import logging from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Awaitable, Set import aiosqlite import time import traceback import asyncio import aiohttp from chia.data_layer.data_layer_types import InternalNode, TerminalNode, Subscription, DiffData from chia.data_layer.data_store import DataStore from chia.rpc.wallet_rpc_client import WalletRpcClient from chia.server.server import ChiaServer from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32 from chia.util.config import load_config from chia.util.db_wrapper import DBWrapper from chia.util.ints import uint16, uint32, uint64 from chia.util.path import mkdir, path_from_root from chia.wallet.transaction_record import TransactionRecord from chia.data_layer.data_layer_wallet import SingletonRecord from chia.data_layer.download_data import insert_from_delta_file, write_files_for_root from chia.data_layer.data_layer_server import DataLayerServer class DataLayer: data_store: DataStore data_layer_server: DataLayerServer db_wrapper: DBWrapper db_path: Path connection: Optional[aiosqlite.Connection] config: Dict[str, Any] log: logging.Logger wallet_rpc_init: Awaitable[WalletRpcClient] state_changed_callback: Optional[Callable[..., object]] wallet_id: uint64 initialized: bool none_bytes: bytes32 def __init__( self, root_path: Path, wallet_rpc_init: Awaitable[WalletRpcClient], name: Optional[str] = None, ): if name == "": # TODO: If no code depends on "" counting as 'unspecified' then we do not # need this. name = None config = load_config(root_path, "config.yaml", "data_layer") self.initialized = False self.config = config self.connection = None self.wallet_rpc_init = wallet_rpc_init self.log = logging.getLogger(name if name is None else __name__) self._shut_down: bool = False db_path_replaced: str = config["database_path"].replace("CHALLENGE", config["selected_network"]) self.db_path = path_from_root(root_path, db_path_replaced) mkdir(self.db_path.parent) server_files_replaced: str = config.get( "server_files_location", "data_layer/db/server_files_location_CHALLENGE" ).replace("CHALLENGE", config["selected_network"]) self.server_files_location = path_from_root(root_path, server_files_replaced) mkdir(self.server_files_location) self.data_layer_server = DataLayerServer(root_path, self.config, self.log) self.none_bytes = bytes32([0] * 32) def _set_state_changed_callback(self, callback: Callable[..., object]) -> None: self.state_changed_callback = callback def set_server(self, server: ChiaServer) -> None: self.server = server async def _start(self) -> bool: self.connection = await aiosqlite.connect(self.db_path) self.db_wrapper = DBWrapper(self.connection) self.data_store = await DataStore.create(self.db_wrapper) self.wallet_rpc = await self.wallet_rpc_init self.subscription_lock: asyncio.Lock = asyncio.Lock() if self.config.get("run_server", False): await self.data_layer_server.start() self.periodically_manage_data_task: asyncio.Task[Any] = asyncio.create_task(self.periodically_manage_data()) return True def _close(self) -> None: # TODO: review for anything else we need to do here self._shut_down = True async def _await_closed(self) -> None: if self.connection is not None: await self.connection.close() if self.config.get("run_server", False): await self.data_layer_server.stop() self.periodically_manage_data_task.cancel() async def create_store( self, fee: uint64, root: bytes32 = bytes32([0] * 32) ) -> Tuple[List[TransactionRecord], bytes32]: txs, tree_id = await self.wallet_rpc.create_new_dl(root, fee) res = await self.data_store.create_tree(tree_id=tree_id) if res is None: self.log.fatal("failed creating store") self.initialized = True return txs, tree_id async def batch_update( self, tree_id: bytes32, changelist: List[Dict[str, Any]], fee: uint64, ) -> TransactionRecord: old_root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=tree_id) rollback_generation = 0 if old_root is None else old_root.generation try: t1 = time.time() await self.data_store.insert_batch(tree_id, changelist) t2 = time.time()"Data store batch update process time: {t2 - t1}.") root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=tree_id) # todo return empty node hash from get_tree_root if root.node_hash is not None: node_hash = root.node_hash else: node_hash = self.none_bytes # todo change transaction_record = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_update_root(tree_id, node_hash, fee) assert transaction_record # todo register callback to change status in data store # await self.data_store.change_root_status(root, Status.COMMITTED) return transaction_record except Exception: await self.data_store.rollback_to_generation(tree_id, rollback_generation) raise async def get_value(self, store_id: bytes32, key: bytes) -> Optional[bytes]: res = await self.data_store.get_node_by_key(tree_id=store_id, key=key) if res is None: self.log.error("Failed to fetch key") return None return res.value async def get_keys_values(self, store_id: bytes32, root_hash: Optional[bytes32]) -> List[TerminalNode]: res = await self.data_store.get_keys_values(store_id, root_hash) if res is None: self.log.error("Failed to fetch keys values") return res async def get_ancestors(self, node_hash: bytes32, store_id: bytes32) -> List[InternalNode]: res = await self.data_store.get_ancestors(node_hash=node_hash, tree_id=store_id) if res is None: self.log.error("Failed to get ancestors") return res async def get_root(self, store_id: bytes32) -> Optional[SingletonRecord]: latest = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_latest_singleton(store_id, True) if latest is None: self.log.error(f"Failed to get root for {store_id.hex()}") return latest async def get_local_root(self, store_id: bytes32) -> Optional[bytes32]: res = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=store_id) if res is None: self.log.error(f"Failed to get root for {store_id.hex()}") return None return res.node_hash async def get_root_history(self, store_id: bytes32) -> List[SingletonRecord]: records = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_history(store_id) if records is None: self.log.error(f"Failed to get root history for {store_id.hex()}") root_history = [] prev: Optional[SingletonRecord] = None for record in records: if prev is None or record.root != prev.root: root_history.append(record) prev = record return root_history async def fetch_and_validate(self, subscription: Subscription) -> None: tree_id = subscription.tree_id singleton_record: Optional[SingletonRecord] = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_latest_singleton(tree_id, True) if