import asyncio import logging import ssl import time import traceback from collections import Counter from ipaddress import IPv4Network, IPv6Address, IPv6Network, ip_address, ip_network from pathlib import Path from secrets import token_bytes from typing import Any, Callable from typing import Counter as typing_Counter from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientTimeout, ServerDisconnectedError, WSCloseCode, client_exceptions, web from aiohttp.web_app import Application from aiohttp.web_runner import TCPSite from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization from chia.protocols.protocol_message_types import ProtocolMessageTypes from chia.protocols.protocol_state_machine import message_requires_reply from chia.protocols.protocol_timing import API_EXCEPTION_BAN_SECONDS, INVALID_PROTOCOL_BAN_SECONDS from chia.protocols.shared_protocol import protocol_version from chia.server.introducer_peers import IntroducerPeers from chia.server.outbound_message import Message, NodeType from chia.server.ssl_context import private_ssl_paths, public_ssl_paths from chia.server.ws_connection import WSChiaConnection from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32 from chia.types.peer_info import PeerInfo from chia.util.errors import Err, ProtocolError from chia.util.ints import uint16 from import is_in_network, is_localhost from chia.util.ssl_check import verify_ssl_certs_and_keys def ssl_context_for_server( ca_cert: Path, ca_key: Path, private_cert_path: Path, private_key_path: Path, *, check_permissions: bool = True, log: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, ) -> Optional[ssl.SSLContext]: if check_permissions: verify_ssl_certs_and_keys([ca_cert, private_cert_path], [ca_key, private_key_path], log) ssl_context = ssl._create_unverified_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile=str(ca_cert)) ssl_context.check_hostname = False ssl_context.minimum_version = ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1_2 ssl_context.set_ciphers( ( "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:" "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:" "ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:" "ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:" "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:" "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:" "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:" "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:" "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:" "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256" ) ) ssl_context.load_cert_chain(certfile=str(private_cert_path), keyfile=str(private_key_path)) ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED return ssl_context def ssl_context_for_root( ca_cert_file: str, *, check_permissions: bool = True, log: Optional[logging.Logger] = None ) -> Optional[ssl.SSLContext]: if check_permissions: verify_ssl_certs_and_keys([Path(ca_cert_file)], [], log) ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile=ca_cert_file) return ssl_context def ssl_context_for_client( ca_cert: Path, ca_key: Path, private_cert_path: Path, private_key_path: Path, *, check_permissions: bool = True, log: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, ) -> Optional[ssl.SSLContext]: if check_permissions: verify_ssl_certs_and_keys([ca_cert, private_cert_path], [ca_key, private_key_path], log) ssl_context = ssl._create_unverified_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile=str(ca_cert)) ssl_context.check_hostname = False ssl_context.load_cert_chain(certfile=str(private_cert_path), keyfile=str(private_key_path)) ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED return ssl_context class ChiaServer: def __init__( self, port: int, node: Any, api: Any, local_type: NodeType, ping_interval: int, network_id: str, inbound_rate_limit_percent: int, outbound_rate_limit_percent: int, root_path: Path, config: Dict, private_ca_crt_key: Tuple[Path, Path], chia_ca_crt_key: Tuple[Path, Path], name: str = None, introducer_peers: Optional[IntroducerPeers] = None, ): # Keeps track of all connections to and from this node. