from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import logging import ssl import traceback from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from aiohttp import ClientConnectorError, ClientSession from chia_rs import AugSchemeMPL, PrivateKey from chia.cmds.init_funcs import check_keys from chia.daemon.client import DaemonProxy from chia.daemon.keychain_server import ( KEYCHAIN_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND, KEYCHAIN_ERR_KEYERROR, KEYCHAIN_ERR_LOCKED, KEYCHAIN_ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST, KEYCHAIN_ERR_NO_KEYS, ) from chia.server.server import ssl_context_for_client from chia.util.config import load_config from chia.util.errors import ( KeychainIsEmpty, KeychainIsLocked, KeychainKeyNotFound, KeychainMalformedRequest, KeychainMalformedResponse, KeychainProxyConnectionTimeout, ) from chia.util.keychain import Keychain, KeyData, bytes_to_mnemonic, mnemonic_to_seed from chia.util.ws_message import WsRpcMessage class KeychainProxy(DaemonProxy): """ KeychainProxy can act on behalf of a local or remote keychain. In the case of wrapping a local keychain, the proxy object simply forwards-along the calls to the underlying local keychain. In the remote case, calls are made to the daemon over the RPC interface, allowing the daemon to act as the keychain authority. """ def __init__( self, log: logging.Logger, uri: str = "", ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = None, local_keychain: Optional[Keychain] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, service: Optional[str] = None, heartbeat: int = 300, ): super().__init__(uri, ssl_context, heartbeat=heartbeat) self.log = log if local_keychain: self.keychain = local_keychain else: self.keychain = None # type: ignore self.keychain_user = user self.keychain_service = service # these are used to track and close the keychain connection self.keychain_connection_task: Optional[asyncio.Task[None]] = None self.shut_down: bool = False self.connection_established: asyncio.Event = asyncio.Event() def use_local_keychain(self) -> bool: """ Indicates whether the proxy forwards calls to a local keychain """ return self.keychain is not None def format_request(self, command: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> WsRpcMessage: """ Overrides DaemonProxy.format_request() to add keychain-specific RPC params """ if data is None: data = {} if self.keychain_user or self.keychain_service: data["kc_user"] = self.keychain_user data["kc_service"] = self.keychain_service return super().format_request(command, data) async def _get(self, request: WsRpcMessage) -> WsRpcMessage: """ Overrides DaemonProxy._get() to handle the connection state """ try: if not self.shut_down: # if we are shut down, and we send a request we should throw original error. await asyncio.wait_for(self.connection_established.wait(), timeout=30) # in case of heavy swap usage. else: self.log.error("Attempting to send request to a keychain-proxy that has shut down.") self.log.debug(f"Sending request to keychain command: {request['command']} from {request['origin']}.") return await super()._get(request) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise KeychainProxyConnectionTimeout() async def start(self) -> None: self.keychain_connection_task = asyncio.create_task(self.connect_to_keychain()) await self.connection_established.wait() # wait until connection is established. async def connect_to_keychain(self) -> None: while not self.shut_down: try: self.client_session = ClientSession() self.websocket = await self.client_session.ws_connect( self._uri, autoclose=True, autoping=True, heartbeat=self.heartbeat, ssl=self.ssl_context, max_msg_size=self.max_message_size, ) await self.listener() except ClientConnectorError: self.log.warning(f"Can not connect to keychain at {self._uri}.") except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() self.log.warning(f"Exception: {tb} {type(e)}")"Reconnecting to keychain at {self._uri}.") self.connection_established.clear() if self.websocket is not None: await self.websocket.close() if self.client_session is not None: await self.client_session.close() self.websocket = None self.client_session = None await asyncio.sleep(2) async def listener(self) -> None: self.connection_established.set() # mark connection as active. await super().listener()"Close signal received from keychain, we probably timed out.") async def close(self) -> None: self.shut_down = True await super().close() if self.keychain_connection_task is not None: await self.keychain_connection_task async def get_response_for_request(self, request_name: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[WsRpcMessage, bool]: request = self.format_request(request_name, data) response = await self._get(request) success = response["data"].get("success", False) return response, success def handle_error(self, response: WsRpcMessage) -> None: """ Common error handling for RPC responses """ error = response["data"].get("error", None) if error: error_details = response["data"].get("error_details", {}) if error == KEYCHAIN_ERR_LOCKED: raise KeychainIsLocked() elif error == KEYCHAIN_ERR_NO_KEYS: raise KeychainIsEmpty() elif error == KEYCHAIN_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND: raise KeychainKeyNotFound() elif error == KEYCHAIN_ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST: message = error_details.get("message", "") raise KeychainMalformedRequest(message) else: # Try to construct a more informative error message including the call that failed if "command" in response["data"]: err = f"{response['data'].get('command')} failed with error: {error}" raise Exception(f"{err}") raise Exception(f"{error}") async def add_private_key(self, mnemonic: str, label: Optional[str] = None) -> PrivateKey: """ Forwards to Keychain.add_private_key() """ key: PrivateKey if self.use_local_keychain(): key = self.keychain.add_private_key(mnemonic, label) else: response, success = await self.get_response_for_request( "add_private_key", {"mnemonic": mnemonic, "label": label} ) if success: seed = mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic) key = AugSchemeMPL.key_gen(seed) else: error = response["data"].get("error", None) if error == KEYCHAIN_ERR_KEYERROR: error_details = response["data"].get("error_details", {}) word = error_details.get("word", "") raise KeyError(word) else: self.handle_error(response) return key async def check_keys(self, root_path: Path) -> None: """ Forwards to init_funcs.check_keys() """ if self.use_local_keychain(): check_keys(root_path, self.keychain) else: response, success = await self.get_response_for_request("check_keys", {"root_path": str(root_path)}) if not success: self.handle_error(response) async def delete_all_keys(self) -> None: """ Forwards to Keychain.delete_all_keys() """ if self.use_local_keychain(): self.keychain.delete_all_keys() else: response, success = await self.get_response_for_request("delete_all_keys", {}) if not success: self.handle_error(response) async def delete_key_by_fingerprint(self, fingerprint: int) -> None: """ Forwards to Keychain.delete_key_by_fingerprint() """ if self.use_local_keychain(): self.keychain.delete_key_by_fingerprint(fingerprint) else: response, success = await self.get_response_for_request( "delete_key_by_fingerprint", {"fingerprint": fingerprint} ) if not success: self.handle_error(response) async def get_all_private_keys(self) -> List[Tuple[PrivateKey, bytes]]: """ Forwards to Keychain.get_all_private_keys() """ keys: List[Tuple[PrivateKey, bytes]] = [] if self.use_local_keychain(): keys = self.keychain.get_all_private_keys() else: response, success = await self.get_response_for_request("get_all_private_keys", {}) if success: private_keys = response["data"].get("private_keys", None) if private_keys is None: err = f"Missing private_keys in {response.get('command')} response" self.log.error(f"{err}") raise KeychainMalformedResponse(f"{err}") else: for key_dict in private_keys: pk = key_dict.get("pk", None) ent_str = key_dict.get("entropy", None) if pk is None or ent_str is None: err = f"Missing pk and/or ent in {response.get('command')} response" self.log.error(f"{err}") continue # We'll skip the incomplete key entry ent = bytes.fromhex(ent_str) mnemonic = bytes_to_mnemonic(ent) seed = mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic) key = AugSchemeMPL.key_gen(seed) if bytes(key.get_g1()).hex() == pk: keys.append((key, ent)) else: err = "G1Elements don't match" self.log.error(f"{err}") else: self.handle_error(response) return keys async def get_first_private_key(self) -> Optional[PrivateKey]: """ Forwards to Keychain.get_first_private_key() """ key: Optional[PrivateKey] = None if self.use_local_keychain(): sk_ent = self.keychain.get_first_private_key() if sk_ent: key = sk_ent[0] else: response, success = await self.get_response_for_request("get_first_private_key", {}) if success: private_key = response["data"].get("private_key", None) if private_key is None: err = f"Missing private_key in {response.get('command')} response" self.log.error(f"{err}") raise KeychainMalformedResponse(f"{err}") else: pk = private_key.get("pk", None) ent_str = private_key.get("entropy", None) if pk is None or ent_str is None: err = f"Missing pk and/or ent in {response.get('command')} response" self.log.error(f"{err}") raise