Kronus91 643b3e9b72
Skip clawback incoming txs while deleting the unconfirmed txs (#15826)
* Remove CAT1 UX guards (#15812)

* Skip clawback incoming txs

* Add unit test

* Prevent delete clawback tx


Co-authored-by: Matt Hauff <>
2023-07-25 01:53:35 -05:00

399 lines
16 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import logging
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.mempool_inclusion_status import MempoolInclusionStatus
from chia.util.db_wrapper import DBWrapper2
from chia.util.errors import Err
from chia.util.ints import uint8, uint32
from chia.wallet.transaction_record import TransactionRecord, minimum_send_attempts
from chia.wallet.transaction_sorting import SortKey
from chia.wallet.util.query_filter import FilterMode, TransactionTypeFilter
from chia.wallet.util.transaction_type import TransactionType
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def filter_ok_mempool_status(sent_to: List[Tuple[str, uint8, Optional[str]]]) -> List[Tuple[str, uint8, Optional[str]]]:
"""Remove SUCCESS and PENDING status records from a TransactionRecord sent_to field"""
new_sent_to = []
for peer, status, err in sent_to:
if status == MempoolInclusionStatus.FAILED.value:
new_sent_to.append((peer, status, err))
return new_sent_to
class WalletTransactionStore:
WalletTransactionStore stores transaction history for the wallet.
db_wrapper: DBWrapper2
tx_submitted: Dict[bytes32, Tuple[int, int]] # tx_id: [time submitted: count]
last_wallet_tx_resend_time: int # Epoch time in seconds
async def create(cls, db_wrapper: DBWrapper2):
self = cls()
self.db_wrapper = db_wrapper
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await conn.execute(
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transaction_record("
" transaction_record blob,"
" bundle_id text PRIMARY KEY," # NOTE: bundle_id is being stored as bytes, not hex
" confirmed_at_height bigint,"
" created_at_time bigint,"
" to_puzzle_hash text,"
" amount blob,"
" fee_amount blob,"
" confirmed int,"
" sent int,"
" wallet_id bigint,"
" trade_id text,"
" type int)"
# Useful for reorg lookups
await conn.execute(
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_confirmed_index on transaction_record(confirmed_at_height)"
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_created_index on transaction_record(created_at_time)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_confirmed on transaction_record(confirmed)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_sent on transaction_record(sent)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_created_time on transaction_record(created_at_time)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_type on transaction_record(type)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS tx_to_puzzle_hash on transaction_record(to_puzzle_hash)")
await conn.execute(
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS transaction_record_wallet_id on transaction_record(wallet_id)"
self.tx_submitted = {}
self.last_wallet_tx_resend_time = int(time.time())
return self
async def add_transaction_record(self, record: TransactionRecord) -> None:
Store TransactionRecord in DB and Cache.
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await conn.execute_insert(
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO transaction_record VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
async def delete_transaction_record(self, tx_id: bytes32) -> None:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await (await conn.execute("DELETE FROM transaction_record WHERE bundle_id=?", (tx_id,))).close()
async def set_confirmed(self, tx_id: bytes32, height: uint32):
Updates transaction to be confirmed.
current: Optional[TransactionRecord] = await self.get_transaction_record(tx_id)
if current is None:
return None
if current.confirmed_at_height == height:
tx: TransactionRecord = dataclasses.replace(current, confirmed_at_height=height, confirmed=True)
await self.add_transaction_record(tx)
async def increment_sent(
tx_id: bytes32,
name: str,
send_status: MempoolInclusionStatus,
err: Optional[Err],
) -> bool:
Updates transaction sent count (Full Node has received spend_bundle and sent ack).
current: Optional[TransactionRecord] = await self.get_transaction_record(tx_id)
if current is None:
return False
sent_to = current.sent_to.copy()
current_peers = set()
err_str = if err is not None else None
append_data = (name, uint8(send_status.value), err_str)
for peer_id, status, error in sent_to:
if name in current_peers:
sent_count = uint32(current.sent)
sent_count = uint32(current.sent + 1)
tx: TransactionRecord = dataclasses.replace(current, sent=sent_count, sent_to=sent_to)
if not tx.is_valid():
# if the tx is not valid due to repeated failures, we will confirm that we can't spend it"Marking tx={} as confirmed but failed, since it is not spendable due to errors")
tx = dataclasses.replace(tx, confirmed=True, confirmed_at_height=uint32(0))
await self.add_transaction_record(tx)
return True
async def tx_reorged(self, record: TransactionRecord):
Updates transaction sent count to 0 and resets confirmation data
tx: TransactionRecord = dataclasses.replace(
record, confirmed_at_height=uint32(0), confirmed=False, sent=uint32(0), sent_to=[]
await self.add_transaction_record(tx)
async def get_transaction_record(self, tx_id: bytes32) -> Optional[TransactionRecord]:
Checks DB and cache for TransactionRecord with id: id and returns it.
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
# NOTE: bundle_id is being stored as bytes, not hex
rows = list(
await conn.execute_fetchall(
"SELECT transaction_record from transaction_record WHERE bundle_id=?", (tx_id,)
if len(rows) > 0:
return TransactionRecord.from_bytes(rows[0][0])
return None
# TODO: This should probably be split into separate function, one that
# queries the state and one that updates it. Also, include_accepted_txs=True
# might be a separate function too.
# also, the current time should be passed in as a parameter
async def get_not_sent(self, *, include_accepted_txs=False) -> List[TransactionRecord]:
