2022-04-06 09:35:07 +02:00

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(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor:
Denis Merigoux <>, Alain Delaët-Tixeuil
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
(** Abstract syntax tree of the default calculus intermediate representation *)
open Utils
module ScopeName : Uid.Id with type info =
module StructName : Uid.Id with type info =
module StructFieldName : Uid.Id with type info =
module StructMap : Map.S with type key = StructName.t
module EnumName : Uid.Id with type info =
module EnumConstructor : Uid.Id with type info =
module EnumMap : Map.S with type key = EnumName.t
(** Abstract syntax tree for the default calculus *)
(** {1 Abstract syntax tree} *)
type typ_lit = TBool | TUnit | TInt | TRat | TMoney | TDate | TDuration
type typ =
| TLit of typ_lit
| TTuple of typ Pos.marked list * StructName.t option
| TEnum of typ Pos.marked list * EnumName.t
| TArrow of typ Pos.marked * typ Pos.marked
| TArray of typ Pos.marked
| TAny
type date =
type duration = Runtime.duration
type lit =
| LBool of bool
| LEmptyError
| LInt of Runtime.integer
| LRat of Runtime.decimal
| LMoney of
| LUnit
| LDate of date
| LDuration of duration
type op_kind =
| KInt
| KRat
| KMoney
| KDate
| KDuration (** All ops don't have a KDate and KDuration. *)
type ternop = Fold
type binop =
| And
| Or
| Xor
| Add of op_kind
| Sub of op_kind
| Mult of op_kind
| Div of op_kind
| Lt of op_kind
| Lte of op_kind
| Gt of op_kind
| Gte of op_kind
| Eq
| Neq
| Map
| Concat
| Filter
type log_entry =
| VarDef of typ
(** During code generation, we need to know the type of the variable being
logged for embedding *)
| BeginCall
| EndCall
| PosRecordIfTrueBool
type unop =
| Not
| Minus of op_kind
| Log of log_entry * list
| Length
| IntToRat
| GetDay
| GetMonth
| GetYear
| RoundMoney
type operator = Ternop of ternop | Binop of binop | Unop of unop
(** The expressions use the {{:} Bindlib}
library, based on higher-order abstract syntax*)
type expr =
| EVar of expr Bindlib.var Pos.marked
| ETuple of expr Pos.marked list * StructName.t option
(** The [] is the former struct field name*)
| ETupleAccess of
expr Pos.marked * int * StructName.t option * typ Pos.marked list
(** The [] is the former struct field name *)
| EInj of expr Pos.marked * int * EnumName.t * typ Pos.marked list
(** The [] is the former enum case name *)
| EMatch of expr Pos.marked * expr Pos.marked list * EnumName.t
(** The [] is the former enum case name *)
| EArray of expr Pos.marked list
| ELit of lit
| EAbs of
((expr, expr Pos.marked) Bindlib.mbinder[@opaque]) Pos.marked
* typ Pos.marked list
| EApp of expr Pos.marked * expr Pos.marked list
| EAssert of expr Pos.marked
| EOp of operator
| EDefault of expr Pos.marked list * expr Pos.marked * expr Pos.marked
| EIfThenElse of expr Pos.marked * expr Pos.marked * expr Pos.marked
| ErrorOnEmpty of expr Pos.marked
type struct_ctx = (StructFieldName.t * typ Pos.marked) list StructMap.t
type enum_ctx = (EnumConstructor.t * typ Pos.marked) list EnumMap.t
type decl_ctx = { ctx_enums : enum_ctx; ctx_structs : struct_ctx }
type binder = (expr, expr Pos.marked) Bindlib.binder
(** This kind annotation signals that the let-binding respects a structural
invariant. These invariants concern the shape of the expression in the
let-binding, and are documented below. *)
type scope_let_kind =
| DestructuringInputStruct (** [let x = input.field]*)
| ScopeVarDefinition (** [let x = error_on_empty e]*)
| SubScopeVarDefinition
(** [let s.x = fun _ -> e] or [let s.x = error_on_empty e] for input-only
subscope variables. *)
| CallingSubScope (** [let result = s ({ x = s.x; y = s.x; ...}) ]*)
| DestructuringSubScopeResults (** [let s.x = result.x ]**)
| Assertion (** [let _ = assert e]*)
type scope_let = {
scope_let_kind : scope_let_kind;
scope_let_typ : typ Utils.Pos.marked;
scope_let_expr : expr Utils.Pos.marked;
scope_let_next : (expr, scope_body_expr) Bindlib.binder;
scope_let_pos : Utils.Pos.t;
(** A scope let-binding has all the information necessary to make a proper
