2023-11-27 11:09:08 +01:00

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(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Inria,
contributor: Denis Merigoux <>, Alain Delaët-Tixeuil
<>, Louis Gesbert <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Catala_utils
open Definitions
(** Functions handling the types of [shared_ast] *)
(* Basic block constructors *)
module Box = struct
module B = Bindlib
let app0 x mark = x, mark
let app1 (xb, m) f mark = B.box_apply (fun x -> f (x, m)) xb, mark
let app2 (xb1, m1) (xb2, m2) f mark =
B.box_apply2 (fun x1 x2 -> f (x1, m1) (x2, m2)) xb1 xb2, mark
let app3 (xb1, m1) (xb2, m2) (xb3, m3) f mark =
( B.box_apply3 (fun x1 x2 x3 -> f (x1, m1) (x2, m2) (x3, m3)) xb1 xb2 xb3,
mark )
let appn xmbl f mark =
let xbl, ml = List.split xmbl in
B.box_apply (fun xl -> f (List.combine xl ml)) (B.box_list xbl), mark
let app1n (xb0, m0) xmbl f mark =
let xbl, ml = List.split xmbl in
( B.box_apply2
(fun x0 xl -> f (x0, m0) (List.combine xl ml))
xb0 (B.box_list xbl),
mark )
let app2n (xb0, m0) (xb1, m1) xmbl f mark =
let xbl, ml = List.split xmbl in
( B.box_apply3
(fun x0 x1 xl -> f (x0, m0) (x1, m1) (List.combine xl ml))
xb0 xb1 (B.box_list xbl),
mark )
let lift : ('a, 't) boxed_gexpr -> ('a, 't) gexpr =
fun em -> B.box_apply (fun e -> Mark.add (Mark.get em) e) (Mark.remove em)
module LiftStruct = Bindlib.Lift (StructField.Map)
let lift_struct = LiftStruct.lift_box
module LiftEnum = Bindlib.Lift (EnumConstructor.Map)
let lift_enum = LiftEnum.lift_box
module LiftScopeVars = Bindlib.Lift (ScopeVar.Map)
let lift_scope_vars = LiftScopeVars.lift_box
module Ren = struct
module Set = Set.Make (String)
type ctxt = Set.t
let skip_constant_binders = true
let reset_context_for_closed_terms = true
let constant_binder_name = None
let empty_ctxt = Set.empty
let reserve_name n s = Set.add n s
let new_name n s = n, Set.add n s
module Ctx = Bindlib.Ctxt (Ren)
let fv b = Ren.Set.elements (Ctx.free_vars b)
let assert_closed b =
match fv b with
| [] -> ()
| [h] ->
"The boxed term is not closed the variable %s is free in the global \
| l ->
"The boxed term is not closed the variables %a is free in the global \
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "; ")
let bind vars e = Bindlib.bind_mvar vars (Box.lift e)
let subst binder vars =
Bindlib.msubst binder (Array.of_list ( Mark.remove vars))
let evar v mark = Mark.add mark (Bindlib.box_var v)
let eexternal ~name mark = Mark.add mark ( (EExternal { name }))
let etuple args = Box.appn args @@ fun args -> ETuple args
let etupleaccess e index size =
assert (index < size);
Box.app1 e @@ fun e -> ETupleAccess { e; index; size }
let earray args = Box.appn args @@ fun args -> EArray args
let elit l mark = Mark.add mark ( (ELit l))
let eabs binder tys mark =
Bindlib.box_apply (fun binder -> EAbs { binder; tys }) binder, mark
let eapp f args = Box.app1n f args @@ fun f args -> EApp { f; args }
let eassert e1 = Box.app1 e1 @@ fun e1 -> EAssert e1
let eop op tys = Box.app0 @@ EOp { op; tys }
let edefault ~excepts ~just ~cons =
Box.app2n just cons excepts
@@ fun just cons excepts -> EDefault { excepts; just; cons }
let epuredefault e = Box.app1 e @@ fun e1 -> EPureDefault e1
let eifthenelse cond etrue efalse =
Box.app3 cond etrue efalse
@@ fun cond etrue efalse -> EIfThenElse { cond; etrue; efalse }
let eerroronempty e1 = Box.app1 e1 @@ fun e1 -> EErrorOnEmpty e1
let eemptyerror mark = Mark.add mark ( EEmptyError)
let eraise e1 = Box.app0 @@ ERaise e1
let ecatch body exn handler =
Box.app2 body handler @@ fun body handler -> ECatch { body; exn; handler }
let ecustom obj targs tret mark =
Mark.add mark ( (ECustom { obj; targs; tret }))
let elocation loc = Box.app0 @@ ELocation loc
let estruct ~name ~(fields : ('a, 't) boxed_gexpr StructField.Map.t) mark =
Mark.add mark
@@ Bindlib.box_apply
(fun fields -> EStruct { name; fields })
