Felix Brucker c5ca0978f6
Add support for multi node farmers (#15444)
* Extract `respond_signatures` logic

* Add `call_api_of_specific` method to `ChiaServer`

* Fix typehint for test fixture `farmer_one_harvester`

* Make test helper `add_dummy_connection` work with any node type

* Add `reply_types` to `request_signatures` of harvester

* Fix duplicate SP processing with multiple nodes

* Handle state in `request_signed_values`

* Add set typehint

* Add comment re `_process_respond_signatures()` usage

* Fix imports

* Fix wording to not confuse with SignedValues message
2023-07-28 14:48:32 -05:00

113 lines
4.4 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Set, Tuple
import aiohttp
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization
from chia.protocols.shared_protocol import capabilities, protocol_version
from chia.server.outbound_message import NodeType
from chia.server.server import ChiaServer, ssl_context_for_client
from chia.server.ssl_context import chia_ssl_ca_paths, private_ssl_ca_paths
from chia.server.ws_connection import WSChiaConnection
from chia.simulator.time_out_assert import adjusted_timeout, time_out_assert
from chia.ssl.create_ssl import generate_ca_signed_cert
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.peer_info import PeerInfo
from chia.util.config import load_config
from chia.util.ints import uint16
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
async def disconnect_all(server: ChiaServer) -> None:
connections = list(server.all_connections.values())
await asyncio.gather(*(connection.close() for connection in connections))
await asyncio.sleep(adjusted_timeout(5)) # 5 seconds to allow connections and tasks to all drain
async def disconnect_all_and_reconnect(server: ChiaServer, reconnect_to: ChiaServer, self_hostname: str) -> bool:
await disconnect_all(server)
return await server.start_client(PeerInfo(self_hostname, uint16(reconnect_to._port)), None)
async def add_dummy_connection(
server: ChiaServer, self_hostname: str, dummy_port: int, type: NodeType = NodeType.FULL_NODE
) -> Tuple[asyncio.Queue, bytes32]:
wsc, peer_id = await add_dummy_connection_wsc(server, self_hostname, dummy_port, type)
return wsc.incoming_queue, peer_id
async def add_dummy_connection_wsc(
server: ChiaServer, self_hostname: str, dummy_port: int, type: NodeType = NodeType.FULL_NODE
) -> Tuple[WSChiaConnection, bytes32]:
timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=10)
session = aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=timeout)
config = load_config(server.root_path, "config.yaml")
ca_crt_path: Path
ca_key_path: Path
authenticated_client_types: Set[NodeType] = {NodeType.HARVESTER}
if type in authenticated_client_types:
private_ca_crt_path, private_ca_key_path = private_ssl_ca_paths(server.root_path, config)
ca_crt_path = private_ca_crt_path
ca_key_path = private_ca_key_path
chia_ca_crt_path, chia_ca_key_path = chia_ssl_ca_paths(server.root_path, config)
ca_crt_path = chia_ca_crt_path
ca_key_path = chia_ca_key_path
dummy_crt_path = server.root_path / "dummy.crt"
dummy_key_path = server.root_path / "dummy.key"
generate_ca_signed_cert(ca_crt_path.read_bytes(), ca_key_path.read_bytes(), dummy_crt_path, dummy_key_path)
ssl_context = ssl_context_for_client(ca_crt_path, ca_key_path, dummy_crt_path, dummy_key_path)
pem_cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(dummy_crt_path.read_bytes(), default_backend())
der_cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(pem_cert.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.DER), default_backend())
peer_id = bytes32(der_cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()))
url = f"wss://{self_hostname}:{server._port}/ws"
ws = await session.ws_connect(url, autoclose=True, autoping=True, ssl=ssl_context)
wsc = WSChiaConnection.create(
await wsc.perform_handshake(server._network_id, protocol_version, dummy_port, type)
if wsc.incoming_message_task is not None:
return wsc, peer_id
async def connect_and_get_peer(server_1: ChiaServer, server_2: ChiaServer, self_hostname: str) -> WSChiaConnection:
Connect server_2 to server_1, and get return the connection in server_1.
await server_2.start_client(PeerInfo(self_hostname, uint16(server_1._port)))
async def connected():
for node_id_c, _ in server_1.all_connections.items():
if node_id_c == server_2.node_id:
return True
return False
await time_out_assert(10, connected, True)
for node_id, wsc in server_1.all_connections.items():
if node_id == server_2.node_id:
return wsc
assert False