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) self.all_connections: Dict[bytes32, WSChiaConnection] = {} self.tasks: Set[asyncio.Task] = set() self.connection_by_type: Dict[NodeType, Dict[bytes32, WSChiaConnection]] = { NodeType.FULL_NODE: {}, NodeType.DATA_LAYER: {}, NodeType.WALLET: {}, NodeType.HARVESTER: {}, NodeType.FARMER: {}, NodeType.TIMELORD: {}, NodeType.INTRODUCER: {}, } self._port = port # TCP port to identify our node self._local_type: NodeType = local_type self._ping_interval = ping_interval self._network_id = network_id self._inbound_rate_limit_percent = inbound_rate_limit_percent self._outbound_rate_limit_percent = outbound_rate_limit_percent # Task list to keep references to tasks, so they don't get GCd self._tasks: List[asyncio.Task] = [] self.log = logging.getLogger(name if name else __name__) # Our unique random node id that we will send to other peers, regenerated on launch self.api = api self.node = node self.root_path = root_path self.config = config self.on_connect: Optional[Callable] = None self.incoming_messages: asyncio.Queue = asyncio.Queue() self.shut_down_event = asyncio.Event() if self._local_type is NodeType.INTRODUCER: self.introducer_peers = IntroducerPeers() if self._local_type is not NodeType.INTRODUCER: self._private_cert_path, self._private_key_path = private_ssl_paths(root_path, config) if self._local_type is not NodeType.HARVESTER: self.p2p_crt_path, self.p2p_key_path = public_ssl_paths(root_path, config) else: self.p2p_crt_path, self.p2p_key_path = None, None self.ca_private_crt_path, self.ca_private_key_path = private_ca_crt_key self.chia_ca_crt_path, self.chia_ca_key_path = chia_ca_crt_key self.node_id = self.my_id() self.incoming_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self.gc_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None Optional[Application] = None self.runner: Optional[web.AppRunner] = None Optional[TCPSite] = None self.connection_close_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self.site_shutdown_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self.app_shut_down_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self.received_message_callback: Optional[Callable] = None self.api_tasks: Dict[bytes32, asyncio.Task] = {} self.execute_tasks: Set[bytes32] = set() self.tasks_from_peer: Dict[bytes32, Set[bytes32]] = {} self.banned_peers: Dict[str, float] = {} self.invalid_protocol_ban_seconds = INVALID_PROTOCOL_BAN_SECONDS self.api_exception_ban_seconds = API_EXCEPTION_BAN_SECONDS self.exempt_peer_networks: List[Union[IPv4Network, IPv6Network]] = [ ip_network(net, strict=False) for net in config.get("exempt_peer_networks", []) ] def my_id(self) -> bytes32: """If node has public cert use that one for id, if not use private.""" if self.p2p_crt_path is not None: pem_cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(self.p2p_crt_path.read_bytes(), default_backend()) else: pem_cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(self._private_cert_path.read_bytes(), default_backend()) der_cert_bytes = pem_cert.public_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.DER) der_cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(der_cert_bytes, default_backend()) return bytes32(der_cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256())) def set_received_message_callback(self, callback: Callable): self.received_message_callback = callback async def garbage_collect_connections_task(self) -> None: """ Periodically checks for connections with no activity (have not sent us any data), and removes them, to allow room for other peers. """ is_crawler = getattr(self.node, "crawl", None) while True: await asyncio.sleep(600 if is_crawler is None else 2) to_remove: List[WSChiaConnection] = [] for connection in self.all_connections.values(): if ( self._local_type == NodeType.FULL_NODE or self._local_type == NodeType.WALLET ) and connection.connection_type == NodeType.FULL_NODE: if is_crawler is not None: if time.time() - connection.creation_time > 5: to_remove.append(connection) else: if time.time() - connection.last_message_time > 1800: to_remove.append(connection) for connection in to_remove: self.log.debug(f"Garbage collecting connection {connection.peer_host} due to inactivity") await connection.close() # Also garbage collect banned_peers dict to_remove_ban = [] for peer_ip, ban_until_time in self.banned_peers.items(): if time.time() > ban_until_time: to_remove_ban.append(peer_ip) for peer_ip in to_remove_ban: del self.banned_peers[peer_ip] async def start_server(self, on_connect: Callable = None): if self.incoming_task is None: self.incoming_task = asyncio.create_task(self.incoming_api_task()) if self.gc_task is None: self.gc_task = asyncio.create_task(self.garbage_collect_connections_task()) if self._local_type in [NodeType.WALLET, NodeType.HARVESTER, NodeType.TIMELORD]: return None = web.Application() self.on_connect = on_connect routes = [ web.get("/ws", self.incoming_connection), ] self.runner = web.AppRunner(, access_log=None, logger=self.log) await self.runner.setup() authenticate = self._local_type not in (NodeType.FULL_NODE, NodeType.INTRODUCER) if authenticate: ssl_context = ssl_context_for_server( self.ca_private_crt_path, self.ca_private_key_path, self._private_cert_path, self._private_key_path, log=self.log, ) else: self.p2p_crt_path, self.p2p_key_path = public_ssl_paths(self.root_path, self.config) ssl_context = ssl_context_for_server( self.chia_ca_crt_path, self.chia_ca_key_path, self.p2p_crt_path, self.p2p_key_path, log=self.log ) = web.TCPSite( self.runner, port=self._port, shutdown_timeout=3, ssl_context=ssl_context, ) await"Started listening on port: {self._port}") async def incoming_connection(self, request): if getattr(self.node, "crawl", None) is not None: return if request.remote in self.banned_peers and time.time() < self.banned_peers[request.remote]: self.log.warning(f"Peer {request.remote} is banned, refusing connection") return None ws = web.WebSocketResponse(max_msg_size=50 * 1024 * 1024) await ws.prepare(request) close_event = asyncio.Event() cert_bytes = request.transport._ssl_protocol._extra["ssl_object"].getpeercert(True) der_cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(cert_bytes) peer_id = bytes32(der_cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256())) if peer_id == self.node_id: return ws connection: Optional[WSChiaConnection] = None try: connection = WSChiaConnection( self._local_type, ws, self._port, self.log, False, False, request.remote, self.incoming_messages, self.connection_closed, peer_id, self._inbound_rate_limit_percent, self._outbound_rate_limit_percent, close_event, ) handshake = await connection.perform_handshake( self._network_id, protocol_version, self._port, self._local_type, ) assert handshake is True # Limit inbound connections to config's specifications. if not self.accept_inbound_connections(connection.connection_type) and not is_in_network( connection.peer_host, self.exempt_peer_networks ): f"Not accepting inbound connection: {connection.get_peer_logging()}.Inbound limit reached." ) await connection.close() close_event.set() else: await self.connection_added(connection, self.on_connect) if self._local_type is NodeType.INTRODUCER and connection.connection_type is NodeType.FULL_NODE: self.introducer_peers.add(connection.get_peer_info()) except ProtocolError as e: if connection is not None: await connection.close(self.invalid_protocol_ban_seconds, WSCloseCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, e.code) if e.code == Err.INVALID_HANDSHAKE: self.log.warning("Invalid handshake with peer. Maybe the peer is running old software.") close_event.set() elif e.code == Err.INCOMPATIBLE_NETWORK_ID: self.log.warning("Incompatible network ID. Maybe the peer is on another network") close_event.set() elif e.code == Err.SELF_CONNECTION: close_event.set() else: error_stack = traceback.format_exc() self.log.error(f"Exception {e}, exception Stack: {error_stack}") close_event.set() except ValueError as e: if connection is not None: await connection.close(self.invalid_protocol_ban_seconds, WSCloseCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, Err.UNKNOWN) self.log.warning(f"{e} - closing connection") close_event.set() except Exception as e: if connection is not None: await connection.close(ws_close_code=WSCloseCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, error=Err.UNKNOWN) error_stack = traceback.format_exc() self.log.error(f"Exception {e}, exception Stack: {error_stack}") close_event.set() await close_event.wait() return ws async def connection_added(self, connection: WSChiaConnection, on_connect=None): # If we already had a connection to this peer_id, close the old one. This is secure because peer_ids are based # on TLS public keys if connection.peer_node_id in self.all_connections: con = self.all_connections[connection.peer_node_id] await con.close() self.all_connections[connection.peer_node_id] = connection if connection.connection_type is not None: self.connection_by_type[connection.connection_type][connection.peer_node_id] = connection if on_connect is not None: await on_connect(connection) else: self.log.error(f"Invalid connection type for connection {connection}") def is_duplicate_or_self_connection(self, target_node: PeerInfo) -> bool: if is_localhost( and target_node.port == self._port: # Don't connect to self self.log.debug(f"Not connecting to {target_node}") return True for connection in self.all_connections.values(): if == and connection.peer_server_port == target_node.port: self.log.debug(f"Not connecting to {target_node}, duplicate connection") return True return False async def start_client( self, target_node: PeerInfo, on_connect: Callable = None, auth: bool = False, is_feeler: bool = False, ) -> bool: """ Tries to connect to the target node, adding one connection into the pipeline, if successful. An on connect method can also be specified, and this will be saved into the instance variables. """ if self.is_duplicate_or_self_connection(target_node): return False if in self.banned_peers and time.time() < self.banned_peers[]: self.log.warning(f"Peer {} is still banned, not connecting to it") return False