
475 lines
18 KiB

import base64
import fasteners
import os
import shutil
import sys
import threading
import yaml
from chia.util.default_root import DEFAULT_KEYS_ROOT_PATH
from contextlib import contextmanager
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import ChaCha20Poly1305 # pyright: reportMissingModuleSource=false
from functools import wraps
from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac
from pathlib import Path
from secrets import token_bytes
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from import FileSystemEventHandler
from watchdog.observers import Observer
SALT_BYTES = 16 # PBKDF2 param
NONCE_BYTES = 12 # ChaCha20Poly1305 nonce is 12-bytes
HASH_ITERS = 100000 # PBKDF2 param
CHECKBYTES_VALUE = b"5f365b8292ee505b" # Randomly generated
MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION = 1 # Max supported file format version
class FileKeyringLockTimeout(Exception):
def loads_keyring(method):
Decorator which lazily loads the FileKeyring data
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Check the outer payload for 'data', and check if we have a decrypted cache (payload_cache)
with self.load_keyring_lock:
if (self.has_content() and not self.payload_cache) or self.needs_load_keyring:
return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return inner
def acquire_writer_lock(lock_path: Path, timeout=5, max_iters=6):
lock = fasteners.InterProcessReaderWriterLock(str(lock_path))
result = None
for i in range(0, max_iters):
if lock.acquire_write_lock(timeout=timeout):
yield # <----
print(f"Failed to acquire keyring writer lock after {timeout} seconds.", end="")
if i < max_iters - 1:
print(f" Remaining attempts: {max_iters - 1 - i}")
raise FileKeyringLockTimeout("Exhausted all attempts to acquire the writer lock")
return result
def acquire_reader_lock(lock_path: Path, timeout=5, max_iters=6):
lock = fasteners.InterProcessReaderWriterLock(str(lock_path))
result = None
for i in range(0, max_iters):
if lock.acquire_read_lock(timeout=timeout):
yield # <----
print(f"Failed to acquire keyring reader lock after {timeout} seconds.", end="")
if i < max_iters - 1:
print(f" Remaining attempts: {max_iters - 1 - i}")
raise FileKeyringLockTimeout("Exhausted all attempts to acquire the writer lock")
return result
class FileKeyring(FileSystemEventHandler):
FileKeyring provides an file-based keyring store that is encrypted to a key derived
from the user-provided master passphrase. The public interface is intended to align
with the API provided by the keyring module such that the KeyringWrapper class can
pick an appropriate keyring store backend based on the OS.
The keyring file format uses YAML with a few top-level keys:
# Keyring file version, currently 1
version: <int>
# Random salt used as a PBKDF2 parameter. Updated when the master passphrase changes
salt: <hex string of 16 bytes>
# Random nonce used as a ChaCha20Poly1305 parameter. Updated on each write to the file
nonce: <hex string of 12 bytes>
# The encrypted data. Internally, a checkbytes value is concatenated with the
# inner payload (a YAML document). The inner payload YAML contains a "keys" element
# that holds a dictionary of keys.
data: <base64-encoded string of encrypted inner-payload>
# An optional passphrase hint
passphrase_hint: <cleartext string>
The file is encrypted using ChaCha20Poly1305. The symmetric key is derived from the
master passphrase using PBKDF2. The nonce is updated each time the file is written-to.
The salt is updated each time the master passphrase is changed.
keyring_path: Path
keyring_lock_path: Path
keyring_observer: Observer = None
load_keyring_lock: threading.RLock # Guards access to needs_load_keyring
needs_load_keyring: bool = False
salt: Optional[bytes] = None # PBKDF2 param
payload_cache: dict = {} # Cache of the decrypted YAML contained in outer_payload_cache['data']
outer_payload_cache: dict = {} # Cache of the plaintext YAML "outer" contents (never encrypted)
def keyring_path_from_root(keys_root_path: Path) -> Path:
Returns the path to keyring.yaml
path_filename = keys_root_path / "keyring.yaml"
return path_filename
def lockfile_path_for_file_path(file_path: Path) -> Path:
Returns a path suitable for creating a lockfile derived from the input path.
Currently used to provide a lockfile path to be used by
fasteners.InterProcessReaderWriterLock when guarding access to keyring.yaml
return file_path.with_name(f".{}.lock")
def __init__(self, keys_root_path: Path = DEFAULT_KEYS_ROOT_PATH):
Creates a fresh keyring.yaml file if necessary. Otherwise, loads and caches the
outer (plaintext) payload
self.keyring_path = FileKeyring.keyring_path_from_root(keys_root_path)
self.keyring_lock_path = FileKeyring.lockfile_path_for_file_path(self.keyring_path)
self.payload_cache = {} # This is used as a building block for adding keys etc if the keyring is empty
self.load_keyring_lock = threading.RLock()
self.keyring_last_mod_time = None
# Key/value pairs to set on the outer payload on the next write
self.outer_payload_properties_for_next_write: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if not self.keyring_path.exists():
# Super simple payload if starting from scratch
outer_payload = FileKeyring.default_outer_payload()
self.outer_payload_cache = outer_payload
def setup_keyring_file_watcher(self):
self.keyring_observer = Observer()
# recursive=True necessary for macOS support
self.keyring_observer.schedule(self, self.keyring_path.parent, recursive=True)
def cleanup_keyring_file_watcher(self):
if getattr(self, "keyring_observer"):
def on_modified(self, event):
def check_if_keyring_file_modified(self):
if self.keyring_path.exists():
last_modified = os.stat(self.keyring_path).st_mtime
if not self.keyring_last_mod_time or self.keyring_last_mod_time < last_modified:
self.keyring_last_mod_time = last_modified
with self.load_keyring_lock:
self.needs_load_keyring = True
except FileNotFoundError:
