dustinface fdb993cb10
streamable: Cache stream functions (#10419)
Apply the same pattern as we have for deserialization to serialization.

This avoids all those recursive runtime lookups for "how to stream this
object" which brings a nice speedup:

compare: benchmark
mode         | µs/iteration old | µs/iteration new | diff %
to_bytes     | 447.57           | 193.56           | -56.75

compare: full_block
mode         | µs/iteration old | µs/iteration new | diff %
to_bytes     | 110.32           | 61.09            | -44.62
2022-02-25 08:07:24 -08:00

419 lines
16 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import io
import pprint
import sys
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, get_type_hints, List, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Callable, Optional, Iterator
from blspy import G1Element, G2Element, PrivateKey
from typing_extensions import Literal
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.util.byte_types import hexstr_to_bytes
from chia.util.hash import std_hash
from chia.util.ints import int64, int512, uint32, uint64, uint128
from chia.util.type_checking import is_type_List, is_type_SpecificOptional, is_type_Tuple, strictdataclass
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
def get_args(t: Type[Any]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
return getattr(t, "__args__", ())
from typing import get_args
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1, width=120, compact=True)
# TODO: Remove hack, this allows streaming these objects from binary
size_hints = {
"PrivateKey": PrivateKey.PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE,
"G1Element": G1Element.SIZE,
"G2Element": G2Element.SIZE,
"ConditionOpcode": 1,
unhashable_types = [
# JSON does not support big ints, so these types must be serialized differently in JSON
big_ints = [uint64, int64, uint128, int512]
_T_Streamable = TypeVar("_T_Streamable", bound="Streamable")
def dataclass_from_dict(klass, d):
Converts a dictionary based on a dataclass, into an instance of that dataclass.
Recursively goes through lists, optionals, and dictionaries.
if is_type_SpecificOptional(klass):
# Type is optional, data is either None, or Any
if not d:
return None
return dataclass_from_dict(get_args(klass)[0], d)
elif is_type_Tuple(klass):
# Type is tuple, can have multiple different types inside
i = 0
klass_properties = []
for item in d:
klass_properties.append(dataclass_from_dict(klass.__args__[i], item))
i = i + 1
return tuple(klass_properties)
elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(klass):
# Type is a dataclass, data is a dictionary
fieldtypes = { f.type for f in dataclasses.fields(klass)}
return klass(**{f: dataclass_from_dict(fieldtypes[f], d[f]) for f in d})
elif is_type_List(klass):
# Type is a list, data is a list
return [dataclass_from_dict(get_args(klass)[0], item) for item in d]
elif issubclass(klass, bytes):
# Type is bytes, data is a hex string
return klass(hexstr_to_bytes(d))
elif klass.__name__ in unhashable_types:
# Type is unhashable (bls type), so cast from hex string
return klass.from_bytes(hexstr_to_bytes(d))
# Type is a primitive, cast with correct class
return klass(d)
def recurse_jsonify(d):
Makes bytes objects and unhashable types into strings with 0x, and makes large ints into
if isinstance(d, list) or isinstance(d, tuple):
new_list = []
for item in d:
if type(item).__name__ in unhashable_types or issubclass(type(item), bytes):
item = f"0x{bytes(item).hex()}"
if isinstance(item, dict):
item = recurse_jsonify(item)
if isinstance(item, list):
item = recurse_jsonify(item)
if isinstance(item, tuple):
item = recurse_jsonify(item)
if isinstance(item, Enum):
item =
if isinstance(item, int) and type(item) in big_ints:
item = int(item)
d = new_list
for key, value in d.items():
if type(value).__name__ in unhashable_types or issubclass(type(value), bytes):
d[key] = f"0x{bytes(value).hex()}"
if isinstance(value, dict):
d[key] = recurse_jsonify(value)
if isinstance(value, list):
d[key] = recurse_jsonify(value)
if isinstance(value, tuple):
d[key] = recurse_jsonify(value)
if isinstance(value, Enum):
d[key] =
if isinstance(value, int) and type(value) in big_ints:
d[key] = int(value)
return d
def streamable(cls: Any):
This is a decorator for class definitions. It applies the strictdataclass decorator,
which checks all types at construction. It also defines a simple serialization format,
and adds parse, from bytes, stream, and __bytes__ methods.
The primitives are:
* Sized ints serialized in big endian format, e.g. uint64
* Sized bytes serialized in big endian format, e.g. bytes32
* BLS public keys serialized in bls format (48 bytes)
* BLS signatures serialized in bls format (96 bytes)
* bool serialized into 1 byte (0x01 or 0x00)
* bytes serialized as a 4 byte size prefix and then the bytes.
