2023-06-02 17:17:45 +02:00

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{0 The scope language }
This representation is the third in the compilation chain
(see {{: index.html#architecture} Architecture}). Its main difference
with the previous {{: desugared.html} desugared representation} is that inside
a scope, the definitions are ordered according to their computational
dependency order, and each definition is a {!Shared_ast.EDefault} tree
instead of a flat list of rules.
The module describing the abstract syntax tree is:
{!modules: Scopelang.Ast}
Printing helpers can be found in {!module: Scopelang.Print}.
This intermediate representation corresponds to the scope language
presented in the {{:}
Catala formalization}.
{1 Translation to the default calculus}
The translation from the scope language to the
{{: dcalc.html} default calculus} involves three big features:
{li Translating structures and enums into simpler sum and product types}
{li Build thunked signatures for the scopes as functions }
{li Transform the list of scopes into a program}
1 and 3 involve computing dependency graphs for respectively the structs and
enums on one hand, and the inter-scope dependencies on the other hand. Both can
be found in {!module:Scopelang.Dependency}, while {!module:Dcalc.From_scopelang}
is mostly responsible for 2.
Related modules:
{!modules: Scopelang.Dependency Dcalc.From_scopelang}