import time from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import aiosqlite from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32 from chia.types.mempool_inclusion_status import MempoolInclusionStatus from chia.util.db_wrapper import DBWrapper from chia.util.errors import Err from chia.util.ints import uint8, uint32 from chia.wallet.transaction_record import TransactionRecord from chia.wallet.util.transaction_type import TransactionType class WalletTransactionStore: """ WalletTransactionStore stores transaction history for the wallet. """ db_connection: aiosqlite.Connection db_wrapper: DBWrapper tx_record_cache: Dict[bytes32, TransactionRecord] tx_submitted: Dict[bytes32, Tuple[int, int]] # tx_id: [time submitted: count] unconfirmed_for_wallet: Dict[int, Dict[bytes32, TransactionRecord]] @classmethod async def create(cls, db_wrapper: DBWrapper): self = cls() self.db_wrapper = db_wrapper self.db_connection = self.db_wrapper.db await self.db_connection.execute("pragma journal_mode=wal") await self.db_connection.execute("pragma synchronous=2") await self.db_connection.execute( ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transaction_record(" " transaction_record blob," " bundle_id text PRIMARY KEY," # NOTE: bundle_id is being stored as bytes, not hex " confirmed_at_height bigint," " created_at_time bigint," " to_puzzle_hash text," " amount blob," " fee_amount blob," " confirmed int," " sent int," " wallet_id bigint," " trade_id text," " type int)" ) ) # Useful for reorg lookups await self.db_connection.execute( "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_confirmed_index on transaction_record(confirmed_at_height)" ) await self.db_connection.execute( "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_created_index on transaction_record(created_at_time)" ) await self.db_connection.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_confirmed on transaction_record(confirmed)") await self.db_connection.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_sent on transaction_record(sent)") await self.db_connection.execute( "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_created_time on transaction_record(created_at_time)" ) await self.db_connection.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_type on transaction_record(type)") await self.db_connection.execute( "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_to_puzzle_hash on transaction_record(to_puzzle_hash)" ) await self.db_connection.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS wallet_id on transaction_record(wallet_id)") await self.db_connection.commit() self.tx_record_cache = {} self.tx_submitted = {} self.unconfirmed_for_wallet = {} await self.rebuild_tx_cache() return self async def rebuild_tx_cache(self): # init cache here all_records = await self.get_all_transactions() self.tx_record_cache = {} self.unconfirmed_for_wallet = {} for record in all_records: self.tx_record_cache[] = record if record.wallet_id not in self.unconfirmed_for_wallet: self.unconfirmed_for_wallet[record.wallet_id] = {} if not record.confirmed: self.unconfirmed_for_wallet[record.wallet_id][] = record async def _clear_database(self): cursor = await self.db_connection.execute("DELETE FROM transaction_record") await cursor.close() await self.db_connection.commit() async def add_transaction_record(self, record: TransactionRecord, in_transaction: bool) -> None: """ Store TransactionRecord in DB and Cache. """ self.tx_record_cache[] = record if record.wallet_id not in self.unconfirmed_for_wallet: self.unconfirmed_for_wallet[record.wallet_id] = {} unconfirmed_dict = self.unconfirmed_for_wallet[record.wallet_id] if record.confirmed and in unconfirmed_dict: unconfirmed_dict.pop( if not record.confirmed: unconfirmed_dict[] = record if not in_transaction: await self.db_wrapper.lock.acquire() try: cursor = await self.db_connection.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO transaction_record VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( bytes(record),, record.confirmed_at_height, record.created_at_time, record.to_puzzle_hash.hex(), bytes(record.amount), bytes(record.fee_amount), int(record.confirmed), record.sent, record.wallet_id, record.trade_id, record.type, ), ) await cursor.close() if not in_transaction: await self.db_connection.commit() except BaseException: if not in_transaction: await self.rebuild_tx_cache() raise finally: if not in_transaction: self.db_wrapper.lock.release() async def set_confirmed(self, tx_id: bytes32, height: uint32): """ Updates transaction to be confirmed. """ current: Optional[TransactionRecord] = await self.get_transaction_record(tx_id) if current is None: return None tx: TransactionRecord = TransactionRecord( confirmed_at_height=height, created_at_time=current.created_at_time, to_puzzle_hash=current.to_puzzle_hash, amount=current.amount, fee_amount=current.fee_amount, confirmed=True, sent=current.sent, spend_bundle=current.spend_bundle, additions=current.additions, removals=current.removals, wallet_id=current.wallet_id, sent_to=current.sent_to, trade_id=None, type=current.type,, ) await self.add_transaction_record(tx, True) async def increment_sent( self, tx_id: bytes32, name: str, send_status: MempoolInclusionStatus, err: Optional[Err], ) -> bool: """ Updates transaction sent count (Full Node has received spend_bundle and sent ack). """ current: Optional[TransactionRecord] = await self.get_transaction_record(tx_id) if current is None: return False sent_to = current.sent_to.copy() current_peers = set() err_str = if err is not None else None append_data = (name, uint8(send_status.value), err_str) for peer_id, status, error in sent_to: current_peers.add(peer_id) if name in current_peers: sent_count = uint32(current.sent) else: sent_count = uint32(current.sent + 1) sent_to.append(append_data) tx: TransactionRecord = TransactionRecord( confirmed_at_height=current.confirmed_at_height, created_at_time=current.created_at_time, to_puzzle_hash=current.to_puzzle_hash, amount=current.amount, fee_amount=current.fee_amount, confirmed=current.confirmed, sent=sent_count, spend_bundle=current.spend_bundle, additions=current.additions, removals=current.removals, wallet_id=current.wallet_id, sent_to=sent_to, trade_id=None, type=current.type,, ) await