(Box.lift_struct ( Box.lift fields))
let edstructaccess ~name_opt ~field ~e =
Box.app1 e @@ fun e -> EDStructAccess { name_opt; field; e }
let estructaccess ~name ~field ~e =
Box.app1 e @@ fun e -> EStructAccess { name; field; e }
let einj ~name ~cons ~e = Box.app1 e @@ fun e -> EInj { name; cons; e }
let ematch ~name ~e ~cases mark =
Mark.add mark
@@ Bindlib.box_apply2
(fun e cases -> EMatch { name; e; cases })
(Box.lift e)
(Box.lift_enum ( Box.lift cases))
let escopecall ~scope ~args mark =
Mark.add mark
@@ Bindlib.box_apply
(fun args -> EScopeCall { scope; args })
(Box.lift_scope_vars ( Box.lift args))
(* - Manipulation of marks - *)
let no_mark : type m. m mark -> m mark = function
| Untyped _ -> Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos }
| Typed _ -> Typed { pos = Pos.no_pos; ty = Mark.add Pos.no_pos TAny }
| Custom { custom; pos = _ } -> Custom { pos = Pos.no_pos; custom }
let mark_pos (type m) (m : m mark) : Pos.t =
match m with Untyped { pos } | Typed { pos; _ } | Custom { pos; _ } -> pos
let pos (type m) (x : ('a, m) marked) : Pos.t = mark_pos (Mark.get x)
let fun_id ?(var_name : string = "x") mark : ('a any, 'm) boxed_gexpr =
let x = Var.make var_name in
eabs (bind [| x |] (evar x mark)) [TAny, mark_pos mark] mark
let ty (_, m) : typ = match m with Typed { ty; _ } -> ty
let set_ty (type m) (ty : typ) (x : ('a, m) marked) : ('a, typed) marked =
(match Mark.get x with
| Untyped { pos } -> Typed { pos; ty }
| Typed m -> Typed { m with ty }
| Custom { pos; _ } -> Typed { pos; ty })
(Mark.remove x)
let map_mark (type m) (pos_f : Pos.t -> Pos.t) (ty_f : typ -> typ) (m : m mark)
: m mark =
match m with
| Untyped { pos } -> Untyped { pos = pos_f pos }
| Typed { pos; ty } -> Typed { pos = pos_f pos; ty = ty_f ty }
| Custom { pos; custom } -> Custom { pos = pos_f pos; custom }
let map_mark2
(type m)
(pos_f : Pos.t -> Pos.t -> Pos.t)
(ty_f : typed -> typed -> typ)
(m1 : m mark)
(m2 : m mark) : m mark =
match m1, m2 with
| Untyped m1, Untyped m2 -> Untyped { pos = pos_f m1.pos m2.pos }
| Typed m1, Typed m2 -> Typed { pos = pos_f m1.pos m2.pos; ty = ty_f m1 m2 }
| Custom _, Custom _ -> invalid_arg "map_mark2"
let fold_marks
(type m)
(pos_f : Pos.t list -> Pos.t)
(ty_f : typed list -> typ)
(ms : m mark list) : m mark =
match ms with
| [] -> invalid_arg "Dcalc.Ast.fold_mark"
| Untyped _ :: _ as ms ->
Untyped { pos = pos_f ( (function Untyped { pos } -> pos) ms) }
| Typed _ :: _ as ms ->
pos = pos_f ( (function Typed { pos; _ } -> pos) ms);
ty = ty_f ( (function Typed m -> m) ms);
| Custom _ :: _ -> invalid_arg "map_mark2"
let with_pos (type m) (pos : Pos.t) (m : m mark) : m mark =
map_mark (fun _ -> pos) (fun ty -> ty) m
let map_ty (type m) (ty_f : typ -> typ) (m : m mark) : m mark =
map_mark (fun pos -> pos) ty_f m
let with_ty (type m) (m : m mark) ?pos (ty : typ) : m mark =
map_mark (fun default -> Option.value pos ~default) (fun _ -> ty) m
let maybe_ty (type m) ?(typ = TAny) (m : m mark) : typ =
match m with
| Untyped { pos } | Custom { pos; _ } -> Mark.add pos typ
| Typed { ty; _ } -> ty
let untyped = Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos }
let typed = Typed { pos = Pos.no_pos; ty = TLit TUnit, Pos.no_pos }
(* - Predefined types (option) - *)
let option_enum = EnumName.fresh [] ("eoption", Pos.no_pos)
let none_constr = EnumConstructor.fresh ("ENone", Pos.no_pos)
let some_constr = EnumConstructor.fresh ("ESome", Pos.no_pos)
let option_enum_config =
EnumConstructor.Map.singleton none_constr (TLit TUnit, Pos.no_pos)
|> EnumConstructor.Map.add some_constr (TAny, Pos.no_pos)
(* - Traversal functions - *)
(* shallow map *)
let map
(type a b)
~(f : (a, 'm1) gexpr -> (b, 'm2) boxed_gexpr)
(e : ((a, b, 'm1) base_gexpr, 'm2) marked) : (b, 'm2) boxed_gexpr =
let m = Mark.get e in
match Mark.remove e with
| ELit l -> elit l m
| EApp { f = e1; args } -> eapp (f e1) ( f args) m
