2021-04-04 21:41:39 -07:00

231 lines
9.6 KiB

# TODO: write tests for other stores
# import asyncio
# from pathlib import Path
# from secrets import token_bytes
# import aiosqlite
# import pytest
# from chia.util.ints import uint32, uint64, uint128
# from chia.wallet.wallet_coin_record import WalletCoinRecord
# from chia.wallet.util.wallet_types import WalletType
# from chia.types.coin import Coin
# @pytest.fixture(scope="module")
# def event_loop():
# loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# yield loop
# class TestWalletStore:
# @pytest.mark.asyncio
# async def test_store(self):
# db_filename = Path("blockchain_wallet_store_test.db")
# if db_filename.exists():
# db_filename.unlink()
# db_connection = await aiosqlite.connect(db_filename)
# store = await WalletStore.create(db_connection)
# try:
# coin_1 = Coin(token_bytes(32), token_bytes(32), uint64(12312))
# coin_2 = Coin(token_bytes(32), token_bytes(32), uint64(12312))
# coin_3 = Coin(token_bytes(32), token_bytes(32), uint64(12312))
# coin_4 = Coin(token_bytes(32), token_bytes(32), uint64(12312))
# record_replaced = WalletCoinRecord(coin_1, uint32(8), uint32(0),
# False, True, WalletType.STANDARD_WALLET, 0)
# record_1 = WalletCoinRecord(coin_1, uint32(4), uint32(0), False,
# True, WalletType.STANDARD_WALLET, 0)
# record_2 = WalletCoinRecord(coin_2, uint32(5), uint32(0),
# False, True, WalletType.STANDARD_WALLET, 0)
# record_3 = WalletCoinRecord(
# coin_3,
# uint32(5),
# uint32(10),
# True,
# False,
# 0,
# )
# record_4 = WalletCoinRecord(
# coin_4,
# uint32(5),
# uint32(15),
# True,
# False,
# 0,
# )
# # Test add (replace) and get
# assert await store.get_coin_record( is None
# await store.add_coin_record(record_replaced)
# await store.add_coin_record(record_1)
# await store.add_coin_record(record_2)
# await store.add_coin_record(record_3)
# await store.add_coin_record(record_4)
# assert await store.get_coin_record( == record_1
# # Test persistance
# await db_connection.close()
# db_connection = await aiosqlite.connect(db_filename)
# store = await WalletStore.create(db_connection)
# assert await store.get_coin_record( == record_1
# # Test set spent
# await store.set_spent(, uint32(12))
# assert (await store.get_coin_record(
# assert (await store.get_coin_record( == 12
# # No coins at height 3
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(3)) == 0
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(4)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(5)) == 4
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(11)) == 3
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(12)) == 2
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(15)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(16)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height()) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_for_wallet(0)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_for_wallet(1)) == 0
# coin_5 = Coin(token_bytes(32), token_bytes(32), uint64(12312))
# record_5 = WalletCoinRecord(
# coin_5,
# uint32(5),
# uint32(15),
# False,
# False,
# 1,
# )
# await store.add_coin_record(record_5)
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_for_wallet(1)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_spendable_for_index(100, 1)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_spendable_for_index(100, 0)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_spendable_for_index(0, 0)) == 0
# coin_6 = Coin(token_bytes(32), coin_4.puzzle_hash, uint64(12312))
# await store.add_coin_record(record_5)
# record_6 = WalletCoinRecord(
# coin_6,
# uint32(5),
# uint32(15),
# True,
# False,
# 2,
# )
# await store.add_coin_record(record_6)
# assert len(await store.get_coin_records_by_puzzle_hash(record_6.coin.puzzle_hash)) == 2 # 4 and 6
# assert len(await store.get_coin_records_by_puzzle_hash(token_bytes(32))) == 0
# assert await store.get_coin_record_by_coin_id( == record_6
# assert await store.get_coin_record_by_coin_id(token_bytes(32)) is None
# assert len(await store.get_lca_path()) == 0
# # NOT lca block
# br_1 = BlockRecord(
# token_bytes(32),
# token_bytes(32),
# uint32(0),
# uint128(100),
# None,
# None,
# None,
# None,
# uint64(0),
# )
# assert await store.get_block_record(br_1.header_hash) is None
# await store.add_block_record(br_1, False)
# assert len(await store.get_lca_path()) == 0
# assert await store.get_block_record(br_1.header_hash) == br_1
# # LCA genesis
# await store.add_block_record(br_1, True)
# assert await store.get_block_record(br_1.header_hash) == br_1
# assert len(await store.get_lca_path()) == 1
# assert (await store.get_lca_path())[br_1.header_hash] == br_1
# br_2 = BlockRecord(
# token_bytes(32),
# token_bytes(32),
# uint32(1),
# uint128(100),
# None,
# None,
# None,
# None,
# uint64(0),
# )
# await store.add_block_record(br_2, False)
# assert len(await store.get_lca_path()) == 1
# await store.add_block_to_path(br_2.header_hash)
# assert len(await store.get_lca_path()) == 2
# assert (await store.get_lca_path())[br_2.header_hash] == br_2
# br_3 = BlockRecord(
# token_bytes(32),
# token_bytes(32),
# uint32(2),
# uint128(100),
# None,
# None,
# None,
# None,
# uint64(0),
# )
# await store.add_block_record(br_3, True)
# assert len(await store.get_lca_path()) == 3
# await store.remove_block_records_from_path(1)
# assert len(await store.get_lca_path()) == 2
# await store.rollback_lca_to_block(0)
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height()) == 0
# coin_7 = Coin(token_bytes(32), token_bytes(32), uint64(12312))
# coin_8 = Coin(token_bytes(32), token_bytes(32), uint64(12312))
# coin_9 = Coin(token_bytes(32), token_bytes(32), uint64(12312))
# coin_10 = Coin(token_bytes(32), token_bytes(32), uint64(12312))
# record_7 = WalletCoinRecord(coin_7, uint32(0), uint32(1), True, False, WalletType.STANDARD_WALLET, 1)
# record_8 = WalletCoinRecord(coin_8, uint32(1), uint32(2), True, False, WalletType.STANDARD_WALLET, 1)
# record_9 = WalletCoinRecord(coin_9, uint32(2), uint32(3), True, False, WalletType.STANDARD_WALLET, 1)
# record_10 = WalletCoinRecord(
# coin_10,
# uint32(3),
# uint32(4),
# True,
# False,
# 1,
# )
# await store.add_coin_record(record_7)
# await store.add_coin_record(record_8)
# await store.add_coin_record(record_9)
# await store.add_coin_record(record_10)
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(0)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(1)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(2)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(3)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(4)) == 0
# await store.add_block_record(br_2, True)
# await store.add_block_record(br_3, True)
# await store.rollback_lca_to_block(1)
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(0)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(1)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(2)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(3)) == 1
# assert len(await store.get_unspent_coins_at_height(4)) == 1
# except AssertionError:
# await db_connection.close()
# raise
# await db_connection.close()