
280 lines
12 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import json
import logging
from sqlite3 import Row
from typing import List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union
from chia.types.blockchain_format.coin import Coin
from chia.types.blockchain_format.program import Program
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.util.db_wrapper import DBWrapper2, execute_fetchone
from chia.util.ints import uint32
from chia.wallet.lineage_proof import LineageProof
from chia.wallet.nft_wallet.nft_info import DEFAULT_STATUS, IN_TRANSACTION_STATUS, NFTCoinInfo
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_T_WalletNftStore = TypeVar("_T_WalletNftStore", bound="WalletNftStore")
NFT_COIN_INFO_COLUMNS = "nft_id, coin, lineage_proof, mint_height, status, full_puzzle, latest_height, minter_did"
def _to_nft_coin_info(row: Row) -> NFTCoinInfo:
# nft_id, coin, lineage_proof, mint_height, status, full_puzzle, latest_height, minter_did
return NFTCoinInfo(
None if row[2] is None else LineageProof.from_json_dict(json.loads(row[2])),
None if row[7] is None else bytes32.from_hexstr(row[7]),
uint32(row[6]) if row[6] is not None else uint32(0),
class WalletNftStore:
WalletNftStore keeps track of all user created NFTs and necessary smart-contract data
db_wrapper: DBWrapper2
async def create(cls: Type[_T_WalletNftStore], db_wrapper: DBWrapper2) -> _T_WalletNftStore:
self = cls()
self.db_wrapper = db_wrapper
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await conn.execute(
" nft_id text PRIMARY KEY,"
" nft_coin_id text,"
" wallet_id int,"
" did_id text,"
" coin text,"
" lineage_proof text,"
" mint_height bigint,"
" status text,"
" full_puzzle blob)"
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS nft_coin_id on users_nfts(nft_coin_id)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS nft_wallet_id on users_nfts(wallet_id)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS nft_did_id on users_nfts(did_id)")
# Add your new column on the top, otherwise it will not be created.
await conn.execute("ALTER TABLE users_nfts ADD COLUMN minter_did text")
# These are patched columns for resolving reorg issue
await conn.execute("ALTER TABLE users_nfts ADD COLUMN removed_height bigint")
await conn.execute("ALTER TABLE users_nfts ADD COLUMN latest_height bigint")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS removed_nft_height on users_nfts(removed_height)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS latest_nft_height on users_nfts(latest_height)")
except Exception:
return self
async def delete_nft_by_nft_id(self, nft_id: bytes32, height: uint32) -> bool:
"""Tries to mark a given NFT as deleted at specific height
This is due to how re-org works
Returns `True` if NFT was found and marked deleted or `False` if not."""
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
# Remove NFT in the users_nfts table
cursor = await conn.execute(
"UPDATE users_nfts SET removed_height=? WHERE nft_id=?", (int(height), nft_id.hex())
return cursor.rowcount > 0
async def delete_nft_by_coin_id(self, coin_id: bytes32, height: uint32) -> bool:
"""Tries to mark a given NFT as deleted at specific height
This is due to how re-org works
Returns `True` if NFT was found and marked deleted or `False` if not."""
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
# Remove NFT in the users_nfts table
cursor = await conn.execute(
"UPDATE users_nfts SET removed_height=? WHERE nft_coin_id=?", (int(height), coin_id.hex())
if cursor.rowcount > 0:"Deleted NFT with coin id: %s", coin_id.hex())
return True
log.warning("Couldn't find NFT with coin id to delete: %s", coin_id)
return False
async def update_pending_transaction(self, nft_coin_id: bytes32, pending_transaction: bool) -> bool:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
c = await conn.execute(
"UPDATE users_nfts SET status=? WHERE nft_coin_id = ?",
(IN_TRANSACTION_STATUS if pending_transaction else DEFAULT_STATUS, nft_coin_id.hex()),
return c.rowcount > 0
async def save_nft(self, wallet_id: uint32, did_id: Optional[bytes32], nft_coin_info: NFTCoinInfo) -> None:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
columns = (
"nft_id, nft_coin_id, wallet_id, did_id, coin, lineage_proof, mint_height, status, full_puzzle, "
"minter_did, removed_height, latest_height"
await conn.execute(
f"INSERT or REPLACE INTO users_nfts ({columns}) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
did_id.hex() if did_id else None,
if nft_coin_info.lineage_proof is not None
else None,
IN_TRANSACTION_STATUS if nft_coin_info.pending_transaction else DEFAULT_STATUS,
None if nft_coin_info.minter_did is None else nft_coin_info.minter_did.hex(),
# Rotate the old removed NFTs, they are not possible to be reorged
await conn.execute(
"DELETE FROM users_nfts WHERE removed_height is not NULL and removed_height<?",
(int(nft_coin_info.latest_height) - REMOVE_BUFF_BLOCKS,),
async def count(self, wallet_id: Optional[uint32] = None, did_id: Optional[bytes32] = None) -> int:
sql = "SELECT COUNT(nft_id) FROM users_nfts WHERE removed_height is NULL"
params: List[Union[uint32, bytes32]] = []
if wallet_id is not None:
sql += " AND wallet_id=?"