* ConditionOpcode is serialized as a 1 byte value.
* str serialized as a 4 byte size prefix and then the utf-8 representation in bytes.
An item is one of:
* primitive
* Tuple[item1, .. itemx]
* List[item1, .. itemx]
* Optional[item]
* Custom item
A streamable must be a Tuple at the root level (although a dataclass is used here instead).
Iters are serialized in the following way:
1. A tuple of x items is serialized by appending the serialization of each item.
2. A List is serialized into a 4 byte size prefix (number of items) and the serialization of each item.
3. An Optional is serialized into a 1 byte prefix of 0x00 or 0x01, and if it's one, it's followed by the
serialization of the item.
4. A Custom item is serialized by calling the .parse method, passing in the stream of bytes into it. An example is
a CLVM program.
All of the constituents must have parse/from_bytes, and stream/__bytes__ and therefore
be of fixed size. For example, int cannot be a constituent since it is not a fixed size,
whereas uint32 can be.
Furthermore, a get_hash() member is added, which performs a serialization and a sha256.
This class is used for deterministic serialization and hashing, for consensus critical
objects such as the block header.
Make sure to use the Streamable class as a parent class when using the streamable decorator,
as it will allow linters to recognize the methods that are added by the decorator. Also,
use the @dataclass(frozen=True) decorator as well, for linters to recognize constructor
cls1 = strictdataclass(cls)
t = type(cls.__name__, (cls1, Streamable), {})
stream_functions = []
parse_functions = []
hints = get_type_hints(t)
fields = { hints.get(, field.type) for field in dataclasses.fields(t)}
except Exception:
fields = {}
for _, f_type in fields.items():
return t
def parse_bool(f: BinaryIO) -> bool:
bool_byte =
assert bool_byte is not None and len(bool_byte) == 1 # Checks for EOF
if bool_byte == bytes([0]):
return False
elif bool_byte == bytes([1]):
return True
raise ValueError("Bool byte must be 0 or 1")
def parse_uint32(f: BinaryIO, byteorder: Literal["little", "big"] = "big") -> uint32:
size_bytes =
assert size_bytes is not None and len(size_bytes) == 4 # Checks for EOF
return uint32(int.from_bytes(size_bytes, byteorder))
def write_uint32(f: BinaryIO, value: uint32, byteorder: Literal["little", "big"] = "big"):
f.write(value.to_bytes(4, byteorder))
def parse_optional(f: BinaryIO, parse_inner_type_f: Callable[[BinaryIO], Any]) -> Optional[Any]:
is_present_bytes =
assert is_present_bytes is not None and len(is_present_bytes) == 1 # Checks for EOF
if is_present_bytes == bytes([0]):
return None
elif is_present_bytes == bytes([1]):
return parse_inner_type_f(f)
raise ValueError("Optional must be 0 or 1")
def parse_bytes(f: BinaryIO) -> bytes:
list_size = parse_uint32(f)
bytes_read =
assert bytes_read is not None and len(bytes_read) == list_size
return bytes_read
def parse_list(f: BinaryIO, parse_inner_type_f: Callable[[BinaryIO], Any]) -> List[Any]:
full_list: List = []
# wjb assert inner_type != get_args(List)[0]
list_size = parse_uint32(f)
for list_index in range(list_size):
return full_list
def parse_tuple(f: BinaryIO, list_parse_inner_type_f: List[Callable[[BinaryIO], Any]]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
full_list = []
for parse_f in list_parse_inner_type_f:
return tuple(full_list)
def parse_size_hints(f: BinaryIO, f_type: Type, bytes_to_read: int) -> Any:
bytes_read =
assert bytes_read is not None and len(bytes_read) == bytes_to_read
return f_type.from_bytes(bytes_read)
def parse_str(f: BinaryIO) -> str:
str_size = parse_uint32(f)
str_read_bytes =
assert str_read_bytes is not None and len(str_read_bytes) == str_size # Checks for EOF
return bytes.decode(str_read_bytes, "utf-8")
def stream_optional(stream_inner_type_func: Callable[[Any, BinaryIO], None], item: Any, f: BinaryIO) -> None:
if item is None:
stream_inner_type_func(item, f)
def stream_bytes(item: Any, f: BinaryIO) -> None:
write_uint32(f, uint32(len(item)))
def stream_list(stream_inner_type_func: Callable[[Any, BinaryIO], None], item: Any, f: BinaryIO) -> None:
write_uint32(f, uint32(len(item)))
for element in item:
stream_inner_type_func(element, f)
def stream_tuple(stream_inner_type_funcs: List[Callable[[Any, BinaryIO], None]], item: Any, f: BinaryIO) -> None:
assert len(stream_inner_type_funcs) == len(item)
for i in range(len(item)):
stream_inner_type_funcs[i](item[i], f)
def stream_str(item: Any, f: BinaryIO) -> None:
str_bytes = item.encode("utf-8")
write_uint32(f, uint32(len(str_bytes)))
class Streamable:
def function_to_parse_one_item(cls, f_type: Type) -> Callable[[BinaryIO], Any]:
This function returns a function taking one argument `f: BinaryIO` that parses
and returns a value of the given type.
