from __future__ import annotations import logging import time from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple from blspy import AugSchemeMPL, G1Element, G2Element from chia.consensus.cost_calculator import NPCResult from chia.full_node.bundle_tools import simple_solution_generator from chia.full_node.mempool_check_conditions import get_name_puzzle_conditions from chia.types.announcement import Announcement from chia.types.blockchain_format.coin import Coin from chia.types.blockchain_format.program import Program, SerializedProgram from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32 from chia.types.coin_spend import CoinSpend from chia.types.generator_types import BlockGenerator from chia.types.spend_bundle import SpendBundle from chia.util.hash import std_hash from chia.util.ints import uint8, uint32, uint64, uint128 from chia.wallet.coin_selection import select_coins from chia.wallet.derivation_record import DerivationRecord from chia.wallet.puzzles.p2_delegated_puzzle_or_hidden_puzzle import ( DEFAULT_HIDDEN_PUZZLE_HASH, calculate_synthetic_secret_key, puzzle_for_pk, puzzle_hash_for_pk, solution_for_conditions, ) from chia.wallet.puzzles.puzzle_utils import ( make_assert_absolute_seconds_exceeds_condition, make_assert_coin_announcement, make_assert_my_coin_id_condition, make_assert_puzzle_announcement, make_create_coin_announcement, make_create_coin_condition, make_create_puzzle_announcement, make_reserve_fee_condition, ) from chia.wallet.secret_key_store import SecretKeyStore from chia.wallet.sign_coin_spends import sign_coin_spends from chia.wallet.transaction_record import TransactionRecord from chia.wallet.util.compute_memos import compute_memos from chia.wallet.util.transaction_type import TransactionType from chia.wallet.util.wallet_types import AmountWithPuzzlehash, WalletType from chia.wallet.wallet_coin_record import WalletCoinRecord from chia.wallet.wallet_info import WalletInfo if TYPE_CHECKING: from chia.server.ws_connection import WSChiaConnection class Wallet: wallet_state_manager: Any log: logging.Logger wallet_id: uint32 secret_key_store: SecretKeyStore cost_of_single_tx: Optional[int] @staticmethod async def create( wallet_state_manager: Any, info: WalletInfo, name: str = None, ): self = Wallet() self.log = logging.getLogger(name if name else __name__) self.wallet_state_manager = wallet_state_manager self.wallet_id = self.secret_key_store = SecretKeyStore() self.cost_of_single_tx = None return self async def get_max_send_amount(self, records: Optional[Set[WalletCoinRecord]] = None) -> uint128: spendable: List[WalletCoinRecord] = list( await self.wallet_state_manager.get_spendable_coins_for_wallet(, records) ) if len(spendable) == 0: return uint128(0) spendable.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda record: record.coin.amount) if self.cost_of_single_tx is None: coin = spendable[0].coin tx = await self.generate_signed_transaction( uint64(coin.amount), coin.puzzle_hash, coins={coin}, ignore_max_send_amount=True ) assert tx.spend_bundle is not None program: BlockGenerator = simple_solution_generator(tx.spend_bundle) # npc contains names of the coins removed, puzzle_hashes and their spend conditions result: NPCResult = get_name_puzzle_conditions( program, self.wallet_state_manager.constants.MAX_BLOCK_COST_CLVM, cost_per_byte=self.wallet_state_manager.constants.COST_PER_BYTE, mempool_mode=True, ) self.cost_of_single_tx = result.cost"Cost of a single tx for standard wallet: {self.cost_of_single_tx}") max_cost = self.wallet_state_manager.constants.MAX_BLOCK_COST_CLVM / 5 # avoid full block TXs current_cost = 0 total_amount = 0 total_coin_count = 0 for record in spendable: current_cost += self.cost_of_single_tx total_amount += record.coin.amount total_coin_count += 1 if current_cost + self.cost_of_single_tx > max_cost: break return uint128(total_amount) @classmethod def type(cls) -> uint8: return uint8(WalletType.STANDARD_WALLET) def id(self) -> uint32: return self.wallet_id async def get_confirmed_balance(self, record_list: Optional[Set[WalletCoinRecord]] = None) -> uint128: return await self.wallet_state_manager.get_confirmed_balance_for_wallet(, record_list) async