# Shouldn't happen, but if the file doesn't exist there's nothing to do...
def default_outer_payload() -> dict:
return {"version": 1}
def generate_nonce() -> bytes:
Creates a nonce to be used by ChaCha20Poly1305. This should be called each time
the payload is encrypted.
return token_bytes(NONCE_BYTES)
def generate_salt() -> bytes:
Creates a salt to be used in combination with the master passphrase to derive
a symmetric key using PBKDF2
return token_bytes(SALT_BYTES)
def has_content(self) -> bool:
Quick test to determine if keyring is populated. The "data" value is expected
to be encrypted.
if self.outer_payload_cache is not None and self.outer_payload_cache.get("data"):
return True
return False
def ensure_cached_keys_dict(self) -> dict:
Returns payload_cache["keys"], ensuring that it's created if necessary
if self.payload_cache.get("keys") is None:
self.payload_cache["keys"] = {}
return self.payload_cache["keys"]
def _inner_get_password(self, service: str, user: str) -> Optional[str]:
return self.ensure_cached_keys_dict().get(service, {}).get(user)
def get_password(self, service: str, user: str) -> Optional[str]:
Returns the passphrase named by the 'user' parameter from the cached
keyring data (does not force a read from disk)
with acquire_reader_lock(lock_path=self.keyring_lock_path):
return self._inner_get_password(service, user)
def _inner_set_password(self, service: str, user: str, passphrase: str, *args, **kwargs):
keys = self.ensure_cached_keys_dict()
# Convert the passphrase to a string (if necessary)
passphrase = bytes(passphrase).hex() if type(passphrase) == bytes else str(passphrase) # type: ignore
# Ensure a dictionary exists for the 'service'
if keys.get(service) is None:
keys[service] = {}
service_dict = keys[service]
service_dict[user] = passphrase
keys[service] = service_dict
self.payload_cache["keys"] = keys
self.write_keyring() # Updates the cached payload (self.payload_cache) on success
def set_password(self, service: str, user: str, passphrase: str):
Store the passphrase to the keyring data using the name specified by the
'user' parameter. Will force a write to keyring.yaml on success.
with acquire_writer_lock(lock_path=self.keyring_lock_path):
self._inner_set_password(service, user, passphrase)
def _inner_delete_password(self, service: str, user: str):
keys = self.ensure_cached_keys_dict()
service_dict = keys.get(service, {})
if service_dict.pop(user, None):
if len(service_dict) == 0:
self.payload_cache["keys"] = keys
self.write_keyring() # Updates the cached payload (self.payload_cache) on success
def delete_password(self, service: str, user: str):
Deletes the passphrase named by the 'user' parameter from the keyring data
(will force a write to keyring.yaml on success)
with acquire_writer_lock(lock_path=self.keyring_lock_path):
self._inner_delete_password(service, user)
def check_passphrase(self, passphrase: str, force_reload: bool = False) -> bool:
Attempts to validate the passphrase by decrypting the outer_payload_cache["data"]
contents and checking the checkbytes value
if force_reload or len(self.outer_payload_cache) == 0:
if not self.salt or len(self.outer_payload_cache) == 0:
return False
nonce = None
nonce_str = self.outer_payload_cache.get("nonce")
if nonce_str:
nonce = bytes.fromhex(nonce_str)
if not nonce:
return False
key = FileKeyring.symmetric_key_from_passphrase(passphrase, self.salt)
encrypted_data = base64.b64decode(yaml.safe_load(self.outer_payload_cache.get("data") or ""))
decrypted_data = self.decrypt_data(encrypted_data, key, nonce)
except Exception:
return False
return self.have_valid_checkbytes(decrypted_data)
def have_valid_checkbytes(self, decrypted_data: bytes) -> bool:
checkbytes = decrypted_data[: len(CHECKBYTES_VALUE)]
return checkbytes == CHECKBYTES_VALUE
def symmetric_key_from_passphrase(passphrase: str, salt: bytes) -> bytes:
return pbkdf2_hmac("sha256", passphrase.encode(), salt, HASH_ITERS)
def get_symmetric_key(salt: bytes) -> bytes:
from chia.util.keychain import obtain_current_passphrase
passphrase = obtain_current_passphrase(use_passphrase_cache=True)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Unable to unlock the keyring: {e}")
return FileKeyring.symmetric_key_from_passphrase(passphrase, salt)
def encrypt_data(self, input_data: bytes, key: bytes, nonce: bytes) -> bytes:
encryptor = ChaCha20Poly1305(key)
data = encryptor.encrypt(nonce, input_data, None)
return data
def decrypt_data(self, input_data: bytes, key: bytes, nonce: bytes) -> bytes:
decryptor = ChaCha20Poly1305(key)
output = decryptor.decrypt(nonce, input_data, None)
return output
def load_outer_payload(self):
if not self.keyring_path.is_file():
raise ValueError("Keyring file not found")
self.outer_payload_cache = dict(yaml.safe_load(open(self.keyring_path, "r")))
version = int(self.outer_payload_cache.get("version"))
f"Keyring format is unrecognized. Found version {version}"
", expected a value <= {MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION}"
print("Please update to a newer version")
