Arvid Norberg 95e5b97557
Use bls from chia rs (#16715)
* replace blspy imports with chia_rs imports for BLS types

* remove blspy-stubs, since we're dropping the blspy dependency. chia_rs has type stubs already
2023-11-07 09:06:52 -08:00

693 lines
33 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from chia_rs import G2Element
from clvm_tools.binutils import disassemble
from chia.consensus.default_constants import DEFAULT_CONSTANTS
from chia.types.announcement import Announcement
from chia.types.blockchain_format.coin import Coin, coin_as_list
from chia.types.blockchain_format.program import INFINITE_COST, Program
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.coin_spend import CoinSpend
from chia.types.spend_bundle import SpendBundle
from chia.util.bech32m import bech32_decode, bech32_encode, convertbits
from chia.util.errors import Err, ValidationError
from chia.util.ints import uint64
from chia.wallet.conditions import Condition, ConditionValidTimes, parse_conditions_non_consensus, parse_timelock_info
from chia.wallet.outer_puzzles import (
from chia.wallet.payment import Payment
from chia.wallet.puzzle_drivers import PuzzleInfo, Solver
from chia.wallet.puzzles.load_clvm import load_clvm_maybe_recompile
from chia.wallet.uncurried_puzzle import UncurriedPuzzle, uncurry_puzzle
from chia.wallet.util.compute_hints import compute_spend_hints_and_additions
from chia.wallet.util.puzzle_compression import (
OFFER_MOD = load_clvm_maybe_recompile("settlement_payments.clsp")
OFFER_MOD_HASH = OFFER_MOD.get_tree_hash()
ZERO_32 = bytes32([0] * 32)
def detect_dependent_coin(
names: List[bytes32], deps: Dict[bytes32, List[bytes32]], announcement_dict: Dict[bytes32, List[bytes32]]
) -> Optional[Tuple[bytes32, bytes32]]:
# First, we check for any dependencies on coins in the same bundle
for name in names:
for dependency in deps[name]:
for coin, announces in announcement_dict.items():
if dependency in announces and coin != name:
# We found one, now remove it and anything that depends on it (except the "provider")
return name, coin
return None
class NotarizedPayment(Payment):
nonce: bytes32 = ZERO_32
def from_condition_and_nonce(cls, condition: Program, nonce: bytes32) -> NotarizedPayment:
with_opcode: Program =, condition)) # Gotta do this because the super class is expecting it
p = Payment.from_condition(with_opcode)
puzzle_hash, amount, memos = tuple(p.as_condition_args())
return cls(puzzle_hash, amount, memos, nonce)
class Offer:
requested_payments: Dict[
Optional[bytes32], List[NotarizedPayment]
] # The key is the asset id of the asset being requested
_bundle: SpendBundle
driver_dict: Dict[bytes32, PuzzleInfo] # asset_id -> asset driver
# this is a cache of the coin additions made by the SpendBundle (_bundle)
# ordered by the coin being spent
_additions: Dict[Coin, List[Coin]] = field(init=False)
_hints: Dict[bytes32, bytes32] = field(init=False)
_offered_coins: Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[Coin]] = field(init=False)
_final_spend_bundle: Optional[SpendBundle] = field(init=False)
_conditions: Optional[Dict[Coin, List[Condition]]] = field(init=False)
def ph() -> bytes32:
def notarize_payments(
requested_payments: Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[Payment]], # `None` means you are requesting XCH
coins: List[Coin],
) -> Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[NotarizedPayment]]:
# This sort should be reproducible in CLVM with `>s`
sorted_coins: List[Coin] = sorted(coins,
sorted_coin_list: List[List[Union[bytes32, uint64]]] = [coin_as_list(c) for c in sorted_coins]
nonce: bytes32 =
notarized_payments: Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[NotarizedPayment]] = {}
for asset_id, payments in requested_payments.items():
notarized_payments[asset_id] = []
for p in payments:
puzzle_hash, amount, memos = tuple(p.as_condition_args())
notarized_payments[asset_id].append(NotarizedPayment(puzzle_hash, amount, memos, nonce))
return notarized_payments
# The announcements returned from this function must be asserted in whatever spend bundle is created by the wallet
def calculate_announcements(
notarized_payments: Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[NotarizedPayment]],
driver_dict: Dict[bytes32, PuzzleInfo],
) -> List[Announcement]:
announcements: List[Announcement] = []
for asset_id, payments in notarized_payments.items():
if asset_id is not None:
if asset_id not in driver_dict:
raise ValueError("Cannot calculate announcements without driver of requested item")
settlement_ph: bytes32 = construct_puzzle(driver_dict[asset_id], OFFER_MOD).get_tree_hash()
settlement_ph = OFFER_MOD_HASH
msg: bytes32 =[0].nonce, [p.as_condition_args() for p in payments])).get_tree_hash()
announcements.append(Announcement(settlement_ph, msg))
return announcements
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
# Verify that there are no duplicate payments
for payments in self.requested_payments.values():
payment_programs: List[bytes32] = [ for p in payments]
if len(set(payment_programs)) != len(payment_programs):
raise ValueError("Bundle has duplicate requested payments")
# Verify we have a type for every kind of asset
for asset_id in self.requested_payments:
if asset_id is not None and asset_id not in self.driver_dict:
raise ValueError("Offer does not have enough driver information about the requested payments")
# populate the _additions cache
adds: Dict[Coin, List[Coin]] = {}
hints: Dict[bytes32, bytes32] = {}
for cs in self._bundle.coin_spends:
# you can't spend the same coin twice in the same SpendBundle
assert cs.coin not in adds
hinted_coins, cost = compute_spend_hints_and_additions(cs)
max_cost -= cost
adds[cs.coin] = [hc.coin for hc in hinted_coins.values()]
hints = {**hints, **{id: hc.hint for id, hc in hinted_coins.items() if hc.hint is not None}}
except Exception:
if max_cost < 0:
raise ValidationError(Err.BLOCK_COST_EXCEEDS_MAX, "compute_additions for CoinSpend")
object.__setattr__(self, "_additions", adds)
object.__setattr__(self, "_hints", hints)
object.__setattr__(self, "_conditions", None)
def conditions(self) -> Dict[Coin, List[Condition]]:
if self._conditions is None:
conditions: Dict[Coin, List[Condition]] = {}
for cs in self._bundle.coin_spends:
cost, conds = cs.puzzle_reveal.run_with_cost(max_cost, cs.solution)
max_cost -= cost
conditions[cs.coin] = parse_conditions_non_consensus(conds.as_iter())
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
if max_cost < 0: # pragma: no cover
raise ValidationError(Err.BLOCK_COST_EXCEEDS_MAX, "computing conditions for CoinSpend")
object.__setattr__(self, "_conditions", conditions)
assert self._conditions is not None, "self._conditions is None"
return self._conditions
def valid_times(self) -> Dict[Coin, ConditionValidTimes]:
return {coin: parse_timelock_info(conditions) for coin, conditions in self.conditions().items()}
def absolute_valid_times_ban_relatives(self) -> ConditionValidTimes:
valid_times: ConditionValidTimes = parse_timelock_info(
[c for conditions in self.conditions().values() for c in conditions]
if (
valid_times.max_secs_after_created is not None
or valid_times.min_secs_since_created is not None
or valid_times.max_blocks_after_created is not None
or valid_times.min_blocks_since_created is not None
raise ValueError("Offers with relative timelocks are not currently supported")
return valid_times
def hints(self) -> Dict[bytes32, bytes32]:
return self._hints
def additions(self) -> List[Coin]:
return [c for additions in self._additions.values() for c in additions]
def removals(self) -> List[Coin]:
return self._bundle.removals()
def fees(self) -> int:
"""Unsafe to use for fees validation!!!"""
