Patrick Maslana 3a2dc484b5
Generate a license directory that contains licenses missing from the installers (#15146)
* Add scripts to build a tree of licenses that are missing from the installers

* Add a line that was accidentally removed

* add steps in the build_license_directory script to install pip-licenses and license-checker

* Pip install pip-license

* Added commands to check the working dir in the

* Fix the path for the npm commands

* Copy the library dir over

* Add a line to cd back to the previous dir in the file

* Fix path to go back to "build_scripts"

* Fixing a typo with a path in the file

* Troubleshoot path

* Change word from library to licenses

* Add a command to list contents of "dist/$CLI_DEB_BASE/opt/chia/" for troubleshooting

* Copy the license file to the "GUI" directory

* Fix the last for loop

* Move the step to change directory back to build scripts in the file

* Add some more steps to troubleshoot the path and license-checker usage

* Fix a typo

* Add an "npm install ." before running the license-checker

* Fix a typo

* Change back to the build_scripts dir before the first loop in file

* Revert "Change back to the build_scripts dir before the first loop in file"

This reverts commit a3e88a2583.

* Fix the path for moving the license file

* Change the first loop for printing licenses from npm license-checker

* Add steps to copy the license file over to the builds and comment out the "npm install ." step out of the build_license_firectory script

* Add npm ci to the build_license_directory file

* Adding a dir for troubleshooting

* Fix errors in the scripts

* Fix a path to the licenses file

* Remove a dir from the windows installer script

* Remove a copy command

* Remove a few more copy commands

* Adding a ps1 script for usage in the windows installer build script

* Replace the powershell script

* Made a couple changes to the ps1 script for building the license directory

* Remove the ps1 script for building the license dir

* Add a new script for the windows installer to build the license dir

* Fix issues with the code for windows

* Remove the -1 from NF

* Changing the script for windows to test

* Remove filename=$(basename "$i")

* Remove some ls command lines

* Add "cp -r dist/daemon ../chia-blockchain-gui/packages/gui" to the RPM installer script

* Remove "|| 'exit" or "cd' || return" from when CD'ing in the license creation scripts

* Remove extra set of ||
2023-06-21 16:51:05 -05:00

121 lines
3.8 KiB

set -o errexit
git status
git submodule
if [ ! "$1" ]; then
echo "This script requires either amd64 of arm64 as an argument"
exit 1
elif [ "$1" = "amd64" ]; then
export REDHAT_PLATFORM="x86_64"
export REDHAT_PLATFORM="arm64"
# If the env variable NOTARIZE and the username and password variables are
# set, this will attempt to Notarize the signed DMG
if [ ! "$CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION" ]; then
echo "WARNING: No environment variable CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION set. Using 0.0.0."
echo "Chia Installer Version is: $CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION"
echo "Installing npm and electron packagers"
cd npm_linux || exit 1
npm ci
PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH
cd .. || exit 1
echo "Create dist/"
rm -rf dist
mkdir dist
echo "Create executables with pyinstaller"
SPEC_FILE=$(python -c 'import chia; print(chia.PYINSTALLER_SPEC_PATH)')
pyinstaller --log-level=INFO "$SPEC_FILE"
if [ "$LAST_EXIT_CODE" -ne 0 ]; then
echo >&2 "pyinstaller failed!"
# Creates a directory of licenses
echo "Building pip and NPM license directory"
bash ./
# Builds CLI only rpm
mkdir -p "dist/$CLI_RPM_BASE/opt/chia"
mkdir -p "dist/$CLI_RPM_BASE/usr/bin"
cp -r dist/daemon/* "dist/$CLI_RPM_BASE/opt/chia/"
ln -s ../../opt/chia/chia "dist/$CLI_RPM_BASE/usr/bin/chia"
# This is built into the base build image
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
. /etc/profile.d/
rvm use ruby-3
# /usr/lib64/ is marked as a dependency specifically because newer versions of fedora bundle
# by default, and the libxcrypt-compat package needs to be installed for the other version
# Marking as a dependency allows yum/dnf to automatically install the libxcrypt-compat package as well
fpm -s dir -t rpm \
-C "dist/$CLI_RPM_BASE" \
-p "dist/$CLI_RPM_BASE.rpm" \
--name chia-blockchain-cli \
--license Apache-2.0 \
--architecture "$REDHAT_PLATFORM" \
--description "Chia is a modern cryptocurrency built from scratch, designed to be efficient, decentralized, and secure." \
--depends /usr/lib64/ \
# CLI only rpm done
cp -r dist/daemon ../chia-blockchain-gui/packages/gui
# Change to the gui package
cd ../chia-blockchain-gui/packages/gui || exit 1
# sets the version for chia-blockchain in package.json
cp package.json package.json.orig
jq --arg VER "$CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION" '.version=$VER' package.json > temp.json && mv temp.json package.json
echo "Building Linux(rpm) Electron app"
if [ "$REDHAT_PLATFORM" = "arm64" ]; then
echo electron-builder build --linux rpm "${OPT_ARCH}" \ \
--config.productName="${PRODUCT_NAME}" --config.linux.desktop.Name="Chia Blockchain" \
electron-builder build --linux rpm "${OPT_ARCH}" \ \
--config.productName="${PRODUCT_NAME}" --config.linux.desktop.Name="Chia Blockchain" \
ls -l dist/linux*-unpacked/resources
# reset the package.json to the original
mv package.json.orig package.json
if [ "$LAST_EXIT_CODE" -ne 0 ]; then
echo >&2 "electron-builder failed!"
mv "dist/${PRODUCT_NAME}-${CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION}.rpm" "../../../build_scripts/dist/${GUI_RPM_NAME}"
cd ../../../build_scripts || exit 1
echo "Create final installer"
rm -rf final_installer
mkdir final_installer
mv "dist/${GUI_RPM_NAME}" final_installer/
# Move the cli only rpm into final installers as well, so it gets uploaded as an artifact
mv "dist/$CLI_RPM_BASE.rpm" final_installer/
ls -l final_installer/