from __future__ import annotations from typing import Optional import click @click.command("netspace", short_help="Estimate total farmed space on the network") @click.option( "-p", "--rpc-port", help=( "Set the port where the Full Node is hosting the RPC interface. " "See the rpc_port under full_node in config.yaml. " "[default: 8555]" ), type=int, default=None, ) @click.option( "-d", "--delta-block-height", help=( "Compare a block X blocks older to estimate total network space. " "Defaults to 4608 blocks (~1 day) and Peak block as the starting block. " "Use --start BLOCK_HEIGHT to specify starting block. " "Use 192 blocks to estimate over the last hour." ), type=str, default="4608", ) @click.option( "-s", "--start", help="Newest block used to calculate estimated total network space. Defaults to Peak block.", type=str, default="", ) def netspace_cmd(rpc_port: Optional[int], delta_block_height: str, start: str) -> None: """ Calculates the estimated space on the network given two block header hashes. """ import asyncio from .netspace_funcs import netstorge_async, delta_block_height, start))