| EOp { op; tys } -> eop op tys m
| EArray args -> earray ( f args) m
| EVar v -> evar (Var.translate v) m
| EExternal { name } -> eexternal ~name m
| EAbs { binder; tys } ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let body = f body in
let binder = bind ( Var.translate vars) body in
eabs binder tys m
| EIfThenElse { cond; etrue; efalse } ->
eifthenelse (f cond) (f etrue) (f efalse) m
| ETuple args -> etuple ( f args) m
| ETupleAccess { e; index; size } -> etupleaccess (f e) index size m
| EInj { name; cons; e } -> einj ~name ~cons ~e:(f e) m
| EAssert e1 -> eassert (f e1) m
| EDefault { excepts; just; cons } ->
edefault ~excepts:( f excepts) ~just:(f just) ~cons:(f cons) m
| EPureDefault e1 -> epuredefault (f e1) m
| EEmptyError -> eemptyerror m
| EErrorOnEmpty e1 -> eerroronempty (f e1) m
| ECatch { body; exn; handler } -> ecatch (f body) exn (f handler) m
| ERaise exn -> eraise exn m
| ELocation loc -> elocation loc m
| EStruct { name; fields } ->
let fields = f fields in
estruct ~name ~fields m
| EDStructAccess { name_opt; field; e } ->
edstructaccess ~name_opt ~field ~e:(f e) m
| EStructAccess { name; field; e } -> estructaccess ~name ~field ~e:(f e) m
| EMatch { name; e; cases } ->
let cases = f cases in
ematch ~name ~e:(f e) ~cases m
| EScopeCall { scope; args } ->
let args = f args in
escopecall ~scope ~args m
| ECustom { obj; targs; tret } -> ecustom obj targs tret m
let rec map_top_down ~f e = map ~f:(map_top_down ~f) (f e)
let map_marks ~f e = map_top_down ~f:(Mark.map_mark f) e
(* Folds the given function on the direct children of the given expression. *)
let shallow_fold
(type a)
(f : (a, 'm) gexpr -> 'acc -> 'acc)
(e : (a, 'm) gexpr)
(acc : 'acc) : 'acc =
let lfold x acc = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> f x acc) acc x in
match Mark.remove e with
| ELit _ | EOp _ | EVar _ | EExternal _ | ERaise _ | ELocation _ | EEmptyError
| EApp { f = e; args } -> acc |> f e |> lfold args
| EArray args -> acc |> lfold args
| EAbs { binder; tys = _ } ->
let _, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
acc |> f body
| EIfThenElse { cond; etrue; efalse } -> acc |> f cond |> f etrue |> f efalse
| ETuple args -> acc |> lfold args
| ETupleAccess { e; _ } -> acc |> f e
| EInj { e; _ } -> acc |> f e
| EAssert e -> acc |> f e
| EDefault { excepts; just; cons } -> acc |> lfold excepts |> f just |> f cons
| EPureDefault e -> acc |> f e
| EErrorOnEmpty e -> acc |> f e
| ECatch { body; handler; _ } -> acc |> f body |> f handler
| EStruct { fields; _ } -> acc |> StructField.Map.fold (fun _ -> f) fields
| EDStructAccess { e; _ } -> acc |> f e
| EStructAccess { e; _ } -> acc |> f e
| EMatch { e; cases; _ } ->
acc |> f e |> EnumConstructor.Map.fold (fun _ -> f) cases
| EScopeCall { args; _ } -> acc |> ScopeVar.Map.fold (fun _ -> f) args
| ECustom _ -> acc
(* Like [map], but also allows to gather a result bottom-up. *)
let map_gather
(type a)
~(acc : 'acc)
~(join : 'acc -> 'acc -> 'acc)
~(f : (a, 'm1) gexpr -> 'acc * (a, 'm2) boxed_gexpr)
(e : ((a, 'm1) naked_gexpr, 'm2) marked) : 'acc * (a, 'm2) boxed_gexpr =
let m = Mark.get e in
let lfoldmap es =
let acc, r_es =
(fun (acc, es) e ->
let acc1, e = f e in
join acc acc1, e :: es)
(acc, []) es
acc, List.rev r_es
match Mark.remove e with
| ELit l -> acc, elit l m
| EApp { f = e1; args } ->
let acc1, f = f e1 in
let acc2, args = lfoldmap args in
join acc1 acc2, eapp f args m
| EOp { op; tys } -> acc, eop op tys m
| EArray args ->
let acc, args = lfoldmap args in
acc, earray args m
| EVar v -> acc, evar (Var.translate v) m
| EExternal { name } -> acc, eexternal ~name m
| EAbs { binder; tys } ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let acc, body = f body in
let binder = bind ( Var.translate vars) body in
acc, eabs binder tys m
| EIfThenElse { cond; etrue; efalse } ->
let acc1, cond = f cond in
let acc2, etrue = f etrue in
