from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import os import sys from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath from random import randint from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from aiohttp import ClientConnectorError from chia_rs import PrivateKey from chia.cmds.cmds_util import get_any_service_client from chia.cmds.start_funcs import async_start from chia.consensus.coinbase import create_puzzlehash_for_pk from chia.server.outbound_message import NodeType from chia.simulator.simulator_full_node_rpc_client import SimulatorFullNodeRpcClient from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32 from chia.types.coin_record import CoinRecord from chia.util.bech32m import decode_puzzle_hash, encode_puzzle_hash from chia.util.config import load_config, save_config, set_peer_info from chia.util.errors import KeychainFingerprintExists from chia.util.ints import uint32 from chia.util.keychain import Keychain, bytes_to_mnemonic from chia.wallet.derive_keys import ( master_sk_to_farmer_sk, master_sk_to_pool_sk, master_sk_to_wallet_sk, master_sk_to_wallet_sk_unhardened, ) def get_ph_from_fingerprint(fingerprint: int, key_id: int = 1) -> bytes32: priv_key_and_entropy = Keychain().get_private_key_by_fingerprint(fingerprint) if priv_key_and_entropy is None: raise Exception("Fingerprint not found") private_key = priv_key_and_entropy[0] sk_for_wallet_id: PrivateKey = master_sk_to_wallet_sk(private_key, uint32(key_id)) puzzle_hash: bytes32 = create_puzzlehash_for_pk(sk_for_wallet_id.get_g1()) return puzzle_hash def create_chia_directory( chia_root: Path, fingerprint: int, farming_address: Optional[str], plot_directory: Optional[str], auto_farm: Optional[bool], docker_mode: bool, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ This function creates a new chia directory and returns a heavily modified config, suitable for use in the simulator. """ from chia.cmds.init_funcs import chia_init if not chia_root.is_dir() or not Path(chia_root / "config" / "config.yaml").exists(): # create chia directories & load config chia_init(chia_root, testnet=True, fix_ssl_permissions=True) config: Dict[str, Any] = load_config(chia_root, "config.yaml") # apply standard block-tools config. config["full_node"]["send_uncompact_interval"] = 0 config["full_node"]["target_uncompact_proofs"] = 30 config["full_node"]["peer_connect_interval"] = 50 config["full_node"]["sanitize_weight_proof_only"] = False config["logging"]["log_level"] = "INFO" # extra logs for easier development # make sure we don't try to connect to other nodes. config["full_node"]["introducer_peer"] = None config["wallet"]["introducer_peer"] = None config["full_node"]["dns_servers"] = [] config["wallet"]["dns_servers"] = [] # create custom testnet (simulator0) config["network_overrides"]["constants"]["simulator0"] = config["network_overrides"]["constants"][ "testnet0" ].copy() config["network_overrides"]["config"]["simulator0"] = config["network_overrides"]["config"]["testnet0"].copy() sim_genesis = "eb8c4d20b322be8d9fddbf9412016bdffe9a2901d7edb0e364e94266d0e095f7" config["network_overrides"]["constants"]["simulator0"]["GENESIS_CHALLENGE"] = sim_genesis # tell services to use simulator0 config["selected_network"] = "simulator0" config["wallet"]["selected_network"] = "simulator0" config["full_node"]["selected_network"] = "simulator0" if not docker_mode: # We want predictable ports for our docker image. # set ports and networks, we don't want to cause a port conflict. port_offset = randint(1, 20000) config["daemon_port"] -= port_offset config["network_overrides"]["config"]["simulator0"]["default_full_node_port"] = 38444 + port_offset # wallet config["wallet"]["rpc_port"] += port_offset # full node config["full_node"]["port"] -= port_offset config["full_node"]["rpc_port"] += port_offset # connect wallet to full node set_peer_info(config["wallet"], peer_type=NodeType.FULL_NODE, peer_port=config["full_node"]["port"]) # ui config["ui"]["daemon_port"] = config["daemon_port"] else: config["self_hostname"] = "" # Bind to all interfaces. config["logging"]["log_stdout"] = True # Log to console. else: config = load_config(chia_root, "config.yaml") # simulator overrides config["simulator"]["key_fingerprint"] = fingerprint if farming_address is None: prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"]["simulator0"]["address_prefix"] farming_address = encode_puzzle_hash(get_ph_from_fingerprint(fingerprint), prefix) config["simulator"]["farming_address"] = farming_address if plot_directory is not None: config["simulator"]["plot_directory"] = plot_directory # Temporary change to fix win / linux