C PoT improvements, partly using modified code from Flint/Antic
On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 11:03 PM Bill Hart <goodwillhart[at sign]googlemail.com> wrote:
Dear Bram Cohen,
I cannot relicense all of Flint and Antic as I don't own the copyright for all files.
However, I wrote the files you mention and therefore you can also use them under BSD 2-Clause. In addition, I hereby license you to use these files under the MIT license for your project. Please ensure that my copyright is retained on the files, as per the MIT license.
Best Wishes,
William Hart.
On Tue, 14 Jan 2020 at 01:10, Bram Cohen <bram[at sign]chia.net> wrote:
Hello Dr. Hart. As you likely already know in Chia's VDF implementation competition Antic and Flint were able to produce meaningful
improvements in how fast our VDF runs. We're now working on integrating those changes and making further improvements which we'd like
to upstream but we're having some licensing issues.
On all of Chia's code we use MIT, Apache2 and public domain. If you're willing to relicense using one of those or even relicense just the
following files that would be very helpful
Please let me know what you think.
Thank you,
* Switches to sqlite and remove all mongo stuff
* Starts RPC server on port 8555
* UI is in new process, communicates to node through rpc
* JSON serialization for streamables
* Harvester periodically prints its plot names and sizes
* Process names are set to chia_full node, chia_harvester, etc
* CONTRIBUTING.md, and remove docs from git (put in wiki)
* Adds the SmallHeaderBlock type, it's header block without the PoT and PoSpace
* Fix harvester bug (allows two harvesters in the same machine)