let acc3, efalse = f efalse in
join (join acc1 acc2) acc3, eifthenelse cond etrue efalse m
| ETuple args ->
let acc, args = lfoldmap args in
acc, etuple args m
| ETupleAccess { e; index; size } ->
let acc, e = f e in
acc, etupleaccess e index size m
| EInj { name; cons; e } ->
let acc, e = f e in
acc, einj ~name ~cons ~e m
| EAssert e ->
let acc, e = f e in
acc, eassert e m
| EDefault { excepts; just; cons } ->
let acc1, excepts = lfoldmap excepts in
let acc2, just = f just in
let acc3, cons = f cons in
join (join acc1 acc2) acc3, edefault ~excepts ~just ~cons m
| EPureDefault e ->
let acc, e = f e in
acc, epuredefault e m
| EEmptyError -> acc, eemptyerror m
| EErrorOnEmpty e ->
let acc, e = f e in
acc, eerroronempty e m
| ECatch { body; exn; handler } ->
let acc1, body = f body in
let acc2, handler = f handler in
join acc1 acc2, ecatch body exn handler m
| ERaise exn -> acc, eraise exn m
| ELocation loc -> acc, elocation loc m
| EStruct { name; fields } ->
let acc, fields =
(fun cons e (acc, fields) ->
let acc1, e = f e in
join acc acc1, StructField.Map.add cons e fields)
(acc, StructField.Map.empty)
acc, estruct ~name ~fields m
| EDStructAccess { name_opt; field; e } ->
let acc, e = f e in
acc, edstructaccess ~name_opt ~field ~e m
| EStructAccess { name; field; e } ->
let acc, e = f e in
acc, estructaccess ~name ~field ~e m
| EMatch { name; e; cases } ->
let acc, e = f e in
let acc, cases =
(fun cons e (acc, cases) ->
let acc1, e = f e in
join acc acc1, EnumConstructor.Map.add cons e cases)
(acc, EnumConstructor.Map.empty)
acc, ematch ~name ~e ~cases m
| EScopeCall { scope; args } ->
let acc, args =
(fun var e (acc, args) ->
let acc1, e = f e in
join acc acc1, ScopeVar.Map.add var e args)
args (acc, ScopeVar.Map.empty)
acc, escopecall ~scope ~args m
| ECustom { obj; targs; tret } -> acc, ecustom obj targs tret m
(* - *)
(** See [Bindlib.box_term] documentation for why we are doing that. *)
let rec rebox (e : ('a any, 't) gexpr) = map ~f:rebox e
let box e = e
let unbox (e, m) = Bindlib.unbox e, m
let unbox_closed e =
Box.assert_closed (fst e);
unbox e
let untype e = map_marks ~f:(fun m -> Untyped { pos = mark_pos m }) e
(* Tests *)
let is_value (type a) (e : (a, _) gexpr) =
match Mark.remove e with
| ELit _ | EAbs _ | EOp _ | ERaise _ -> true
| _ -> false
let equal_lit (l1 : lit) (l2 : lit) =
let open Runtime.Oper in
match l1, l2 with
| LBool b1, LBool b2 -> not (o_xor b1 b2)
| LInt n1, LInt n2 -> o_eq_int_int n1 n2
| LRat r1, LRat r2 -> o_eq_rat_rat r1 r2
| LMoney m1, LMoney m2 -> o_eq_mon_mon m1 m2
| LUnit, LUnit -> true
| LDate d1, LDate d2 -> o_eq_dat_dat d1 d2
| LDuration d1, LDuration d2 -> o_eq_dur_dur d1 d2
| (LBool _ | LInt _ | LRat _ | LMoney _ | LUnit | LDate _ | LDuration _), _ ->
let compare_lit (l1 : lit) (l2 : lit) =
let open Runtime.Oper in
match l1, l2 with
| LBool b1, LBool b2 -> b1 b2
| LInt n1, LInt n2 ->
if o_lt_int_int n1 n2 then -1 else if o_eq_int_int n1 n2 then 0 else 1
| LRat r1, LRat r2 ->
if o_lt_rat_rat r1 r2 then -1 else if o_eq_rat_rat r1 r2 then 0 else 1
| LMoney m1, LMoney m2 ->
if o_lt_mon_mon m1 m2 then -1 else if o_eq_mon_mon m1 m2 then 0 else 1
| LUnit, LUnit -> 0
| LDate d1, LDate d2 ->
if o_lt_dat_dat d1 d2 then -1 else if o_eq_dat_dat d1 d2 then 0 else 1
| LDuration d1, LDuration d2 -> (
(* Duration comparison in the runtime may fail, so rely on a basic
lexicographic comparison instead *)
let y1, m1, d1 = Runtime.duration_to_years_months_days d1 in
let y2, m2, d2 = Runtime.duration_to_years_months_days d2 in
match compare y1 y2 with
| 0 -> ( match compare m1 m2 with 0 -> compare d1 d2 | n -> n)
| n -> n)
| LBool _, _ -> -1
| _, LBool _ -> 1
| LInt _, _ -> -1
| _, LInt _ -> 1
| LRat _, _ -> -1
| _, LRat _ -> 1
| LMoney _, _ -> -1
| _, LMoney _ -> 1
| LUnit, _ -> -1
| _, LUnit -> 1
| LDate _, _ -> -1
| _, LDate _ -> 1
| LDuration _, _ -> .
| _, LDuration _ -> .