def get_unconfirmed_balance(self, unspent_records: Optional[Set[WalletCoinRecord]] = None) -> uint128: return await self.wallet_state_manager.get_unconfirmed_balance(, unspent_records) async def get_spendable_balance(self, unspent_records: Optional[Set[WalletCoinRecord]] = None) -> uint128: spendable = await self.wallet_state_manager.get_confirmed_spendable_balance_for_wallet(, unspent_records ) return spendable async def get_pending_change_balance(self) -> uint64: unconfirmed_tx: List[TransactionRecord] = await self.wallet_state_manager.tx_store.get_unconfirmed_for_wallet( ) addition_amount = 0 for record in unconfirmed_tx: if not record.is_in_mempool(): if record.spend_bundle is not None: self.log.warning(f"Record: {record} not in mempool, {record.sent_to}") continue our_spend = False for coin in record.removals: if await self.wallet_state_manager.does_coin_belong_to_wallet(coin, our_spend = True break if our_spend is not True: continue for coin in record.additions: if await self.wallet_state_manager.does_coin_belong_to_wallet(coin, addition_amount += coin.amount return uint64(addition_amount) def require_derivation_paths(self) -> bool: return True def puzzle_for_pk(self, pubkey: G1Element) -> Program: return puzzle_for_pk(pubkey) def puzzle_hash_for_pk(self, pubkey: G1Element) -> bytes32: return puzzle_hash_for_pk(pubkey) async def convert_puzzle_hash(self, puzzle_hash: bytes32) -> bytes32: return puzzle_hash # Looks unimpressive, but it's more complicated in other wallets async def hack_populate_secret_key_for_puzzle_hash(self, puzzle_hash: bytes32) -> G1Element: maybe = await self.wallet_state_manager.get_keys(puzzle_hash) if maybe is None: error_msg = f"Wallet couldn't find keys for puzzle_hash {puzzle_hash}" self.log.error(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) # Get puzzle for pubkey public_key, secret_key = maybe # HACK synthetic_secret_key = calculate_synthetic_secret_key(secret_key, DEFAULT_HIDDEN_PUZZLE_HASH) self.secret_key_store.save_secret_key(synthetic_secret_key) return public_key async def hack_populate_secret_keys_for_coin_spends(self, coin_spends: List[CoinSpend]) -> None: """ This hack forces secret keys into the `_pk2sk` lookup. This should eventually be replaced by a persistent DB table that can do this look-up directly. """ for coin_spend in coin_spends: await self.hack_populate_secret_key_for_puzzle_hash(coin_spend.coin.puzzle_hash) async def puzzle_for_puzzle_hash(self, puzzle_hash: bytes32) -> Program: public_key = await self.hack_populate_secret_key_for_puzzle_hash(puzzle_hash) return puzzle_for_pk(public_key) async def get_new_puzzle(self) -> Program: dr = await self.wallet_state_manager.get_unused_derivation_record( puzzle = puzzle_for_pk(dr.pubkey) await self.hack_populate_secret_key_for_puzzle_hash(puzzle.get_tree_hash()) return puzzle async def get_puzzle_hash(self, new: bool) -> bytes32: if new: return await self.get_new_puzzlehash() else: record: Optional[ DerivationRecord ] = await self.wallet_state_manager.get_current_derivation_record_for_wallet( if record is None: return await self.get_new_puzzlehash() return record.puzzle_hash async def get_new_puzzlehash(self) -> bytes32: puzhash = (await self.wallet_state_manager.get_unused_derivation_record( await self.hack_populate_secret_key_for_puzzle_hash(puzhash) return puzhash def make_solution( self, primaries: List[AmountWithPuzzlehash], min_time=0, me=None, coin_announcements: Optional[Set[bytes]] = None, coin_announcements_to_assert: Optional[Set[bytes32]] = None, puzzle_announcements: Optional[Set[bytes]] = None, puzzle_announcements_to_assert: Optional[Set[bytes32]] = None, fee=0, ) -> Program: assert fee >= 0 condition_list = [] if len(primaries) > 0: for primary in primaries: if "memos" in primary: memos: Optional[List[bytes]] = primary["memos"] if memos is not None and len(memos) == 0: memos = None else: memos = None condition_list.append(make_create_coin_condition(primary["puzzlehash"], primary["amount"], memos)) if min_time > 0: condition_list.append(make_assert_absolute_seconds_exceeds_condition(min_time)) if me: condition_list.append(make_assert_my_coin_id_condition(me["id"])) if fee: condition_list.append(make_reserve_fee_condition(fee)) if coin_announcements: for announcement in coin_announcements: condition_list.append(make_create_coin_announcement(announcement)) if coin_announcements_to_assert: for announcement_hash in coin_announcements_to_assert: condition_list.append(make_assert_coin_announcement(announcement_hash)) if puzzle_announcements: for announcement in puzzle_announcements: condition_list.append(make_create_puzzle_announcement(announcement)) if puzzle_announcements_to_assert: for announcement_hash in puzzle_announcements_to_assert: condition_list.append(make_assert_puzzle_announcement(announcement_hash)) return solution_for_conditions(condition_list) def add_condition_to_solution(self, condition: Program, solution: Program) -> Program: python_program = solution.as_python() python_program[1].append(condition) return async def select_coins( self, amount: uint64, exclude: Optional[List[Coin]] = None, min_coin_amount: Optional[uint64] = None, max_coin_amount: Optional[uint64] = None, excluded_coin_amounts: Optional[List[uint64]] = None, ) -> Set[Coin]: """ Returns a set of coins that can be used for generating a new transaction. Note: Must be called under wallet state manager lock """ spendable_amount: uint128 = await self.get_spendable_balance() spendable_coins: List[WalletCoinRecord] = list( await self.wallet_state_manager.get_spendable_coins_for_wallet( ) # Try to use coins from the store, if there isn't enough of "unused" # coins use change coins that are not confirmed yet unconfirmed_removals: Dict[bytes32, Coin] = await self.wallet_state_manager.unconfirmed_removals_for_wallet( ) if max_coin_amount is None: max_coin_amount = uint64(self.wallet_state_manager.constants.MAX_COIN_AMOUNT) coins = await select_coins( spendable_amount, max_coin_amount, spendable_coins, unconfirmed_removals, self.log, uint128(amount), exclude, min_coin_amount, excluded_coin_amounts, ) assert sum(c.amount for c in coins) >= amount return coins async def _generate_unsigned_transaction( self, amount: uint64, newpuzzlehash: bytes32, fee: uint64 = uint64(0), origin_id: bytes32 = None, coins: Set[Coin] = None, primaries_input: Optional[List[AmountWithPuzzlehash]] = None, ignore_max_send_amount: bool = False, coin_announcements_to_consume: Set[Announcement] = None, puzzle_announcements_to_consume: Set[Announcement] = None, memos: Optional[List[bytes]] = None, negative_change_allowed: bool = False, min_coin_amount: Optional[uint64] = None, max_coin_amount: Optional[uint64] = None, exclude_coin_amounts: Optional[List[uint64]] = None, exclude_coins: Optional[Set[Coin]] = None, ) -> List[CoinSpend]: """ Generates a unsigned transaction in form of List(Puzzle, Solutions) Note: this must be called under a wallet state manager lock """ if primaries_input is None: primaries: Optional[List[AmountWithPuzzlehash]] = None total_amount = amount + fee else: primaries = primaries_input.copy() primaries_amount = 0 for prim in primaries: primaries_amount += prim["amount"] total_amount = amount + fee + primaries_amount total_balance = await self.get_spendable_balance() if total_amount > total_balance: raise ValueError(f"Can't spend more than wallet balance: {total_balance} mojos") if not ignore_max_send_amount: max_send = await self.get_max_send_amount() if total_amount > max_send: raise ValueError(f"Can't send more than {max_send} mojos in a single transaction") self.log.debug("Got back max send amount: %s", max_send) if coins is None: exclude_coins_list: Optional[List[Coin]] = None if exclude_coins is not None: exclude_coins_list = list(exclude_coins) coins = await self.select_coins( uint64(total_amount), min_coin_amount=min_coin_amount, max_coin_amount=max_coin_amount, excluded_coin_amounts=exclude_coin_amounts, exclude=exclude_coins_list, ) elif exclude_coins is not None: raise ValueError("Can't exclude coins when also specifically including coins") assert len(coins) > 0"coins is not None {coins}") spend_value = sum([coin.amount for coin in coins]) change = spend_value - total_amount if negative_change_allowed: change = max(0, change) assert