Arvid Norberg 42fde9a8d4
move chia.util.block_tools and chia.util.wallet_tools into tests (#6799)
* move chia.util.block_tools and chia.util.wallet_tools into tests

* only depend on block_tools when we actually run the wallet in test mode
2021-06-16 11:12:26 -07:00

162 lines
6.9 KiB

import time
from secrets import token_bytes
from blspy import AugSchemeMPL, PrivateKey
from clvm_tools import binutils
from chia.consensus.default_constants import DEFAULT_CONSTANTS
from chia.types.blockchain_format.program import Program, INFINITE_COST
from chia.types.condition_opcodes import ConditionOpcode
from chia.types.condition_with_args import ConditionWithArgs
from chia.util.ints import uint32
from tests.wallet_tools import WalletTool
from chia.wallet.derive_keys import master_sk_to_wallet_sk
from chia.wallet.puzzles.p2_delegated_puzzle import puzzle_for_pk
def float_to_str(f):
float_string = repr(f)
if "e" in float_string: # detect scientific notation
digits, exp_str = float_string.split("e")
digits = digits.replace(".", "").replace("-", "")
exp = int(exp_str)
zero_padding = "0" * (abs(int(exp)) - 1) # minus 1 for decimal point in the sci notation
sign = "-" if f < 0 else ""
if exp > 0:
float_string = "{}{}{}.0".format(sign, digits, zero_padding)
float_string = "{}0.{}{}".format(sign, zero_padding, digits)
return float_string
def run_and_return_cost_time(chialisp):
start = time.time()
clvm_loop = "((c (q ((c (f (a)) (c (f (a)) (c (f (r (a))) (c (f (r (r (a))))"
" (q ()))))))) (c (q ((c (i (f (r (a))) (q (i (q 1) ((c (f (a)) (c (f (a))"
" (c (- (f (r (a))) (q 1)) (c (f (r (r (a)))) (q ()))))))"
" ((c (f (r (r (a)))) (q ()))))) (q (q ()))) (a)))) (a))))"
loop_program =
clvm_loop_solution = f"(1000 {chialisp})"
solution_program =
cost, sexp = loop_program.run_with_cost(solution_program, INFINITE_COST)
end = time.time()
total_time = end - start
return cost, total_time
def get_cost_compared_to_addition(addition_cost, addition_time, other_time):
return (addition_cost * other_time) / addition_time
def benchmark_all_operators():
addition = "(+ (q 1000000000) (q 1000000000))"
substraction = "(- (q 1000000000) (q 1000000000))"
multiply = "(* (q 1000000000) (q 1000000000))"
greater = "(> (q 1000000000) (q 1000000000))"
equal = "(= (q 1000000000) (q 1000000000))"
if_clvm = "(i (= (q 1000000000) (q 1000000000)) (q 1000000000) (q 1000000000))"
sha256tree = "(sha256 (q 1000000000))"
pubkey_for_exp = "(pubkey_for_exp (q 1))"
point_add = "(point_add"
" (q 0x17f1d3a73197d7942695638c4fa9ac0fc3688c4f9774b905a14e3a3f171bac586c55e83ff97a1aeffb3af00adb22c6bb)"
" (q 0x17f1d3a73197d7942695638c4fa9ac0fc3688c4f9774b905a14e3a3f171bac586c55e83ff97a1aeffb3af00adb22c6bb))"
point_add_cost, point_add_time = run_and_return_cost_time(point_add)
addition_cost, addition_time = run_and_return_cost_time(addition)
substraction_cost, substraction_time = run_and_return_cost_time(substraction)
multiply_cost, multiply_time = run_and_return_cost_time(multiply)
greater_cost, greater_time = run_and_return_cost_time(greater)
equal_cost, equal_time = run_and_return_cost_time(equal)
if_cost, if_time = run_and_return_cost_time(if_clvm)
sha256tree_cost, sha256tree_time = run_and_return_cost_time(sha256tree)
pubkey_for_exp_cost, pubkey_for_exp_time = run_and_return_cost_time(pubkey_for_exp)
