPAREN ; args = separated_nonempty_list(COMMA,var_content) ; RPAREN ; <>
| { [] }
let code_item :=
| SCOPE ; c = uident ;
e = option(preceded(UNDER_CONDITION,expression)) ;
COLON ; items = nonempty_list(addpos(scope_item)) ; {
ScopeUse {
scope_use_name = c;
scope_use_condition = e;
scope_use_items = items;
| DECLARATION ; STRUCT ; c = uident ;
COLON ; scopes = list(addpos(struct_scope)) ; {
StructDecl {
struct_decl_name = c;
struct_decl_fields = scopes;
| DECLARATION ; SCOPE ; c = uident ;
COLON ; context = nonempty_list(addpos(scope_decl_item)) ; {
ScopeDecl {
scope_decl_name = c;
scope_decl_context = context;
| DECLARATION ; ENUM ; c = uident ;
COLON ; cases = list(addpos(enum_decl_line)) ; {
EnumDecl {
enum_decl_name = c;
enum_decl_cases = cases;
| DECLARATION ; name = lident ;
CONTENT ; ty = addpos(typ) ;
args = depends_stance ;
DEFINED_AS ; e = expression ; {
Topdef {
topdef_name = name;
topdef_args = args;
topdef_type = ty;
topdef_expr = e;
let code :=
| code = list(addpos(code_item)) ; <>
let metadata_block :=
| BEGIN_METADATA ; option(law_text) ;
~ = code ;
text = END_CODE ; {
(code, (text, Pos.from_lpos $sloc))
let law_heading :=
| title = LAW_HEADING ; {
let (title, id, is_archive, precedence) = title in {
law_heading_name = (title, Pos.from_lpos $sloc);
law_heading_id = id;
law_heading_is_archive = is_archive;
law_heading_precedence = precedence;
let law_text :=
| lines = nonempty_list(LAW_TEXT) ; { String.trim (String.concat "" lines) }
let source_file_item :=
| text = law_text ; { LawText text }
~ = code ;
text = END_CODE ; {
CodeBlock (code, (text, Pos.from_lpos $sloc), false)
| heading = law_heading ; {
LawHeading (heading, [])
| code = metadata_block ; {
let (code, source_repr) = code in
CodeBlock (code, source_repr, true)
args = nonempty_list(DIRECTIVE_ARG) ;
page = option(AT_PAGE) ;
let filename = String.trim (String.concat "" args) in
let pos = Pos.from_lpos $sloc in
let jorftext = Re.Pcre.regexp "(JORFARTI\\d{12}|LEGIARTI\\d{12}|CETATEXT\\d{12})" in
if Re.Pcre.pmatch ~rex:jorftext filename && page = None then
LawInclude (Ast.LegislativeText (filename, pos))
else if Filename.extension filename = ".pdf" || page <> None then
LawInclude (Ast.PdfFile ((filename, pos), page))
LawInclude (Ast.CatalaFile (filename, pos))
let source_file :=
| hd = source_file_item ; tl = source_file ; { hd::tl }
| EOF ; { [] }