if did_id is not None:
sql += " AND did_id=?"
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
count_row = await execute_fetchone(conn, sql, params)
if count_row:
return int(count_row[0])
return -1
async def is_empty(self, wallet_id: Optional[uint32] = None) -> bool:
sql = "SELECT 1 FROM users_nfts WHERE removed_height is NULL"
params: List[Union[uint32, bytes32]] = []
if wallet_id is not None:
sql += " AND wallet_id=?"
sql += " LIMIT 1"
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
count_row = await execute_fetchone(conn, sql, params)
if count_row:
return False
return True
async def get_nft_list(
wallet_id: Optional[uint32] = None,
did_id: Optional[bytes32] = None,
start_index: int = 0,
count: int = 50,
) -> List[NFTCoinInfo]:
start_index = int(start_index)
except ValueError:
start_index = 0
count = int(count)
except ValueError:
count = 50
sql: str = f"SELECT {NFT_COIN_INFO_COLUMNS} from users_nfts WHERE"
if wallet_id is not None and did_id is None:
sql += f" wallet_id={wallet_id}"
if wallet_id is None and did_id is not None:
sql += f" did_id='{did_id.hex()}'"
if wallet_id is not None and did_id is not None:
sql += f" did_id='{did_id.hex()}' and wallet_id={wallet_id}"
if wallet_id is not None or did_id is not None:
sql += " and"
sql += " removed_height is NULL"
sql += " LIMIT ? OFFSET ?"
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(sql, (count, start_index))
return [
None if row[2] is None else LineageProof.from_json_dict(json.loads(row[2])),
None if row[7] is None else bytes32.from_hexstr(row[7]),
uint32(row[6]) if row[6] is not None else uint32(0),
for row in rows
async def exists(self, coin_id: bytes32) -> bool:
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await execute_fetchone(
" from users_nfts WHERE removed_height is NULL and nft_coin_id=? LIMIT 1)",
return True if rows and rows[0] == 1 else False
async def get_nft_by_coin_id(self, nft_coin_id: bytes32) -> Optional[NFTCoinInfo]:
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
f"SELECT {NFT_COIN_INFO_COLUMNS} from users_nfts WHERE removed_height is NULL and nft_coin_id = ?",
rows = list(rows)
if len(rows) == 1:
return _to_nft_coin_info(rows[0])
elif len(rows) == 2:
raise ValueError("Can only return one NFT, but found > 1 from given coin ids")
return None
async def get_nft_by_id(self, nft_id: bytes32, wallet_id: Optional[uint32] = None) -> Optional[NFTCoinInfo]:
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
sql = f"SELECT {NFT_COIN_INFO_COLUMNS} from users_nfts WHERE removed_height is NULL and nft_id=?"
params: List[Union[uint32, str]] = [nft_id.hex()]
if wallet_id:
sql += " and wallet_id=?"
row = await execute_fetchone(
if row is None:
return None
return _to_nft_coin_info(row)
async def rollback_to_block(self, height: int) -> bool:
Rolls back the blockchain to block_index. All coins confirmed after this point are removed.
All coins spent after this point are set to unspent. Can be -1 (rollback all)
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
# Remove reorged NFTs
await conn.execute("DELETE FROM users_nfts WHERE latest_height>?", (height,))
# Retrieve removed NFTs
result = await conn.execute(
"UPDATE users_nfts SET removed_height = null WHERE removed_height>?",
if result.rowcount > 0:
return True
return False
async def delete_wallet(self, wallet_id: uint32) -> None:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
cursor = await conn.execute("DELETE FROM users_nfts WHERE wallet_id=?", (wallet_id,))
await cursor.close()