import asyncio import logging import random import time import traceback from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union import aiohttp import aiosqlite from chia.data_layer.data_layer_errors import KeyNotFoundError from chia.data_layer.data_layer_util import ( DiffData, InternalNode, KeyValue, Layer, Offer, OfferStore, Proof, ProofOfInclusion, ProofOfInclusionLayer, Root, ServerInfo, Status, StoreProofs, Subscription, TerminalNode, leaf_hash, ) from chia.data_layer.data_layer_wallet import DataLayerWallet, Mirror, SingletonRecord, verify_offer from chia.data_layer.data_store import DataStore from chia.data_layer.download_data import insert_from_delta_file, write_files_for_root from chia.rpc.wallet_rpc_client import WalletRpcClient from chia.server.server import ChiaServer from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32 from chia.util.db_wrapper import DBWrapper from chia.util.ints import uint32, uint64 from chia.util.path import path_from_root from chia.wallet.trade_record import TradeRecord from import Offer as TradingOffer from chia.wallet.transaction_record import TransactionRecord class DataLayer: data_store: DataStore db_wrapper: DBWrapper batch_update_db_wrapper: DBWrapper db_path: Path connection: Optional[aiosqlite.Connection] config: Dict[str, Any] log: logging.Logger wallet_rpc_init: Awaitable[WalletRpcClient] state_changed_callback: Optional[Callable[..., object]] wallet_id: uint64 initialized: bool none_bytes: bytes32 lock: asyncio.Lock def __init__( self, config: Dict[str, Any], root_path: Path, wallet_rpc_init: Awaitable[WalletRpcClient], name: Optional[str] = None, ): if name == "": # TODO: If no code depends on "" counting as 'unspecified' then we do not # need this. name = None self.initialized = False self.config = config self.connection = None self.wallet_rpc_init = wallet_rpc_init self.log = logging.getLogger(name if name is None else __name__) self._shut_down: bool = False db_path_replaced: str = config["database_path"].replace("CHALLENGE", config["selected_network"]) self.db_path = path_from_root(root_path, db_path_replaced) self.db_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) server_files_replaced: str = config.get( "server_files_location", "data_layer/db/server_files_location_CHALLENGE" ).replace("CHALLENGE", config["selected_network"]) self.server_files_location = path_from_root(root_path, server_files_replaced) self.server_files_location.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.none_bytes = bytes32([0] * 32) self.lock = asyncio.Lock() def _set_state_changed_callback(self, callback: Callable[..., object]) -> None: self.state_changed_callback = callback def set_server(self, server: ChiaServer) -> None: self.server = server async def _start(self) -> bool: self.connection = await aiosqlite.connect(self.db_path) self.db_wrapper = DBWrapper(self.connection) self.data_store = await DataStore.create(self.db_wrapper) self.wallet_rpc = await self.wallet_rpc_init self.subscription_lock: asyncio.Lock = asyncio.Lock() self.periodically_manage_data_task: asyncio.Task[Any] = asyncio.create_task(self.periodically_manage_data()) return True def _close(self) -> None: # TODO: review for anything else we need to do here self._shut_down = True async def _await_closed(self) -> None: if self.connection is not None: await self.connection.close() try: self.periodically_manage_data_task.cancel() except asyncio.CancelledError: pass async def create_store( self, fee: uint64, root: bytes32 = bytes32([0] * 32) ) -> Tuple[List[TransactionRecord], bytes32]: txs, tree_id = await self.wallet_rpc.create_new_dl(root, fee) res = await self.data_store.create_tree(tree_id=tree_id) if res is None: self.log.fatal("failed creating store") self.initialized = True return txs, tree_id async def batch_update( self, tree_id: bytes32, changelist: List[Dict[str, Any]], fee: uint64, ) -> TransactionRecord: await self.batch_insert(tree_id=tree_id, changelist=changelist) return await self.publish_update(tree_id=tree_id, fee=fee) async def batch_insert( self, tree_id: bytes32, changelist: List[Dict[str, Any]], lock: bool = True, ) -> bytes32: async with self.data_store.transaction(lock=lock): # Make sure we update based on the