from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import logging import sys from pathlib import Path import click from chia.plotting.util import add_plot_directory, validate_plot_size DEFAULT_STRIPE_SIZE = 65536 log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def show_plots(root_path: Path): from chia.plotting.util import get_plot_directories print("Directories where plots are being searched for:") print("Note that subdirectories must be added manually") print( "Add with 'chia plots add -d [dir]' and remove with" + " 'chia plots remove -d [dir]'" + " Scan and check plots with 'chia plots check'" ) print() for str_path in get_plot_directories(root_path): print(f"{str_path}")"plots", short_help="Manage your plots") @click.pass_context def plots_cmd(ctx: click.Context): """Create, add, remove and check your plots""" from chia.util.chia_logging import initialize_logging root_path: Path = ctx.obj["root_path"] if not root_path.is_dir(): raise RuntimeError("Please initialize (or migrate) your config directory with 'chia init'") initialize_logging("", {"log_stdout": True}, root_path) @plots_cmd.command("create", short_help="Create plots") @click.option("-k", "--size", help="Plot size", type=int, default=32, show_default=True) @click.option("--override-k", help="Force size smaller than 32", default=False, show_default=True, is_flag=True) @click.option("-n", "--num", help="Number of plots or challenges", type=int, default=1, show_default=True) @click.option("-b", "--buffer", help="Megabytes for sort/plot buffer", type=int, default=3389, show_default=True) @click.option("-r", "--num_threads", help="Number of threads to use", type=int, default=2, show_default=True) @click.option("-u", "--buckets", help="Number of buckets", type=int, default=128, show_default=True) @click.option( "-a", "--alt_fingerprint", type=int, default=None, help="Enter the alternative fingerprint of the key you want to use", ) @click.option( "-c", "--pool_contract_address", type=str, default=None, help="Address of where the pool reward will be sent to. Only used if alt_fingerprint and pool public key are None", ) @click.option("-f", "--farmer_public_key", help="Hex farmer public key", type=str, default=None) @click.option("-p", "--pool_public_key", help="Hex public key of pool", type=str, default=None) @click.option( "-t", "--tmp_dir", help="Temporary directory for plotting files", type=click.Path(), default=Path("."), show_default=True, ) @click.option("-2", "--tmp2_dir", help="Second temporary directory for plotting files", type=click.Path(), default=None) @click.option( "-d", "--final_dir", help="Final directory for plots (relative or absolute)", type=click.Path(), default=Path("."), show_default=True, ) @click.option("-i", "--plotid", help="PlotID in hex for reproducing plots (debugging only)", type=str, default=None) @click.option("-m", "--memo", help="Memo in hex for reproducing plots (debugging only)", type=str, default=None) @click.option("-e", "--nobitfield", help="Disable bitfield", default=False, is_flag=True) @click.option( "-x", "--exclude_final_dir", help="Skips adding [final dir] to harvester for farming", default=False, is_flag=True ) @click.option( "-D", "--connect_to_daemon", help="Connects to the daemon for keychain operations", default=False, is_flag=True, hidden=True, # -D is only set when launched by the daemon ) @click.pass_context def create_cmd( ctx: click.Context, size: int, override_k: bool, num: int, buffer: int, num_threads: int, buckets: int, alt_fingerprint: int, pool_contract_address: str, farmer_public_key: str, pool_public_key: str, tmp_dir: str, tmp2_dir: str, final_dir: str, plotid: str, memo: str, nobitfield: bool, exclude_final_dir: bool, connect_to_daemon: bool, ): from chia.plotting.create_plots import create_plots, resolve_plot_keys class Params(object): def __init__(self): self.size = size self.num = num self.buffer = buffer self.num_threads = num_threads self.buckets = buckets self.stripe_size = DEFAULT_STRIPE_SIZE self.tmp_dir = Path(tmp_dir) self.tmp2_dir = Path(tmp2_dir) if tmp2_dir else None self.final_dir = Path(final_dir) self.plotid = plotid self.memo = memo self.nobitfield = nobitfield root_path: Path = ctx.obj["root_path"] try: validate_plot_size(root_path, size, override_k) except ValueError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) plot_keys = resolve_plot_keys( farmer_public_key, alt_fingerprint, pool_public_key, pool_contract_address, root_path, log, connect_to_daemon, ) ), plot_keys)) if not exclude_final_dir: try: add_plot_directory(root_path, final_dir) except ValueError as e: print(e) @plots_cmd.command("check", short_help="Checks plots") @click.option("-n", "--num", help="Number of plots or challenges", type=int, default=None) @click.option( "-g", "--grep_string", help="Shows only plots that contain the string in the filename or directory name", type=str, default=None, ) @click.option("-l", "--list_duplicates", help="List plots with duplicate IDs", default=False, is_flag=True) @click.option("--debug-show-memo", help="Shows memo to recreate the same exact plot", default=False, is_flag=True) @click.option("--challenge-start", help="Begins at a different [start] for -n [challenges]", type=int, default=None) @click.pass_context def check_cmd( ctx: click.Context, num: int, grep_string: str, list_duplicates: bool, debug_show_memo: bool, challenge_start: int ): from chia.plotting.check_plots import check_plots check_plots(ctx.obj["root_path"], num, challenge_start, grep_string, list_duplicates, debug_show_memo) @plots_cmd.command("add", short_help="Adds a directory of plots") @click.option( "-d", "--final_dir", help="Final directory for plots (relative or absolute)", type=click.Path(), default=".", show_default=True, ) @click.pass_context def add_cmd(ctx: click.Context, final_dir: str): from chia.plotting.util import add_plot_directory try: add_plot_directory(ctx.obj["root_path"], final_dir) print(f"Successfully added: {final_dir}") except ValueError as e: print(e) @plots_cmd.command("remove", short_help="Removes a directory of plots from config.yaml") @click.option( "-d", "--final_dir", help="Final directory for plots (relative or absolute)", type=click.Path(), default=".", show_default=True, ) @click.pass_context def remove_cmd(ctx: click.Context, final_dir: str): from chia.plotting.util import remove_plot_directory remove_plot_directory(ctx.obj["root_path"], final_dir) @plots_cmd.command("show", short_help="Shows the directory of current plots") @click.pass_context def show_cmd(ctx: click.Context): show_plots(ctx.obj["root_path"])