2022-05-05 08:17:38 -07:00

242 lines
8.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
run_block: Convert an encoded FullBlock from the Chia blockchain into a list of transactions
As input, takes a file containing a [FullBlock](../chia/types/ in json format
curl --insecure --cert $config_root/config/ssl/full_node/private_full_node.crt \
--key $config_root/config/ssl/full_node/private_full_node.key \
-d '{ "header_hash": "'$hash'" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST https://localhost:$port/get_block
$ca_root is the directory containing your current Chia config files
$hash is the header_hash of the [BlockRecord](../chia/consensus/
$port is the Full Node RPC API port
The `transactions_generator` and `transactions_generator_ref_list` fields of a `FullBlock`
contain the information necessary to produce transaction record details.
`transactions_generator` is CLVM bytecode
`transactions_generator_ref_list` is a list of block heights as `uint32`
When this CLVM code is run in the correct environment, it produces information that can
then be verified by the consensus rules, or used to view some aspects of transaction history.
The information for each spend is an "NPC" (Name, Puzzle, Condition):
"coin_name": a unique 32 byte identifier
"conditions": a list of condition expressions, as in [](../chia/types/
"puzzle_hash": the sha256 of the CLVM bytecode that controls spending this coin
Condition Opcodes, such as AGG_SIG_ME, or CREATE_COIN are created by running the "puzzle", i.e. the CLVM bytecode
associated with the coin being spent. Condition Opcodes are verified by every client on the network for every spend,
and in this way they control whether a spend is valid or not.
import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
import click
from chia_rs import COND_CANON_INTS, NO_NEG_DIV
from clvm.casts import int_from_bytes
from chia.consensus.constants import ConsensusConstants
from chia.consensus.default_constants import DEFAULT_CONSTANTS
from chia.full_node.generator import create_generator_args
from chia.types.blockchain_format.coin import Coin
from chia.types.blockchain_format.program import SerializedProgram
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.condition_opcodes import ConditionOpcode
from chia.types.condition_with_args import ConditionWithArgs
from chia.types.generator_types import BlockGenerator
from chia.util.config import load_config
from chia.util.default_root import DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH
from chia.util.ints import uint32, uint64
from chia.wallet.cat_wallet.cat_utils import match_cat_puzzle
class NPC:
coin_name: bytes32
puzzle_hash: bytes32
conditions: List[Tuple[ConditionOpcode, List[ConditionWithArgs]]]
class CAT:
asset_id: str
memo: str
npc: NPC
def cat_to_dict(self):
return {"asset_id": self.asset_id, "memo": self.memo, "npc": npc_to_dict(self.npc)}
def condition_with_args_to_dict(condition_with_args: ConditionWithArgs):
return {
"arguments": [arg.hex() for arg in condition_with_args.vars],
def condition_list_to_dict(condition_list: Tuple[ConditionOpcode, List[ConditionWithArgs]]):
assert all([condition_list[0] == cwa.opcode for cwa in condition_list[1]])
return [condition_with_args_to_dict(cwa) for cwa in condition_list[1]]
def npc_to_dict(npc: NPC):
return {
"coin_name": npc.coin_name.hex(),
"conditions": [{"condition_type": c[0].name, "conditions": condition_list_to_dict(c)} for c in npc.conditions],
"puzzle_hash": npc.puzzle_hash.hex(),
def run_generator(
block_generator: BlockGenerator, constants: ConsensusConstants, max_cost: int, height: uint32
) -> List[CAT]:
# conditions must use integers in canonical encoding (i.e. no redundant
# leading zeros)
# the division operator may not be used with negative operands
flags = 0
args = create_generator_args(block_generator.generator_refs).first()
_, block_result = block_generator.program.run_with_cost(max_cost, flags, args)
coin_spends = block_result.first()
cat_list: List[CAT] = []
for spend in coin_spends.as_iter():
parent, puzzle, amount, solution = spend.as_iter()
matched, curried_args = match_cat_puzzle(puzzle)
if not matched:
_, asset_id, _ = curried_args
memo = ""
puzzle_result =
conds: Dict[ConditionOpcode, List[ConditionWithArgs]] = {}
for condition in puzzle_result.as_python():
op = ConditionOpcode(condition[0])
if op not in conds:
conds[op] = []
if condition[0] != ConditionOpcode.CREATE_COIN or len(condition) < 4:
conds[op].append(ConditionWithArgs(op, [i for i in condition[1:3]]))
# If only 3 elements (opcode + 2 args), there is no memo, this is ph, amount
if type(condition[3]) != list:
# If it's not a list, it's not the correct format
conds[op].append(ConditionWithArgs(op, [i for i in condition[1:3]]))
conds[op].append(ConditionWithArgs(op, [i for i in condition[1:3]] + [condition[3][0]]))
# special retirement address
if condition[3][0].hex() != "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000":
if len(condition[3]) >= 2:
memo = condition[3][1].decode("utf-8", errors="strict")
except UnicodeError:
pass # ignore this error which should leave memo as empty string
# technically there could be more such create_coin ops in the list but our wallet does not
# so leaving it for the future
puzzle_hash = puzzle.get_tree_hash()
coin = Coin(parent.atom, puzzle_hash, int_from_bytes(amount.atom))
npc=NPC(, puzzle_hash, [(op, cond) for op, cond in conds.items()]),
return cat_list
def ref_list_to_args(ref_list: List[uint32], root_path: Path) -> List[SerializedProgram]:
args = []
for height in ref_list:
with open(root_path / f"{height}.json", "rb") as f:
program_str = json.load(f)["block"]["transactions_generator"]
return args
def run_generator_with_args(
generator_program_hex: str,
generator_args: List[SerializedProgram],
constants: ConsensusConstants,
cost: uint64,
height: uint32,
) -> List[CAT]:
if not generator_program_hex:
return []
generator_program = SerializedProgram.fromhex(generator_program_hex)
block_generator = BlockGenerator(generator_program, generator_args, [])
return run_generator(block_generator, constants, min(constants.MAX_BLOCK_COST_CLVM, cost), height)
@click.argument("filename", type=click.Path(exists=True), default="testnet10.396963.json")
def cmd_run_json_block_file(filename):
"""`file` is a file containing a FullBlock in JSON format"""
return run_json_block_file(Path(filename))
def run_json_block(full_block, parent: Path, constants: ConsensusConstants) -> List[CAT]:
ref_list = full_block["block"]["transactions_generator_ref_list"]
tx_info: dict = full_block["block"]["transactions_info"]
generator_program_hex: str = full_block["block"]["transactions_generator"]
height = full_block["block"]["reward_chain_block"]["height"]
cat_list: List[CAT] = []
if tx_info and generator_program_hex:
cost = tx_info["cost"]
args = ref_list_to_args(ref_list, parent)
cat_list = run_generator_with_args(generator_program_hex, args, constants, cost, height)
return cat_list
def run_json_block_file(filename: Path):
full_block = json.load("rb"))
# pull in current constants from config.yaml
_, constants = get_config_and_constants()
cat_list = run_json_block(full_block, filename.parent.absolute(), constants)
cat_list_json = json.dumps([cat.cat_to_dict() for cat in cat_list])
def get_config_and_constants():
config = load_config(DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH, "config.yaml")
network = config["selected_network"]
overrides = config["network_overrides"]["constants"][network]
updated_constants = DEFAULT_CONSTANTS.replace_str_to_bytes(**overrides)
return config, updated_constants
if __name__ == "__main__":
cmd_run_json_block_file() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter