mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 12:29:49 +03:00
* Add coverage (without collection)
* Separate test_block_compression() to avoid coverage-related hangs
* Revert "Separate test_block_compression() to avoid coverage-related hangs"
This reverts commit ebad3d0017
* multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn")
* multiprocessing.set_start_method() in conftest.py
* hand hold cc wallet tests
* lint
* spawn for running chia as well
* handle already set start method case
* a bit more timeout for test_multiple_writers
* more timeout for test_writer_lock_blocked_by_readers
* 45 minute tieout for tests/pools/
* 45 minute tieout for tests/pools/
* some more hand holding sleeps
* report coverage in each workflow
only really useful to make sure it is capturing something
* oops
* complete the job name and the JOB_NAME
* better coverage result file names
* reset worker process titles
* rebuild workflows
* rebuild workflows
* black
* black
* rebuild workflows
* push timeouts
* actually include the updated workflows...
* push more workflow timeouts
* parallel=True
* rebuild workflows
148 lines
5.3 KiB
148 lines
5.3 KiB
from setuptools import setup
dependencies = [
"multidict==5.1.0", # Avoid 5.2.0 due to Avast
"aiofiles==0.7.0", # Async IO for files
"blspy==1.0.9", # Signature library
"chiavdf==1.0.5", # timelord and vdf verification
"chiabip158==1.1", # bip158-style wallet filters
"chiapos==1.0.9", # proof of space
"clvm_tools==0.4.4", # Currying, Program.to, other conveniences
"clvm-tools-rs==0.1.7", # Rust implementation of clvm_tools
"aiohttp==3.7.4", # HTTP server for full node rpc
"aiosqlite==0.17.0", # asyncio wrapper for sqlite, to store blocks
"bitstring==3.1.9", # Binary data management library
"colorama==0.4.4", # Colorizes terminal output
"colorlog==6.6.0", # Adds color to logs
"concurrent-log-handler==0.9.19", # Concurrently log and rotate logs
"cryptography==3.4.7", # Python cryptography library for TLS - keyring conflict
"fasteners==0.16.3", # For interprocess file locking, expected to be replaced by filelock
"filelock==3.4.2", # For reading and writing config multiprocess and multithread safely (non-reentrant locks)
"keyring==23.0.1", # Store keys in MacOS Keychain, Windows Credential Locker
"keyrings.cryptfile==1.3.4", # Secure storage for keys on Linux (Will be replaced)
# "keyrings.cryptfile==1.3.8", # Secure storage for keys on Linux (Will be replaced)
# See https://github.com/frispete/keyrings.cryptfile/issues/15
"PyYAML==5.4.1", # Used for config file format
"setproctitle==1.2.2", # Gives the chia processes readable names
"sortedcontainers==2.4.0", # For maintaining sorted mempools
"websockets==8.1.0", # For use in wallet RPC and electron UI
# TODO: when moving to click 8 remove the pinning of black noted below
"click==7.1.2", # For the CLI
"dnspythonchia==2.2.0", # Query DNS seeds
"watchdog==2.1.6", # Filesystem event watching - watches keyring.yaml
"dnslib==0.9.17", # dns lib
"typing-extensions==4.0.1", # typing backports like Protocol and TypedDict
upnp_dependencies = [
"miniupnpc==2.2.2", # Allows users to open ports on their router
dev_dependencies = [
"pytest-asyncio>=0.18.1", # require attribute 'fixture'
"pytest-monitor; sys_platform == 'linux'",
# TODO: black 22.1.0 requires click>=8, remove this pin after updating to click 8
"aiohttp_cors", # For blackd
"ipython", # For asyncio debugging
kwargs = dict(
author="Mariano Sorgente",
description="Chia blockchain full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet.",
license="Apache License",
python_requires=">=3.7, <4",
keywords="chia blockchain node",
"console_scripts": [
"chia = chia.cmds.chia:main",
"chia_wallet = chia.server.start_wallet:main",
"chia_full_node = chia.server.start_full_node:main",
"chia_harvester = chia.server.start_harvester:main",
"chia_farmer = chia.server.start_farmer:main",
"chia_introducer = chia.server.start_introducer:main",
"chia_crawler = chia.seeder.start_crawler:main",
"chia_seeder = chia.seeder.dns_server:main",
"chia_timelord = chia.server.start_timelord:main",
"chia_timelord_launcher = chia.timelord.timelord_launcher:main",
"chia_full_node_simulator = chia.simulator.start_simulator:main",
"chia": ["pyinstaller.spec"],
"": ["*.clvm", "*.clvm.hex", "*.clib", "*.clinc", "*.clsp", "py.typed"],
"chia.util": ["initial-*.yaml", "english.txt"],
"chia.ssl": ["chia_ca.crt", "chia_ca.key", "dst_root_ca.pem"],
"mozilla-ca": ["cacert.pem"],
if __name__ == "__main__":
setup(**kwargs) # type: ignore