# Attempt to load the salt. It may not be present if the keyring is empty.
salt = self.outer_payload_cache.get("salt")
if salt:
self.salt = bytes.fromhex(salt)
def load_keyring(self, passphrase: str = None):
with self.load_keyring_lock:
self.needs_load_keyring = False
# Missing the salt or nonce indicates that the keyring doesn't have any keys stored.
salt_str = self.outer_payload_cache.get("salt")
nonce_str = self.outer_payload_cache.get("nonce")
if not salt_str or not nonce_str:
salt = bytes.fromhex(salt_str)
nonce = bytes.fromhex(nonce_str)
key = None
if passphrase:
key = FileKeyring.symmetric_key_from_passphrase(passphrase, salt)
key = FileKeyring.get_symmetric_key(salt)
encrypted_payload = base64.b64decode(yaml.safe_load(self.outer_payload_cache.get("data") or ""))
decrypted_data = self.decrypt_data(encrypted_payload, key, nonce)
if not self.have_valid_checkbytes(decrypted_data):
raise ValueError("decryption failure (checkbytes)")
inner_payload = decrypted_data[len(CHECKBYTES_VALUE) :]
self.payload_cache = dict(yaml.safe_load(inner_payload))
def is_first_write(self):
return self.outer_payload_cache == FileKeyring.default_outer_payload()
def write_keyring(self, fresh_salt: bool = False):
from chia.util.keyring_wrapper import KeyringWrapper
inner_payload = self.payload_cache
inner_payload_yaml = yaml.safe_dump(inner_payload)
nonce = FileKeyring.generate_nonce()
key = None
# Update the salt when changing the master passphrase or when the keyring is new (empty)
if fresh_salt or not self.salt:
self.salt = FileKeyring.generate_salt()
salt = self.salt
# When writing for the first time, we should have a cached passphrase which hasn't been
# validated (because it can't be validated yet...)
if self.is_first_write() and KeyringWrapper.get_shared_instance().has_cached_master_passphrase():
key = FileKeyring.symmetric_key_from_passphrase(
KeyringWrapper.get_shared_instance().get_cached_master_passphrase()[0], self.salt
# Prompt for the passphrase interactively and derive the key
key = FileKeyring.get_symmetric_key(salt)
encrypted_inner_payload = self.encrypt_data(CHECKBYTES_VALUE + inner_payload_yaml.encode(), key, nonce)
outer_payload = {
"version": 1,
"salt": self.salt.hex(),
"nonce": nonce.hex(),
"data": base64.b64encode(encrypted_inner_payload).decode("utf-8"),
# Merge in other properties like "passphrase_hint"
self.outer_payload_properties_for_next_write = {}
# Update our cached payload
self.outer_payload_cache = outer_payload
self.payload_cache = inner_payload
def write_data_to_keyring(self, data):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.keyring_path), 0o700, True)
temp_path: Path = self.keyring_path.with_suffix("." + str(os.getpid()))
with open(, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY, 0o600), "w") as f:
_ = yaml.safe_dump(data, f)
os.replace(str(temp_path), self.keyring_path)
except PermissionError:
shutil.move(str(temp_path), str(self.keyring_path))
def prepare_for_migration(self):
if not self.payload_cache:
self.payload_cache = {"keys": {}}
if not self.salt:
self.salt = FileKeyring.generate_salt()
def get_passphrase_hint(self) -> Optional[str]:
Return the passphrase hint (if set). The hint data may not yet be written to the keyring, so we
return the hint data either from the staging dict (outer_payload_properties_for_next_write), or
from outer_payload_cache (loaded from the keyring)
passphrase_hint: Optional[str] = self.outer_payload_properties_for_next_write.get("passphrase_hint", None)
if passphrase_hint is None:
passphrase_hint = self.outer_payload_cache.get("passphrase_hint", None)
return passphrase_hint
def set_passphrase_hint(self, passphrase_hint: Optional[str]) -> None:
Store the new passphrase hint in the staging dict (outer_payload_properties_for_next_write) to
be written-out on the next write to the keyring.
assert self.outer_payload_properties_for_next_write is not None
if passphrase_hint is not None and len(passphrase_hint) > 0:
self.outer_payload_properties_for_next_write["passphrase_hint"] = passphrase_hint
elif "passphrase_hint" in self.outer_payload_properties_for_next_write:
del self.outer_payload_properties_for_next_write["passphrase_hint"]