2023-02-07 18:23:37 -06:00

218 lines
9.7 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from chia.rpc.full_node_rpc_client import FullNodeRpcClient
async def print_blockchain_state(node_client: FullNodeRpcClient, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
import time
from chia.consensus.block_record import BlockRecord
from chia.util.ints import uint64
from chia.util.misc import format_bytes
blockchain_state = await node_client.get_blockchain_state()
if blockchain_state is None:
print("There is no blockchain found yet. Try again shortly")
return True
peak: Optional[BlockRecord] = blockchain_state["peak"]
node_id = blockchain_state["node_id"]
difficulty = blockchain_state["difficulty"]
sub_slot_iters = blockchain_state["sub_slot_iters"]
synced = blockchain_state["sync"]["synced"]
sync_mode = blockchain_state["sync"]["sync_mode"]
num_blocks: int = 10
network_name = config["selected_network"]
genesis_challenge = config["farmer"]["network_overrides"]["constants"][network_name]["GENESIS_CHALLENGE"]
full_node_port = config["full_node"]["port"]
full_node_rpc_port = config["full_node"]["rpc_port"]
print(f"Network: {network_name} Port: {full_node_port} RPC Port: {full_node_rpc_port}")
print(f"Node ID: {node_id}")
print(f"Genesis Challenge: {genesis_challenge}")
if synced:
print("Current Blockchain Status: Full Node Synced")
print("\nPeak: Hash:", peak.header_hash if peak is not None else "")
elif peak is not None and sync_mode:
sync_max_block = blockchain_state["sync"]["sync_tip_height"]
sync_current_block = blockchain_state["sync"]["sync_progress_height"]
f"Current Blockchain Status: Syncing {sync_current_block}/{sync_max_block} "
f"({sync_max_block - sync_current_block} behind)."
print("Peak: Hash:", peak.header_hash if peak is not None else "")
elif peak is not None:
print(f"Current Blockchain Status: Not Synced. Peak height: {peak.height}")
print("\nSearching for an initial chain\n")
print("You may be able to expedite with 'chia peer full_node -a host:port' using a known node.\n")
if peak is not None:
if peak.is_transaction_block:
peak_time = peak.timestamp
peak_hash = peak.header_hash
curr = await node_client.get_block_record(peak_hash)
while curr is not None and not curr.is_transaction_block:
curr = await node_client.get_block_record(curr.prev_hash)
if curr is not None:
peak_time = curr.timestamp
peak_time = uint64(0)
peak_time_struct = time.struct_time(time.localtime(peak_time))
" Time:",
f"{time.strftime('%a %b %d %Y %T %Z', peak_time_struct)}",
f" Height: {peak.height:>10}\n",
print("Estimated network space: ", end="")
print(f"Current difficulty: {difficulty}")
print(f"Current VDF sub_slot_iters: {sub_slot_iters}")
print("\n Height: | Hash:")
added_blocks: List[BlockRecord] = []
curr = await node_client.get_block_record(peak.header_hash)
while curr is not None and len(added_blocks) < num_blocks and curr.height > 0:
curr = await node_client.get_block_record(curr.prev_hash)
for b in added_blocks:
print(f"{b.height:>9} | {b.header_hash}")
print("Blockchain has no blocks yet")
return False
async def print_block_from_hash(
node_client: FullNodeRpcClient, config: Dict[str, Any], block_by_header_hash: str
) -> None:
import time
from chia.consensus.block_record import BlockRecord
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.full_block import FullBlock
from chia.util.bech32m import encode_puzzle_hash
from chia.util.byte_types import hexstr_to_bytes
block: Optional[BlockRecord] = await node_client.get_block_record(hexstr_to_bytes(block_by_header_hash))
full_block: Optional[FullBlock] = await node_client.get_block(hexstr_to_bytes(block_by_header_hash))
# Would like to have a verbose flag for this
if block is not None:
assert full_block is not None
prev_b = await node_client.get_block_record(block.prev_hash)
if prev_b is not None:
difficulty = block.weight - prev_b.weight
difficulty = block.weight