differences. config["simulator"]["plot_directory"] = str(Path(config["simulator"]["plot_directory"])) if "//" in config["simulator"]["plot_directory"] and != "nt": # if we're on linux, we need to convert to a linux path. config["simulator"]["plot_directory"] = str(PureWindowsPath(config["simulator"]["plot_directory"]).as_posix()) config["simulator"]["auto_farm"] = auto_farm if auto_farm is not None else True farming_ph = decode_puzzle_hash(farming_address) # modify genesis block to give the user the reward simulator_consts = config["network_overrides"]["constants"]["simulator0"] simulator_consts["GENESIS_PRE_FARM_FARMER_PUZZLE_HASH"] = farming_ph.hex() simulator_consts["GENESIS_PRE_FARM_POOL_PUZZLE_HASH"] = farming_ph.hex() # save config and return the config save_config(chia_root, "config.yaml", config) return config def display_key_info(fingerprint: int, prefix: str) -> None: """ Display key info for a given fingerprint, similar to the output of `chia keys show`. """ print(f"Using fingerprint {fingerprint}") private_key_and_seed = Keychain().get_private_key_by_fingerprint(fingerprint) if private_key_and_seed is None: print(f"Fingerprint {fingerprint} not found") return sk, seed = private_key_and_seed print("\nFingerprint:", sk.get_g1().get_fingerprint()) print("Master public key (m):", sk.get_g1()) print("Farmer public key (m/12381/8444/0/0):", master_sk_to_farmer_sk(sk).get_g1()) print("Pool public key (m/12381/8444/1/0):", master_sk_to_pool_sk(sk).get_g1()) first_wallet_sk: PrivateKey = master_sk_to_wallet_sk_unhardened(sk, uint32(0)) wallet_address: str = encode_puzzle_hash(create_puzzlehash_for_pk(first_wallet_sk.get_g1()), prefix) print(f"First wallet address: {wallet_address}") assert seed is not None print("Master private key (m):", bytes(sk).hex()) print("First wallet secret key (m/12381/8444/2/0):", master_sk_to_wallet_sk(sk, uint32(0))) mnemonic = bytes_to_mnemonic(seed) print(" Mnemonic seed (24 secret words):") print(f"{mnemonic} \n") def generate_and_return_fingerprint(mnemonic: Optional[str] = None) -> int: """ Generate and add new PrivateKey and return its fingerprint. """ from chia.util.keychain import generate_mnemonic if mnemonic is None: print("Generating private key") mnemonic = generate_mnemonic() try: sk = Keychain().add_private_key(mnemonic, None) fingerprint: int = sk.get_g1().get_fingerprint() except KeychainFingerprintExists as e: fingerprint = e.fingerprint print(f"Fingerprint: {fingerprint} for provided private key already exists.") return fingerprint print(f"Added private key with public key fingerprint {fingerprint}") return fingerprint def select_fingerprint( fingerprint: Optional[int] = None, mnemonic_string: Optional[str] = None, auto_generate_key: bool = False ) -> Optional[int]: """ Either select an existing fingerprint or create one and return it. """ if mnemonic_string: fingerprint = generate_and_return_fingerprint(mnemonic_string) fingerprints: list[int] = [pk.get_fingerprint() for pk in Keychain().get_all_public_keys()] if fingerprint is not None and fingerprint in fingerprints: return fingerprint elif fingerprint is not None and fingerprint not in fingerprints: print(f"Invalid Fingerprint. Fingerprint {fingerprint} was not found.") return None if auto_generate_key and len(fingerprints) == 1: return fingerprints[0] if len(fingerprints) == 0: if not auto_generate_key: if ( input("No keys in keychain. Press 'q' to quit, or press any other key to generate a new key.").lower() == "q" ): return None # generate private key and add to wallet fingerprint = generate_and_return_fingerprint() else: print("Fingerprints:") print( "If you already used one of these keys, select that fingerprint to skip the plotting process." " Otherwise, select any key below." ) for i, fp in enumerate(fingerprints): row: str = f"{i + 1}) " row += f"{fp}" print(row) val = None prompt: str = f"Choose a simulator key [1-{len(fingerprints)}] ('q' to quit, or 'g' to generate a new key): " while val is None: val = input(prompt) if val == "q": return None elif val == "g": fingerprint = generate_and_return_fingerprint() break elif not val.isdigit(): val = None else: index = int(val) - 1 if index < 0 or index >= len(fingerprints): print("Invalid value") val = None continue else: fingerprint = fingerprints[index] assert fingerprint is not None return fingerprint async def generate_plots(config: Dict[str, Any], root_path: Path, fingerprint: int, bitfield: bool) -> None: """ Pre-Generate plots for the new simulator instance. """ from chia.simulator.block_tools import BlockTools, test_constants from chia.simulator.start_simulator import PLOT_SIZE, PLOTS farming_puzzle_hash = decode_puzzle_hash(config["simulator"]["farming_address"]) os.environ["CHIA_ROOT"] = str(root_path) # change env variable, to make it match what the daemon would set it to # create block tools and use local keychain bt = BlockTools( test_constants, root_path, automated_testing=False, plot_dir=config["simulator"].get("plot_directory", "plots"), keychain=Keychain(), ) await bt.setup_keys(fingerprint=fingerprint, reward_ph=farming_puzzle_hash) existing_plots = await bt.setup_plots( num_og_plots=PLOTS, num_pool_plots=0, num_non_keychain_plots=0, plot_size=PLOT_SIZE, bitfield=bitfield ) print(f"{'New plots generated.' if existing_plots else 'Using Existing Plots'}\n") async def get_current_height(root_path: Path) -> int: async with get_any_service_client(SimulatorFullNodeRpcClient, root_path=root_path, consume_errors=False) as ( node_client, _, ): num_blocks = len(await node_client.get_all_blocks()) return num_blocks async def async_config_wizard( root_path: Path, fingerprint: Optional[int], farming_address: Optional[str], plot_directory: Optional[str], mnemonic_string: Optional[str], auto_farm: Optional[bool], docker_mode: bool, bitfield: bool, ) -> None: # either return passed through fingerprint or get one fingerprint = select_fingerprint(fingerprint, mnemonic_string, docker_mode) if fingerprint is None: # user cancelled wizard return # create chia directory & get config. print("Creating chia directory & config...") config = create_chia_directory(root_path, fingerprint, farming_address, plot_directory, auto_farm, docker_mode) # Pre-generate plots by running block_tools init functions. print("Please Wait, Generating plots...") print("This may take up to a minute if you are on a slow machine") await generate_plots(config, root_path, fingerprint, bitfield) # final messages final_farming_address = config["simulator"]["farming_address"] print(f"\nFarming & Prefarm reward address: {final_farming_address}\n") print("Configuration Wizard Complete.") print("Starting Simulator now...\n\n") sys.argv[0] = str(Path(sys.executable).parent / "chia") # fix path for tests await async_start(root_path, config, ("simulator",), False) # now we make sure the simulator has a genesis block print("Please wait, generating genesis block.") while True: try: num_blocks: int = await get_current_height(root_path) except ClientConnectorError: await asyncio.sleep(0.25) else: if num_blocks == 0: await farm_blocks(None, root_path, 1, True, final_farming_address) print("Genesis block generated, exiting.") else: print("Genesis block already exists, exiting.") break print(f"\nMake sure your CHIA_ROOT Environment Variable is set to: {root_path}") def print_coin_record( name: str, address_prefix: str, coin_record: CoinRecord, ) -> None: from datetime import datetime coin_address = encode_puzzle_hash(coin_record.coin.puzzle_hash, address_prefix) print(f"Coin 0x{}") print(f"Wallet Address: {coin_address}") print(f"Confirmed at block: {coin_record.confirmed_block_index}") print(f"Spent: {f'at Block {coin_record.spent_block_index}' if coin_record.spent else 'No'}") print(f"Coin Amount: {coin_record.coin.amount} {name}") print(f"Parent Coin ID: 0x{coin_record.coin.parent_coin_info.hex()}") print(f"Created at: {datetime.fromtimestamp(float(coin_record.timestamp)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}\n") async def print_coin_records( config: Dict[str, Any], node_client: SimulatorFullNodeRpcClient, include_reward_coins: bool, include_spent: bool = False, ) -> None: import sys coin_records: List[CoinRecord] = await node_client.get_all_coins(include_spent) coin_records = [coin_record for coin_record in coin_records if not coin_record.coinbase or include_reward_coins] address_prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][config["selected_network"]]["address_prefix"] name = "mojo" paginate = False # I might change this later. if len(coin_records) != 0: print("All Coins: ") if paginate is True: paginate = sys.stdout.isatty() num_per_screen = 5 if paginate else len(coin_records) # ripped from cmds/wallet_funcs. for i in range(0, len(coin_records), num_per_screen): for j in range(0, num_per_screen): if i + j >= len(coin_records): break print_coin_record( coin_record=coin_records[i + j], name=name, address_prefix=address_prefix, ) if i + num_per_screen <= len(coin_records) and paginate: print("Press q to quit, or c to continue") while True: entered_key = if entered_key == "q": return None elif entered_key == "c": break async def print_wallets(config: Dict[str, Any], node_client: SimulatorFullNodeRpcClient) -> None: ph_and_amount = await node_client.get_all_puzzle_hashes() address_prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][config["selected_network"]]["address_prefix"] name = "mojo" for puzzle_hash, (amount, num_tx) in ph_and_amount.items(): address = encode_puzzle_hash(puzzle_hash, address_prefix) print(f"Address: {address} has a balance of: {amount} {name}, with a total of: {num_tx} transactions.