latest confirmed root. async with self.lock: await self._update_confirmation_status(tree_id=tree_id, lock=False) pending_root: Optional[Root] = await self.data_store.get_pending_root(tree_id=tree_id, lock=False) if pending_root is not None: raise Exception("Already have a pending root waiting for confirmation.") # check before any DL changes that this singleton is currently owned by this wallet singleton_records: List[SingletonRecord] = await self.get_owned_stores() if not any(tree_id == singleton.launcher_id for singleton in singleton_records): raise ValueError(f"Singleton with launcher ID {tree_id} is not owned by DL Wallet") t1 = time.monotonic() batch_hash = await self.data_store.insert_batch(tree_id, changelist, lock=False) t2 = time.monotonic()"Data store batch update process time: {t2 - t1}.") # todo return empty node hash from get_tree_root if batch_hash is not None: node_hash = batch_hash else: node_hash = self.none_bytes # todo change return node_hash async def publish_update( self, tree_id: bytes32, fee: uint64, ) -> TransactionRecord: # Make sure we update based on the latest confirmed root. async with self.lock: await self._update_confirmation_status(tree_id=tree_id) pending_root: Optional[Root] = await self.data_store.get_pending_root(tree_id=tree_id) if pending_root is None: raise Exception("Latest root is already confirmed.") root_hash = self.none_bytes if pending_root.node_hash is None else pending_root.node_hash transaction_record = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_update_root( launcher_id=tree_id, new_root=root_hash, fee=fee, ) return transaction_record async def get_key_value_hash( self, store_id: bytes32, key: bytes, root_hash: Optional[bytes32] = None, lock: bool = True, ) -> bytes32: async with self.data_store.transaction(lock=lock): async with self.lock: await self._update_confirmation_status(tree_id=store_id, lock=False) node = await self.data_store.get_node_by_key(tree_id=store_id, key=key, root_hash=root_hash, lock=False) return node.hash async def get_value(self, store_id: bytes32, key: bytes, lock: bool = True) -> Optional[bytes]: async with self.data_store.transaction(lock=lock): async with self.lock: await self._update_confirmation_status(tree_id=store_id, lock=False) res = await self.data_store.get_node_by_key(tree_id=store_id, key=key, lock=False) if res is None: self.log.error("Failed to fetch key") return None return res.value async def get_keys_values(self, store_id: bytes32, root_hash: Optional[bytes32]) -> List[TerminalNode]: async with self.lock: await self._update_confirmation_status(tree_id=store_id) res = await self.data_store.get_keys_values(store_id, root_hash) if res is None: self.log.error("Failed to fetch keys values") return res async def get_keys(self, store_id: bytes32, root_hash: Optional[bytes32]) -> List[bytes]: async with self.lock: await self._update_confirmation_status(tree_id=store_id) res = await self.data_store.get_keys(store_id, root_hash) return res async def get_ancestors(self, node_hash: bytes32, store_id: bytes32) -> List[InternalNode]: async with self.lock: await self._update_confirmation_status(tree_id=store_id) res = await self.data_store.get_ancestors(node_hash=node_hash, tree_id=store_id) if res is None: self.log.error("Failed to get ancestors") return res async def get_root(self, store_id: bytes32) -> Optional[SingletonRecord]: latest = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_latest_singleton(store_id, True) if latest is None: self.log.error(f"Failed to get root for {store_id.hex()}") return latest async def get_local_root(self, store_id: bytes32) -> Optional[bytes32]: async with self.lock: await self._update_confirmation_status(tree_id=store_id) res = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=store_id) if res is None: self.log.error(f"Failed to get root for {store_id.hex()}") return None return res.node_hash async def get_root_history(self, store_id: bytes32) -> List[SingletonRecord]: records = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_history(store_id) if records is None: self.log.error(f"Failed to get root history for {store_id.hex()}") root_history = [] prev: Optional[SingletonRecord] = None for record in records: if prev is