Returns the list of transactions that have not been received by full node yet.
current_time = int(time.time())
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
"SELECT transaction_record from transaction_record WHERE confirmed=0",
records = []
for row in rows:
record = TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0])
if include_accepted_txs:
# Reset the "sent" state for peers that have replied about this transaction. Retain errors.
record = dataclasses.replace(record, sent=1, sent_to=filter_ok_mempool_status(record.sent_to))
await self.add_transaction_record(record)
self.tx_submitted[] = current_time, 1
elif in self.tx_submitted:
time_submitted, count = self.tx_submitted[]
if time_submitted < current_time - (60 * 10):
self.tx_submitted[] = current_time, 1
if count < minimum_send_attempts:
self.tx_submitted[] = time_submitted, (count + 1)
self.tx_submitted[] = current_time, 1
return records
async def get_farming_rewards(self) -> List[TransactionRecord]:
Returns the list of all farming rewards.
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
fee_int = TransactionType.FEE_REWARD.value
pool_int = TransactionType.COINBASE_REWARD.value
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
"SELECT transaction_record from transaction_record WHERE confirmed=1 and (type=? or type=?)",
(fee_int, pool_int),
return [TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) for row in rows]
async def get_all_unconfirmed(self) -> List[TransactionRecord]:
Returns the list of all transaction that have not yet been confirmed.
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall("SELECT transaction_record from transaction_record WHERE confirmed=0")
return [TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) for row in rows]
async def get_unconfirmed_for_wallet(self, wallet_id: int) -> List[TransactionRecord]:
Returns the list of transaction that have not yet been confirmed.
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
"SELECT transaction_record from transaction_record WHERE confirmed=0 AND wallet_id=?", (wallet_id,)
return [TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) for row in rows]
async def get_transactions_between(
wallet_id: int,
confirmed: Optional[bool] = None,
to_puzzle_hash: Optional[bytes32] = None,
type_filter: Optional[TransactionTypeFilter] = None,
) -> List[TransactionRecord]:
"""Return a list of transaction between start and end index. List is in reverse chronological order.
start = 0 is most recent transaction
limit = end - start
if to_puzzle_hash is None:
puzz_hash_where = ""
puzz_hash_where = f' AND to_puzzle_hash="{to_puzzle_hash.hex()}"'
if sort_key is None:
if sort_key not in SortKey.__members__:
raise ValueError(f"There is no known sort {sort_key}")
if reverse:
query_str = SortKey[sort_key].descending()
query_str = SortKey[sort_key].ascending()
confirmed_str = ""
if confirmed is not None:
confirmed_str = f"AND confirmed={int(confirmed)}"
if type_filter is None:
type_filter_str = ""
type_filter_str = (
f"AND type {'' if type_filter.mode == FilterMode.include else 'NOT'} "
f"IN ({','.join([str(x) for x in type_filter.values])})"
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
f"SELECT transaction_record FROM transaction_record WHERE wallet_id=?{puzz_hash_where}"
f" {type_filter_str} {confirmed_str} {query_str}, rowid"
f" LIMIT {start}, {limit}",
return [TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) for row in rows]
async def get_transaction_count_for_wallet(
wallet_id: int,
confirmed: Optional[bool] = None,
type_filter: Optional[TransactionTypeFilter] = None,
) -> int:
confirmed_str = ""
if confirmed is not None:
confirmed_str = f"AND confirmed={int(confirmed)}"
if type_filter is None:
type_filter_str = ""
type_filter_str = (
f"AND type {'' if type_filter.mode == FilterMode.include else 'NOT'} "
f"IN ({','.join([str(x) for x in type_filter.values])})"
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = list(
await conn.execute_fetchall(
f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transaction_record where wallet_id=? {type_filter_str} {confirmed_str}",
return 0 if len(rows) == 0 else rows[0][0]
async def get_all_transactions_for_wallet(self, wallet_id: int, type: int = None) -> List[TransactionRecord]:
Returns all stored transactions.
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
if type is None:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
"SELECT transaction_record FROM transaction_record WHERE wallet_id=?", (wallet_id,)
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
"SELECT transaction_record FROM transaction_record WHERE wallet_id=? AND type=?",
return [TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) for row in rows]
async def get_all_transactions(self) -> List[TransactionRecord]:
Returns all stored transactions.
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall("SELECT transaction_record from transaction_record")
return [TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) for row in rows]
async def get_transaction_above(self, height: int) -> List[TransactionRecord]:
# Can be -1 (get all tx)
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
"SELECT transaction_record from transaction_record WHERE confirmed_at_height>?", (height,)
return [TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) for row in rows]
async def get_transactions_by_trade_id(self, trade_id: bytes32) -> List[TransactionRecord]:
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
"SELECT transaction_record from transaction_record WHERE trade_id=?", (trade_id,)
return [TransactionRecord.from_bytes(row[0]) for row in rows]
async def rollback_to_block(self, height: int):
# Delete from storage
self.tx_submitted = {}
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await (await conn.execute("DELETE FROM transaction_record WHERE confirmed_at_height>?", (height,))).close()
async def delete_unconfirmed_transactions(self, wallet_id: int):
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await (
await conn.execute(
"DELETE FROM transaction_record WHERE confirmed=0 AND wallet_id=? AND type not in (?,?)",