from collections import Counter from decimal import Decimal from dataclasses import replace import aiohttp import asyncio import functools import json import time from pprint import pprint from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Callable from chia.cmds.units import units from chia.cmds.wallet_funcs import print_balance, wallet_coin_unit from chia.pools.pool_config import load_pool_config, PoolWalletConfig, update_pool_config from chia.pools.pool_wallet_info import PoolWalletInfo, PoolSingletonState from chia.protocols.pool_protocol import POOL_PROTOCOL_VERSION from chia.rpc.farmer_rpc_client import FarmerRpcClient from chia.rpc.wallet_rpc_client import WalletRpcClient from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32 from chia.server.server import ssl_context_for_root from chia.ssl.create_ssl import get_mozilla_ca_crt from chia.util.bech32m import encode_puzzle_hash, decode_puzzle_hash from chia.util.byte_types import hexstr_to_bytes from chia.util.config import load_config from chia.util.default_root import DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH from chia.util.ints import uint16, uint32, uint64 from chia.wallet.transaction_record import TransactionRecord from chia.wallet.util.wallet_types import WalletType async def create_pool_args(pool_url: str) -> Dict: try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(f"{pool_url}/pool_info", ssl=ssl_context_for_root(get_mozilla_ca_crt())) as response: if response.ok: json_dict = json.loads(await response.text()) else: raise ValueError(f"Response from {pool_url} not OK: {response.status}") except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error connecting to pool {pool_url}: {e}") if json_dict["relative_lock_height"] > 1000: raise ValueError("Relative lock height too high for this pool, cannot join") if json_dict["protocol_version"] != POOL_PROTOCOL_VERSION: raise ValueError(f"Incorrect version: {json_dict['protocol_version']}, should be {POOL_PROTOCOL_VERSION}") header_msg = f"\n---- Pool parameters fetched from {pool_url} ----" print(header_msg) pprint(json_dict) print("-" * len(header_msg)) return json_dict async def create(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int) -> None: state = args["state"] prompt = not args.get("yes", False) fee = Decimal(args.get("fee", 0)) fee_mojos = uint64(int(fee * units["chia"])) target_puzzle_hash: Optional[bytes32] # Could use initial_pool_state_from_dict to simplify if state == "SELF_POOLING": pool_url: Optional[str] = None relative_lock_height = uint32(0) target_puzzle_hash = None # wallet will fill this in elif state == "FARMING_TO_POOL": config = load_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, "config.yaml") enforce_https = config["full_node"]["selected_network"] == "mainnet" pool_url = str(args["pool_url"]) if enforce_https and not pool_url.startswith("https://"): print(f"Pool URLs must be HTTPS on mainnet {pool_url}. Aborting.") return json_dict = await create_pool_args(pool_url) relative_lock_height = json_dict["relative_lock_height"] target_puzzle_hash = bytes32.from_hexstr(json_dict["target_puzzle_hash"]) else: raise ValueError("Plot NFT must be created in SELF_POOLING or FARMING_TO_POOL state.") pool_msg = f" and join pool: {pool_url}" if pool_url else "" print(f"Will create a plot NFT{pool_msg}.") if prompt: user_input: str = input("Confirm [n]/y: ") else: user_input = "yes" if user_input.lower() == "y" or user_input.lower() == "yes": try: tx_record: TransactionRecord = await wallet_client.create_new_pool_wallet( target_puzzle_hash, pool_url, relative_lock_height, "localhost:5000", "new", state, fee_mojos, ) start = time.time() while time.time() - start < 10: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) tx = await wallet_client.get_transaction(str(1), if len(tx.sent_to) > 0: print(f"Transaction submitted to nodes: {tx.sent_to}") print(f"Do chia wallet get_transaction -f {fingerprint} -tx 0x{} to get status") return None except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating plot NFT: {e}") return print("Aborting.") async def pprint_pool_wallet_state( wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, wallet_id: int, pool_wallet_info: PoolWalletInfo, address_prefix: str, pool_state_dict: Dict, plot_counts: Counter, ): if pool_wallet_info.current.state == PoolSingletonState.LEAVING_POOL and is None: expected_leave_height = pool_wallet_info.singleton_block_height + pool_wallet_info.current.relative_lock_height print(f"Current state: INVALID_STATE. Please leave/join again after block height {expected_leave_height}") else: print(f"Current state: {PoolSingletonState(pool_wallet_info.current.state).name}") print(f"Current state from block height: {pool_wallet_info.singleton_block_height}") print(f"Launcher ID: {pool_wallet_info.launcher_id}") print( "Target address (not for plotting): " f"{encode_puzzle_hash(pool_wallet_info.current.target_puzzle_hash, address_prefix)}" ) print(f"Number of plots: {plot_counts[pool_wallet_info.p2_singleton_puzzle_hash]}") print(f"Owner public key: {pool_wallet_info.current.owner_pubkey}") print( f"Pool contract address (use ONLY for plotting - do not send money to this