if block.is_transaction_block:
assert full_block.transactions_info is not None
block_time = time.struct_time(
full_block.foliage_transaction_block.timestamp if full_block.foliage_transaction_block else None
block_time_string = time.strftime("%a %b %d %Y %T %Z", block_time)
cost = str(full_block.transactions_info.cost)
tx_filter_hash: Union[str, bytes32] = "Not a transaction block"
if full_block.foliage_transaction_block:
tx_filter_hash = full_block.foliage_transaction_block.filter_hash
fees: Any = block.fees
block_time_string = "Not a transaction block"
cost = "Not a transaction block"
tx_filter_hash = "Not a transaction block"
fees = "Not a transaction block"
address_prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][config["selected_network"]]["address_prefix"]
farmer_address = encode_puzzle_hash(block.farmer_puzzle_hash, address_prefix)
pool_address = encode_puzzle_hash(block.pool_puzzle_hash, address_prefix)
pool_pk = (
if full_block.reward_chain_block.proof_of_space.pool_public_key is not None
else "Pay to pool puzzle hash"
f"Block Height {block.height}\n"
f"Header Hash 0x{block.header_hash.hex()}\n"
f"Timestamp {block_time_string}\n"
f"Weight {block.weight}\n"
f"Previous Block 0x{block.prev_hash.hex()}\n"
f"Difficulty {difficulty}\n"
f"Sub-slot iters {block.sub_slot_iters}\n"
f"Cost {cost}\n"
f"Total VDF Iterations {block.total_iters}\n"
f"Is a Transaction Block?{block.is_transaction_block}\n"
f"Deficit {block.deficit}\n"
f"PoSpace 'k' Size {full_block.reward_chain_block.proof_of_space.size}\n"
f"Plot Public Key 0x{full_block.reward_chain_block.proof_of_space.plot_public_key}\n"
f"Pool Public Key {pool_pk}\n"
f"Tx Filter Hash {tx_filter_hash}\n"
f"Farmer Address {farmer_address}\n"
f"Pool Address {pool_address}\n"
f"Fees Amount {fees}\n"
print("Block with header hash", block_by_header_hash, "not found")
async def print_fee_info(node_client: FullNodeRpcClient) -> None:
target_times = [60, 120, 300]
target_times_names = ["1 minute", "2 minutes", "5 minutes"]
res = await node_client.get_fee_estimate(target_times=target_times, cost=1)
print(f" Mempool max cost: {res['mempool_max_size']:>12} CLVM cost")
print(f" Mempool cost: {res['mempool_size']:>12} CLVM cost")
print(f" Mempool count: {res['num_spends']:>12} spends")
print(f" Fees in Mempool: {res['mempool_fees']:>12} mojos")
print("Stats for last transaction block:")
print(f" Block height: {res['last_tx_block_height']:>12}")
print(f" Block fees: {res['fees_last_block']:>12} mojos")
print(f" Block cost: {res['last_block_cost']:>12} CLVM cost")
print(f" Fee rate: {res['fee_rate_last_block']:>12.5} mojos per CLVM cost")
print("\nFee Rate Estimates:")
max_name_len = max(len(name) for name in target_times_names)
for (n, e) in zip(target_times_names, res["estimates"]):
print(f" {n:>{max_name_len}}: {e:.3f} mojo per CLVM cost")
async def show_async(
rpc_port: Optional[int],
root_path: Path,
print_fee_info_flag: bool,
print_state: bool,
block_header_hash_by_height: str,
block_by_header_hash: str,
) -> None:
from chia.cmds.cmds_util import get_any_service_client
node_client: Optional[FullNodeRpcClient]
async with get_any_service_client("full_node", rpc_port, root_path) as node_config_fp:
node_client, config, _ = node_config_fp
if node_client is not None:
# Check State
if print_state:
if await print_blockchain_state(node_client, config) is True:
return None # if no blockchain is found
if print_fee_info_flag:
await print_fee_info(node_client)
# Get Block Information
if block_header_hash_by_height != "":
block_header = await node_client.get_block_record_by_height(block_header_hash_by_height)
if block_header is not None:
print(f"Header hash of block {block_header_hash_by_height}: " f"{block_header.header_hash.hex()}")
print("Block height", block_header_hash_by_height, "not found")
if block_by_header_hash != "":
await print_block_from_hash(node_client, config, block_by_header_hash)