let compare_location
(type a)
(x : a glocation Mark.pos)
(y : a glocation Mark.pos) =
match Mark.remove x, Mark.remove y with
| ( DesugaredScopeVar { name = vx; state = None },
DesugaredScopeVar { name = vy; state = None } )
| ( DesugaredScopeVar { name = vx; state = Some _ },
DesugaredScopeVar { name = vy; state = None } )
| ( DesugaredScopeVar { name = vx; state = None },
DesugaredScopeVar { name = vy; state = Some _ } ) -> (Mark.remove vx) (Mark.remove vy)
| ( DesugaredScopeVar { name = x, _; state = Some sx },
DesugaredScopeVar { name = y, _; state = Some sy } ) ->
let cmp = x y in
if cmp = 0 then sx sy else cmp
| ScopelangScopeVar { name = vx, _ }, ScopelangScopeVar { name = vy, _ } -> vx vy
| ( SubScopeVar { alias = xsubindex, _; var = xsubvar, _; _ },
SubScopeVar { alias = ysubindex, _; var = ysubvar, _; _ } ) ->
let c = xsubindex ysubindex in
if c = 0 then xsubvar ysubvar else c
| ToplevelVar { name = vx, _ }, ToplevelVar { name = vy, _ } -> vx vy
| DesugaredScopeVar _, _ -> -1
| _, DesugaredScopeVar _ -> 1
| ScopelangScopeVar _, _ -> -1
| _, ScopelangScopeVar _ -> 1
| SubScopeVar _, _ -> -1
| _, SubScopeVar _ -> 1
| ToplevelVar _, _ -> .
| _, ToplevelVar _ -> .
let equal_location a b = compare_location a b = 0
let equal_except ex1 ex2 = ex1 = ex2
let compare_except ex1 ex2 = ex1 ex2
let equal_external_ref ref1 ref2 =
match ref1, ref2 with
| External_value v1, External_value v2 -> TopdefName.equal v1 v2
| External_scope s1, External_scope s2 -> ScopeName.equal s1 s2
| (External_value _ | External_scope _), _ -> false
let compare_external_ref ref1 ref2 =
match ref1, ref2 with
| External_value v1, External_value v2 -> v1 v2
| External_scope s1, External_scope s2 -> s1 s2
| External_value _, _ -> -1
| _, External_value _ -> 1
| External_scope _, _ -> .
| _, External_scope _ -> .
(* weird indentation; see *)
let rec equal_list : 'a. ('a, 't) gexpr list -> ('a, 't) gexpr list -> bool =
fun es1 es2 -> List.equal equal es1 es2
and equal : type a. (a, 't) gexpr -> (a, 't) gexpr -> bool =
fun e1 e2 ->
match Mark.remove e1, Mark.remove e2 with
| EVar v1, EVar v2 -> Bindlib.eq_vars v1 v2
| EExternal { name = n1 }, EExternal { name = n2 } ->
Mark.equal equal_external_ref n1 n2
| ETuple es1, ETuple es2 -> equal_list es1 es2
| ( ETupleAccess { e = e1; index = id1; size = s1 },
ETupleAccess { e = e2; index = id2; size = s2 } ) ->
s1 = s2 && equal e1 e2 && id1 = id2
| EArray es1, EArray es2 -> equal_list es1 es2
| ELit l1, ELit l2 -> l1 = l2
| EAbs { binder = b1; tys = tys1 }, EAbs { binder = b2; tys = tys2 } ->
Type.equal_list tys1 tys2 && Bindlib.eq_mbinder equal b1 b2
| EApp { f = e1; args = args1 }, EApp { f = e2; args = args2 } ->
equal e1 e2 && equal_list args1 args2
| EAssert e1, EAssert e2 -> equal e1 e2
| EOp { op = op1; tys = tys1 }, EOp { op = op2; tys = tys2 } ->
Operator.equal op1 op2 && Type.equal_list tys1 tys2
| ( EDefault { excepts = exc1; just = def1; cons = cons1 },
EDefault { excepts = exc2; just = def2; cons = cons2 } ) ->
equal def1 def2 && equal cons1 cons2 && equal_list exc1 exc2
| EPureDefault e1, EPureDefault e2 -> equal e1 e2
| ( EIfThenElse { cond = if1; etrue = then1; efalse = else1 },
EIfThenElse { cond = if2; etrue = then2; efalse = else2 } ) ->
equal if1 if2 && equal then1 then2 && equal else1 else2
| EEmptyError, EEmptyError -> true
| EErrorOnEmpty e1, EErrorOnEmpty e2 -> equal e1 e2
| ERaise ex1, ERaise ex2 -> equal_except ex1 ex2
| ( ECatch { body = etry1; exn = ex1; handler = ewith1 },
ECatch { body = etry2; exn = ex2; handler = ewith2 } ) ->
equal etry1 etry2 && equal_except ex1 ex2 && equal ewith1 ewith2
| ELocation l1, ELocation l2 ->
equal_location (Mark.add Pos.no_pos l1) (Mark.add Pos.no_pos l2)
| ( EStruct { name = s1; fields = fields1 },
EStruct { name = s2; fields = fields2 } ) ->
StructName.equal s1 s2 && StructField.Map.equal equal fields1 fields2
| ( EDStructAccess { e = e1; field = f1; name_opt = s1 },
