from __future__ import annotations import ipaddress import logging import random import time from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace from typing import Dict, List import aiosqlite from chia.seeder.peer_record import PeerRecord, PeerReliability from chia.util.ints import uint32, uint64 log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class CrawlStore: crawl_db: aiosqlite.Connection host_to_records: Dict[str, PeerRecord] = field(default_factory=dict) # peer_id: PeerRecord host_to_selected_time: Dict[str, float] = field(default_factory=dict) # peer_id: timestamp (as a float) host_to_reliability: Dict[str, PeerReliability] = field(default_factory=dict) # peer_id: PeerReliability banned_peers: int = 0 ignored_peers: int = 0 reliable_peers: int = 0 @classmethod async def create(cls, connection: aiosqlite.Connection) -> CrawlStore: self = cls(connection) await self.crawl_db.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS peer_records(" " peer_id text PRIMARY KEY," " ip_address text," " port bigint," " connected int," " last_try_timestamp bigint," " try_count bigint," " connected_timestamp bigint," " added_timestamp bigint," " best_timestamp bigint," " version text," " handshake_time text" " tls_version text)" ) await self.crawl_db.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS peer_reliability(" " peer_id text PRIMARY KEY," " ignore_till int, ban_till int," " stat_2h_w real, stat_2h_c real, stat_2h_r real," " stat_8h_w real, stat_8h_c real, stat_8h_r real," " stat_1d_w real, stat_1d_c real, stat_1d_r real," " stat_1w_w real, stat_1w_c real, stat_1w_r real," " stat_1m_w real, stat_1m_c real, stat_1m_r real," " tries int, successes int)" ) try: await self.crawl_db.execute("ALTER TABLE peer_records ADD COLUMN tls_version text") except aiosqlite.OperationalError: pass # ignore what is likely Duplicate column error await self.crawl_db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS good_peers(ip text)") await self.crawl_db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ip_address on peer_records(ip_address)") await self.crawl_db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS port on peer_records(port)") await self.crawl_db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS connected on peer_records(connected)") await self.crawl_db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS added_timestamp on peer_records(added_timestamp)") await self.crawl_db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS peer_id on peer_reliability(peer_id)") await self.crawl_db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ignore_till on peer_reliability(ignore_till)") await self.crawl_db.commit() await self.unload_from_db() return self def maybe_add_peer(self, peer_record: PeerRecord, peer_reliability: PeerReliability) -> None: if peer_record.peer_id not in self.host_to_records: self.host_to_records[peer_record.peer_id] = peer_record if peer_reliability.peer_id not in self.host_to_reliability: self.host_to_reliability[peer_reliability.peer_id] = peer_reliability async def add_peer(self, peer_record: PeerRecord, peer_reliability: PeerReliability, save_db: bool = False) -> None: if not save_db: self.host_to_records[peer_record.peer_id] = peer_record self.host_to_reliability[peer_reliability.peer_id] = peer_reliability return added_timestamp = int(time.time()) cursor = await self.crawl_db.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO peer_records VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( peer_record.peer_id, peer_record.ip_address, peer_record.port, int(peer_record.connected), peer_record.last_try_timestamp, peer_record.try_count, peer_record.connected_timestamp, added_timestamp, peer_record.best_timestamp, peer_record.version, peer_record.handshake_time, peer_record.tls_version, ), ) await cursor.close() cursor = await self.crawl_db.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO peer_reliability" " VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( peer_reliability.peer_id, peer_reliability.ignore_till, peer_reliability.ban_till, peer_reliability.stat_2h.weight, peer_reliability.stat_2h.count, peer_reliability.stat_2h.reliability, peer_reliability.stat_8h.weight, peer_reliability.stat_8h.count, peer_reliability.stat_8h.reliability, peer_reliability.stat_1d.weight, peer_reliability.stat_1d.count, peer_reliability.stat_1d.reliability, peer_reliability.stat_1w.weight, peer_reliability.stat_1w.count, peer_reliability.stat_1w.reliability, peer_reliability.stat_1m.weight, peer_reliability.stat_1m.count, peer_reliability.stat_1m.reliability, peer_reliability.tries, peer_reliability.successes, ), ) await cursor.close() async def get_peer_reliability(self, peer_id: str) -> PeerReliability: return self.host_to_reliability[peer_id] async def peer_failed_to_connect(self, peer: PeerRecord) -> None: now = uint64(time.time()) age_timestamp = int(max(peer.last_try_timestamp, peer.connected_timestamp)) if age_timestamp == 0: age_timestamp = now - 1000 replaced = replace(peer, try_count=uint32(peer.try_count + 1), last_try_timestamp=now) reliability = await self.get_peer_reliability(peer.peer_id) if reliability is None: reliability = PeerReliability(peer.peer_id) reliability.update(False, now - age_timestamp) await self.add_peer(replaced, reliability) async def peer_connected(self, peer: PeerRecord, tls_version: str) -> None: now = uint64(time.time()) age_timestamp = int(max(peer.last_try_timestamp, peer.connected_timestamp)) if age_timestamp == 0: age_timestamp = now - 1000 replaced = replace(peer, connected=True, connected_timestamp=now, tls_version=tls_version) reliability = await self.get_peer_reliability(peer.peer_id) if reliability is None: reliability = PeerReliability(peer.peer_id) reliability.update(True, now - age_timestamp) await