let-binding expression, plus an annotation for the kind of the let-binding
that comes from the compilation of a {!module: Scopelang.Ast} statement. *)
and scope_body_expr = Result of expr Utils.Pos.marked | ScopeLet of scope_let
type scope_body = {
scope_body_input_struct : StructName.t;
scope_body_output_struct : StructName.t;
scope_body_expr : (expr, scope_body_expr) Bindlib.binder;
(** Instead of being a single expression, we give a little more ad-hoc structure
to the scope body by decomposing it in an ordered list of let-bindings, and
a result expression that uses the let-binded variables. The first binder is
the argument of type [scope_body_input_struct]. *)
type scope_def = {
scope_name : ScopeName.t;
scope_body : scope_body;
scope_next : (expr, scopes) Bindlib.binder;
(** Finally, we do the same transformation for the whole program for the kinded
lets. This permit us to use bindlib variables for scopes names. *)
and scopes = Nil | ScopeDef of scope_def
type program = { decl_ctx : decl_ctx; scopes : scopes }
(** {1 Helpers} *)
(** {2 Boxed constructors}*)
val evar : expr Bindlib.var -> Pos.t -> expr Pos.marked
val etuple :
expr Pos.marked list ->
StructName.t option ->
Pos.t ->
expr Pos.marked
val etupleaccess :
expr Pos.marked ->
int ->
StructName.t option ->
typ Pos.marked list ->
Pos.t ->
expr Pos.marked
val einj :
expr Pos.marked ->
int ->
EnumName.t ->
typ Pos.marked list ->
Pos.t ->
expr Pos.marked
val ematch :
expr Pos.marked ->
expr Pos.marked list ->
EnumName.t ->
Pos.t ->
expr Pos.marked
val earray :
expr Pos.marked list -> Pos.t -> expr Pos.marked
val elit : lit -> Pos.t -> expr Pos.marked
val eabs :
(expr, expr Pos.marked) Bindlib.mbinder ->
Pos.t ->
typ Pos.marked list ->
Pos.t ->
expr Pos.marked
val eapp :
expr Pos.marked ->
expr Pos.marked list ->
Pos.t ->
expr Pos.marked
val eassert :
expr Pos.marked -> Pos.t -> expr Pos.marked
val eop : operator -> Pos.t -> expr Pos.marked
val edefault :
expr Pos.marked list ->
expr Pos.marked ->
expr Pos.marked ->
Pos.t ->
expr Pos.marked
val eifthenelse :
expr Pos.marked ->
expr Pos.marked ->
expr Pos.marked ->
Pos.t ->
expr Pos.marked
val eerroronempty :
expr Pos.marked -> Pos.t -> expr Pos.marked
(**{2 Program traversal}*)
(** Be careful when using these traversal functions, as the bound variables they
open will be different at each traversal. *)
val fold_scope_lets :
f:('a -> scope_let -> 'a) -> init:'a -> scope_body_expr -> 'a
val fold_scope_defs : f:('a -> scope_def -> 'a) -> init:'a -> scopes -> 'a
(** {2 Variables}*)
module Var : sig
type t = expr Bindlib.var
val make : string Pos.marked -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module VarMap : Map.S with type key = Var.t
module VarSet : Set.S with type elt = Var.t
val free_vars_expr : expr Pos.marked -> VarSet.t
val free_vars_scope_body_expr : scope_body_expr -> VarSet.t
val free_vars_scope_body : scope_body -> VarSet.t
val free_vars_scopes : scopes -> VarSet.t
type vars = expr Bindlib.mvar
val make_var : Var.t Pos.marked -> expr Pos.marked
val make_abs :
vars ->
expr Pos.marked ->
Pos.t ->
typ Pos.marked list ->
Pos.t ->
expr Pos.marked
val make_app :
expr Pos.marked ->
expr Pos.marked list ->
Pos.t ->
expr Pos.marked
val make_let_in :
Var.t ->
typ Pos.marked ->
expr Pos.marked ->
expr Pos.marked ->
Pos.t ->
expr Pos.marked
(**{2 Other}*)
val empty_thunked_term : expr Pos.marked
val is_value : expr Pos.marked -> bool
val equal_exprs : expr Pos.marked -> expr Pos.marked -> bool
(** Determines if two expressions are equal, omitting their position information *)
(** {1 AST manipulation helpers}*)
val build_whole_scope_expr :
decl_ctx -> scope_body -> Pos.t -> expr Pos.marked
(** Usage: [build_whole_scope_expr ctx body scope_position] where
[scope_position] corresponds to the line of the scope declaration for
instance. *)
val build_whole_program_expr :
program -> ScopeName.t -> expr Pos.marked
(** Usage: [build_whole_program_expr program main_scope] builds an expression
corresponding to the main program and returning the main scope as a
function. *)
val expr_size : expr Pos.marked -> int
(** Used by the optimizer to know when to stop *)