EDStructAccess { e = e2; field = f2; name_opt = s2 } ) ->
Option.equal StructName.equal s1 s2 && Ident.equal f1 f2 && equal e1 e2
| ( EStructAccess { e = e1; field = f1; name = s1 },
EStructAccess { e = e2; field = f2; name = s2 } ) ->
StructName.equal s1 s2 && StructField.equal f1 f2 && equal e1 e2
| EInj { e = e1; cons = c1; name = n1 }, EInj { e = e2; cons = c2; name = n2 }
EnumName.equal n1 n2 && EnumConstructor.equal c1 c2 && equal e1 e2
| ( EMatch { e = e1; name = n1; cases = cases1 },
EMatch { e = e2; name = n2; cases = cases2 } ) ->
EnumName.equal n1 n2
&& equal e1 e2
&& EnumConstructor.Map.equal equal cases1 cases2
| ( EScopeCall { scope = s1; args = fields1 },
EScopeCall { scope = s2; args = fields2 } ) ->
ScopeName.equal s1 s2 && ScopeVar.Map.equal equal fields1 fields2
| ( ECustom { obj = obj1; targs = targs1; tret = tret1 },
ECustom { obj = obj2; targs = targs2; tret = tret2 } ) ->
Type.equal_list targs1 targs2 && Type.equal tret1 tret2 && obj1 == obj2
| ( ( EVar _ | EExternal _ | ETuple _ | ETupleAccess _ | EArray _ | ELit _
| EAbs _ | EApp _ | EAssert _ | EOp _ | EDefault _ | EPureDefault _
| EIfThenElse _ | EEmptyError | EErrorOnEmpty _ | ERaise _ | ECatch _
| ELocation _ | EStruct _ | EDStructAccess _ | EStructAccess _ | EInj _
| EMatch _ | EScopeCall _ | ECustom _ ),
_ ) ->
let rec compare : type a. (a, _) gexpr -> (a, _) gexpr -> int =
fun e1 e2 ->
(* Infix operator to chain comparisons lexicographically. *)
let ( @@< ) cmp1 cmpf = match cmp1 with 0 -> cmpf () | n -> n in
(* OCamlformat doesn't know to keep consistency in match cases so disabled
locally for readability *)
match[@ocamlformat "disable"] Mark.remove e1, Mark.remove e2 with
| ELit l1, ELit l2 ->
compare_lit l1 l2
| EApp {f=f1; args=args1}, EApp {f=f2; args=args2} ->
compare f1 f2 @@< fun () -> compare args1 args2
| EOp {op=op1; tys=tys1}, EOp {op=op2; tys=tys2} -> op1 op2 @@< fun () -> tys1 tys2
| EArray a1, EArray a2 -> compare a1 a2
| EVar v1, EVar v2 ->
Bindlib.compare_vars v1 v2
| EExternal { name = n1 }, EExternal { name = n2 } -> compare_external_ref n1 n2
| EAbs {binder=binder1; tys=typs1},
EAbs {binder=binder2; tys=typs2} -> typs1 typs2 @@< fun () ->
let _, e1, e2 = Bindlib.unmbind2 binder1 binder2 in
compare e1 e2
| EIfThenElse {cond=i1; etrue=t1; efalse=e1},
EIfThenElse {cond=i2; etrue=t2; efalse=e2} ->
compare i1 i2 @@< fun () ->
compare t1 t2 @@< fun () ->
compare e1 e2
| ELocation l1, ELocation l2 ->
compare_location (Mark.add Pos.no_pos l1) (Mark.add Pos.no_pos l2)
| EStruct {name=name1; fields=field_map1 },
EStruct {name=name2; fields=field_map2 } -> name1 name2 @@< fun () -> compare field_map1 field_map2
| EDStructAccess {e=e1; field=field_name1; name_opt=struct_name1},
EDStructAccess {e=e2; field=field_name2; name_opt=struct_name2} ->
compare e1 e2 @@< fun () -> field_name1 field_name2 @@< fun () -> struct_name1 struct_name2
| EStructAccess {e=e1; field=field_name1; name=struct_name1 },
EStructAccess {e=e2; field=field_name2; name=struct_name2 } ->
compare e1 e2 @@< fun () -> field_name1 field_name2 @@< fun () -> struct_name1 struct_name2
| EMatch {e=e1; name=name1; cases=emap1 },
EMatch {e=e2; name=name2; cases=emap2 } -> name1 name2 @@< fun () ->
compare e1 e2 @@< fun () -> compare emap1 emap2
| EScopeCall {scope=name1; args=field_map1},
EScopeCall {scope=name2; args=field_map2} -> name1 name2 @@< fun () -> compare field_map1 field_map2
| ETuple es1, ETuple es2 -> compare es1 es2
| ETupleAccess {e=e1; index=n1; size=s1},
ETupleAccess {e=e2; index=n2; size=s2} -> s1 s2 @@< fun () -> n1 n2 @@< fun () ->
compare e1 e2
| EInj {e=e1; name=name1; cons=cons1 },
EInj {e=e2; name=name2; cons=cons2 } -> name1 name2 @@< fun () -> cons1 cons2 @@< fun () ->
compare e1 e2
| EAssert e1, EAssert e2 ->
compare e1 e2
| EDefault {excepts=exs1; just=just1; cons=cons1},
EDefault {excepts=exs2; just=just2; cons=cons2} ->
compare just1 just2 @@< fun () ->