None or record.root != prev.root: root_history.append(record) prev = record return root_history async def _update_confirmation_status(self, tree_id: bytes32, lock: bool = True) -> None: async with self.data_store.transaction(lock=lock): try: root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=tree_id, lock=False) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception: root = None singleton_record: Optional[SingletonRecord] = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_latest_singleton(tree_id, True) if singleton_record is None: return if root is None: pending_root = await self.data_store.get_pending_root(tree_id=tree_id, lock=False) if pending_root is not None: if pending_root.generation == 0 and pending_root.node_hash is None: await self.data_store.change_root_status(pending_root, Status.COMMITTED, lock=False) await self.data_store.clear_pending_roots(tree_id=tree_id, lock=False) return else: root = None if root is None:"Don't have pending root for {tree_id}.") return if root.generation == singleton_record.generation: return if root.generation > singleton_record.generation: f"Local root ahead of chain root: {root.generation} {singleton_record.generation}. " "Maybe we're doing a batch update." ) return wallet_history = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_history( launcher_id=tree_id, min_generation=uint32(root.generation + 1), max_generation=singleton_record.generation, ) new_hashes = [record.root for record in reversed(wallet_history)] root_hash = self.none_bytes if root.node_hash is None else root.node_hash generation_shift = 0 while len(new_hashes) > 0 and new_hashes[0] == root_hash: generation_shift += 1 new_hashes.pop(0) if generation_shift > 0: await self.data_store.shift_root_generations(tree_id=tree_id, shift_size=generation_shift, lock=False) else: expected_root_hash = None if new_hashes[0] == self.none_bytes else new_hashes[0] pending_root = await self.data_store.get_pending_root(tree_id=tree_id, lock=False) if ( pending_root is not None and pending_root.generation == root.generation + 1 and pending_root.node_hash == expected_root_hash ): await self.data_store.change_root_status(pending_root, Status.COMMITTED, lock=False) await self.data_store.build_ancestor_table_for_latest_root(tree_id=tree_id, lock=False) await self.data_store.clear_pending_roots(tree_id=tree_id, lock=False) async def fetch_and_validate(self, tree_id: bytes32) -> None: singleton_record: Optional[SingletonRecord] = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_latest_singleton(tree_id, True) if singleton_record is None:"Fetch data: No singleton record for {tree_id}.") return if singleton_record.generation == uint32(0):"Fetch data: No data on chain for {tree_id}.") return async with self.lock: await self._update_confirmation_status(tree_id=tree_id) if not await self.data_store.tree_id_exists(tree_id=tree_id): await self.data_store.create_tree(tree_id=tree_id, status=Status.COMMITTED) timestamp = int(time.time()) servers_info = await self.data_store.get_available_servers_for_store(tree_id, timestamp) # TODO: maybe append a random object to the whole DataLayer class? random.shuffle(servers_info) for server_info in servers_info: url = server_info.url root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=tree_id) if root.generation > singleton_record.generation: "Fetch data: local DL store is ahead of chain generation. " f"Local root: {root}. Singleton: {singleton_record}" ) break if root.generation == singleton_record.generation:"Fetch data: wallet generation matching on-chain generation: {tree_id}.") break f"Downloading files {tree_id}. " f"Current wallet generation: {root.generation}. " f"Target wallet generation: {singleton_record.generation}. " f"Server used: {url}." ) to_download = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_history( launcher_id=tree_id, min_generation=uint32(root.generation + 1), max_generation=singleton_record.generation, ) try: success = await insert_from_delta_file( self.data_store, tree_id, root.generation, [record.root for record in reversed(to_download)], server_info, self.server_files_location, self.log, ) if success: f"Finished downloading and validating {tree_id}. " f"Wallet generation saved: {singleton_record.generation}. " f"Root hash saved: {singleton_record.root}." ) break except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError: self.log.warning(f"Server {url} unavailable for {tree_id}.") except Exception as e: self.log.warning(f"Exception while downloading files for {tree_id}: {e} {traceback.format_exc()}.") async def upload_files(self, tree_id: bytes32) -> None: singleton_record: Optional[SingletonRecord] = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_latest_singleton(tree_id, True) if singleton_record is None:"Upload files: no on-chain record for {tree_id}.") return async with self.lock: await self._update_confirmation_status(tree_id=tree_id) root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=tree_id) publish_generation = min(singleton_record.generation, 0 if root is None else root.generation) # If we make some batch updates, which get confirmed to the chain, we need to create the files. # We iterate back and write the missing files, until we find the files already written. root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=tree_id, generation=publish_generation) while publish_generation > 0 and await write_files_for_root( self.data_store, tree_id, root, self.server_files_location, ): publish_generation -= 1 root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=tree_id, generation=publish_generation) async def add_missing_files(self, store_id: bytes32, overwrite: bool, foldername: Optional[Path]) -> None: root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=store_id) singleton_record: Optional[SingletonRecord] = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_latest_singleton(store_id, True) if singleton_record is None: self.log.error(f"No singleton record found for: {store_id}") return max_generation = min(singleton_record.generation, 0 if root is None else root.generation) server_files_location = foldername if foldername is not None else self.server_files_location for generation in range(1, max_generation + 1): root = await self.data_store.get_tree_root(tree_id=store_id, generation=generation) await write_files_for_root(self.data_store, store_id, root, server_files_location, overwrite) async def subscribe(self, store_id: bytes32, urls: List[str]) -> None: parsed_urls = [url.rstrip("/") for url in urls] subscription = Subscription(store_id, [ServerInfo(url, 0, 0) for url in parsed_urls]) await self.wallet_rpc.dl_track_new(subscription.tree_id) async with self.subscription_lock: await self.data_store.subscribe(subscription)"Done adding subscription: {subscription.tree_id}") async def remove_subscriptions(self, store_id: bytes32, urls: List[str]) -> None: parsed_urls = [url.rstrip("/") for url in urls] async with self.subscription_lock: await self.data_store.remove_subscriptions(store_id, parsed_urls) async def unsubscribe(self, tree_id: bytes32) -> None: subscriptions = await self.get_subscriptions() if tree_id not in (subscription.tree_id for subscription in subscriptions): raise RuntimeError("No subscription found for the given tree_id.") async with self.subscription_lock: await self.data_store.unsubscribe(tree_id) await self.wallet_rpc.dl_stop_tracking(tree_id)"Unsubscribed to {tree_id}") async def get_subscriptions(self) -> List[Subscription]: async with self.subscription_lock: return await self.data_store.get_subscriptions() async def add_mirror(self, store_id: bytes32, urls: List[str], amount: uint64, fee: uint64) -> None: bytes_urls = [bytes(url, "utf8") for url in urls] await self.wallet_rpc.dl_new_mirror(store_id, amount, bytes_urls, fee) async def delete_mirror(self, coin_id: bytes32, fee: uint64) -> None: await self.wallet_rpc.dl_delete_mirror(coin_id, fee) async def get_mirrors(self, tree_id: bytes32) -> List[Mirror]: return await self.wallet_rpc.dl_get_mirrors(tree_id) async def update_subscriptions_from_wallet(self, tree_id: bytes32) -> None: mirrors: List[Mirror] = await self.wallet_rpc.dl_get_mirrors(tree_id) urls: List[str] = [] for mirror in mirrors: urls = urls + [url.decode("utf8") for url in mirror.urls] urls = [url.rstrip("/") for url in urls] await self.data_store.update_subscriptions_from_wallet(tree_id, urls) async def get_owned_stores(self) -> List[SingletonRecord]: return await self.wallet_rpc.dl_owned_singletons() async def get_kv_diff(self, tree_id: bytes32, hash_1: bytes32, hash_2: bytes32) -> Set[DiffData]: return await self.data_store.get_kv_diff(tree_id, hash_1, hash_2) async def periodically_manage_data(self) -> None: manage_data_interval = self.config.get("manage_data_interval", 60) while not self._shut_down: async with self.subscription_lock: try: subscriptions = await self.data_store.get_subscriptions() for subscription in subscriptions: await self.wallet_rpc.dl_track_new(subscription.tree_id) break except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError: pass except asyncio.CancelledError: raise self.log.warning("Cannot connect to the wallet. Retrying in 3s.") delay_until = time.monotonic() + 3 while time.monotonic() < delay_until: if self._shut_down: break try: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise while not self._shut_down: async with self.subscription_lock: subscriptions = await self.data_store.get_subscriptions() # Subscribe to all local tree_ids that we can find on chain. local_tree_ids = await self.data_store.get_tree_ids() subscription_tree_ids = set(subscription.tree_id for subscription in subscriptions) for local_id in local_tree_ids: if local_id not in subscription_tree_ids: try: await self.subscribe(local_id, []) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception as e: f"Can't subscribe to locally stored {local_id}: {type(e)} {e} {traceback.format_exc()}" ) async with self.subscription_lock: for subscription in subscriptions: try: await self.update_subscriptions_from_wallet(subscription.tree_id) await self.fetch_and_validate(subscription.tree_id) await self.upload_files(subscription.tree_id) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception as e: self.log.error(f"Exception while fetching data: {type(e)} {e} {traceback.format_exc()}.") try: await asyncio.sleep(manage_data_interval) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise async def build_offer_changelist( self, store_id: bytes32, inclusions: Tuple[KeyValue, ...], lock: bool = True, ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: async with self.data_store.transaction(lock=lock): changelist: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] for entry in inclusions: try: existing_value = await self.get_value(store_id=store_id, key=entry.key, lock=False) except KeyNotFoundError: existing_value = None if existing_value == entry.value: # already present, nothing needed continue if existing_value is not None: # upsert, delete the existing key and value changelist.append( { "action": "delete", "key": entry.key, } ) changelist.append( { "action": "insert", "key": entry.key, "value": entry.value, } ) return changelist async def process_offered_stores( self, offer_stores: Tuple[OfferStore, ...], lock: bool = True ) -> Dict[bytes32, StoreProofs]: async with self.data_store.transaction(lock=lock): our_store_proofs: Dict[bytes32, StoreProofs] = {} for offer_store in offer_stores: async with self.lock: await self._update_confirmation_status(tree_id=offer_store.store_id, lock=False) changelist = await self.build_offer_changelist( store_id=offer_store.store_id, inclusions=offer_store.inclusions, lock=False, ) if len(changelist) > 0: new_root_hash = await self.batch_insert( tree_id=offer_store.store_id, changelist=changelist, lock=False, ) else: existing_root = await self.get_root(store_id=offer_store.store_id) if existing_root is None: raise Exception(f"store id not available: {offer_store.store_id.hex()}") new_root_hash = existing_root.root if new_root_hash is None: raise Exception("only inserts are supported so a None root hash should not be possible") proofs: List[Proof] = [] for entry in offer_store.inclusions: node_hash = await self.get_key_value_hash( store_id=offer_store.store_id, key=entry.key, root_hash=new_root_hash, lock=False, ) proof_of_inclusion = await self.data_store.get_proof_of_inclusion_by_hash( node_hash=node_hash, tree_id=offer_store.store_id, root_hash=new_root_hash, lock=False, ) proof = Proof( key=entry.key, value=entry.value, node_hash=proof_of_inclusion.node_hash, layers=tuple( Layer( other_hash_side=layer.other_hash_side, other_hash=layer.other_hash, combined_hash=layer.combined_hash, ) for