amount_in = sum(_.amount for _ in self.removals())
amount_out = sum(_.amount for _ in self.additions())
return int(amount_in - amount_out)
def coin_spends(self) -> List[CoinSpend]:
return self._bundle.coin_spends
def aggregated_signature(self) -> G2Element:
return self._bundle.aggregated_signature
# This method does not get every coin that is being offered, only the `settlement_payment` children
# It's also a little heuristic, but it should get most things
def _get_offered_coins(self) -> Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[Coin]]:
offered_coins: Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[Coin]] = {}
for parent_spend in self._bundle.coin_spends:
coins_for_this_spend: List[Coin] = []
parent_puzzle: UncurriedPuzzle = uncurry_puzzle(parent_spend.puzzle_reveal.to_program())
parent_solution: Program = parent_spend.solution.to_program()
additions: List[Coin] = self._additions[parent_spend.coin]
puzzle_driver = match_puzzle(parent_puzzle)
if puzzle_driver is not None:
asset_id = create_asset_id(puzzle_driver)
inner_puzzle: Optional[Program] = get_inner_puzzle(puzzle_driver, parent_puzzle)
inner_solution: Optional[Program] = get_inner_solution(puzzle_driver, parent_solution)
assert inner_puzzle is not None and inner_solution is not None
# We're going to look at the conditions created by the inner puzzle
conditions: Program =
expected_num_matches: int = 0
offered_amounts: List[int] = []
for condition in conditions.as_iter():
if condition.first() == 51 and == OFFER_MOD_HASH:
expected_num_matches += 1
# Start by filtering additions that match the amount
matching_spend_additions = [a for a in additions if a.amount in offered_amounts]
if len(matching_spend_additions) == expected_num_matches:
# We didn't quite get there so now lets narrow it down by puzzle hash
# If we narrowed down too much, we can't trust the amounts so start over with all additions
if len(matching_spend_additions) < expected_num_matches:
matching_spend_additions = additions
matching_spend_additions = [
for a in matching_spend_additions
if a.puzzle_hash
== construct_puzzle(puzzle_driver, OFFER_MOD_HASH).get_tree_hash_precalc( # type: ignore
if len(matching_spend_additions) == expected_num_matches:
raise ValueError("Could not properly guess offered coins from parent spend")
# It's much easier if the asset is bare XCH
asset_id = None
coins_for_this_spend.extend([a for a in additions if a.puzzle_hash == OFFER_MOD_HASH])
# We only care about unspent coins
coins_for_this_spend = [c for c in coins_for_this_spend if c not in self._bundle.removals()]
if coins_for_this_spend != []:
offered_coins.setdefault(asset_id, [])
return offered_coins
def get_offered_coins(self) -> Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[Coin]]:
if self._offered_coins is not None:
return self._offered_coins
except AttributeError:
object.__setattr__(self, "_offered_coins", self._get_offered_coins())
return self._offered_coins
def get_offered_amounts(self) -> Dict[Optional[bytes32], int]:
offered_coins: Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[Coin]] = self.get_offered_coins()
offered_amounts: Dict[Optional[bytes32], int] = {}
for asset_id, coins in offered_coins.items():
offered_amounts[asset_id] = uint64(sum([c.amount for c in coins]))
return offered_amounts
def get_requested_payments(self) -> Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[NotarizedPayment]]:
return self.requested_payments
def get_requested_amounts(self) -> Dict[Optional[bytes32], int]:
requested_amounts: Dict[Optional[bytes32], int] = {}
for asset_id, coins in self.get_requested_payments().items():
requested_amounts[asset_id] = uint64(sum([c.amount for c in coins]))
return requested_amounts
def arbitrage(self) -> Dict[Optional[bytes32], int]:
Returns a dictionary of the type of each asset and amount that is involved in the trade
With the amount being how much their offered amount within the offer
exceeds/falls short of their requested amount.
offered_amounts: Dict[Optional[bytes32], int] = self.get_offered_amounts()
requested_amounts: Dict[Optional[bytes32], int] = self.get_requested_amounts()
arbitrage_dict: Dict[Optional[bytes32], int] = {}
for asset_id in [*requested_amounts.keys(), *offered_amounts.keys()]:
arbitrage_dict[asset_id] = offered_amounts.get(asset_id, 0) - requested_amounts.get(asset_id, 0)
return arbitrage_dict
