repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: build-workflows name: Validate github action workflows entry: ./tests/ --fail-on-update language: python pass_filenames: false - id: check-sql name: Validate SQL statements entry: ./tests/ language: python pass_filenames: false - repo: local hooks: - id: init_py_files name: files entry: python3 tests/ -v --root . language: python pass_filenames: false additional_dependencies: [click~=7.1] # The following, commented hook is the usual way to add isort. However, it doesn't work in some environments. # See # ----------------------------------------------------- # - repo: # rev: 5.9.3 # hooks: # - id: isort # ----------------------------------------------------- # The hook below is the workaround for the issue above. - repo: local hooks: - id: isort name: isort entry: isort require_serial: true language: python language_version: python3 types_or: [cython, pyi, python] args: ['--filter-files'] minimum_pre_commit_version: '2.9.2' additional_dependencies: [isort==5.10.1] - repo: rev: v4.0.1 hooks: - id: check-yaml - id: end-of-file-fixer exclude: ".*?(.hex|.clvm|.clib)" - id: trailing-whitespace - id: check-merge-conflict - id: check-ast - id: debug-statements - repo: rev: 21.12b0 hooks: - id: black additional_dependencies: ['click<8.1'] - repo: rev: 3.9.2 hooks: - id: flake8 - repo: rev: v0.950 hooks: - id: mypy additional_dependencies: [filelock, pytest, pytest-asyncio, types-aiofiles, types-click, types-setuptools, types-PyYAML] # This intentionally counters the settings in mypy.ini to allow a loose local # check and a strict CI check. This difference may or may not be retained long # term. args: [--no-warn-unused-ignores]