compare cons1 cons2 @@< fun () -> compare exs1 exs2
| EPureDefault e1, EPureDefault e2 ->
compare e1 e2
| EEmptyError, EEmptyError -> 0
| EErrorOnEmpty e1, EErrorOnEmpty e2 ->
compare e1 e2
| ERaise ex1, ERaise ex2 ->
compare_except ex1 ex2
| ECatch {body=etry1; exn=ex1; handler=ewith1},
ECatch {body=etry2; exn=ex2; handler=ewith2} ->
compare_except ex1 ex2 @@< fun () ->
compare etry1 etry2 @@< fun () ->
compare ewith1 ewith2
| ECustom _, _ | _, ECustom _ ->
(* fixme: ideally this would be forbidden by typing *)
invalid_arg "Custom block comparison"
| ELit _, _ -> -1 | _, ELit _ -> 1
| EApp _, _ -> -1 | _, EApp _ -> 1
| EOp _, _ -> -1 | _, EOp _ -> 1
| EArray _, _ -> -1 | _, EArray _ -> 1
| EVar _, _ -> -1 | _, EVar _ -> 1
| EExternal _, _ -> -1 | _, EExternal _ -> 1
| EAbs _, _ -> -1 | _, EAbs _ -> 1
| EIfThenElse _, _ -> -1 | _, EIfThenElse _ -> 1
| ELocation _, _ -> -1 | _, ELocation _ -> 1
| EStruct _, _ -> -1 | _, EStruct _ -> 1
| EDStructAccess _, _ -> -1 | _, EDStructAccess _ -> 1
| EStructAccess _, _ -> -1 | _, EStructAccess _ -> 1
| EMatch _, _ -> -1 | _, EMatch _ -> 1
| EScopeCall _, _ -> -1 | _, EScopeCall _ -> 1
| ETuple _, _ -> -1 | _, ETuple _ -> 1
| ETupleAccess _, _ -> -1 | _, ETupleAccess _ -> 1
| EInj _, _ -> -1 | _, EInj _ -> 1
| EAssert _, _ -> -1 | _, EAssert _ -> 1
| EDefault _, _ -> -1 | _, EDefault _ -> 1
| EPureDefault _, _ -> -1 | _, EPureDefault _ -> 1
| EEmptyError , _ -> -1 | _, EEmptyError -> 1
| EErrorOnEmpty _, _ -> -1 | _, EErrorOnEmpty _ -> 1
| ERaise _, _ -> -1 | _, ERaise _ -> 1
| ECatch _, _ -> . | _, ECatch _ -> .
let rec free_vars : ('a, 't) gexpr -> ('a, 't) gexpr Var.Set.t = function
| EVar v, _ -> Var.Set.singleton v
| EAbs { binder; _ }, _ ->
let vs, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
Array.fold_right Var.Set.remove vs (free_vars body)
| e -> shallow_fold (fun e -> Var.Set.union (free_vars e)) e Var.Set.empty
let rec skip_wrappers : type a. (a, 'm) gexpr -> (a, 'm) gexpr = function
| EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [e] }, _ -> skip_wrappers e
| EApp { f = EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [f] }, _; args }, m
skip_wrappers (EApp { f; args }, m)
| EErrorOnEmpty e, _ -> skip_wrappers e
| EDefault { excepts = []; just = ELit (LBool true), _; cons = e }, _ ->
skip_wrappers e
| EPureDefault e, _ -> skip_wrappers e
| e -> e
let remove_logging_calls e =
let rec f e =
let e, m = map ~f e in
( Bindlib.box_apply
| EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [(arg, _)] } -> arg
| e -> e)
m )
f e
module DefaultBindlibCtxRename = struct
(* This code is a copy-paste from Bindlib, they forgot to expose the default
implementation ! *)
type ctxt = int String.Map.t
let empty_ctxt = String.Map.empty
let split_name : string -> string * int =
fun name ->
let len = String.length name in
(* [i] is the index of the first first character of the suffix. *)
let i =
let is_digit c = '0' <= c && c <= '9' in
let first_digit = ref len in
let first_non_0 = ref len in
while !first_digit > 0 && is_digit name.[!first_digit - 1] do
decr first_digit;
if name.[!first_digit] <> '0' then first_non_0 := !first_digit
if i = len then name, 0
else String.sub name 0 i, int_of_string (String.sub name i (len - i))
let get_suffix : string -> int -> ctxt -> int * ctxt =
fun name suffix ctxt ->
let n = try String.Map.find name ctxt with String.Map.Not_found _ -> -1 in
let suffix = if suffix > n then suffix else n + 1 in
suffix, String.Map.add name suffix ctxt
let merge_name : string -> int -> string =
fun prefix suffix ->
if suffix > 0 then prefix ^ string_of_int suffix else prefix
let new_name : string -> ctxt -> string * ctxt =
fun name ctxt ->
let prefix, suffix = split_name name in
let suffix, ctxt = get_suffix prefix suffix ctxt in
merge_name prefix suffix, ctxt
let reserve_name : string -> ctxt -> ctxt =
fun name ctxt ->
let prefix, suffix = split_name name in
let n = String.Map.find prefix ctxt in