layer in proof_of_inclusion.layers ), ) proofs.append(proof) store_proof = StoreProofs(store_id=offer_store.store_id, proofs=tuple(proofs)) our_store_proofs[offer_store.store_id] = store_proof return our_store_proofs async def make_offer( self, maker: Tuple[OfferStore, ...], taker: Tuple[OfferStore, ...], fee: uint64, ) -> Offer: async with self.data_store.transaction(): our_store_proofs = await self.process_offered_stores(offer_stores=maker, lock=False) offer_dict: Dict[Union[uint32, str], int] = { **{offer_store.store_id.hex(): -1 for offer_store in maker}, **{offer_store.store_id.hex(): 1 for offer_store in taker}, } solver: Dict[str, Any] = { "0x" + our_offer_store.store_id.hex(): { "new_root": "0x" + our_store_proofs[our_offer_store.store_id].proofs[0].root().hex(), "dependencies": [ { "launcher_id": "0x" + their_offer_store.store_id.hex(), "values_to_prove": [ "0x" + leaf_hash(key=entry.key, value=entry.value).hex() for entry in their_offer_store.inclusions ], } for their_offer_store in taker ], } for our_offer_store in maker } wallet_offer, trade_record = await self.wallet_rpc.create_offer_for_ids( offer_dict=offer_dict, solver=solver, driver_dict={}, fee=fee, validate_only=False, ) if wallet_offer is None: raise Exception("offer is None despite validate_only=False") offer = Offer( trade_id=trade_record.trade_id, offer=bytes(wallet_offer), taker=taker, maker=tuple(our_store_proofs.values()), ) # being extra careful and verifying the offer before returning it trading_offer = TradingOffer.from_bytes(offer.offer) summary = await DataLayerWallet.get_offer_summary(offer=trading_offer) verify_offer(maker=offer.maker, taker=offer.taker, summary=summary) return offer async def take_offer( self, offer_bytes: bytes, taker: Tuple[OfferStore, ...], maker: Tuple[StoreProofs, ...], fee: uint64, ) -> TradeRecord: async with self.data_store.transaction(): our_store_proofs = await self.process_offered_stores(offer_stores=taker, lock=False) offer = TradingOffer.from_bytes(offer_bytes) summary = await DataLayerWallet.get_offer_summary(offer=offer) verify_offer(maker=maker, taker=taker, summary=summary) all_store_proofs: Dict[bytes32, StoreProofs] = { store_proofs.proofs[0].root(): store_proofs for store_proofs in [*maker, *our_store_proofs.values()] } proofs_of_inclusion: List[Tuple[str, str, List[str]]] = [] for root, store_proofs in all_store_proofs.items(): for proof in store_proofs.proofs: layers = [ ProofOfInclusionLayer( combined_hash=layer.combined_hash, other_hash_side=layer.other_hash_side, other_hash=layer.other_hash, ) for layer in proof.layers ] proof_of_inclusion = ProofOfInclusion(node_hash=proof.node_hash, layers=layers) sibling_sides_integer = proof_of_inclusion.sibling_sides_integer() proofs_of_inclusion.append( ( root.hex(), str(sibling_sides_integer), ["0x" + sibling_hash.hex() for sibling_hash in proof_of_inclusion.sibling_hashes()], ) ) solver: Dict[str, Any] = { "proofs_of_inclusion": proofs_of_inclusion, **{ "0x" + our_offer_store.store_id.hex(): { "new_root": "0x" + root.hex(), "dependencies": [ { "launcher_id": "0x" + their_offer_store.store_id.hex(), "values_to_prove": ["0x" + entry.node_hash.hex() for entry in their_offer_store.proofs], } for their_offer_store in maker ], } for our_offer_store in taker }, } # Excluding wallet from transaction since failures in the wallet may occur # after the transaction is submitted to the chain. If we roll back data we # may lose published data. trade_record = await self.wallet_rpc.take_offer( offer=offer, solver=solver, fee=fee, ) return trade_record async def cancel_offer(self, trade_id: bytes32, secure: bool, fee: uint64) -> None: store_ids: List[bytes32] = [] if not secure: trade_record = await self.wallet_rpc.get_offer(trade_id=trade_id, file_contents=True) trading_offer = TradingOffer.from_bytes(trade_record.offer) summary = await DataLayerWallet.get_offer_summary(offer=trading_offer) store_ids = [bytes32.from_hexstr(offered["launcher_id"]) for offered in summary["offered"]] await self.wallet_rpc.cancel_offer( trade_id=trade_id, secure=secure, fee=fee, ) if not secure: for store_id in store_ids: await self.data_store.clear_pending_roots(tree_id=store_id)