from __future__ import annotations import time from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from typing import Optional from chia_rs import G1Element, G2Element from chia.types.blockchain_format.proof_of_space import ProofOfSpace from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32 from chia.util.ints import uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64 from chia.util.streamable import Streamable, streamable POOL_PROTOCOL_VERSION = uint8(1) class PoolErrorCode(Enum): REVERTED_SIGNAGE_POINT = 1 TOO_LATE = 2 NOT_FOUND = 3 INVALID_PROOF = 4 PROOF_NOT_GOOD_ENOUGH = 5 INVALID_DIFFICULTY = 6 INVALID_SIGNATURE = 7 SERVER_EXCEPTION = 8 INVALID_P2_SINGLETON_PUZZLE_HASH = 9 FARMER_NOT_KNOWN = 10 FARMER_ALREADY_KNOWN = 11 INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN = 12 INVALID_PAYOUT_INSTRUCTIONS = 13 INVALID_SINGLETON = 14 DELAY_TIME_TOO_SHORT = 15 REQUEST_FAILED = 16 # Used to verify GET /farmer and GET /login @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class AuthenticationPayload(Streamable): method_name: str launcher_id: bytes32 target_puzzle_hash: bytes32 authentication_token: uint64 # GET /pool_info @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class GetPoolInfoResponse(Streamable): name: str logo_url: str minimum_difficulty: uint64 relative_lock_height: uint32 protocol_version: uint8 fee: str description: str target_puzzle_hash: bytes32 authentication_token_timeout: uint8 # POST /partial @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class PostPartialPayload(Streamable): launcher_id: bytes32 authentication_token: uint64 proof_of_space: ProofOfSpace sp_hash: bytes32 end_of_sub_slot: bool harvester_id: bytes32 @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class PostPartialRequest(Streamable): payload: PostPartialPayload aggregate_signature: G2Element # Response in success case @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class PostPartialResponse(Streamable): new_difficulty: uint64 # GET /farmer # Response in success case @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class GetFarmerResponse(Streamable): authentication_public_key: G1Element payout_instructions: str current_difficulty: uint64 current_points: uint64 # POST /farmer @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class PostFarmerPayload(Streamable): launcher_id: bytes32 authentication_token: uint64 authentication_public_key: G1Element payout_instructions: str suggested_difficulty: Optional[uint64] @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class PostFarmerRequest(Streamable): payload: PostFarmerPayload signature: G2Element # Response in success case @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class PostFarmerResponse(Streamable): welcome_message: str # PUT /farmer @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class PutFarmerPayload(Streamable): launcher_id: bytes32 authentication_token: uint64 authentication_public_key: Optional[G1Element] payout_instructions: Optional[str] suggested_difficulty: Optional[uint64] @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class PutFarmerRequest(Streamable): payload: PutFarmerPayload signature: G2Element # Response in success case @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class PutFarmerResponse(Streamable): authentication_public_key: Optional[bool] payout_instructions: Optional[bool] suggested_difficulty: Optional[bool] # Misc # Response in error case for all endpoints of the pool protocol @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class ErrorResponse(Streamable): error_code: uint16 error_message: Optional[str] # Get the current authentication token according to "Farmer authentication" in def get_current_authentication_token(timeout: uint8) -> uint64: return uint64(int(int(time.time() / 60) / timeout)) # Validate a given authentication token against our local time def validate_authentication_token(token: uint64, timeout: uint8) -> bool: return abs(token - get_current_authentication_token(timeout)) <= timeout