one_addition = 1
one_substraction = get_cost_compared_to_addition(addition_cost, addition_time, substraction_time) / addition_cost
one_multiply = get_cost_compared_to_addition(addition_cost, addition_time, multiply_time) / addition_cost
one_greater = get_cost_compared_to_addition(addition_cost, addition_time, greater_time) / addition_cost
one_equal = get_cost_compared_to_addition(addition_cost, addition_time, equal_time) / addition_cost
one_if = get_cost_compared_to_addition(addition_cost, addition_time, if_time) / addition_cost
one_sha256 = get_cost_compared_to_addition(addition_cost, addition_time, sha256tree_time) / addition_cost
one_pubkey_for_exp = (
get_cost_compared_to_addition(addition_cost, addition_time, pubkey_for_exp_time) / addition_cost
one_point_add = get_cost_compared_to_addition(addition_cost, addition_time, point_add_time) / addition_cost
print(f"cost of addition is: {one_addition}")
print(f"cost of one_substraction is: {one_substraction}")
print(f"cost of one_multiply is: {one_multiply}")
print(f"cost of one_greater is: {one_greater}")
print(f"cost of one_equal is: {one_equal}")
print(f"cost of one_if is: {one_if}")
print(f"cost of one_sha256 is: {one_sha256}")
print(f"cost of one_pubkey_for_exp is: {one_pubkey_for_exp}")
print(f"cost of one_point_add is: {one_point_add}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Naive way to calculate cost ratio between vByte and CLVM cost unit.
AggSig has assigned cost of 20vBytes, simple CLVM program is benchmarked against it.
wallet_tool = WalletTool(DEFAULT_CONSTANTS)
secret_key: PrivateKey = AugSchemeMPL.key_gen(bytes([2] * 32))
puzzles = []
solutions = []
private_keys = []
public_keys = []
for i in range(0, 1000):
private_key: PrivateKey = master_sk_to_wallet_sk(secret_key, uint32(i))
public_key = private_key.public_key()
solution = wallet_tool.make_solution(
{ConditionOpcode.ASSERT_MY_COIN_ID: [ConditionWithArgs(ConditionOpcode.ASSERT_MY_COIN_ID, [token_bytes()])]}
puzzle = puzzle_for_pk(bytes(public_key))
# Run Puzzle 1000 times
puzzle_start = time.time()
clvm_cost = 0
for i in range(0, 1000):
cost_run, sexp = puzzles[i].run_with_cost(solutions[i], INFINITE_COST)
clvm_cost += cost_run
puzzle_end = time.time()
puzzle_time = puzzle_end - puzzle_start
print(f"Puzzle_time is: {puzzle_time}")
print(f"Puzzle cost sum is: {clvm_cost}")
private_key = master_sk_to_wallet_sk(secret_key, uint32(0))
public_key = private_key.get_g1()
message = token_bytes()
signature = AugSchemeMPL.sign(private_key, message)
pk_message_pair = (public_key, message)
# Run AggSig 1000 times
agg_sig_start = time.time()
agg_sig_cost = 0
for i in range(0, 1000):
valid = AugSchemeMPL.verify(public_key, message, signature)
assert valid
agg_sig_cost += 20
agg_sig_end = time.time()
agg_sig_time = agg_sig_end - agg_sig_start
print(f"Aggsig Cost: {agg_sig_cost}")
print(f"Aggsig time is: {agg_sig_time}")
# clvm_should_cost = agg_sig_cost * puzzle_time / agg_sig_time
clvm_should_cost = (agg_sig_cost * puzzle_time) / agg_sig_time
print(f"Puzzle should cost: {clvm_should_cost}")
constant = clvm_should_cost / clvm_cost
format = float_to_str(constant)
print(f"Constant factor: {format}")
print(f"CLVM RATIO MULTIPLIER: {1/constant}")