change >= 0 if coin_announcements_to_consume is not None: coin_announcements_bytes: Optional[Set[bytes32]] = { for a in coin_announcements_to_consume} else: coin_announcements_bytes = None if puzzle_announcements_to_consume is not None: puzzle_announcements_bytes: Optional[Set[bytes32]] = { for a in puzzle_announcements_to_consume} else: puzzle_announcements_bytes = None spends: List[CoinSpend] = [] primary_announcement_hash: Optional[bytes32] = None # Check for duplicates if primaries is not None: all_primaries_list = [(p["puzzlehash"], p["amount"]) for p in primaries] + [(newpuzzlehash, amount)] if len(set(all_primaries_list)) != len(all_primaries_list): raise ValueError("Cannot create two identical coins") if memos is None: memos = [] assert memos is not None for coin in coins: # Only one coin creates outputs if origin_id in (None, origin_id = if primaries is None: if amount > 0: primaries = [{"puzzlehash": newpuzzlehash, "amount": uint64(amount), "memos": memos}] else: primaries = [] else: primaries.append({"puzzlehash": newpuzzlehash, "amount": uint64(amount), "memos": memos}) if change > 0: change_puzzle_hash: bytes32 = await self.get_new_puzzlehash() primaries.append({"puzzlehash": change_puzzle_hash, "amount": uint64(change), "memos": []}) message_list: List[bytes32] = [ for c in coins] for primary in primaries: message_list.append(Coin(, primary["puzzlehash"], primary["amount"]).name()) message: bytes32 = std_hash(b"".join(message_list)) puzzle: Program = await self.puzzle_for_puzzle_hash(coin.puzzle_hash) solution: Program = self.make_solution( primaries=primaries, fee=fee, coin_announcements={message}, coin_announcements_to_assert=coin_announcements_bytes, puzzle_announcements_to_assert=puzzle_announcements_bytes, ) primary_announcement_hash = Announcement(, message).name() spends.append( CoinSpend( coin, SerializedProgram.from_bytes(bytes(puzzle)), SerializedProgram.from_bytes(bytes(solution)) ) ) break else: raise ValueError("origin_id is not in the set of selected coins") # Process the non-origin coins now that we have the primary announcement hash for coin in coins: if == origin_id: continue puzzle = await self.puzzle_for_puzzle_hash(coin.puzzle_hash) solution = self.make_solution(primaries=[], coin_announcements_to_assert={primary_announcement_hash}) spends.append( CoinSpend( coin, SerializedProgram.from_bytes(bytes(puzzle)), SerializedProgram.from_bytes(bytes(solution)) ) ) self.log.debug(f"Spends is {spends}") return spends async def sign_transaction(self, coin_spends: List[CoinSpend]) -> SpendBundle: return await sign_coin_spends( coin_spends, self.secret_key_store.secret_key_for_public_key, self.wallet_state_manager.constants.AGG_SIG_ME_ADDITIONAL_DATA, self.wallet_state_manager.constants.MAX_BLOCK_COST_CLVM, ) async def sign_message(self, message: str, puzzle_hash: bytes32) -> Tuple[G1Element, G2Element]: pubkey, private = await self.wallet_state_manager.get_keys(puzzle_hash) synthetic_secret_key = calculate_synthetic_secret_key(private, DEFAULT_HIDDEN_PUZZLE_HASH) synthetic_pk = synthetic_secret_key.get_g1() puzzle: Program ="Chia Signed Message", message)) return synthetic_pk, AugSchemeMPL.sign(synthetic_secret_key, puzzle.get_tree_hash()) async def generate_signed_transaction( self, amount: uint64, puzzle_hash: bytes32, fee: uint64 = uint64(0), origin_id: bytes32 = None, coins: Set[Coin] = None, primaries: Optional[List[AmountWithPuzzlehash]] = None, ignore_max_send_amount: bool = False, coin_announcements_to_consume: Set[Announcement] = None, puzzle_announcements_to_consume: Set[Announcement] = None, memos: Optional[List[bytes]] = None, negative_change_allowed: bool = False, min_coin_amount: Optional[uint64] = None, max_coin_amount: Optional[uint64] = None, exclude_coin_amounts: Optional[List[uint64]] = None, exclude_coins: Optional[Set[Coin]] = None, ) -> TransactionRecord: """ Use this to generate transaction. Note: this must be called under a wallet state manager lock The first output is (amount, puzzle_hash, memos), and the rest of the outputs are in primaries. """ if primaries is None: non_change_amount = amount else: non_change_amount = uint64(amount + sum(p["amount"] for p in primaries)) self.log.debug("Generating transaction for: %s %s %s", puzzle_hash, amount, repr(coins)) transaction = await self._generate_unsigned_transaction( amount, puzzle_hash, fee, origin_id, coins, primaries, ignore_max_send_amount, coin_announcements_to_consume, puzzle_announcements_to_consume, memos, negative_change_allowed, min_coin_amount=min_coin_amount, max_coin_amount=max_coin_amount, exclude_coin_amounts=exclude_coin_amounts, exclude_coins=exclude_coins, ) assert len(transaction) > 0"About to sign a transaction: %s", transaction) await self.hack_populate_secret_keys_for_coin_spends(transaction) spend_bundle: SpendBundle = await sign_coin_spends( transaction, self.secret_key_store.secret_key_for_public_key, self.wallet_state_manager.constants.AGG_SIG_ME_ADDITIONAL_DATA, self.wallet_state_manager.constants.MAX_BLOCK_COST_CLVM, ) now = uint64(int(time.time())) add_list: List[Coin] = list(spend_bundle.additions()) rem_list: List[Coin] = list(spend_bundle.removals()) output_amount = sum(a.amount for a in add_list) + fee input_amount = sum(r.amount for r in rem_list) if negative_change_allowed: assert output_amount >= input_amount else: assert output_amount == input_amount return TransactionRecord( confirmed_at_height=uint32(0), created_at_time=now, to_puzzle_hash=puzzle_hash, amount=uint64(non_change_amount), fee_amount=uint64(fee), confirmed=False, sent=uint32(0), spend_bundle=spend_bundle, additions=add_list, removals=rem_list,, sent_to=[], trade_id=None, type=uint32(TransactionType.OUTGOING_TX.value),, memos=list(compute_memos(spend_bundle).items()), ) async def push_transaction(self, tx: TransactionRecord) -> None: """Use this API to send transactions.""" await self.wallet_state_manager.add_pending_transaction(tx) await self.wallet_state_manager.wallet_node.update_ui() # This is to be aggregated together with a CAT offer to ensure that the trade happens async def create_spend_bundle_relative_chia(self, chia_amount: int, exclude: List[Coin] = []) -> SpendBundle: list_of_solutions = [] utxos = None # If we're losing value then get coins with at least that much value # If we're gaining value then our amount doesn't matter if chia_amount < 0: utxos = await self.select_coins(uint64(abs(chia_amount)), exclude) else: utxos = await self.select_coins(uint64(0), exclude) assert len(utxos) > 0 # Calculate output amount given sum of utxos spend_value = sum([coin.amount for coin in utxos]) chia_amount = spend_value + chia_amount # Create coin solutions for each utxo output_created = None for coin in utxos: puzzle = await self.puzzle_for_puzzle_hash(coin.puzzle_hash) if output_created is None: newpuzhash = await self.get_new_puzzlehash() primaries: List[AmountWithPuzzlehash] = [ {"puzzlehash": newpuzhash, "amount": uint64(chia_amount), "memos": []} ] solution = self.make_solution(primaries=primaries) output_created = coin list_of_solutions.append(CoinSpend(coin, puzzle, solution)) await self.hack_populate_secret_keys_for_coin_spends(list_of_solutions) spend_bundle = await sign_coin_spends( list_of_solutions, self.secret_key_store.secret_key_for_public_key, self.wallet_state_manager.constants.AGG_SIG_ME_ADDITIONAL_DATA, self.wallet_state_manager.constants.MAX_BLOCK_COST_CLVM, ) return spend_bundle async def get_coins_to_offer( self, asset_id: Optional[bytes32], amount: uint64, min_coin_amount: Optional[uint64] = None, max_coin_amount: Optional[uint64] = None, ) -> Set[Coin]: if asset_id is not None: raise ValueError(f"The standard wallet cannot offer coins with asset id {asset_id}") balance = await self.get_confirmed_balance() if balance < amount: raise Exception(f"insufficient funds in wallet {}") return await self.select_coins(amount, min_coin_amount=min_coin_amount, max_coin_amount=max_coin_amount) # WSChiaConnection is only imported for type checking async def coin_added( self, coin: Coin, height: uint32, peer: WSChiaConnection ) -> None: # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment pass def get_name(self) -> str: return "Standard Wallet" if TYPE_CHECKING: from chia.wallet.wallet_protocol import WalletProtocol _dummy: WalletProtocol = Wallet()