Chris Marslender a91e8d226c
New windows signing cert (#16032)
* Updates for new windows signing

* Add to PATH
2023-08-14 14:59:30 -05:00

98 lines
3.2 KiB

# $env:path should contain a path to editbin.exe and signtool.exe
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
mkdir build_scripts\win_build
git status
git submodule
if (-not (Test-Path env:CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION)) {
Write-Output "WARNING: No environment variable CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION set. Using 0.0.0"
Write-Output "Chia Version is: $env:CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION"
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "Use pyinstaller to create chia .exe's"
Write-Output " ---"
$SPEC_FILE = (python -c 'import chia; print(chia.PYINSTALLER_SPEC_PATH)') -join "`n"
pyinstaller --log-level INFO $SPEC_FILE
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "Creating a directory of licenses from pip and npm packages"
Write-Output " ---"
bash ./
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "Copy chia executables to chia-blockchain-gui\"
Write-Output " ---"
Copy-Item "dist\daemon" -Destination "..\chia-blockchain-gui\packages\gui\" -Recurse
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "Setup npm packager"
Write-Output " ---"
Set-Location -Path ".\npm_windows" -PassThru
npm ci
$Env:Path = $(npm bin) + ";" + $Env:Path
Set-Location -Path "..\..\" -PassThru
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "Prepare Electron packager"
Write-Output " ---"
$Env:NODE_OPTIONS = "--max-old-space-size=3000"
# Change to the GUI directory
Set-Location -Path "chia-blockchain-gui\packages\gui" -PassThru
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "Increase the stack for chia command for (chia plots create) chiapos limitations"
# editbin.exe needs to be in the path
editbin.exe /STACK:8000000 daemon\chia.exe
Write-Output " ---"
$packageVersion = "$env:CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION"
$packageName = "Chia-$packageVersion"
Write-Output "packageName is $packageName"
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "fix version in package.json"
choco install jq
cp package.json package.json.orig
jq --arg VER "$env:CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION" '.version=$VER' package.json > temp.json
rm package.json
mv temp.json package.json
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "electron-builder"
electron-builder build --win --x64 --config.productName="Chia"
Get-ChildItem dist\win-unpacked\resources
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "Sign App"
signtool.exe sign /sha1 $env:SM_CODE_SIGNING_CERT_SHA1_HASH /tr /td SHA256 /fd SHA256 .\dist\ChiaSetup-$packageVersion.exe
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "Verify signature"
Write-Output " ---"
signtool.exe verify /v /pa .\dist\ChiaSetup-$packageVersion.exe
} Else {
Write-Output "Skipping verify signatures - no authorization to install certificates"
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "Moving final installers to expected location"
Write-Output " ---"
Copy-Item ".\dist\win-unpacked" -Destination "$env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\chia-blockchain-gui\Chia-win32-x64" -Recurse
mkdir "$env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\chia-blockchain-gui\release-builds\windows-installer" -ea 0
Copy-Item ".\dist\ChiaSetup-$packageVersion.exe" -Destination "$env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\chia-blockchain-gui\release-builds\windows-installer"
Write-Output " ---"
Write-Output "Windows Installer complete"
Write-Output " ---"