Izumi Hoshino b3b56a64d1
Replace electron-packager with electron-builder (#12953)
* Install electron-builder

* Replaced electron-packager with electron-builder for windows

* Upgraded electron-builder version for mac

* Replaced electron-packager with electron-builder for Linux and integreated deb/rpm dir

* Updated mac installer job

* Fixed app.asar location

* Fixed dmg name for arm64 mac

* Updated

* Updated Linux(deb) installer CI job

* Updated Linux(rpm) installer CI job

* Fixed Linux(rpm) install CI issue

* Revert to use `electron-packager` instead of `electron-builder` for arm64 .deb installer

* Fixed lint errors

* Fixed rpm installer job issue

* Updated Windows installer CI job

* Fixed rpm installer CI job

* Simplified arm64 build

* Added -y option to `apt install` command

* Added `dmg-license` as npm build dependency for MacOS

* Attempt to set product name appropriately for each platform

* Specified productNames in commands

* Fixed arm64 installer issue

* Stopped to create link '/opt/chia/daemon'

* Updated desktop app name for linux installers

* Updated packageName for linux installers

* Abort build jobs when 'cd' fails

* Updated the GUI submodule ref (main:5e52b7f53478d4f39b4a0f0203f41e31dd53aee9)

Co-authored-by: Jeff Cruikshank <>
2022-08-24 20:13:40 -05:00

124 lines
4.4 KiB

set -o errexit
if [ ! "$1" ]; then
echo "This script requires either amd64 of arm64 as an argument"
exit 1
elif [ "$1" = "amd64" ]; then
git status
git submodule
# If the env variable NOTARIZE and the username and password variables are
# set, this will attempt to Notarize the signed DMG
if [ ! "$CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION" ]; then
echo "WARNING: No environment variable CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION set. Using 0.0.0."
echo "Chia Installer Version is: $CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION"
echo "Installing npm and electron packagers"
cd npm_linux || exit 1
npm ci
PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH
cd .. || exit 1
echo "Create dist/"
rm -rf dist
mkdir dist
echo "Create executables with pyinstaller"
SPEC_FILE=$(python -c 'import chia; print(chia.PYINSTALLER_SPEC_PATH)')
pyinstaller --log-level=INFO "$SPEC_FILE"
if [ "$LAST_EXIT_CODE" -ne 0 ]; then
echo >&2 "pyinstaller failed!"
# Builds CLI only .deb
# need j2 for templating the control file
pip install j2cli
mkdir -p "dist/$CLI_DEB_BASE/opt/chia"
mkdir -p "dist/$CLI_DEB_BASE/usr/bin"
mkdir -p "dist/$CLI_DEB_BASE/DEBIAN"
j2 -o "dist/$CLI_DEB_BASE/DEBIAN/control" assets/deb/control.j2
cp -r dist/daemon/* "dist/$CLI_DEB_BASE/opt/chia/"
ln -s ../../opt/chia/chia "dist/$CLI_DEB_BASE/usr/bin/chia"
dpkg-deb --build --root-owner-group "dist/$CLI_DEB_BASE"
# CLI only .deb done
cp -r dist/daemon ../chia-blockchain-gui/packages/gui
# Change to the gui package
cd ../chia-blockchain-gui/packages/gui || exit 1
# sets the version for chia-blockchain in package.json
cp package.json package.json.orig
jq --arg VER "$CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION" '.version=$VER' package.json > temp.json && mv temp.json package.json
echo "Building Linux(deb) Electron app"
if [ "$PLATFORM" = "arm64" ]; then
# electron-builder does not work for arm64 as of Aug 16, 2022.
# This is a temporary fix.
# @TODO Consolidates the process to amd64 if the issue of electron-builder is resolved
sudo apt -y install ruby ruby-dev
# `sudo gem install public_suffix -v 4.0.7` is required to fix the error below.
# ERROR: Error installing fpm:
# The last version of public_suffix (< 6.0, >= 2.0.2) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was 4.0.7. Try installing it with `gem install public_suffix -v 4.0.7` and then running the current command again
# public_suffix requires Ruby version >= 2.6. The current ruby version is 2.5.0.
# @TODO Maybe versions of sub dependencies should be managed by gem lock file.
# @TODO Once ruby 2.6 can be installed on `apt install ruby`, installing public_suffix below should be removed.
sudo gem install public_suffix -v 4.0.7
sudo gem install fpm
echo USE_SYSTEM_FPM=true electron-builder build --linux deb --arm64 \
--config.productName="$PRODUCT_NAME" --config.linux.desktop.Name="Chia Blockchain" \
USE_SYSTEM_FPM=true electron-builder build --linux deb --arm64 \
--config.productName="$PRODUCT_NAME" --config.linux.desktop.Name="Chia Blockchain" \
echo electron-builder build --linux deb --x64 \
--config.productName="$PRODUCT_NAME" --config.linux.desktop.Name="Chia Blockchain" \
electron-builder build --linux deb --x64 \
--config.productName="$PRODUCT_NAME" --config.linux.desktop.Name="Chia Blockchain" \
ls -l dist/linux*-unpacked/resources
# reset the package.json to the original
mv package.json.orig package.json
if [ "$LAST_EXIT_CODE" -ne 0 ]; then
echo >&2 "electron-builder failed!"
mv "dist/${PRODUCT_NAME}-${CHIA_INSTALLER_VERSION}.deb" "../../../build_scripts/dist/${GUI_DEB_NAME}"
cd ../../../build_scripts || exit 1
echo "Create final installer"
rm -rf final_installer
mkdir final_installer
mv "dist/${GUI_DEB_NAME}" final_installer/
# Move the cli only deb into final installers as well, so it gets uploaded as an artifact
mv "dist/${CLI_DEB_BASE}.deb" final_installer/
ls -l final_installer/