from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Optional, Tuple from chia.types.blockchain_format.foliage import Foliage from chia.types.blockchain_format.reward_chain_block import RewardChainBlock, RewardChainBlockUnfinished from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32 from chia.types.blockchain_format.sub_epoch_summary import SubEpochSummary from chia.types.blockchain_format.vdf import VDFInfo, VDFProof from chia.types.end_of_slot_bundle import EndOfSubSlotBundle from chia.util.ints import uint8, uint32, uint64, uint128 from chia.util.streamable import Streamable, streamable """ Protocol between timelord and full node. Note: When changing this file, also change, and the protocol version in """ @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class NewPeakTimelord(Streamable): reward_chain_block: RewardChainBlock difficulty: uint64 deficit: uint8 sub_slot_iters: uint64 # SSi in the slot where NewPeak has been infused sub_epoch_summary: Optional[ SubEpochSummary ] # If NewPeak is the last slot in epoch, the next slot should include this previous_reward_challenges: List[Tuple[bytes32, uint128]] last_challenge_sb_or_eos_total_iters: uint128 passes_ses_height_but_not_yet_included: bool @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class NewUnfinishedBlockTimelord(Streamable): reward_chain_block: RewardChainBlockUnfinished # Reward chain trunk data difficulty: uint64 sub_slot_iters: uint64 # SSi in the slot where block is infused foliage: Foliage # Reward chain foliage data sub_epoch_summary: Optional[SubEpochSummary] # If this is the last slot in epoch, the next slot should include this # This is the last thing infused in the reward chain before this signage point. # The challenge that the SP reward chain VDF is based off of, or in the case of sp index 0, the previous infusion rc_prev: bytes32 @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class NewInfusionPointVDF(Streamable): unfinished_reward_hash: bytes32 challenge_chain_ip_vdf: VDFInfo challenge_chain_ip_proof: VDFProof reward_chain_ip_vdf: VDFInfo reward_chain_ip_proof: VDFProof infused_challenge_chain_ip_vdf: Optional[VDFInfo] infused_challenge_chain_ip_proof: Optional[VDFProof] @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class NewSignagePointVDF(Streamable): index_from_challenge: uint8 challenge_chain_sp_vdf: VDFInfo challenge_chain_sp_proof: VDFProof reward_chain_sp_vdf: VDFInfo reward_chain_sp_proof: VDFProof @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class NewEndOfSubSlotVDF(Streamable): end_of_sub_slot_bundle: EndOfSubSlotBundle @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class RequestCompactProofOfTime(Streamable): new_proof_of_time: VDFInfo header_hash: bytes32 height: uint32 field_vdf: uint8 @streamable @dataclass(frozen=True) class RespondCompactProofOfTime(Streamable): vdf_info: VDFInfo vdf_proof: VDFProof header_hash: bytes32 height: uint32 field_vdf: uint8