address): " f"{encode_puzzle_hash(pool_wallet_info.p2_singleton_puzzle_hash, address_prefix)}" ) if is not None: print(f"Target state: {PoolSingletonState(}") print(f"Target pool URL: {}") if pool_wallet_info.current.state == PoolSingletonState.SELF_POOLING.value: balances: Dict = await wallet_client.get_wallet_balance(str(wallet_id)) balance = balances["confirmed_wallet_balance"] typ = WalletType(int(WalletType.POOLING_WALLET)) address_prefix, scale = wallet_coin_unit(typ, address_prefix) print(f"Claimable balance: {print_balance(balance, scale, address_prefix)}") if pool_wallet_info.current.state == PoolSingletonState.FARMING_TO_POOL: print(f"Current pool URL: {pool_wallet_info.current.pool_url}") if pool_wallet_info.launcher_id in pool_state_dict: pool_state = pool_state_dict[pool_wallet_info.launcher_id] print(f"Current difficulty: {pool_state_dict[pool_wallet_info.launcher_id]['current_difficulty']}") print(f"Points balance: {pool_state_dict[pool_wallet_info.launcher_id]['current_points']}") points_found_24h = [points for timestamp, points in pool_state["points_found_24h"]] points_acknowledged_24h = [points for timestamp, points in pool_state["points_acknowledged_24h"]] summed_points_found_24h = sum(points_found_24h) summed_points_acknowledged_24h = sum(points_acknowledged_24h) if summed_points_found_24h == 0: success_pct = 0.0 else: success_pct = summed_points_acknowledged_24h / summed_points_found_24h print(f"Points found (24h): {summed_points_found_24h}") print(f"Percent Successful Points (24h): {success_pct:.2%}") print(f"Relative lock height: {pool_wallet_info.current.relative_lock_height} blocks") payout_instructions: str = pool_state_dict[pool_wallet_info.launcher_id]["pool_config"]["payout_instructions"] try: payout_address = encode_puzzle_hash(bytes32.fromhex(payout_instructions), address_prefix) print(f"Payout instructions (pool will pay to this address): {payout_address}") except Exception: print(f"Payout instructions (pool will pay you with this): {payout_instructions}") if pool_wallet_info.current.state == PoolSingletonState.LEAVING_POOL: expected_leave_height = pool_wallet_info.singleton_block_height + pool_wallet_info.current.relative_lock_height if is not None: print(f"Expected to leave after block height: {expected_leave_height}") async def show(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int) -> None: config = load_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, "config.yaml") self_hostname = config["self_hostname"] farmer_rpc_port = config["farmer"]["rpc_port"] farmer_client = await FarmerRpcClient.create(self_hostname, uint16(farmer_rpc_port), DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, config) address_prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][config["selected_network"]]["address_prefix"] summaries_response = await wallet_client.get_wallets() wallet_id_passed_in = args.get("id", None) plot_counts: Counter = Counter() try: pool_state_list: List = (await farmer_client.get_pool_state())["pool_state"] harvesters = await farmer_client.get_harvesters() for d in harvesters["harvesters"]: for plot in d["plots"]: if plot.get("pool_contract_puzzle_hash", None) is not None: # Non pooled plots will have a None pool_contract_puzzle_hash plot_counts[hexstr_to_bytes(plot["pool_contract_puzzle_hash"])] += 1 except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, aiohttp.ClientConnectorError): print( f"Connection error. Check if farmer is running at {farmer_rpc_port}." f" You can run the farmer by:\n chia start farmer-only" ) else: print(f"Exception from 'wallet' {e}") farmer_client.close() await farmer_client.await_closed() return pool_state_dict: Dict[bytes32, Dict] = { bytes32.from_hexstr(pool_state_item["pool_config"]["launcher_id"]): pool_state_item for pool_state_item in pool_state_list } if wallet_id_passed_in is not None: for summary in summaries_response: typ = WalletType(int(summary["type"])) if summary["id"] == wallet_id_passed_in and typ != WalletType.POOLING_WALLET: print(f"Wallet with id: {wallet_id_passed_in} is not a pooling wallet. Please provide a different id.") return pool_wallet_info, _ = await wallet_client.pw_status(wallet_id_passed_in) await pprint_pool_wallet_state( wallet_client, wallet_id_passed_in, pool_wallet_info, address_prefix, pool_state_dict, plot_counts, ) else: print(f"Wallet height: {await wallet_client.get_height_info()}") print(f"Sync status: {'Synced' if (await wallet_client.get_synced()) else 'Not synced'}") for summary in summaries_response: wallet_id = summary["id"] typ = WalletType(int(summary["type"])) if typ == WalletType.POOLING_WALLET: print(f"Wallet id {wallet_id}: ") pool_wallet_info, _ = await wallet_client.pw_status(wallet_id) await pprint_pool_wallet_state( wallet_client, wallet_id, pool_wallet_info, address_prefix, pool_state_dict, plot_counts, ) print("") farmer_client.close() await farmer_client.await_closed() async def get_login_link(launcher_id_str: str) -> None: launcher_id: bytes32 = bytes32.from_hexstr(launcher_id_str) config = load_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, "config.yaml") self_hostname = config["self_hostname"] farmer_rpc_port = config["farmer"]["rpc_port"] farmer_client = await