2022-01-07 10:06:22 +01:00

109 lines
4.6 KiB

(* This file is part of the French law library, a collection of functions for computing French taxes
and benefits derived from Catala programs. Copyright (C) 2021 Inria, contributor: Denis Merigoux
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
module AF = Api.Allocations_familiales
open Runtime
let random_children (id : int) =
AF.d_identifiant = integer_of_int id;
d_remuneration_mensuelle = money_of_units_int ( 2000);
d_date_de_naissance =
date_of_numbers (2020 - 22) (1 + 12) (1 + 28);
d_prise_en_charge =
(match 5 with
| 0 -> AF.EffectiveEtPermanente ()
| 1 -> AF.GardeAlterneePartageAllocations ()
| 2 -> AF.GardeAlterneeAllocataireUnique ()
| 3 -> AF.ServicesSociauxAllocationVerseeALaFamille ()
| _ -> AF.ServicesSociauxAllocationVerseeAuxServicesSociaux ());
d_a_deja_ouvert_droit_aux_allocations_familiales = Random.bool ();
d_beneficie_titre_personnel_aide_personnelle_logement = Random.bool ();
let format_residence (fmt : Format.formatter) (r : AF.collectivite) : unit =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
(match r with
| AF.Metropole _ -> "Métropole"
| AF.Guyane _ -> "Guyane"
| AF.Guadeloupe _ -> "Guadeloupe"
| AF.Martinique _ -> "Martinique"
| AF.LaReunion _ -> "La Réunion"
| AF.SaintBarthelemy _ -> "Saint Barthélemy"
| AF.SaintPierreEtMiquelon _ -> "Saint Pierre et Miquelon"
| AF.SaintMartin _ -> "Saint Martin"
| AF.Mayotte _ -> "Mayotte")
let format_prise_en_charge (fmt : Format.formatter) (g : AF.prise_en_charge) : unit =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
(match g with
| AF.EffectiveEtPermanente _ -> "Effective et permanente"
| AF.GardeAlterneePartageAllocations _ -> "Garde alternée, allocations partagée"
| AF.GardeAlterneeAllocataireUnique _ -> "Garde alternée, allocataire unique"
| AF.ServicesSociauxAllocationVerseeALaFamille _ -> "Oui, allocations versée à la famille"
| AF.ServicesSociauxAllocationVerseeAuxServicesSociaux _ ->
"Oui, allocations versée aux services sociaux")
let num_successful = ref 0
let total_amount = ref 0.
let run_test () =
let num_children = 7 in
let children = Array.init num_children random_children in
let income = 100000 in
let current_date = Runtime.date_of_numbers 2020 05 01 in
let residence =
let x = 2 in
match x with 0 -> AF.Metropole () | 1 -> AF.Guadeloupe () | _ -> AF.Mayotte ()
let amount =
Api.compute_allocations_familiales ~current_date ~income ~residence ~children ~is_parent:true
~fills_title_I:true ~had_rights_open_before_2012:(Random.bool ())
incr num_successful;
total_amount := Float.add !total_amount amount
| (NoValueProvided _ | ConflictError) as err ->
Format.printf "%s\n%a\nincome: %d\ncurrent_date: %s\nresidence: %a\n"
(match err with
| NoValueProvided _ -> "No value provided somewhere!"
| ConflictError -> "Conflict error!"
| _ -> failwith "impossible")
(Format.pp_print_list (fun fmt child ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Child %d:\n income: %.2f\n birth date: %s\n prise en charge: %a"
(integer_to_int child.AF.d_identifiant)
(money_to_float child.AF.d_remuneration_mensuelle)
(Runtime.date_to_string child.AF.d_date_de_naissance)
format_prise_en_charge child.AF.d_prise_en_charge))
(Array.to_list children) income
(Runtime.date_to_string current_date)
format_residence residence;
exit (-1)
| AssertionFailed -> ()
let bench =
Random.init (int_of_float (Unix.time ()));
let num_iter = 100000 in
let _ =
Benchmark.latency1 ~style:Auto ~name:"Allocations familiales" (Int64.of_int num_iter) run_test
Printf.printf "Successful computations: %d (%.2f%%)\nTotal benefits awarded: %.2f€ (mean %.2f€)\n"
(Float.mul (Float.div (float_of_int !num_successful) (float_of_int num_iter)) 100.)
(Float.div !total_amount (float_of_int !num_successful))