import asyncio import logging import os import shutil from aiofiles import tempfile # type: ignore from pathlib import Path from typing import Union log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def move_file(src: Path, dst: Path): """ Attempts to move the file at src to dst, falling back to a copy if the move fails. """ dir_perms: int = 0o700 # Create the parent directory if necessary os.makedirs(dst.parent, mode=dir_perms, exist_ok=True) try: # Attempt an atomic move first os.replace(os.fspath(src), os.fspath(dst)) except Exception as e: log.debug(f"Failed to move {src} to {dst} using os.replace, reattempting with shutil.move: {e}") try: # If that fails, use the more robust shutil.move(), though it may internally initiate a copy shutil.move(os.fspath(src), os.fspath(dst)) except Exception: log.exception(f"Failed to move {src} to {dst} using shutil.move") raise async def move_file_async(src: Path, dst: Path, *, reattempts: int = 6, reattempt_delay: float = 0.5): """ Attempts to move the file at src to dst, making multiple attempts if the move fails. """ remaining_attempts: int = reattempts while True: try: move_file(src, dst) except Exception: if remaining_attempts > 0: log.debug(f"Failed to move {src} to {dst}, retrying in {reattempt_delay} seconds") remaining_attempts -= 1 await asyncio.sleep(reattempt_delay) else: break else: break if not dst.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Failed to move {src} to {dst}") else: log.debug(f"Moved {src} to {dst}") async def write_file_async(file_path: Path, data: Union[str, bytes], *, file_mode: int = 0o600, dir_mode: int = 0o700): """ Writes the provided data to a temporary file and then moves it to the final destination. """ # Create the parent directory if necessary os.makedirs(file_path.parent, mode=dir_mode, exist_ok=True) mode: str = "w+" if type(data) == str else "w+b" temp_file_path: Path async with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=file_path.parent, mode=mode, delete=False) as f: temp_file_path = await f.write(data) await f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) try: await move_file_async(temp_file_path, file_path) except Exception: log.exception(f"Failed to move temp file {temp_file_path} to {file_path}") else: os.chmod(file_path, file_mode) finally: # We expect the file replace/move to have succeeded, but cleanup the temp file just in case try: if Path(temp_file_path).exists(): os.remove(temp_file_path) except Exception: log.exception(f"Failed to remove temp file {temp_file_path}")