2021-03-26 06:25:45 +03:00
import asyncio
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple
import aiohttp
2021-04-04 06:55:26 +03:00
from chia.cmds.units import units
from chia.rpc.wallet_rpc_client import WalletRpcClient
from chia.server.start_wallet import SERVICE_NAME
from chia.util.bech32m import encode_puzzle_hash
from chia.util.byte_types import hexstr_to_bytes
from chia.util.config import load_config
from chia.util.default_root import DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH
from chia.util.ints import uint16, uint64
from chia.wallet.transaction_record import TransactionRecord
from chia.wallet.util.wallet_types import WalletType
2021-03-26 06:25:45 +03:00
def print_transaction(tx: TransactionRecord, verbose: bool, name) -> None:
if verbose:
chia_amount = Decimal(int(tx.amount)) / units["chia"]
to_address = encode_puzzle_hash(tx.to_puzzle_hash, name)
print(f"Transaction {tx.name}")
print(f"Status: {'Confirmed' if tx.confirmed else ('In mempool' if tx.is_in_mempool() else 'Pending')}")
print(f"Amount: {chia_amount} {name}")
print(f"To address: {to_address}")
print("Created at:", datetime.fromtimestamp(tx.created_at_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
async def get_transaction(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int) -> None:
wallet_id = args["id"]
transaction_id = hexstr_to_bytes(args["tx_id"])
config = load_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, "config.yaml", SERVICE_NAME)
name = config["network_overrides"]["config"][config["selected_network"]]["address_prefix"]
tx: TransactionRecord = await wallet_client.get_transaction(wallet_id, transaction_id=transaction_id)
print_transaction(tx, verbose=(args["verbose"] > 0), name=name)
async def get_transactions(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int) -> None:
wallet_id = args["id"]
txs: List[TransactionRecord] = await wallet_client.get_transactions(wallet_id)
config = load_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, "config.yaml", SERVICE_NAME)
name = config["network_overrides"]["config"][config["selected_network"]]["address_prefix"]
if len(txs) == 0:
print("There are no transactions to this address")
2021-04-12 08:23:49 +03:00
offset = args["offset"]
2021-03-26 06:25:45 +03:00
num_per_screen = 5
2021-04-12 08:23:49 +03:00
for i in range(offset, len(txs), num_per_screen):
2021-03-26 06:25:45 +03:00
for j in range(0, num_per_screen):
if i + j >= len(txs):
print_transaction(txs[i + j], verbose=(args["verbose"] > 0), name=name)
if i + num_per_screen >= len(txs):
print("Press q to quit, or c to continue")
while True:
entered_key = sys.stdin.read(1)
if entered_key == "q":
elif entered_key == "c":
async def send(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int) -> None:
wallet_id = args["id"]
amount = Decimal(args["amount"])
fee = Decimal(args["fee"])
address = args["address"]
print("Submitting transaction...")
final_amount = uint64(int(amount * units["chia"]))
final_fee = uint64(int(fee * units["chia"]))
res = await wallet_client.send_transaction(wallet_id, final_amount, address, final_fee)
tx_id = res.name
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start < 10:
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
tx = await wallet_client.get_transaction(wallet_id, tx_id)
if len(tx.sent_to) > 0:
print(f"Transaction submitted to nodes: {tx.sent_to}")
print(f"Do chia wallet get_transaction -f {fingerprint} -tx 0x{tx_id} to get status")
print("Transaction not yet submitted to nodes")
print(f"Do 'chia wallet get_transaction -f {fingerprint} -tx 0x{tx_id}' to get status")
async def get_address(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int) -> None:
wallet_id = args["id"]
res = await wallet_client.get_next_address(wallet_id, False)
async def print_balances(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int) -> None:
summaries_response = await wallet_client.get_wallets()
config = load_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, "config.yaml")
address_prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][config["selected_network"]]["address_prefix"]
print(f"Wallet height: {await wallet_client.get_height_info()}")
print(f"Balances, fingerprint: {fingerprint}")
for summary in summaries_response:
wallet_id = summary["id"]
balances = await wallet_client.get_wallet_balance(wallet_id)