KeychainMalformedResponse(f"{err}") ent = bytes.fromhex(ent_str) mnemonic = bytes_to_mnemonic(ent) seed = mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic) sk = AugSchemeMPL.key_gen(seed) if bytes(sk.get_g1()).hex() == pk: key = sk else: err = "G1Elements don't match" self.log.error(f"{err}") else: self.handle_error(response) return key async def get_key_for_fingerprint(self, fingerprint: Optional[int]) -> Optional[PrivateKey]: """ Locates and returns a private key matching the provided fingerprint """ key: Optional[PrivateKey] = None if self.use_local_keychain(): private_keys = self.keychain.get_all_private_keys() if len(private_keys) == 0: raise KeychainIsEmpty() else: if fingerprint is not None: for sk, _ in private_keys: if sk.get_g1().get_fingerprint() == fingerprint: key = sk break if key is None: raise KeychainKeyNotFound(fingerprint) else: key = private_keys[0][0] else: response, success = await self.get_response_for_request( "get_key_for_fingerprint", {"fingerprint": fingerprint} ) if success: pk = response["data"].get("pk", None) ent = response["data"].get("entropy", None) if pk is None or ent is None: err = f"Missing pk and/or ent in {response.get('command')} response" self.log.error(f"{err}") raise KeychainMalformedResponse(f"{err}") else: mnemonic = bytes_to_mnemonic(bytes.fromhex(ent)) seed = mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic) private_key = AugSchemeMPL.key_gen(seed) if bytes(private_key.get_g1()).hex() == pk: key = private_key else: err = "G1Elements don't match" self.log.error(f"{err}") else: self.handle_error(response) return key async def get_key(self, fingerprint: int, include_secrets: bool = False) -> Optional[KeyData]: """ Locates and returns KeyData matching the provided fingerprint """ key_data: Optional[KeyData] = None if self.use_local_keychain(): key_data = self.keychain.get_key(fingerprint, include_secrets) else: response, success = await self.get_response_for_request( "get_key", {"fingerprint": fingerprint, "include_secrets": include_secrets} ) if success: key_data = KeyData.from_json_dict(response["data"]["key"]) else: self.handle_error(response) return key_data async def get_keys(self, include_secrets: bool = False) -> List[KeyData]: """ Returns all KeyData """ keys: List[KeyData] = [] if self.use_local_keychain(): keys = self.keychain.get_keys(include_secrets) else: response, success = await self.get_response_for_request("get_keys", {"include_secrets": include_secrets}) if success: keys = [KeyData.from_json_dict(key) for key in response["data"]["keys"]] else: self.handle_error(response) return keys def wrap_local_keychain(keychain: Keychain, log: logging.Logger) -> KeychainProxy: """ Wrap an existing local Keychain instance in a KeychainProxy to utilize the same interface as a remote Keychain """ return KeychainProxy(local_keychain=keychain, log=log) async def connect_to_keychain( self_hostname: str, daemon_port: int, daemon_heartbeat: int, ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext], log: logging.Logger, user: Optional[str] = None, service: Optional[str] = None, ) -> KeychainProxy: """ Connect to the local daemon. """ client = KeychainProxy( uri=f"wss://{self_hostname}:{daemon_port}", heartbeat=daemon_heartbeat, ssl_context=ssl_context, log=log, user=user, service=service, ) # Connect to the service if the proxy isn't using a local keychain if not client.use_local_keychain(): await client.start() return client async def connect_to_keychain_and_validate( root_path: Path, log: logging.Logger, user: Optional[str] = None, service: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[KeychainProxy]: """ Connect to the local daemon and do a ping to ensure that something is really there and running. """ try: net_config = load_config(root_path, "config.yaml") crt_path = root_path / net_config["daemon_ssl"]["private_crt"] key_path = root_path / net_config["daemon_ssl"]["private_key"] ca_crt_path = root_path / net_config["private_ssl_ca"]["crt"] ca_key_path = root_path / net_config["private_ssl_ca"]["key"] ssl_context = ssl_context_for_client(ca_crt_path, ca_key_path, crt_path, key_path, log=log) daemon_heartbeat = net_config.get("daemon_heartbeat", 300) connection = await connect_to_keychain( net_config["self_hostname"], net_config["daemon_port"], daemon_heartbeat, ssl_context, log, user, service ) # If proxying to a local keychain, don't attempt to ping if connection.use_local_keychain(): return connection r = await # this is purposely using the base classes _get method if "value" in r["data"] and r["data"]["value"] == "pong": return connection except Exception as e: print(f"Keychain(daemon) not started yet: {e}") return None