Kyle Altendorf 3b084a165b
configure isort to add the future annotations import (#13327)
* configure isort to add the future annotations import

* apply the new isort setting

* remove type ignores for new mypy (#13539)

* another
2022-09-30 03:40:22 -05:00

187 lines
12 KiB

# All of these rate limits scale with the number of transactions so the aggregate amounts are higher
from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import dataclasses
import functools
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from chia.protocols.protocol_message_types import ProtocolMessageTypes
from chia.protocols.shared_protocol import Capability
compose_rate_limits_cache: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
class RLSettings:
frequency: int # Max request per time period (ie 1 min)
max_size: int # Max size of each request
max_total_size: Optional[int] = None # Max cumulative size of all requests in that period
def get_rate_limits_to_use(our_capabilities: List[Capability], peer_capabilities: List[Capability]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# This will use the newest possible rate limits that both peers support. At this time there are only two
# options, v1 and v2.
if Capability.RATE_LIMITS_V2 in our_capabilities and Capability.RATE_LIMITS_V2 in peer_capabilities:
# Use V2 rate limits
if 2 in compose_rate_limits_cache:
return compose_rate_limits_cache[2]
composed = compose_rate_limits(rate_limits[1], rate_limits[2])
compose_rate_limits_cache[2] = composed
return composed
# Use V1 rate limits
return rate_limits[1]
def compose_rate_limits(old_rate_limits: Dict[str, Any], new_rate_limits: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# Composes two rate limits dicts, so that the newer values override the older values
final_rate_limits: Dict[str, Any] = copy.deepcopy(new_rate_limits)
categories: List[str] = ["rate_limits_tx", "rate_limits_other"]
all_new_msgs_lists: List[List[ProtocolMessageTypes]] = [
list(new_rate_limits[category].keys()) for category in categories
all_new_msgs: List[ProtocolMessageTypes] = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, all_new_msgs_lists)
for old_cat, mapping in old_rate_limits.items():
if old_cat in categories:
for old_protocol_msg, old_rate_limit_value in mapping.items():
if old_protocol_msg not in all_new_msgs:
if old_cat not in final_rate_limits:
final_rate_limits[old_cat] = {}
final_rate_limits[old_cat][old_protocol_msg] = old_rate_limit_value
return final_rate_limits
# Each number in this dict corresponds to a specific version of rate limits (1, 2, etc).
# Version 1 includes the original limits for chia software from versions 1.0 to 1.4.
rate_limits = {
1: {
"default_settings": RLSettings(100, 1024 * 1024, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
"non_tx_freq": 1000, # There is also a freq limit for many requests
"non_tx_max_total_size": 100 * 1024 * 1024, # There is also a size limit for many requests
# All transaction related apis also have an aggregate limit
"rate_limits_tx": {
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_transaction: RLSettings(5000, 100, 5000 * 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_transaction: RLSettings(5000, 100, 5000 * 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_transaction: RLSettings(
5000, 1 * 1024 * 1024, 20 * 1024 * 1024
), # TODO: check this
ProtocolMessageTypes.send_transaction: RLSettings(5000, 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.transaction_ack: RLSettings(5000, 2048),
# All non-transaction apis also have an aggregate limit
"rate_limits_other": {
ProtocolMessageTypes.handshake: RLSettings(5, 10 * 1024, 5 * 10 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.harvester_handshake: RLSettings(5, 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_signage_point_harvester: RLSettings(100, 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_proof_of_space: RLSettings(100, 2048),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_signatures: RLSettings(100, 2048),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_signatures: RLSettings(100, 2048),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_signage_point: RLSettings(200, 2048),
ProtocolMessageTypes.declare_proof_of_space: RLSettings(100, 10 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_signed_values: RLSettings(100, 512),
ProtocolMessageTypes.farming_info: RLSettings(100, 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.signed_values: RLSettings(100, 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_peak_timelord: RLSettings(100, 20 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_unfinished_block_timelord: RLSettings(100, 10 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_signage_point_vdf: RLSettings(100, 100 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_infusion_point_vdf: RLSettings(100, 100 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_end_of_sub_slot_vdf: RLSettings(100, 100 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_compact_proof_of_time: RLSettings(100, 10 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_compact_proof_of_time: RLSettings(100, 100 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_peak: RLSettings(200, 512),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_proof_of_weight: RLSettings(5, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_proof_of_weight: RLSettings(5, 50 * 1024 * 1024, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_block: RLSettings(200, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_block: RLSettings(200, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_blocks: RLSettings(500, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_blocks: RLSettings(100, 50 * 1024 * 1024, 5 * 50 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_blocks: RLSettings(100, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_block: RLSettings(200, 2 * 1024 * 1024, 10 * 2 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_unfinished_block: RLSettings(200, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_unfinished_block: RLSettings(200, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_unfinished_block: RLSettings(200, 2 * 1024 * 1024, 10 * 2 