inner_type: Type
if f_type is bool:
return parse_bool
if is_type_SpecificOptional(f_type):
inner_type = get_args(f_type)[0]
parse_inner_type_f = cls.function_to_parse_one_item(inner_type)
return lambda f: parse_optional(f, parse_inner_type_f)
if hasattr(f_type, "parse"):
return f_type.parse
if f_type == bytes:
return parse_bytes
if is_type_List(f_type):
inner_type = get_args(f_type)[0]
parse_inner_type_f = cls.function_to_parse_one_item(inner_type)
return lambda f: parse_list(f, parse_inner_type_f)
if is_type_Tuple(f_type):
inner_types = get_args(f_type)
list_parse_inner_type_f = [cls.function_to_parse_one_item(_) for _ in inner_types]
return lambda f: parse_tuple(f, list_parse_inner_type_f)
if hasattr(f_type, "from_bytes") and f_type.__name__ in size_hints:
bytes_to_read = size_hints[f_type.__name__]
return lambda f: parse_size_hints(f, f_type, bytes_to_read)
if f_type is str:
return parse_str
raise NotImplementedError(f"Type {f_type} does not have parse")
def parse(cls: Type[_T_Streamable], f: BinaryIO) -> _T_Streamable:
# Create the object without calling __init__() to avoid unnecessary post-init checks in strictdataclass
obj: _T_Streamable = object.__new__(cls)
fields: Iterator[str] = iter(FIELDS_FOR_STREAMABLE_CLASS.get(cls, {}))
values: Iterator = (parse_f(f) for parse_f in PARSE_FUNCTIONS_FOR_STREAMABLE_CLASS[cls])
for field, value in zip(fields, values):
object.__setattr__(obj, field, value)
# Use -1 as a sentinel value as it's not currently serializable
if next(fields, -1) != -1:
raise ValueError("Failed to parse incomplete Streamable object")
if next(values, -1) != -1:
raise ValueError("Failed to parse unknown data in Streamable object")
return obj
def function_to_stream_one_item(cls, f_type: Type) -> Callable[[Any, BinaryIO], Any]:
inner_type: Type
if is_type_SpecificOptional(f_type):
inner_type = get_args(f_type)[0]
stream_inner_type_func = cls.function_to_stream_one_item(inner_type)
return lambda item, f: stream_optional(stream_inner_type_func, item, f)
elif f_type == bytes:
return stream_bytes
elif hasattr(f_type, "stream"):
return lambda item, f:
elif hasattr(f_type, "__bytes__"):
return lambda item, f: f.write(bytes(item))
elif is_type_List(f_type):
inner_type = get_args(f_type)[0]
stream_inner_type_func = cls.function_to_stream_one_item(inner_type)
return lambda item, f: stream_list(stream_inner_type_func, item, f)
elif is_type_Tuple(f_type):
inner_types = get_args(f_type)
stream_inner_type_funcs = []
for i in range(len(inner_types)):
return lambda item, f: stream_tuple(stream_inner_type_funcs, item, f)
elif f_type is str:
return stream_str
elif f_type is bool:
return lambda item, f: f.write(int(item).to_bytes(1, "big"))
raise NotImplementedError(f"can't stream {f_type}")
def stream(self, f: BinaryIO) -> None:
self_type = type(self)
except Exception:
fields = {}
functions = []
for field, stream_func in zip(fields, functions):
stream_func(getattr(self, field), f)
def get_hash(self) -> bytes32:
return bytes32(std_hash(bytes(self)))
def from_bytes(cls: Any, blob: bytes) -> Any:
f = io.BytesIO(blob)
parsed = cls.parse(f)
assert == b""
return parsed
def __bytes__(self: Any) -> bytes:
f = io.BytesIO()
return bytes(f.getvalue())
def __str__(self: Any) -> str:
return pp.pformat(recurse_jsonify(dataclasses.asdict(self)))
def __repr__(self: Any) -> str:
return pp.pformat(recurse_jsonify(dataclasses.asdict(self)))
def to_json_dict(self) -> Dict:
return recurse_jsonify(dataclasses.asdict(self))
def from_json_dict(cls: Any, json_dict: Dict) -> Any:
return dataclass_from_dict(cls, json_dict)