self.add_transaction_record(tx, False) return True async def tx_reorged(self, record: TransactionRecord): """ Updates transaction sent count to 0 and resets confirmation data """ tx: TransactionRecord = TransactionRecord( confirmed_at_height=uint32(0), created_at_time=record.created_at_time, to_puzzle_hash=record.to_puzzle_hash, amount=record.amount, fee_amount=record.fee_amount, confirmed=False, sent=uint32(0), spend_bundle=record.spend_bundle, additions=record.additions, removals=record.removals, wallet_id=record.wallet_id, sent_to=[], trade_id=None, type=record.type,, ) await self.add_transaction_record(tx, True) async def get_transaction_record(self, tx_id: bytes32) -> Optional[TransactionRecord]: """ Checks DB and cache for TransactionRecord with id: id and returns it. """ if tx_id in self.tx_record_cache: return self.tx_record_cache[tx_id] # NOTE: bundle_id is being stored as bytes, not hex cursor = await self.db_connection.execute("SELECT * from transaction_record WHERE bundle_id=?", (tx_id,)) row = await cursor.fetchone() await cursor.close() if row is not None: record = TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) return record return None async def get_not_sent(self) -> List[TransactionRecord]: """ Returns the list of transaction that have not been received by full node yet. """ current_time = int(time.time()) cursor = await self.db_connection.execute( "SELECT * from transaction_record WHERE confirmed=?", (0,), ) rows = await cursor.fetchall() await cursor.close() records = [] for row in rows: record = TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) if in self.tx_submitted: time_submitted, count = self.tx_submitted[] if time_submitted < current_time - (60 * 10): records.append(record) self.tx_submitted[] = current_time, 1 else: if count < 5: records.append(record) self.tx_submitted[] = time_submitted, (count + 1) else: records.append(record) self.tx_submitted[] = current_time, 1 return records async def get_farming_rewards(self) -> List[TransactionRecord]: """ Returns the list of all farming rewards. """ fee_int = TransactionType.FEE_REWARD.value pool_int = TransactionType.COINBASE_REWARD.value cursor = await self.db_connection.execute( "SELECT * from transaction_record WHERE confirmed=? and (type=? or type=?)", (1, fee_int, pool_int) ) rows = await cursor.fetchall() await cursor.close() records = [] for row in rows: record = TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) records.append(record) return records async def get_all_unconfirmed(self) -> List[TransactionRecord]: """ Returns the list of all transaction that have not yet been confirmed. """ cursor = await self.db_connection.execute("SELECT * from transaction_record WHERE confirmed=?", (0,)) rows = await cursor.fetchall() await cursor.close() records = [] for row in rows: record = TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) records.append(record) return records async def get_unconfirmed_for_wallet(self, wallet_id: int) -> List[TransactionRecord]: """ Returns the list of transaction that have not yet been confirmed. """ if wallet_id in self.unconfirmed_for_wallet: return list(self.unconfirmed_for_wallet[wallet_id].values()) else: return [] async def get_transactions_between(self, wallet_id: int, start, end) -> List[TransactionRecord]: """Return a list of transaction between start and end index. List is in reverse chronological order. start = 0 is most recent transaction """ limit = end - start cursor = await self.db_connection.execute( f"SELECT * from transaction_record where wallet_id=? and confirmed_at_height not in" f" (select confirmed_at_height from transaction_record order by confirmed_at_height" f" ASC LIMIT {start})" f" order by confirmed_at_height DESC LIMIT {limit}", (wallet_id,), ) rows = await cursor.fetchall() await cursor.close() records = [] for row in rows: record = TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) records.append(record) records.reverse() return records async def get_transaction_count_for_wallet(self, wallet_id) -> int: cursor = await self.db_connection.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transaction_record where wallet_id=?", (wallet_id,) ) count_result = await cursor.fetchone() if count_result is not None: count = count_result[0] else: count = 0 await cursor.close() return count async def get_all_transactions_for_wallet(self, wallet_id: int, type: int = None) -> List[TransactionRecord]: """ Returns all stored transactions. """ if type is None: cursor = await self.db_connection.execute( "SELECT * from transaction_record where wallet_id=?", (wallet_id,) ) else: cursor = await self.db_connection.execute( "SELECT * from transaction_record where wallet_id=? and type=?", ( wallet_id, type, ), ) rows = await cursor.fetchall() await cursor.close() records = [] cache_set = set() for row in rows: record = TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) records.append(record) cache_set.add( return records async def get_all_transactions(self) -> List[TransactionRecord]: """ Returns all stored transactions. """ cursor = await self.db_connection.execute("SELECT * from transaction_record") rows = await cursor.fetchall() await cursor.close() records = [] for row in rows: record = TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) records.append(record) return records async def get_transaction_above(self, height: int) -> List[TransactionRecord]: # Can be -1 (get all tx) cursor = await self.db_connection.execute( "SELECT * from transaction_record WHERE confirmed_at_height>?", (height,) ) rows = await cursor.fetchall() await cursor.close() records = [] for row in rows: record = TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) records.append(record) return records async def rollback_to_block(self, height: int): # Delete from storage to_delete = [] for tx in self.tx_record_cache.values(): if tx.confirmed_at_height > height: to_delete.append(tx) for tx in to_delete: self.tx_record_cache.pop( c1 = await self.db_connection.execute("DELETE FROM transaction_record WHERE confirmed_at_height>?", (height,)) await c1.close() async def delete_unconfirmed_transactions(self, wallet_id: int): cursor = await self.db_connection.execute( "DELETE FROM transaction_record WHERE confirmed=0 AND wallet_id=?", (wallet_id,) ) await cursor.close()