# This is a method mostly for the UI that creates a JSON summary of the offer
def summary(self) -> Tuple[Dict[str, int], Dict[str, int], Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], ConditionValidTimes]:
offered_amounts: Dict[Optional[bytes32], int] = self.get_offered_amounts()
requested_amounts: Dict[Optional[bytes32], int] = self.get_requested_amounts()
def keys_to_strings(dic: Dict[Optional[bytes32], Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
new_dic: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for key in dic:
if key is None:
new_dic["xch"] = dic[key]
new_dic[key.hex()] = dic[key]
return new_dic
driver_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for key, value in self.driver_dict.items():
driver_dict[key.hex()] =
return (
# Also mostly for the UI, returns a dictionary of assets and how much of them is pended for this offer
# This method is also imperfect for sufficiently complex spends
def get_pending_amounts(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
all_additions: List[Coin] = self.additions()
all_removals: List[Coin] = self.removals()
non_ephemeral_removals: List[Coin] = list(filter(lambda c: c not in all_additions, all_removals))
pending_dict: Dict[str, int] = {}
# First we add up the amounts of all coins that share an ancestor with the offered coins (i.e. a primary coin)
for asset_id, coins in self.get_offered_coins().items():
name = "xch" if asset_id is None else asset_id.hex()
pending_dict[name] = 0
for coin in coins:
root_removal: Coin = self.get_root_removal(coin)
for addition in filter(lambda c: c.parent_coin_info ==, all_additions):
pending_dict[name] += addition.amount
# Then we gather anything else as unknown
sum_of_additions_so_far: int = sum(pending_dict.values())
unknown: int = sum([c.amount for c in non_ephemeral_removals]) - sum_of_additions_so_far
if unknown > 0:
pending_dict["unknown"] = unknown
return pending_dict
# This method returns all of the coins that are being used in the offer (without which it would be invalid)
def get_involved_coins(self) -> List[Coin]:
additions = self.additions()
return list(filter(lambda c: c not in additions, self.removals()))
# This returns the non-ephemeral removal that is an ancestor of the specified coin
# This should maybe move to the SpendBundle object at some point
def get_root_removal(self, coin: Coin) -> Coin:
all_removals: Set[Coin] = set(self.removals())
all_removal_ids: Set[bytes32] = { for c in all_removals}
non_ephemeral_removals: Set[Coin] = {
c for c in all_removals if c.parent_coin_info not in { for r in all_removals}
if not in all_removal_ids and coin.parent_coin_info not in all_removal_ids:
raise ValueError("The specified coin is not a coin in this bundle")
while coin not in non_ephemeral_removals:
coin = next(c for c in all_removals if == coin.parent_coin_info)
return coin
# This will only return coins that are ancestors of settlement payments
def get_primary_coins(self) -> List[Coin]:
primary_coins: Set[Coin] = set()
for _, coins in self.get_offered_coins().items():
for coin in coins:
return list(primary_coins)
# This returns the minimum coins that when spent will invalidate the rest of the bundle
def get_cancellation_coins(self) -> List[Coin]:
# First, we're going to gather:
dependencies: Dict[bytes32, List[bytes32]] = {} # all of the hashes that each coin depends on
announcements: Dict[bytes32, List[bytes32]] = {} # all of the hashes of the announcement that each coin makes
coin_names: List[bytes32] = [] # The names of all the coins
additions = self.additions()
for spend in [cs for cs in self._bundle.coin_spends if cs.coin not in additions]:
name = bytes32(
dependencies[name] = []
announcements[name] = []
conditions: Program = spend.puzzle_reveal.run_with_cost(INFINITE_COST, spend.solution)[1]
for condition in conditions.as_iter():
if condition.first() == 60: # create coin announcement
elif condition.first() == 61: # assert coin announcement
# We now enter a loop that is attempting to express the following logic:
# "If I am depending on another coin in the same bundle, you may as well cancel that coin instead of me"
# By the end of the loop, we should have filtered down the list of coin_names to include only those that will
# cancel everything else
while True:
removed = detect_dependent_coin(coin_names, dependencies, announcements)
if removed is None:
removed_coin, provider = removed
removed_announcements: List[bytes32] = announcements[removed_coin]
