
306 lines
12 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

from __future__ import annotations
import json
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from statistics import stdev
from time import process_time as clock
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Type, Union
import click
from benchmarks.utils import EnumType, get_commit_hash
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.full_block import FullBlock
from chia.util.ints import uint8, uint64
from chia.util.streamable import Streamable, streamable
from tests.util.benchmarks import rand_bytes, rand_full_block, rand_hash
# to run this benchmark:
# python -m benchmarks.streamable
_version = 1
class BenchmarkInner(Streamable):
a: str
class BenchmarkMiddle(Streamable):
a: uint64
b: List[bytes32]
c: Tuple[str, bool, uint8, List[bytes]]
d: Tuple[BenchmarkInner, BenchmarkInner]
e: BenchmarkInner
class BenchmarkClass(Streamable):
a: Optional[BenchmarkMiddle]
b: Optional[BenchmarkMiddle]
c: BenchmarkMiddle
d: List[BenchmarkMiddle]
e: Tuple[BenchmarkMiddle, BenchmarkMiddle, BenchmarkMiddle]
def get_random_inner() -> BenchmarkInner:
return BenchmarkInner(rand_bytes(20).hex())
def get_random_middle() -> BenchmarkMiddle:
a: uint64 = uint64(10)
b: List[bytes32] = [rand_hash() for _ in range(a)]
c: Tuple[str, bool, uint8, List[bytes]] = ("benchmark", False, uint8(1), [rand_bytes(a) for _ in range(a)])
d: Tuple[BenchmarkInner, BenchmarkInner] = (get_random_inner(), get_random_inner())
e: BenchmarkInner = get_random_inner()
return BenchmarkMiddle(a, b, c, d, e)
def get_random_benchmark_object() -> BenchmarkClass:
a: Optional[BenchmarkMiddle] = None
b: Optional[BenchmarkMiddle] = get_random_middle()
c: BenchmarkMiddle = get_random_middle()
d: List[BenchmarkMiddle] = [get_random_middle() for _ in range(5)]
e: Tuple[BenchmarkMiddle, BenchmarkMiddle, BenchmarkMiddle] = (
return BenchmarkClass(a, b, c, d, e)
def print_row(
mode: str,
us_per_iteration: Union[str, float],
stdev_us_per_iteration: Union[str, float],
avg_iterations: Union[str, int],
stdev_iterations: Union[str, float],
end: str = "\n",
) -> None:
mode = "{:<10}".format(f"{mode}")
us_per_iteration = "{:<12}".format(f"{us_per_iteration}")
stdev_us_per_iteration = "{:>20}".format(f"{stdev_us_per_iteration}")
avg_iterations = "{:>18}".format(f"{avg_iterations}")
stdev_iterations = "{:>22}".format(f"{stdev_iterations}")
print(f"{mode} | {us_per_iteration} | {stdev_us_per_iteration} | {avg_iterations} | {stdev_iterations}", end=end)
class BenchmarkResults:
us_per_iteration: float
stdev_us_per_iteration: float
avg_iterations: int
stdev_iterations: float
def print_results(mode: str, bench_result: BenchmarkResults, final: bool) -> None:
end="\n" if final else "\r",
# The strings in this Enum are by purpose. See benchmark.utils.EnumType.
class Data(str, Enum):
all = "all"
benchmark = "benchmark"
full_block = "full_block"
# The strings in this Enum are by purpose. See benchmark.utils.EnumType.
class Mode(str, Enum):
all = "all"
creation = "creation"
to_bytes = "to_bytes"
from_bytes = "from_bytes"
to_json = "to_json"
from_json = "from_json"
def to_bytes(obj: Any) -> bytes:
return bytes(obj)
class ModeParameter:
conversion_cb: Callable[[Any], Any]
preparation_cb: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None
class BenchmarkParameter:
data_class: Type[Any]
object_creation_cb: Callable[[], Any]
mode_parameter: Dict[Mode, Optional[ModeParameter]]
benchmark_parameter: Dict[Data, BenchmarkParameter] = {
Data.benchmark: BenchmarkParameter(
Mode.creation: None,
Mode.to_bytes: ModeParameter(to_bytes),
Mode.from_bytes: ModeParameter(BenchmarkClass.from_bytes, to_bytes),
Mode.to_json: ModeParameter(BenchmarkClass.to_json_dict),
Mode.from_json: ModeParameter(BenchmarkClass.from_json_dict, BenchmarkClass.to_json_dict),
Data.full_block: BenchmarkParameter(
Mode.creation: None,
Mode.to_bytes: ModeParameter(to_bytes),
Mode.from_bytes: ModeParameter(FullBlock.from_bytes, to_bytes),
Mode.to_json: ModeParameter(FullBlock.to_json_dict),
Mode.from_json: ModeParameter(FullBlock.from_json_dict, FullBlock.to_json_dict),
def run_for_ms(cb: Callable[[], Any], ms_to_run: int = 100) -> List[int]:
us_iteration_results: List[int] = []
start = clock()
while int((clock() - start) * 1000) < ms_to_run:
start_iteration = clock()
stop_iteration = clock()
us_iteration_results.append(int((stop_iteration - start_iteration) * 1000 * 1000))
return us_iteration_results
def calc_stdev_percent(iterations: List[int], avg: float) -> float:
deviation = 0 if len(iterations) < 2 else int(stdev(iterations) * 100) / 100
return int((deviation / avg * 100) * 100) / 100
def pop_data(key: str, *, old: Dict[str, Any], new: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[Any, Any]:
if key not in old:
sys.exit(f"{key} missing in old")
if key not in new:
sys.exit(f"{key} missing in new")
return old.pop(key), new.pop(key)
def print_compare_row(c0: str, c1: Union[str, float], c2: Union[str, float], c3: Union[str, float]) -> None:
c0 = "{:<12}".format(f"{c0}")
c1 = "{:<16}".format(f"{c1}")
c2 = "{:<16}".format(f"{c2}")
c3 = "{:<12}".format(f"{c3}")
print(f"{c0} | {c1} | {c2} | {c3}")
def compare_results(
old: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[float, int]]]], new: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[float, int]]]]
) -> None:
old_version, new_version = pop_data("version", old=old, new=new)
if old_version != new_version:
sys.exit(f"version missmatch: old: {old_version} vs new: {new_version}")
old_commit_hash, new_commit_hash = pop_data("commit_hash", old=old, new=new)
for data, modes in new.items():
if data not in old:
print(f"\ncompare: {data}, old: {old_commit_hash}, new: {new_commit_hash}")
print_compare_row("mode", "µs/iteration old", "µs/iteration new", "diff %")
for mode, results in modes.items():
if mode not in old[data]:
old_us, new_us = pop_data("us_per_iteration", old=old[data][mode], new=results)
print_compare_row(mode, old_us, new_us, int((new_us - old_us) / old_us * 10000) / 100)
@click.option("-d", "--data", default=Data.all, type=EnumType(Data))
@click.option("-m", "--mode", default=Mode.all, type=EnumType(Mode))
@click.option("-r", "--runs", default=100, help="Number of benchmark runs to average results")
@click.option("-t", "--ms", default=50, help="Milliseconds per run")
@click.option("--live/--no-live", default=False, help="Print live results (slower)")
@click.option("-o", "--output", type=click.File("w"), help="Write the results to a file")
@click.option("-c", "--compare", type=click.File("r"), help="Compare to the results from a file")
def run(data: Data, mode: Mode, runs: int, ms: int, live: bool, output: TextIO, compare: TextIO) -> None:
results: Dict[Data, Dict[Mode, List[List[int]]]] = {}
bench_results: Dict[str, Any] = {"version": _version, "commit_hash": get_commit_hash()}
for current_data, parameter in benchmark_parameter.items():
if data == Data.all or current_data == data:
results[current_data] = {}
bench_results[current_data] = {}
f"\nbenchmarks: {}, data: {parameter.data_class.__name__} runs: {runs}, ms/run: {ms}, "
f"commit_hash: {bench_results['commit_hash']}"
stdev_us_per_iteration="stdev µs/iteration %",
avg_iterations="avg iterations/run",
stdev_iterations="stdev iterations/run %",
for current_mode, current_mode_parameter in parameter.mode_parameter.items():
results[current_data][current_mode] = []
if mode == Mode.all or current_mode == mode:
us_iteration_results: List[int]
all_results: List[List[int]] = results[current_data][current_mode]
obj = parameter.object_creation_cb()
def get_bench_results() -> BenchmarkResults:
all_runtimes: List[int] = [x for inner in all_results for x in inner]
total_iterations: int = len(all_runtimes)
total_elapsed_us: int = sum(all_runtimes)
avg_iterations: float = total_iterations / len(all_results)
stdev_iterations: float = calc_stdev_percent([len(x) for x in all_results], avg_iterations)
us_per_iteration: float = total_elapsed_us / total_iterations
stdev_us_per_iteration: float = calc_stdev_percent(
all_runtimes, total_elapsed_us / total_iterations
return BenchmarkResults(
int(us_per_iteration * 100) / 100,
current_run: int = 0
while current_run < runs:
current_run += 1
if current_mode == Mode.creation:
cls = type(obj)
us_iteration_results = run_for_ms(lambda: cls(**obj.__dict__), ms)
assert current_mode_parameter is not None
conversion_cb = current_mode_parameter.conversion_cb
assert conversion_cb is not None
prepared_obj = parameter.object_creation_cb()
if current_mode_parameter.preparation_cb is not None:
prepared_obj = current_mode_parameter.preparation_cb(obj)
us_iteration_results = run_for_ms(lambda: conversion_cb(prepared_obj), ms)
if live:
print_results(, get_bench_results(), False)
assert current_run == runs
bench_result = get_bench_results()
bench_results[current_data][current_mode] = bench_result.__dict__
print_results(, bench_result, True)
json_output = json.dumps(bench_results)
if output:
if compare:
compare_results(json.load(compare), json.loads(json_output))
if __name__ == "__main__":
run() # pylint: disable = no-value-for-parameter