if auth: ssl_context = ssl_context_for_client( self.ca_private_crt_path, self.ca_private_key_path, self._private_cert_path, self._private_key_path ) else: ssl_context = ssl_context_for_client( self.chia_ca_crt_path, self.chia_ca_key_path, self.p2p_crt_path, self.p2p_key_path ) session = None connection: Optional[WSChiaConnection] = None try: # Crawler/DNS introducer usually uses a lower timeout than the default timeout_value = float(self.config.get("peer_connect_timeout", 30)) timeout = ClientTimeout(total=timeout_value) session = ClientSession(timeout=timeout) try: if type(ip_address( is IPv6Address: target_node = PeerInfo(f"[{}]", target_node.port) except ValueError: pass url = f"wss://{}:{target_node.port}/ws" self.log.debug(f"Connecting: {url}, Peer info: {target_node}") try: ws = await session.ws_connect( url, autoclose=True, autoping=True, heartbeat=60, ssl=ssl_context, max_msg_size=50 * 1024 * 1024 ) except ServerDisconnectedError: self.log.debug(f"Server disconnected error connecting to {url}. Perhaps we are banned by the peer.") return False except asyncio.TimeoutError: self.log.debug(f"Timeout error connecting to {url}") return False if ws is None: return False assert ws._response.connection is not None and ws._response.connection.transport is not None transport = ws._response.connection.transport cert_bytes = transport._ssl_protocol._extra["ssl_object"].getpeercert(True) # type: ignore der_cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(cert_bytes, default_backend()) peer_id = bytes32(der_cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256())) if peer_id == self.node_id: raise RuntimeError(f"Trying to connect to a peer ({target_node}) with the same peer_id: {peer_id}") connection = WSChiaConnection( self._local_type, ws, self._port, self.log, True, False,, self.incoming_messages, self.connection_closed, peer_id, self._inbound_rate_limit_percent, self._outbound_rate_limit_percent, session=session, ) handshake = await connection.perform_handshake( self._network_id, protocol_version, self._port, self._local_type, ) assert handshake is True await self.connection_added(connection, on_connect) # the session has been adopted by the connection, don't close it at # the end of the function session = None connection_type_str = "" if connection.connection_type is not None: connection_type_str ="Connected with {connection_type_str} {target_node}") if is_feeler: asyncio.create_task(connection.close()) return True except client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError as e:"{e}") except ProtocolError as e: if connection is not None: await connection.close(self.invalid_protocol_ban_seconds, WSCloseCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, e.code) if e.code == Err.INVALID_HANDSHAKE: self.log.warning(f"Invalid handshake with peer {target_node}. Maybe the peer is running old software.") elif e.code == Err.INCOMPATIBLE_NETWORK_ID: self.log.warning("Incompatible network ID. Maybe the peer is on another network") elif e.code == Err.SELF_CONNECTION: pass else: error_stack = traceback.format_exc() self.log.error(f"Exception {e}, exception Stack: {error_stack}") except Exception as e: if connection is not None: await connection.close(self.invalid_protocol_ban_seconds, WSCloseCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, Err.UNKNOWN) error_stack = traceback.format_exc() self.log.error(f"Exception {e}, exception Stack: {error_stack}") finally: if session is not None: await session.close() return False def connection_closed(self, connection: WSChiaConnection, ban_time: int): if is_localhost(connection.peer_host) and ban_time != 0: self.log.warning(f"Trying to ban localhost for {ban_time}, but will not ban") ban_time = 0"Connection closed: {connection.peer_host}, node id: {connection.peer_node_id}") if ban_time > 0: ban_until: float = time.time() + ban_time self.log.warning(f"Banning {connection.peer_host} for {ban_time} seconds") if connection.peer_host in self.banned_peers: if ban_until > self.banned_peers[connection.peer_host]: self.banned_peers[connection.peer_host] = ban_until else: self.banned_peers[connection.peer_host] = ban_until if connection.peer_node_id in self.all_connections: self.all_connections.pop(connection.peer_node_id) if connection.connection_type is not None: if connection.peer_node_id in self.connection_by_type[connection.connection_type]: self.connection_by_type[connection.connection_type].pop(connection.peer_node_id) else: # This means the handshake was enver finished with this peer self.log.debug( f"Invalid connection type for connection {connection.peer_host}," f" while closing. Handshake never finished." ) self.cancel_tasks_from_peer(connection.peer_node_id) on_disconnect = getattr(self.node, "on_disconnect", None) if on_disconnect