remove_these_keys: List[bytes32] = [removed_coin]
while True:
for coin, deps in dependencies.items():
if set(deps) & set(removed_announcements) and coin != provider:
removed_announcements = []
for coin in remove_these_keys:
coin_names = [n for n in coin_names if n not in remove_these_keys]
if removed_announcements == []:
remove_these_keys = []
return [cs.coin for cs in self._bundle.coin_spends if in coin_names]
def aggregate(cls, offers: List[Offer]) -> Offer:
total_requested_payments: Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[NotarizedPayment]] = {}
total_bundle = SpendBundle([], G2Element())
total_driver_dict: Dict[bytes32, PuzzleInfo] = {}
for offer in offers:
# First check for any overlap in inputs
total_inputs: Set[Coin] = {cs.coin for cs in total_bundle.coin_spends}
offer_inputs: Set[Coin] = {cs.coin for cs in offer._bundle.coin_spends}
if total_inputs & offer_inputs:
raise ValueError("The aggregated offers overlap inputs")
# Next, do the aggregation
for asset_id, payments in offer.requested_payments.items():
if asset_id in total_requested_payments:
total_requested_payments[asset_id] = payments
for key, value in offer.driver_dict.items():
if key in total_driver_dict and total_driver_dict[key] != value:
raise ValueError(f"The offers to aggregate disagree on the drivers for {key.hex()}")
total_bundle = SpendBundle.aggregate([total_bundle, offer._bundle])
return cls(total_requested_payments, total_bundle, total_driver_dict)
# Validity is defined by having enough funds within the offer to satisfy both sides
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
return all([value >= 0 for value in self.arbitrage().values()])
# A "valid" spend means that this bundle can be pushed to the network and will succeed
# This differs from the `to_spend_bundle` method which deliberately creates an invalid SpendBundle
def to_valid_spend(self, arbitrage_ph: Optional[bytes32] = None, solver: Solver = Solver({})) -> SpendBundle:
if not self.is_valid():
raise ValueError("Offer is currently incomplete")
completion_spends: List[CoinSpend] = []
all_offered_coins: Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[Coin]] = self.get_offered_coins()
total_arbitrage_amount: Dict[Optional[bytes32], int] = self.arbitrage()
for asset_id, payments in self.requested_payments.items():
offered_coins: List[Coin] = all_offered_coins[asset_id]
# Because of CAT supply laws, we must specify a place for the leftovers to go
arbitrage_amount: int = total_arbitrage_amount[asset_id]
all_payments: List[NotarizedPayment] = payments.copy()
if arbitrage_amount > 0:
assert arbitrage_amount is not None
assert arbitrage_ph is not None
all_payments.append(NotarizedPayment(arbitrage_ph, uint64(arbitrage_amount)))
# Some assets need to know about siblings so we need to collect all spends first to be able to use them
coin_to_spend_dict: Dict[Coin, CoinSpend] = {}
coin_to_solution_dict: Dict[Coin, Program] = {}
for coin in offered_coins:
parent_spend: CoinSpend = list(
filter(lambda cs: == coin.parent_coin_info, self._bundle.coin_spends)
coin_to_spend_dict[coin] = parent_spend
inner_solutions = []
if coin == offered_coins[0]:
nonces: List[bytes32] = [p.nonce for p in all_payments]
for nonce in list(dict.fromkeys(nonces)): # dedup without messing with order
nonce_payments: List[NotarizedPayment] = list(filter(lambda p: p.nonce == nonce, all_payments))
inner_solutions.append((nonce, [np.as_condition_args() for np in nonce_payments]))
coin_to_solution_dict[coin] =
for coin in offered_coins:
if asset_id:
siblings: str = "("
sibling_spends: str = "("
sibling_puzzles: str = "("
sibling_solutions: str = "("
disassembled_offer_mod: str = disassemble(OFFER_MOD)
for sibling_coin in offered_coins:
if sibling_coin != coin:
siblings += (
+ sibling_coin.parent_coin_info.hex()
+ sibling_coin.puzzle_hash.hex()
+ uint64(sibling_coin.amount).stream_to_bytes().hex()
+ " "
sibling_spends += "0x" + bytes(coin_to_spend_dict[sibling_coin]).hex() + " "
sibling_puzzles += disassembled_offer_mod + " "
sibling_solutions += disassemble(coin_to_solution_dict[sibling_coin]) + " "
siblings += ")"
sibling_spends += ")"
sibling_puzzles += ")"
sibling_solutions += ")"
solution: Program = solve_puzzle(
"coin": "0x"
+ coin.parent_coin_info.hex()
+ coin.puzzle_hash.hex()
+ uint64(coin.amount).stream_to_bytes().hex(),
"parent_spend": "0x" + bytes(coin_to_spend_dict[coin]).hex(),
