2021-04-04 21:41:39 -07:00

28 lines
948 B

def truncate_to_significant_bits(input_x: int, num_significant_bits: int) -> int:
Truncates the number such that only the top num_significant_bits contain 1s.
and the rest of the number is 0s (in binary). Ignores decimals and leading
zeroes. For example, -0b011110101 and 2, returns -0b11000000.
x = abs(input_x)
if num_significant_bits > x.bit_length():
return x
lower = x.bit_length() - num_significant_bits
mask = (1 << (x.bit_length())) - 1 - ((1 << lower) - 1)
if input_x < 0:
return -(x & mask)
return x & mask
def count_significant_bits(input_x: int) -> int:
Counts the number of significant bits of an integer, ignoring negative signs
and leading zeroes. For example, for -0b000110010000, returns 5.
x = input_x
for i in range(x.bit_length()):
if x & (1 << i) > 0:
return x.bit_length() - i
return 0