is not None: on_disconnect(connection) def cancel_tasks_from_peer(self, peer_id: bytes32): if peer_id not in self.tasks_from_peer: return None task_ids = self.tasks_from_peer[peer_id] for task_id in task_ids: if task_id in self.execute_tasks: continue task = self.api_tasks[task_id] task.cancel() async def incoming_api_task(self) -> None: self.tasks = set() message_types: typing_Counter[str] = Counter() # Used for debugging information. while True: payload_inc, connection_inc = await self.incoming_messages.get() if payload_inc is None or connection_inc is None: continue async def api_call(full_message: Message, connection: WSChiaConnection, task_id): nonlocal message_types start_time = time.time() message_type = "" try: if self.received_message_callback is not None: await self.received_message_callback(connection) connection.log.debug( f"<- {ProtocolMessageTypes(full_message.type).name} from peer " f"{connection.peer_node_id} {connection.peer_host}" ) message_type = ProtocolMessageTypes(full_message.type).name message_types[message_type] += 1 f = getattr(self.api, message_type, None) if len(message_types) % 100 == 0: self.log.debug(f"Message types: {[(m, n) for m, n in sorted(message_types.items()) if n != 0]}") if f is None: self.log.error(f"Non existing function: {message_type}") raise ProtocolError(Err.INVALID_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE, [message_type]) if not hasattr(f, "api_function"): self.log.error(f"Peer trying to call non api function {message_type}") raise ProtocolError(Err.INVALID_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE, [message_type]) # If api is not ready ignore the request if hasattr(self.api, "api_ready"): if self.api.api_ready is False: return None timeout: Optional[int] = 600 if hasattr(f, "execute_task"): # Don't timeout on methods with execute_task decorator, these need to run fully self.execute_tasks.add(task_id) timeout = None if hasattr(f, "peer_required"): coroutine = f(, connection) else: coroutine = f( async def wrapped_coroutine() -> Optional[Message]: try: result = await coroutine return result except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() connection.log.error(f"Exception: {e}, {connection.get_peer_logging()}. {tb}") raise e return None response: Optional[Message] = await asyncio.wait_for(wrapped_coroutine(), timeout=timeout) connection.log.debug( f"Time taken to process {message_type} from {connection.peer_node_id} is " f"{time.time() - start_time} seconds" ) if response is not None: response_message = Message(response.type,, await connection.send_message(response_message) except TimeoutError: connection.log.error(f"Timeout error for: {message_type}") except Exception as e: if self.connection_close_task is None: tb = traceback.format_exc() connection.log.error( f"Exception: {e} {type(e)}, closing connection {connection.get_peer_logging()}. {tb}" ) else: connection.log.debug(f"Exception: {e} while closing connection") # TODO: actually throw one of the errors from and pass this to close await connection.close(self.api_exception_ban_seconds, WSCloseCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, Err.UNKNOWN) finally: message_types[message_type] -= 1 if task_id in self.api_tasks: self.api_tasks.pop(task_id) if task_id in self.tasks_from_peer[connection.peer_node_id]: self.tasks_from_peer[connection.peer_node_id].remove(task_id) if task_id in self.execute_tasks: self.execute_tasks.remove(task_id) task_id = token_bytes() api_task = asyncio.create_task(api_call(payload_inc, connection_inc, task_id)) # TODO: address hint error and remove ignore # error: Invalid index type "bytes" for "Dict[bytes32, Task[Any]]"; expected type "bytes32" [index] self.api_tasks[task_id] = api_task # type: ignore[index] if connection_inc.peer_node_id not in self.tasks_from_peer: self.tasks_from_peer[connection_inc.peer_node_id] = set() # TODO: address hint error and remove ignore # error: Argument 1 to "add" of "set" has incompatible type "bytes"; expected "bytes32" [arg-type] self.tasks_from_peer[connection_inc.peer_node_id].add(task_id) # type: ignore[arg-type] async def send_to_others( self, messages: List[Message], node_type: NodeType, origin_peer: WSChiaConnection, ): for node_id, connection in self.all_connections.items(): if node_id == origin_peer.peer_node_id: continue if connection.connection_type is node_type: for message in messages: await connection.send_message(message) async def validate_broadcast_message_type(self, messages: List[Message], node_type: NodeType): for message in messages: if message_requires_reply(ProtocolMessageTypes(message.type)): # Internal protocol logic error - we will raise, blocking messages to all peers self.log.error(f"Attempt to broadcast message requiring protocol response: {message.type}") for _, connection in self.all_connections.items(): if connection.connection_type is node_type: await connection.close( self.invalid_protocol_ban_seconds, WSCloseCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, Err.INTERNAL_PROTOCOL_ERROR, ) raise ProtocolError(Err.INTERNAL_PROTOCOL_ERROR, [message.type]) async def send_to_all(self, messages: List[Message], node_type: NodeType): await self.validate_broadcast_message_type(messages, node_type) for _, connection in self.all_connections.items(): if connection.connection_type is node_type: for message in messages: await connection.send_message(message) async def send_to_all_except(self, messages: List[Message], node_type: NodeType, exclude: bytes32): await self.validate_broadcast_message_type(messages, node_type) for _, connection in self.all_connections.items(): if connection.connection_type is node_type and connection.peer_node_id != exclude: for message in messages: await connection.send_message(message) async def send_to_specific(self, messages: List[Message], node_id: bytes32): if node_id in self.all_connections: connection = self.all_connections[node_id] for message in messages: await connection.send_message(message) def get_outgoing_connections(self) -> List[WSChiaConnection]: result = [] for _, connection in self.all_connections.items(): if connection.is_outbound: result.append(connection) return result def get_full_node_outgoing_connections(self) -> List[WSChiaConnection]: result = [] connections = self.get_full_node_connections() for connection in connections: if connection.is_outbound: result.append(connection) return result def get_full_node_connections(self) -> List[WSChiaConnection]: return list(self.connection_by_type[NodeType.FULL_NODE].values()) def get_connections(self, node_type: Optional[NodeType] = None) -> List[WSChiaConnection]: result = [] for _, connection in self.all_connections.items(): if node_type is None or connection.connection_type == node_type: result.append(connection) return result async def close_all_connections(self) -> None: keys = [a for a, b in self.all_connections.items()] for node_id in keys: try: if node_id in self.all_connections: connection = self.all_connections[node_id] await connection.close() except Exception as e: self.log.error(f"Exception while closing connection {e}") def close_all(self) -> None: self.connection_close_task = asyncio.create_task(self.close_all_connections()) if self.runner is not None: self.site_shutdown_task = asyncio.create_task(self.runner.cleanup()) if is not None: self.app_shut_down_task = asyncio.create_task( for task_id, task in self.api_tasks.items(): task.cancel() self.shut_down_event.set() if self.incoming_task is not None: self.incoming_task.cancel() self.incoming_task = None if self.gc_task is not None: self.gc_task.cancel() self.gc_task = None async def await_closed(self) -> None: self.log.debug("Await Closed") await self.shut_down_event.wait() if self.connection_close_task is not None: await self.connection_close_task if self.app_shut_down_task is not None: await self.app_shut_down_task if self.site_shutdown_task is not None: await self.site_shutdown_task async def get_peer_info(self) -> Optional[PeerInfo]: ip = None port = self._port # Use chia's service first. try: timeout = ClientTimeout(total=15) async with ClientSession(timeout=timeout) as session: async with session.get("") as resp: if resp.status == 200: ip = str(await resp.text()) ip = ip.rstrip() except Exception: ip = None # Fallback to `checkip` from amazon. if ip is None: try: timeout = ClientTimeout(total=15) async with ClientSession(timeout=timeout) as session: async with session.get("") as resp: if resp.status == 200: ip = str(await resp.text()) ip = ip.rstrip() except Exception: ip = None if ip is None: return None peer = PeerInfo(ip, uint16(port)) if not peer.is_valid(): return None return peer def accept_inbound_connections(self, node_type: NodeType) -> bool: if not self._local_type == NodeType.FULL_NODE: return True inbound_count = len([conn for _, conn in self.connection_by_type[node_type].items() if not conn.is_outbound]) if node_type == NodeType.FULL_NODE: return inbound_count < self.config["target_peer_count"] - self.config["target_outbound_peer_count"] if node_type == NodeType.WALLET: return inbound_count < self.config["max_inbound_wallet"] if node_type == NodeType.FARMER: return inbound_count < self.config["max_inbound_farmer"] if node_type == NodeType.TIMELORD: return inbound_count < self.config["max_inbound_timelord"] return True def is_trusted_peer(self, peer: WSChiaConnection, trusted_peers: Dict) -> bool: if trusted_peers is None: return False if not self.config["testing"] and peer.peer_host == "": return True if peer.peer_node_id.hex() not in trusted_peers: return False return True