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from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import random
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set
from chia.types.blockchain_format.coin import Coin
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.util.ints import uint64, uint128
from chia.wallet.wallet_coin_record import WalletCoinRecord
async def select_coins(
spendable_amount: uint128,
max_coin_amount: uint64,
spendable_coins: List[WalletCoinRecord],
unconfirmed_removals: Dict[bytes32, Coin],
log: logging.Logger,
amount: uint128,
exclude: Optional[List[Coin]] = None,
min_coin_amount: Optional[uint64] = None,
excluded_coin_amounts: Optional[List[uint64]] = None,
) -> Set[Coin]:
Returns a set of coins that can be used for generating a new transaction.
if exclude is None:
exclude = []
if min_coin_amount is None:
min_coin_amount = uint64(0)
if excluded_coin_amounts is None:
excluded_coin_amounts = []
if amount > spendable_amount:
error_msg = (
f"Can't select amount higher than our spendable balance. Amount: {amount}, spendable: {spendable_amount}"
raise ValueError(error_msg)
log.debug(f"About to select coins for amount {amount}")
max_num_coins = 500
sum_spendable_coins = 0
valid_spendable_coins: List[Coin] = []
for coin_record in spendable_coins: # remove all the unconfirmed coins, excluded coins and dust.
if in unconfirmed_removals:
if coin_record.coin in exclude:
if coin_record.coin.amount < min_coin_amount or coin_record.coin.amount > max_coin_amount:
if coin_record.coin.amount in excluded_coin_amounts:
sum_spendable_coins += coin_record.coin.amount
# This happens when we couldn't use one of the coins because it's already used
# but unconfirmed, and we are waiting for the change. (unconfirmed_additions)
if sum_spendable_coins < amount:
raise ValueError(
f"Transaction for {amount} is greater than spendable balance of {sum_spendable_coins}. "
"There may be other transactions pending or our minimum coin amount is too high."
if amount == 0 and sum_spendable_coins == 0:
raise ValueError(
"No coins available to spend, you can not create a coin with an amount of 0,"
" without already having coins."
# Sort the coins by amount
valid_spendable_coins.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda r: r.amount)
# check for exact 1 to 1 coin match.
exact_match_coin: Optional[Coin] = check_for_exact_match(valid_spendable_coins, uint64(amount))
if exact_match_coin:
log.debug(f"selected coin with an exact match: {exact_match_coin}")
return {exact_match_coin}
# Check for an exact match with all of the coins smaller than the amount.
# If we have more, smaller coins than the amount we run the next algorithm.
smaller_coin_sum = 0 # coins smaller than target.
smaller_coins: List[Coin] = []
for coin in valid_spendable_coins:
if coin.amount < amount:
smaller_coin_sum += coin.amount
if smaller_coin_sum == amount and len(smaller_coins) < max_num_coins and amount != 0:
log.debug(f"Selected all smaller coins because they equate to an exact match of the target.: {smaller_coins}")
return set(smaller_coins)
elif smaller_coin_sum < amount:
smallest_coin: Optional[Coin] = select_smallest_coin_over_target(amount, valid_spendable_coins)
assert smallest_coin is not None # Since we know we have enough, there must be a larger coin
log.debug(f"Selected closest greater coin: {}")
return {smallest_coin}
elif smaller_coin_sum > amount:
coin_set: Optional[Set[Coin]] = knapsack_coin_algorithm(smaller_coins, amount, max_coin_amount, max_num_coins)
log.debug(f"Selected coins from knapsack algorithm: {coin_set}")
if coin_set is None:
coin_set = sum_largest_coins(amount, smaller_coins)
if coin_set is None or len(coin_set) > max_num_coins:
greater_coin = select_smallest_coin_over_target(amount, valid_spendable_coins)
if greater_coin is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Transaction of {amount} mojo would use more than "
f"{max_num_coins} coins. Try sending a smaller amount"
coin_set = {greater_coin}
return coin_set
# if smaller_coin_sum == amount and (len(smaller_coins) >= max_num_coins or amount == 0)
potential_large_coin: Optional[Coin] = select_smallest_coin_over_target(amount, valid_spendable_coins)
if potential_large_coin is None:
raise ValueError("Too many coins are required to make this transaction")
log.debug(f"Resorted to selecting smallest coin over target due to dust.: {potential_large_coin}")
return {potential_large_coin}
# These algorithms were based off of the algorithms in:
# we use this to check if one of the coins exactly matches the target.
def check_for_exact_match(coin_list: List[Coin], target: uint64) -> Optional[Coin]:
for coin in coin_list:
if coin.amount == target:
return coin
return None
# amount of coins smaller than target, followed by a list of all valid spendable coins.
# Coins must be sorted in descending amount order.
def select_smallest_coin_over_target(target: uint128, sorted_coin_list: List[Coin]) -> Optional[Coin]:
if sorted_coin_list[0].amount < target:
return None
for coin in reversed(sorted_coin_list):
if coin.amount >= target:
return coin
assert False # Should never reach here
# we use this to find the set of coins which have total value closest to the target, but at least the target.
# IMPORTANT: The coins have to be sorted in descending order or else this function will not work.
def knapsack_coin_algorithm(
smaller_coins: List[Coin], target: uint128, max_coin_amount: int, max_num_coins: int, seed: bytes = b"knapsack seed"
) -> Optional[Set[Coin]]:
best_set_sum = max_coin_amount
best_set_of_coins: Optional[Set[Coin]] = None
ran: random.Random = random.Random()
for i in range(1000):
# reset these variables every loop.
selected_coins: Set[Coin] = set()
selected_coins_sum = 0
n_pass = 0
target_reached = False
while n_pass < 2 and not target_reached:
for coin in smaller_coins:
# run 2 passes where the first pass may select a coin 50% of the time.
# the second pass runs to finish the set if the first pass didn't finish the set.
# this makes each trial random and increases the chance of getting a perfect set.
if (n_pass == 0 and bool(ran.getrandbits(1))) or (n_pass == 1 and coin not in selected_coins):
if len(selected_coins) > max_num_coins:
selected_coins_sum += coin.amount
if selected_coins_sum == target:
return selected_coins
if selected_coins_sum > target:
target_reached = True
if selected_coins_sum < best_set_sum:
best_set_of_coins = selected_coins.copy()
best_set_sum = selected_coins_sum
selected_coins_sum -= coin.amount
n_pass += 1
return best_set_of_coins
# Adds up the largest coins in the list, resulting in the minimum number of selected coins. A solution
# is guaranteed if and only if the sum(coins) >= target. Coins must be sorted in descending amount order.
def sum_largest_coins(target: uint128, sorted_coins: List[Coin]) -> Optional[Set[Coin]]:
total_value = 0
selected_coins: Set[Coin] = set()
for coin in sorted_coins:
total_value += coin.amount
if total_value >= target:
return selected_coins
return None