Louis Gesbert 0f9ee2c72e Refacter the main Driver module
- Use separate functions for successive passes in module `Driver.Passes`
- Use other functions for end results printing in module `Driver.Commands`

As a consequence, it is much more flexible to use by plugins or libs and we no
longer need the complex polymorphic variant parameter.

This patch leverages previous changes to use Cmdliner subcommands and
effectively specialises the flags of each Catala subcommand.

Other changes include:

- an attempt to normalise the generic options and reduce the number of global
  references. Some are ok, like `debug` ; some would better be further cleaned up,
  e.g. the ones used by Proof backend were moved to a `Proof.globals` module and
  need discussion. The printer no longer relies on the global languages and prints
  money amounts in an agnostic way.
- the plugin directory is automatically guessed and loaded even in dev setups.
  Plugins are shown by the main `catala` command and listed in `catala --help`
- exception catching at the toplevel has been refactored a bit as well; return
  codes are normalised to follow the manpage and avoid codes >= 128 that are
  generally reserved for shells.

Update tests
2023-07-03 16:42:54 +02:00

150 lines
5.2 KiB

(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor:
Denis Merigoux <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Catala_utils
open Shared_ast
module D = Dcalc.Ast
module A = Ast
type 'm ctx = unit
(** This translation no longer needs a context at the moment, but we keep
passing the argument through the functions in case the need arises with
further evolutions. *)
let thunk_expr (type m) (e : m A.expr boxed) : m A.expr boxed =
let dummy_var = Var.make "_" in
let pos = Expr.pos e in
let arg_t = Mark.add pos (TLit TUnit) in
Expr.make_abs [| dummy_var |] e [arg_t] pos
let translate_var : 'm D.expr Var.t -> 'm A.expr Var.t = Var.translate
let rec translate_default
(ctx : 'm ctx)
(exceptions : 'm D.expr list)
(just : 'm D.expr)
(cons : 'm D.expr)
(mark_default : 'm mark) : 'm A.expr boxed =
let exceptions = (fun except -> thunk_expr (translate_expr ctx except)) exceptions
let pos = Expr.mark_pos mark_default in
let exceptions =
(Expr.eop Op.HandleDefault
[TAny, pos; TAny, pos; TAny, pos]
(Expr.no_mark mark_default))
Expr.earray exceptions mark_default;
thunk_expr (translate_expr ctx just);
thunk_expr (translate_expr ctx cons);
and translate_expr (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.expr) : 'm A.expr boxed =
let m = Mark.get e in
match Mark.remove e with
| EEmptyError -> Expr.eraise EmptyError m
| EErrorOnEmpty arg ->
Expr.ecatch (translate_expr ctx arg) EmptyError
(Expr.eraise NoValueProvided m)
| EDefault { excepts = [exn]; just; cons }
(* Specific optimisation for this case *) ->
(* FIXME: this case used to be disabled when optimisations are disabled, but
the flag isn't forwarded to this function *)
Expr.ecatch (translate_expr ctx exn) EmptyError
(Expr.eifthenelse (translate_expr ctx just) (translate_expr ctx cons)
(Expr.eraise EmptyError (Mark.get e))
(Mark.get e))
(Mark.get e)
| EDefault { excepts; just; cons } ->
translate_default ctx excepts just cons (Mark.get e)
| EOp { op; tys } -> Expr.eop (Operator.translate op) tys m
| ( ELit _ | EApp _ | EArray _ | EVar _ | EExternal _ | EAbs _ | EIfThenElse _
| ETuple _ | ETupleAccess _ | EInj _ | EAssert _ | EStruct _
| EStructAccess _ | EMatch _ ) as e -> ~f:(translate_expr ctx) (Mark.add m e)
| _ -> .
let rec translate_scope_lets
(decl_ctx : decl_ctx)
(ctx : 'm ctx)
(scope_lets : 'm D.expr scope_body_expr) :
'm A.expr scope_body_expr =
match scope_lets with
| Result e ->
Bindlib.box_apply (fun e -> Result e) (Expr.Box.lift (translate_expr ctx e))
| ScopeLet scope_let ->
let scope_let_var, scope_let_next =
Bindlib.unbind scope_let.scope_let_next
let new_scope_let_expr = translate_expr ctx scope_let.scope_let_expr in
let new_scope_next = translate_scope_lets decl_ctx ctx scope_let_next in
let new_scope_next =
Bindlib.bind_var (translate_var scope_let_var) new_scope_next
(fun new_scope_next new_scope_let_expr ->
scope_let_typ = scope_let.scope_let_typ;
scope_let_kind = scope_let.scope_let_kind;
scope_let_pos = scope_let.scope_let_pos;
scope_let_next = new_scope_next;
scope_let_expr = new_scope_let_expr;
(Expr.Box.lift new_scope_let_expr)
let translate_items
(decl_ctx : decl_ctx)
(ctx : 'm ctx)
(scopes : 'm D.expr code_item_list) : 'm A.expr code_item_list =
(fun ctx -> function
| Topdef (name, ty, e) ->
( ctx,
(fun e -> Topdef (name, ty, e))
(Expr.Box.lift (translate_expr ctx e)) )
| ScopeDef (name, body) ->
let scope_input_var, body_expr =
Bindlib.unbind body.scope_body_expr
let new_scope_body_expr =
translate_scope_lets decl_ctx ctx body_expr
let new_body =
Bindlib.bind_var (translate_var scope_input_var) new_scope_body_expr
( ctx,
(fun scope_body_expr ->
ScopeDef (name, { body with scope_body_expr }))
new_body ))
~varf:translate_var ctx scopes
let translate_program (prgm : 'm D.program) : 'm A.program =
code_items =
Bindlib.unbox (translate_items prgm.decl_ctx () prgm.code_items);
decl_ctx = prgm.decl_ctx;