FarmerRpcClient.create(self_hostname, uint16(farmer_rpc_port), DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, config) try: login_link: Optional[str] = await farmer_client.get_pool_login_link(launcher_id) if login_link is None: print("Was not able to get login link.") else: print(login_link) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, aiohttp.ClientConnectorError): print( f"Connection error. Check if farmer is running at {farmer_rpc_port}." f" You can run the farmer by:\n chia start farmer-only" ) else: print(f"Exception from 'farmer' {e}") finally: farmer_client.close() await farmer_client.await_closed() async def submit_tx_with_confirmation( message: str, prompt: bool, func: Callable, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int, wallet_id: int ): print(message) if prompt: user_input: str = input("Confirm [n]/y: ") else: user_input = "yes" if user_input.lower() == "y" or user_input.lower() == "yes": try: tx_record: TransactionRecord = await func() start = time.time() while time.time() - start < 10: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) tx = await wallet_client.get_transaction(str(1), if len(tx.sent_to) > 0: print(f"Transaction submitted to nodes: {tx.sent_to}") print(f"Do chia wallet get_transaction -f {fingerprint} -tx 0x{} to get status") return None except Exception as e: print(f"Error performing operation on Plot NFT -f {fingerprint} wallet id: {wallet_id}: {e}") return print("Aborting.") async def join_pool(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int) -> None: config = load_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, "config.yaml") enforce_https = config["full_node"]["selected_network"] == "mainnet" pool_url: str = args["pool_url"] fee = Decimal(args.get("fee", 0)) fee_mojos = uint64(int(fee * units["chia"])) if enforce_https and not pool_url.startswith("https://"): print(f"Pool URLs must be HTTPS on mainnet {pool_url}. Aborting.") return wallet_id = args.get("id", None) prompt = not args.get("yes", False) try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(f"{pool_url}/pool_info", ssl=ssl_context_for_root(get_mozilla_ca_crt())) as response: if response.ok: json_dict = json.loads(await response.text()) else: print(f"Response not OK: {response.status}") return except Exception as e: print(f"Error connecting to pool {pool_url}: {e}") return if json_dict["relative_lock_height"] > 1000: print("Relative lock height too high for this pool, cannot join") return if json_dict["protocol_version"] != POOL_PROTOCOL_VERSION: print(f"Incorrect version: {json_dict['protocol_version']}, should be {POOL_PROTOCOL_VERSION}") return pprint(json_dict) msg = f"\nWill join pool: {pool_url} with Plot NFT {fingerprint}." func = functools.partial( wallet_client.pw_join_pool, wallet_id, hexstr_to_bytes(json_dict["target_puzzle_hash"]), pool_url, json_dict["relative_lock_height"], fee_mojos, ) await submit_tx_with_confirmation(msg, prompt, func, wallet_client, fingerprint, wallet_id) async def self_pool(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int) -> None: wallet_id = args.get("id", None) prompt = not args.get("yes", False) fee = Decimal(args.get("fee", 0)) fee_mojos = uint64(int(fee * units["chia"])) msg = f"Will start self-farming with Plot NFT on wallet id {wallet_id} fingerprint {fingerprint}." func = functools.partial(wallet_client.pw_self_pool, wallet_id, fee_mojos) await submit_tx_with_confirmation(msg, prompt, func, wallet_client, fingerprint, wallet_id) async def inspect_cmd(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int) -> None: wallet_id = args.get("id", None) pool_wallet_info, unconfirmed_transactions = await wallet_client.pw_status(wallet_id) print( { "pool_wallet_info": pool_wallet_info, "unconfirmed_transactions": [ {"sent_to": tx.sent_to, "transaction_id":} for tx in unconfirmed_transactions ], } ) async def claim_cmd(args: dict, wallet_client: WalletRpcClient, fingerprint: int) -> None: wallet_id = args.get("id", None) fee = Decimal(args.get("fee", 0)) fee_mojos = uint64(int(fee * units["chia"])) msg = f"\nWill claim rewards for wallet ID: {wallet_id}." func = functools.partial( wallet_client.pw_absorb_rewards, wallet_id, fee_mojos, ) await submit_tx_with_confirmation(msg, False, func, wallet_client, fingerprint, wallet_id) async def change_payout_instructions(launcher_id: str, address: str) -> None: new_pool_configs: List[PoolWalletConfig] = [] id_found = False if decode_puzzle_hash(address): old_configs: List[PoolWalletConfig] = load_pool_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH) for pool_config in old_configs: if pool_config.launcher_id == hexstr_to_bytes(launcher_id): id_found = True pool_config = replace(pool_config, payout_instructions=decode_puzzle_hash(address).hex()) new_pool_configs.append(pool_config) if id_found: print(f"Launcher Id: {launcher_id} Found, Updating Config.") await update_pool_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, new_pool_configs) print(f"Payout Instructions for launcher id: {launcher_id} successfully updated to: {address}.") print(f"You will need to change the payout instructions on every device you use to: {address}.") else: print(f"Launcher Id: {launcher_id} Not found.") else: print(f"Invalid Address: {address}")