import socket from ipaddress import ip_address, IPv4Network, IPv6Network from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple, Union, Any, Optional, Dict from chia.server.outbound_message import NodeType from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32 from chia.types.peer_info import PeerInfo from chia.util.ints import uint16 def is_in_network(peer_host: str, networks: Iterable[Union[IPv4Network, IPv6Network]]) -> bool: try: peer_host_ip = ip_address(peer_host) return any(peer_host_ip in network for network in networks) except ValueError: return False def is_localhost(peer_host: str) -> bool: return peer_host == "" or peer_host == "localhost" or peer_host == "::1" or peer_host == "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" def class_for_type(type: NodeType) -> Any: if type is NodeType.FULL_NODE: from chia.full_node.full_node_api import FullNodeAPI return FullNodeAPI elif type is NodeType.WALLET: from chia.wallet.wallet_node_api import WalletNodeAPI return WalletNodeAPI elif type is NodeType.INTRODUCER: from chia.introducer.introducer_api import IntroducerAPI return IntroducerAPI elif type is NodeType.TIMELORD: from chia.timelord.timelord_api import TimelordAPI return TimelordAPI elif type is NodeType.FARMER: from chia.farmer.farmer_api import FarmerAPI return FarmerAPI elif type is NodeType.HARVESTER: from chia.harvester.harvester_api import HarvesterAPI return HarvesterAPI raise ValueError("No class for type") def get_host_addr(host: Union[PeerInfo, str], prefer_ipv6: Optional[bool]) -> str: # If there was no preference passed in (from config), set the system-wise # default here. Not a great place to locate a default value, and we should # probabaly do something to write it into the config, but. For now... if prefer_ipv6 is None: prefer_ipv6 = False # Use PeerInfo.is_valid() to see if it's already an address if isinstance(host, PeerInfo): hoststr = if host.is_valid(True): return hoststr else: hoststr = host if PeerInfo(hoststr, uint16(0)).is_valid(True): return hoststr addrset: List[ Tuple["socket.AddressFamily", "socket.SocketKind", int, str, Union[Tuple[str, int], Tuple[str, int, int, int]]] ] = socket.getaddrinfo(hoststr, None) # Addrset is never empty, an exception is thrown or data is returned. for t in addrset: if prefer_ipv6 and t[0] == socket.AF_INET6: return t[4][0] if not prefer_ipv6 and t[0] == socket.AF_INET: return t[4][0] # If neither matched preference, just return the first available return addrset[0][4][0] def is_trusted_inner(peer_host: str, peer_node_id: bytes32, trusted_peers: Dict, testing: bool) -> bool: if trusted_peers is None: return False if not testing and peer_host == "": return True if peer_node_id.hex() not in trusted_peers: return False return True