* Logging of plot num, num proofs found, and fix rpc edge case
* Revert add -> append, and python black
* Fix list/set issue
* Correct BIP39 spec and test vectors
* Fix create mnemonic UI
* Bump blspy-ietf
* wip lots of errors
* Respond to bram feedback, use eip 2334 for keys
* Fix most tests, use latest blspy
* Improve simulation test constants
* Fixed issue with plotting and reading plots
* Fix simulation test
* Override puzzle hash if we don't have key, for safety. Bump protocol version
* Fix superlint issue
* Switch to 1.0 proof of space format
* Temporary genesis block
* Update chiabip158, chiavdf versions
Co-authored-by: Gene Hoffman <hoffmang@hoffmang.com>
Co-authored-by: Alex Wice <alex@chia.net>
* clean react
* add material ui
* add word list
* mnemonic v0
* jeepney backup
* keychain usage
* wallet api
* mnemonic ui
* mnemonics redux state
* handle exceptions correctly
* dashboard
* wallets
* get puzzle hash
* tx history
* sidebar
* start stop wallet node
* use existing mnemonics
* status info
* create cc wallet
* theme should be outside of switch
* create offer
* dbus alternative for linux
* key migration
* don't autocomplete, don't reset simulator db
* reset mnemonics
* Refactor keychain, and key migration
* Implement UI for changing keys
* Removing keys and mnemonic button
* Start making farmer and harvester RPCs
* start rpx for simulator
* Harvester and farmer websocket, and basic UI
* Plot display and deletion
* launch daemon on start
* State changes from full node, harvester, farmer, and full node ui improvements
* split balances in react
* pending change balance
* plotter
* dev config
* maintain connection / retry
* Remove electron-ui, and style fixes
* Better farmer and full node control
* Remove electron ui references
* Uncomment out starting the dameon
* Remove timelord tab, and change full node style
* Clean up new wallet login
* Refactor RPCs
* Now that the GH runner uses python 3.7.7 - use for windows installer
* add balance split to coloured coin wallet
* spendable balance fix
* Import private key from UI fix
* mac build/installer
Co-authored-by: Mariano Sorgente <sorgente711@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Lipa Long <lipa@chia.net>
Co-authored-by: Gene Hoffman <hoffmang@hoffmang.com>
* Switches to sqlite and remove all mongo stuff
* Starts RPC server on port 8555
* UI is in new process, communicates to node through rpc
* JSON serialization for streamables
* Harvester periodically prints its plot names and sizes
* Process names are set to chia_full node, chia_harvester, etc
* CONTRIBUTING.md, and remove docs from git (put in wiki)
* Adds the SmallHeaderBlock type, it's header block without the PoT and PoSpace
* Fix harvester bug (allows two harvesters in the same machine)