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_signage_point_or_end_of_sub_slot: RLSettings(200, 200),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_signage_point_or_end_of_sub_slot: RLSettings(200, 200),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_signage_point: RLSettings(200, 50 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_end_of_sub_slot: RLSettings(100, 50 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_mempool_transactions: RLSettings(5, 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_compact_vdf: RLSettings(200, 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_compact_vdf: RLSettings(200, 100 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_compact_vdf: RLSettings(100, 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_peers: RLSettings(10, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_peers: RLSettings(10, 1 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_puzzle_solution: RLSettings(1000, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_puzzle_solution: RLSettings(1000, 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_puzzle_solution: RLSettings(1000, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.new_peak_wallet: RLSettings(200, 300),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_block_header: RLSettings(500, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_block_header: RLSettings(500, 500 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_header_request: RLSettings(500, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_removals: RLSettings(500, 50 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_removals: RLSettings(500, 1024 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_removals_request: RLSettings(500, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_additions: RLSettings(500, 1024 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_additions: RLSettings(500, 1024 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_additions_request: RLSettings(500, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_header_blocks: RLSettings(500, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_header_blocks: RLSettings(100, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_header_blocks: RLSettings(500, 2 * 1024 * 1024, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_peers_introducer: RLSettings(100, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_peers_introducer: RLSettings(100, 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.farm_new_block: RLSettings(200, 200),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_plots: RLSettings(10, 10 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_plots: RLSettings(10, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.plot_sync_start: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.plot_sync_loaded: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.plot_sync_removed: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.plot_sync_invalid: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.plot_sync_keys_missing: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.plot_sync_duplicates: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.plot_sync_done: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.plot_sync_response: RLSettings(3000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.coin_state_update: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.register_interest_in_puzzle_hash: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_to_ph_update: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.register_interest_in_coin: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_to_coin_update: RLSettings(1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_ses_hashes: RLSettings(2000, 1 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_ses_hashes: RLSettings(2000, 1 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_children: RLSettings(2000, 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_children: RLSettings(2000, 1 * 1024 * 1024),
2: {
"default_settings": RLSettings(100, 1024 * 1024, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
"non_tx_freq": 1000, # There is also a freq limit for many requests
"non_tx_max_total_size": 100 * 1024 * 1024, # There is also a size limit for many requests
"rate_limits_tx": {
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_block_header: RLSettings(500, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_block_header: RLSettings(500, 500 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_header_request: RLSettings(500, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_removals: RLSettings(5000, 50 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_removals: RLSettings(5000, 1024 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_removals_request: RLSettings(500, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_additions: RLSettings(50000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_additions: RLSettings(50000, 100 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_additions_request: RLSettings(500, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_header_blocks: RLSettings(1000, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_header_blocks: RLSettings(5000, 2 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_block_headers: RLSettings(5000, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_block_headers: RLSettings(1000, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_block_headers: RLSettings(5000, 2 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_ses_hashes: RLSettings(2000, 1 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_ses_hashes: RLSettings(2000, 1 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_children: RLSettings(2000, 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_children: RLSettings(2000, 1 * 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_puzzle_solution: RLSettings(5000, 100),
ProtocolMessageTypes.respond_puzzle_solution: RLSettings(5000, 1024 * 1024),
ProtocolMessageTypes.reject_puzzle_solution: RLSettings(5000, 100),
"rate_limits_other": { # These will have a lower cap since they don't scale with high TPS (NON_TX_FREQ)
ProtocolMessageTypes.request_header_blocks: RLSettings(5000, 100),