"siblings": siblings,
"sibling_spends": sibling_spends,
"sibling_puzzles": sibling_puzzles,
"sibling_solutions": sibling_solutions,
solution =[coin])
construct_puzzle(self.driver_dict[asset_id], OFFER_MOD) if asset_id else OFFER_MOD,
return SpendBundle.aggregate([SpendBundle(completion_spends, G2Element()), self._bundle])
def to_spend_bundle(self) -> SpendBundle:
if self._final_spend_bundle is not None:
return self._final_spend_bundle
except AttributeError:
# Before we serialize this as a SpendBundle, we need to serialize the `requested_payments` as dummy CoinSpends
additional_coin_spends: List[CoinSpend] = []
for asset_id, payments in self.requested_payments.items():
puzzle_reveal: Program = construct_puzzle(self.driver_dict[asset_id], OFFER_MOD) if asset_id else OFFER_MOD
inner_solutions = []
nonces: List[bytes32] = [p.nonce for p in payments]
for nonce in list(dict.fromkeys(nonces)): # dedup without messing with order
nonce_payments: List[NotarizedPayment] = list(filter(lambda p: p.nonce == nonce, payments))
inner_solutions.append((nonce, [np.as_condition_args() for np in nonce_payments]))
sb = SpendBundle.aggregate(
SpendBundle(additional_coin_spends, G2Element()),
object.__setattr__(self, "_final_spend_bundle", sb)
return sb
def from_spend_bundle(cls, bundle: SpendBundle) -> Offer:
# Because of the `to_spend_bundle` method, we need to parse the dummy CoinSpends as `requested_payments`
requested_payments: Dict[Optional[bytes32], List[NotarizedPayment]] = {}
driver_dict: Dict[bytes32, PuzzleInfo] = {}
leftover_coin_spends: List[CoinSpend] = []
for coin_spend in bundle.coin_spends:
driver = match_puzzle(uncurry_puzzle(coin_spend.puzzle_reveal.to_program()))
if driver is not None:
asset_id = create_asset_id(driver)
assert asset_id is not None
driver_dict[asset_id] = driver
asset_id = None
if coin_spend.coin.parent_coin_info == ZERO_32:
notarized_payments: List[NotarizedPayment] = []
for payment_group in coin_spend.solution.to_program().as_iter():
nonce = bytes32(payment_group.first().as_python())
payment_args_list: List[Program] =
[NotarizedPayment.from_condition_and_nonce(condition, nonce) for condition in payment_args_list]
requested_payments[asset_id] = notarized_payments
return cls(requested_payments, SpendBundle(leftover_coin_spends, bundle.aggregated_signature), driver_dict)
def name(self) -> bytes32:
return self.to_spend_bundle().name()
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Offer):
return False # don't attempt to compare against unrelated types
return ==
def compress(self, version: Optional[int] = None) -> bytes:
as_spend_bundle = self.to_spend_bundle()
if version is None:
mods: List[bytes] = [bytes(s.puzzle_reveal.to_program().uncurry()[0]) for s in as_spend_bundle.coin_spends]
version = max(lowest_best_version(mods), 6) # Clients lower than version 6 should not be able to parse
return compress_object_with_puzzles(bytes(as_spend_bundle), version)
def from_compressed(cls, compressed_bytes: bytes) -> Offer:
return Offer.from_bytes(decompress_object_with_puzzles(compressed_bytes))
def try_offer_decompression(cls, offer_bytes: bytes) -> Offer:
return cls.from_compressed(offer_bytes)
except TypeError:
return cls.from_bytes(offer_bytes)
def to_bech32(self, prefix: str = "offer", compression_version: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
offer_bytes = self.compress(version=compression_version)
encoded = bech32_encode(prefix, convertbits(list(offer_bytes), 8, 5))
return encoded
def from_bech32(cls, offer_bech32: str) -> Offer:
hrpgot, data = bech32_decode(offer_bech32, max_length=len(offer_bech32))
if data is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid Offer")
decoded = convertbits(list(data), 5, 8, False)
decoded_bytes = bytes(decoded)
return cls.try_offer_decompression(decoded_bytes)
# Methods to make this a valid Streamable member
# We basically hijack the SpendBundle versions for most of it
def parse(cls, f: BinaryIO) -> Offer:
parsed_bundle = SpendBundle.parse(f)
return cls.from_bytes(bytes(parsed_bundle))
def stream(self, f: BinaryIO) -> None:
as_spend_bundle = SpendBundle.from_bytes(bytes(self))
def __bytes__(self) -> bytes:
return bytes(self.to_spend_bundle())
def from_bytes(cls, as_bytes: bytes) -> Offer:
# Because of the __bytes__ method, we need to parse the dummy CoinSpends as `requested_payments`
bundle = SpendBundle.from_bytes(as_bytes)
return cls.from_spend_bundle(bundle)