self.add_peer(replaced, reliability) async def update_best_timestamp(self, host: str, timestamp: uint64) -> None: if host not in self.host_to_records: return record = self.host_to_records[host] replaced = replace(record, best_timestamp=timestamp) if host not in self.host_to_reliability: return reliability = self.host_to_reliability[host] await self.add_peer(replaced, reliability) async def peer_connected_hostname(self, host: str, connected: bool = True, tls_version: str = "unknown") -> None: if host not in self.host_to_records: return record = self.host_to_records[host] if connected: await self.peer_connected(record, tls_version) else: await self.peer_failed_to_connect(record) async def get_peers_to_crawl(self, min_batch_size: int, max_batch_size: int) -> List[PeerRecord]: now = int(time.time()) records = [] records_v6 = [] counter = 0 self.ignored_peers = 0 self.banned_peers = 0 for peer_id in self.host_to_reliability: add = False counter += 1 reliability = self.host_to_reliability[peer_id] if reliability.ignore_till < now and reliability.ban_till < now: add = True else: if reliability.ban_till >= now: self.banned_peers += 1 elif reliability.ignore_till >= now: self.ignored_peers += 1 record = self.host_to_records[peer_id] if record.last_try_timestamp == 0 and record.connected_timestamp == 0: add = True if peer_id in self.host_to_selected_time: last_selected = self.host_to_selected_time[peer_id] if time.time() - last_selected < 120: add = False if add: v6 = True try: _ = ipaddress.IPv6Address(peer_id) except ValueError: v6 = False delta_time = 600 if v6 else 1000 if now - record.last_try_timestamp >= delta_time and now - record.connected_timestamp >= delta_time: if not v6: records.append(record) else: records_v6.append(record) batch_size = max(min_batch_size, len(records) // 10) batch_size = min(batch_size, max_batch_size) if len(records) > batch_size: random.shuffle(records) records = records[:batch_size] if len(records_v6) > batch_size: random.shuffle(records_v6) records_v6 = records_v6[:batch_size] records += records_v6 for record in records: self.host_to_selected_time[record.peer_id] = time.time() return records def get_ipv6_peers(self) -> int: counter = 0 for peer_id in self.host_to_reliability: v6 = True try: _ = ipaddress.IPv6Address(peer_id) except ValueError: v6 = False if v6: counter += 1 return counter def get_total_records(self) -> int: return len(self.host_to_records) def get_ignored_peers(self) -> int: return self.ignored_peers def get_banned_peers(self) -> int: return self.banned_peers def get_reliable_peers(self) -> int: return self.reliable_peers async def load_to_db(self) -> None:"Saving peers to DB...") for peer_id in list(self.host_to_reliability.keys()): if peer_id in self.host_to_reliability and peer_id in self.host_to_records: reliability = self.host_to_reliability[peer_id] record = self.host_to_records[peer_id] await self.add_peer(record, reliability, True) await self.crawl_db.commit()" - Done saving peers to DB") async def unload_from_db(self) -> None: self.host_to_records = {} self.host_to_reliability = {}"Loading peer reliability records...") cursor = await self.crawl_db.execute( "SELECT * from peer_reliability", ) rows = await cursor.fetchall() await cursor.close() for row in rows: reliability = PeerReliability( row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15], row[16], row[17], row[18], row[19], ) self.host_to_reliability[reliability.peer_id] = reliability" - Done loading peer reliability records...")"Loading peer records...") cursor = await self.crawl_db.execute( "SELECT * from peer_records", ) rows = await cursor.fetchall() await cursor.close() for row in rows: peer = PeerRecord( row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11] ) self.host_to_records[peer.peer_id] = peer" - Done loading peer records...") # Crawler -> DNS. async def load_reliable_peers_to_db(self) -> None: peers = [] for peer_id, reliability in self.host_to_reliability.items(): if reliability.is_reliable(): peers.append(peer_id) self.reliable_peers = len(peers)"Deleting old good_peers from DB...") cursor = await self.crawl_db.execute( "DELETE from good_peers", ) await cursor.close()" - Done deleting old good_peers...")"Saving new good_peers to DB...") for peer_id in peers: cursor = await self.crawl_db.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO good_peers VALUES(?)", (peer_id,), ) await cursor.close() await self.crawl_db.commit()" - Done saving new good_peers to DB...") def load_host_to_version(self) -> tuple[dict[str, str], dict[str, uint64]]: versions = {} handshake = {} for host, record in self.host_to_records.items(): if host not in self.host_to_records: continue record = self.host_to_records[host] if record.version == "undefined": continue if record.handshake_time < time.time() - 5 * 24 * 3600: continue versions[host] = record.version handshake[host] = record.handshake_time return versions, handshake def load_best_peer_reliability(self) -> dict[str, uint64]: best_timestamp = {} for host, record in self.host_to_records.items(): if record.best_timestamp > time.time() - 5 * 24 * 3600: best_timestamp[host] = record.best_timestamp return best_timestamp async def update_version(self, host: str, version: str, timestamp_now: uint64) -> None: record = self.host_to_records.get(host, None) reliability = self.host_to_reliability.get(host, None) if record is None or reliability is None: return record.update_version(version, timestamp_now) await self.add_peer(record, reliability) async def get_good_peers(self) -> list[str]: # This is for the DNS server cursor = await self.crawl_db.execute( "SELECT * from good_peers", ) rows = await cursor.fetchall() await cursor.close() result = [row[0] for row in rows] if len(result) > 0: random.shuffle(result) # mix up the peers return result