singleton_record is None:"Fetch data: No singleton record for {tree_id}.") return if singleton_record.generation == uint32(0):"Fetch data: No data on chain for {tree_id}.") return if not await self.data_store.tree_id_exists(tree_id=tree_id): await self.data_store.create_tree(tree_id=tree_id) for ip, port in zip(subscription.ip, subscription.port): root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=tree_id) if root.generation > int(singleton_record.generation): f"Fetch data: local DL store is ahead of chain generation for {tree_id}. " "Most likely waiting for our batch update to be confirmed on chain." ) break if root.generation == int(singleton_record.generation):"Fetch data: wallet generation matching on-chain generation: {tree_id}.") break f"Downloading files {subscription.tree_id}. " f"Current wallet generation: {root.generation}. " f"Target wallet generation: {singleton_record.generation}. " f"Server used: {ip}:{port}." ) to_download = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_history( launcher_id=tree_id, min_generation=uint32(root.generation + 1), max_generation=singleton_record.generation, ) try: success = await insert_from_delta_file( self.data_store, subscription.tree_id, root.generation, [record.root for record in reversed(to_download)], ip, port, self.server_files_location, self.log, ) if success: f"Finished downloading and validating {subscription.tree_id}. " f"Wallet generation saved: {singleton_record.generation}. " f"Root hash saved: {singleton_record.root}." ) break except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError: self.log.warning(f"Server {ip}:{port} unavailable for {tree_id}.") except Exception as e: self.log.warning(f"Exception while downloading files for {tree_id}: {e} {traceback.format_exc()}.") async def upload_files(self, tree_id: bytes32) -> None: singleton_record: Optional[SingletonRecord] = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_latest_singleton(tree_id, True) if singleton_record is None: return root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=tree_id) publish_generation = min(int(singleton_record.generation), 0 if root is None else root.generation) # If we make some batch updates, which get confirmed to the chain, we need to create the files. # We iterate back and write the missing files, until we find the files already written. root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=tree_id, generation=publish_generation) while publish_generation > 0 and await write_files_for_root( self.data_store, tree_id, root, self.server_files_location, ): publish_generation -= 1 root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=tree_id, generation=publish_generation) async def add_missing_files(self, store_id: bytes32, override: bool, foldername: Optional[Path]) -> None: root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=store_id) singleton_record: Optional[SingletonRecord] = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_latest_singleton(store_id, True) if singleton_record is None: self.log.error(f"No singletor record found for {store_id}.") return max_generation = min(int(singleton_record.generation), 0 if root is None else root.generation) server_files_location = foldername if foldername is not None else self.server_files_location for generation in range(1, max_generation + 1): root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=store_id, generation=generation) await write_files_for_root(self.data_store, store_id, root, server_files_location, override) async def subscribe(self, store_id: bytes32, ip: List[str], port: List[uint16]) -> None: subscription = Subscription(store_id, ip, port) subscriptions = await self.get_subscriptions() if subscription.tree_id in (subscription.tree_id for subscription in subscriptions): await self.data_store.update_existing_subscription(subscription)"Successfully updated subscription {subscription.tree_id}") return await self.wallet_rpc.dl_track_new(subscription.tree_id) async with self.subscription_lock: await self.data_store.subscribe(subscription)"Subscribed to {subscription.tree_id}") async def unsubscribe(self, tree_id: bytes32) -> None: subscriptions = await self.get_subscriptions() if tree_id not in (subscription.tree_id for subscription in subscriptions): raise RuntimeError("No subscription found for the given tree_id.") async with self.subscription_lock: await self.data_store.unsubscribe(tree_id) await self.wallet_rpc.dl_stop_tracking(tree_id)"Unsubscribed to {tree_id}") async def get_subscriptions(self) -> List[Subscription]: async with self.subscription_lock: return await self.data_store.get_subscriptions() async def get_kv_diff(self, tree_id: bytes32, hash_1: bytes32, hash_2: bytes32) -> Set[DiffData]: return await self.data_store.get_kv_diff(tree_id, hash_1, hash_2) async def periodically_manage_data(self) -> None: manage_data_interval = self.config.get("manage_data_interval", 60) while not self._shut_down: async with self.subscription_lock: try: subscriptions = await self.data_store.get_subscriptions() for subscription in subscriptions: await self.wallet_rpc.dl_track_new(subscription.tree_id) break except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError: pass except asyncio.CancelledError: return self.log.warning("Cannot connect to the wallet. Retrying in 3s.") delay_until = time.monotonic() + 3 while time.monotonic() < delay_until: if self._shut_down: break try: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) except asyncio.CancelledError: return while not self._shut_down: async with self.subscription_lock: subscriptions = await self.data_store.get_subscriptions() # Subscribe to all local tree_ids that we can find on chain. local_tree_ids = await self.data_store.get_tree_ids() subscription_tree_ids = set(subscription.tree_id for subscription in subscriptions) for local_id in local_tree_ids: if local_id not in subscription_tree_ids: try: await self.subscribe(local_id, [], []) except asyncio.CancelledError: return except Exception as e: f"Can't subscribe to locally stored {local_id}: {type(e)} {e} {traceback.format_exc()}" ) async with self.subscription_lock: for subscription in subscriptions: try: await self.fetch_and_validate(subscription) await self.upload_files(subscription.tree_id) except asyncio.CancelledError: return except Exception as e: self.log.error(f"Exception while fetching data: {type(e)} {e} {traceback.format_exc()}.") try: await asyncio.sleep(manage_data_interval) except asyncio.CancelledError: return