if suffix <= n then ctxt else String.Map.add prefix suffix ctxt
with String.Map.Not_found _ -> String.Map.add prefix suffix ctxt
let rename_vars
?(exclude = ([] : string list))
?(reset_context_for_closed_terms = false)
?(skip_constant_binders = false)
?(constant_binder_name = None)
e =
let module BindCtx = Bindlib.Ctxt (struct
include DefaultBindlibCtxRename
let reset_context_for_closed_terms = reset_context_for_closed_terms
let skip_constant_binders = skip_constant_binders
let constant_binder_name = constant_binder_name
end) in
let rec aux : type a. BindCtx.ctxt -> (a, 't) gexpr -> (a, 't) gexpr boxed =
fun ctx e ->
match e with
| EAbs { binder; tys }, m ->
let vars, body, ctx = BindCtx.unmbind_in ctx binder in
let body = aux ctx body in
let binder = bind vars body in
eabs binder tys m
| e -> map ~f:(aux ctx) e
let ctx =
(fun ctx name -> DefaultBindlibCtxRename.reserve_name name ctx)
BindCtx.empty_ctxt exclude
aux ctx e
let format ppf e = Print.expr ~debug:false () ppf e
let rec size : type a. (a, 't) gexpr -> int =
fun e ->
match Mark.remove e with
| EVar _ | EExternal _ | ELit _ | EOp _ | EEmptyError | ECustom _ -> 1
| ETuple args -> List.fold_left (fun acc arg -> acc + size arg) 1 args
| EArray args -> List.fold_left (fun acc arg -> acc + size arg) 1 args
| ETupleAccess { e; _ } -> size e + 1
| EInj { e; _ } -> size e + 1
| EAssert e -> size e + 1
| EErrorOnEmpty e -> size e + 1
| EPureDefault e -> size e + 1
| EApp { f; args } ->
List.fold_left (fun acc arg -> acc + size arg) (1 + size f) args
| EAbs { binder; _ } ->
let _, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
1 + size body
| EIfThenElse { cond; etrue; efalse } ->
1 + size cond + size etrue + size efalse
| EDefault { excepts; just; cons } ->
(fun acc except -> acc + size except)
(1 + size just + size cons)
| ERaise _ -> 1
| ECatch { body; handler; _ } -> 1 + size body + size handler
| ELocation _ -> 1
| EStruct { fields; _ } ->
StructField.Map.fold (fun _ e acc -> acc + 1 + size e) fields 0
| EDStructAccess { e; _ } -> 1 + size e
| EStructAccess { e; _ } -> 1 + size e
| EMatch { e; cases; _ } ->
EnumConstructor.Map.fold (fun _ e acc -> acc + 1 + size e) cases (size e)
| EScopeCall { args; _ } ->
ScopeVar.Map.fold (fun _ e acc -> acc + 1 + size e) args 1
(* - Expression building helpers - *)
let make_var v mark = evar v mark
let make_abs xs e taus pos =
let mark =
(fun _ -> pos)
(fun ety -> Mark.add pos (TArrow (taus, ety)))
(Mark.get e)
eabs (bind xs e) taus mark
let make_app e args pos =
let mark =
(fun _ -> pos)
| [] -> assert false
| fty :: argtys -> (
match Mark.remove fty.ty with
| TArrow (tx', tr) ->
assert (Type.unifiable_list tx' ( (fun x -> x.ty) argtys));
| TAny -> fty.ty
| _ ->
"wrong type: found %a while expecting either an Arrow or Any"
Print.typ_debug fty.ty))
( Mark.get (e :: args))
eapp e args mark
let make_erroronempty e =
let mark =
(fun pos -> pos)
| TDefault ty, _ -> ty
| TAny, pos -> TAny, pos
| ty ->
"wrong type: found %a while expecting a TDefault on@;<1 2>%a"
Print.typ_debug ty format (unbox e))
(Mark.get e)
eerroronempty e mark
let thunk_term term mark =
let silent = Var.make "_" in
let pos = mark_pos mark in
make_abs [| silent |] term [TLit TUnit, pos] pos
let empty_thunked_term mark = thunk_term ( EEmptyError, mark) mark
let unthunk_term_nobox term mark =
Mark.add mark (EApp { f = term; args = [ELit LUnit, mark] })
let make_let_in x tau e1 e2 mpos =
make_app (make_abs [| x |] e2 [tau] mpos) [e1] (pos e2)
let make_multiple_let_in xs taus e1s e2 mpos =
make_app (make_abs xs e2 taus mpos) e1s (pos e2)
let make_puredefault e =
let mark =
map_mark (fun pos -> pos) (fun ty -> TDefault ty, Mark.get ty) (Mark.get e)
epuredefault e mark
let make_tuple el m0 =
match el with
| [] -> etuple [] (with_ty m0 (TTuple [], mark_pos m0))
| el ->
let m =
(fun posl -> List.hd posl)
(fun ml -> TTuple ( (fun t -> t.ty) ml), (List.hd ml).pos)
( (fun e -> Mark.get e) el)
etuple el m