typ = WalletType(int(summary["type"])).name
if typ != "STANDARD_WALLET":
print(f"Wallet ID {wallet_id} type {typ} {summary['name']}")
print(f" -Confirmed: " f"{balances['confirmed_wallet_balance']/units['colouredcoin']}")
print(f" -Unconfirmed: {balances['unconfirmed_wallet_balance']/units['colouredcoin']}")
print(f" -Spendable: {balances['spendable_balance']/units['colouredcoin']}")
print(f" -Pending change: {balances['pending_change']/units['colouredcoin']}")
print(f"Wallet ID {wallet_id} type {typ}")
f" -Confirmed: {balances['confirmed_wallet_balance']} mojo "
f"({balances['confirmed_wallet_balance']/units['chia']} {address_prefix})"
f" -Unconfirmed: {balances['unconfirmed_wallet_balance']} mojo "
f"({balances['unconfirmed_wallet_balance']/units['chia']} {address_prefix})"
f" -Spendable: {balances['spendable_balance']} mojo "
f"({balances['spendable_balance']/units['chia']} {address_prefix})"
f" -Pending change: {balances['pending_change']} mojo "
f"({balances['pending_change']/units['chia']} {address_prefix})"
async def get_wallet(wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int = None) -> Optional[Tuple[WalletRpcClient, int]]:
fingerprints = await wallet_client.get_public_keys()
if len(fingerprints) == 0:
print("No keys loaded. Run 'chia keys generate' or import a key")
return None
if fingerprint is not None:
if fingerprint not in fingerprints:
print(f"Fingerprint {fingerprint} does not exist")
return None
if len(fingerprints) == 1:
fingerprint = fingerprints[0]
if fingerprint is not None:
log_in_response = await wallet_client.log_in(fingerprint)
print("Choose wallet key:")
for i, fp in enumerate(fingerprints):
print(f"{i+1}) {fp}")
val = None
while val is None:
val = input("Enter a number to pick or q to quit: ")
if val == "q":
return None
if not val.isdigit():
val = None
index = int(val) - 1
if index >= len(fingerprints):
print("Invalid value")
val = None
fingerprint = fingerprints[index]
assert fingerprint is not None
log_in_response = await wallet_client.log_in(fingerprint)
if log_in_response["success"] is False:
if log_in_response["error"] == "not_initialized":
use_cloud = True
if "backup_path" in log_in_response:
path = log_in_response["backup_path"]
print(f"Backup file from backup.chia.net downloaded and written to: {path}")
val = input("Do you want to use this file to restore from backup? (Y/N) ")
if val.lower() == "y":
log_in_response = await wallet_client.log_in_and_restore(fingerprint, path)
use_cloud = False
if "backup_path" not in log_in_response or use_cloud is False:
if use_cloud is True:
val = input(
"No online backup file found, \n Press S to skip restore from backup"
" \n Press F to use your own backup file: "
val = input(
"Cloud backup declined, \n Press S to skip restore from backup"
" \n Press F to use your own backup file: "
if val.lower() == "s":
log_in_response = await wallet_client.log_in_and_skip(fingerprint)
elif val.lower() == "f":
val = input("Please provide the full path to your backup file: ")
log_in_response = await wallet_client.log_in_and_restore(fingerprint, val)
if "success" not in log_in_response or log_in_response["success"] is False:
if "error" in log_in_response:
error = log_in_response["error"]
print(f"Error: {log_in_response[error]}")
return None
return wallet_client, fingerprint
async def execute_with_wallet(wallet_rpc_port: int, fingerprint: int, extra_params: dict, function: Callable) -> None:
config = load_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, "config.yaml")
self_hostname = config["self_hostname"]
if wallet_rpc_port is None:
wallet_rpc_port = config["wallet"]["rpc_port"]
wallet_client = await WalletRpcClient.create(self_hostname, uint16(wallet_rpc_port), DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, config)
wallet_client_f = await get_wallet(wallet_client, fingerprint=fingerprint)
if wallet_client_f is None:
await wallet_client.await_closed()
wallet_client, fingerprint = wallet_client_f
await function(extra_params, wallet_client, fingerprint)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
if isinstance(e, aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError):
print(f"Connection error. Check if wallet is running at {wallet_rpc_port}")
print(f"Exception from 'wallet' {e}")
await wallet_client.await_closed()