\n") async def print_status( rpc_port: Optional[int], root_path: Path, fingerprint: Optional[int], show_key: bool, show_coins: bool, include_reward_coins: bool, show_addresses: bool, ) -> None: """ This command allows users to easily get the status of the simulator and information about the state of and the coins in the simulated blockchain. """ from chia.cmds.show_funcs import print_blockchain_state from chia.cmds.units import units async with get_any_service_client(SimulatorFullNodeRpcClient, rpc_port, root_path) as (node_client, config): # Display keychain info if show_key: if fingerprint is None: fingerprint = config["simulator"]["key_fingerprint"] if fingerprint is not None: display_key_info( fingerprint, config["network_overrides"]["config"][config["selected_network"]]["address_prefix"] ) else: print( "No fingerprint in config, either rerun 'cdv sim create' " "or use --fingerprint to specify one, skipping key information." ) # chain status ( basically chia show -s) await print_blockchain_state(node_client, config) print("") # farming information target_ph: bytes32 = await node_client.get_farming_ph() farming_coin_records = await node_client.get_coin_records_by_puzzle_hash(target_ph, False) prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][config["selected_network"]]["address_prefix"] print( f"Current Farming address: {encode_puzzle_hash(target_ph, prefix)}, " f"with a balance of: " f"{sum(coin_records.coin.amount for coin_records in farming_coin_records) / units['chia']} TXCH." ) if show_addresses: print("All Addresses: ") await print_wallets(config, node_client) if show_coins: await print_coin_records(config, node_client, include_reward_coins) async def revert_block_height( rpc_port: Optional[int], root_path: Path, num_blocks: int, num_new_blocks: int, reset_chain_to_genesis: bool, use_revert_blocks: bool, ) -> None: """ This function allows users to easily revert the chain to a previous state or perform a reorg. """ async with get_any_service_client(SimulatorFullNodeRpcClient, rpc_port, root_path) as (node_client, _): if use_revert_blocks: if num_new_blocks != 1: print(f"Ignoring num_new_blocks: {num_new_blocks}, because we are not performing a reorg.") # in this case num_blocks is the number of blocks to delete new_height: int = await node_client.revert_blocks(num_blocks, reset_chain_to_genesis) print( f"All transactions in Block: {new_height + num_blocks} and above were successfully deleted, " "you should now delete & restart all wallets." ) else: # However, in this case num_blocks is the fork height. new_height = await node_client.reorg_blocks(num_blocks, num_new_blocks, use_revert_blocks) old_height = new_height - num_new_blocks print(f"All transactions in Block: {old_height - num_blocks} and above were successfully reverted.") print(f"Block Height is now: {new_height}") async def farm_blocks( rpc_port: Optional[int], root_path: Path, num_blocks: int, transaction_blocks: bool, target_address: str, ) -> None: """ This function is used to generate new blocks. """ async with get_any_service_client(SimulatorFullNodeRpcClient, rpc_port, root_path) as (node_client, config): if target_address == "": target_address = config["simulator"]["farming_address"] if target_address is None: print( "No target address in config, falling back to the temporary address currently in use. " "You can use 'cdv sim create' or use --target-address to specify a different address." ) target_ph: bytes32 = await node_client.get_farming_ph() else: target_ph = decode_puzzle_hash(target_address) await node_client.farm_block(target_ph, num_blocks, transaction_blocks) print(f"Farmed {num_blocks}{' Transaction' if transaction_blocks else ''} blocks") block_height = (await node_client.get_blockchain_state())["peak"].height print(f"Block Height is now: {block_height}") async def set_auto_farm(rpc_port: Optional[int], root_path: Path, set_autofarm: bool) -> None: """ This function can be used to enable or disable Auto Farming. """ async with get_any_service_client(SimulatorFullNodeRpcClient, rpc_port, root_path) as (node_client, _): current = await node_client.get_auto_farming() if current == set_autofarm: print(f"Auto farming is already {'on' if set_autofarm else 'off'}") return result = await node_client.set_auto_farming(set_autofarm) print(f"Auto farming is now {'on' if result else 'off'}")