Mariano Sorgente 817baa3096
Bind port 0 to fix race condition when grabbing available ports (#11578)
* port 0 to fix flakiness

* Try fixing setup_full_system

* Try fixing setup_full_system, and lint

* More attempts to fix

* No more calls to get random ports in setup_nodes

* Revert accidental changes

* Timelord extra arg

* Try with port 0

* Fix daemon test, and lint

* Try without

* Back to

* Try a few timelord changes to get test running

* Increase timeout again

* Use the correct interface to get the port

* INFO logging to debug issue

* Revert "INFO logging to debug issue"

This reverts commit 7c379e5cca.

* Fix advertised port log

* Add extra log

* Logging back

* Rollback the timelord changes

* Try port 0 timelord

* Revert "Try port 0 timelord"

This reverts commit 4997faf3b2.

* Try full green, change ordering

* Remove unused var

* speed up simulation and cleanup

* Now try without the port config

* Fix a flaky call to get_event_loop

* Try getting the port dynamically

* No dynamic port

* Try changing the ordering

* Try adding a sleep

* Back to what works

* Timelord before vdf clients

* Dynamic port for 1st timelord

* Revert "Dynamic port for 1st timelord"

This reverts commit 0f322a15b7.

* Revert "Timelord before vdf clients"

This reverts commit 3286c34696.

* Revert "Back to what works"

This reverts commit 30380dffb7.

* Revert "Try adding a sleep"

This reverts commit 9212b665a6.

* Revert "Try changing the ordering"

This reverts commit a62597d70d.

* Revert "No dynamic port"

This reverts commit 5d2e15749b.

* Revert "Try getting the port dynamically"

This reverts commit ef9cd75679.

* Revert "Fix a flaky call to get_event_loop"

This reverts commit 01a000fdfb.

* Try one to 0

* Just not 0

* Don't get port dynamically

* Cleanup a bit

* Fix

* Some cleanup work

* Some cleanup work

* Fix daemon test

* Cleanup

* Remove arguments
2022-05-23 08:13:49 -07:00

586 lines
18 KiB

# flake8: noqa E402 # See imports after multiprocessing.set_start_method
import multiprocessing
import os
from secrets import token_bytes
import pytest
import pytest_asyncio
import tempfile
from tests.setup_nodes import setup_node_and_wallet, setup_n_nodes, setup_two_nodes
from pathlib import Path
from typing import AsyncIterator, List, Tuple
from chia.server.start_service import Service
# Set spawn after stdlib imports, but before other imports
from chia.clvm.spend_sim import SimClient, SpendSim
from chia.protocols import full_node_protocol
from chia.simulator.simulator_protocol import FarmNewBlockProtocol
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.peer_info import PeerInfo
from chia.util.ints import uint16
from tests.core.node_height import node_height_at_least
from tests.pools.test_pool_rpc import wallet_is_synced
from tests.setup_nodes import (
from tests.simulation.test_simulation import test_constants_modified
from tests.time_out_assert import time_out_assert
from tests.wallet_tools import WalletTool
from pathlib import Path
from chia.util.keyring_wrapper import KeyringWrapper
from tests.block_tools import BlockTools, test_constants, create_block_tools, create_block_tools_async
from tests.util.keyring import TempKeyring
from tests.setup_nodes import setup_farmer_multi_harvester
def get_keychain():
with TempKeyring() as keychain:
yield keychain
@pytest.fixture(scope="session", name="bt")
def block_tools_fixture(get_keychain) -> BlockTools:
# Note that this causes a lot of CPU and disk traffic - disk, DB, ports, process creation ...
_shared_block_tools = create_block_tools(constants=test_constants, keychain=get_keychain)
return _shared_block_tools
# if you have a system that has an unusual hostname for localhost and you want
# to run the tests, change the `self_hostname` fixture
def self_hostname():
return "localhost"
# Instantiating the bt fixture results in an attempt to create the chia root directory
# which the build scripts symlink to a sometimes-not-there directory.
# When not there, Python complains since, well, the symlink is not a directory nor points to a directory.
# Now that we have removed the global at, we can move the imports out of
# the fixtures below. Just be aware of the filesystem modification during bt fixture creation
@pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="function", params=[1, 2])
async def empty_blockchain(request):
Provides a list of 10 valid blocks, as well as a blockchain with 9 blocks added to it.
from tests.util.blockchain import create_blockchain
from tests.setup_nodes import test_constants
bc1, db_wrapper, db_path = await create_blockchain(test_constants, request.param)
yield bc1
await db_wrapper.close()
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", params=[1, 2])
def db_version(request):
return request.param
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", params=[1000000, 2300000])
def softfork_height(request):
return request.param
saved_blocks_version = "rc5"
def default_400_blocks(bt):
from tests.util.blockchain import persistent_blocks
return persistent_blocks(400, f"test_blocks_400_{saved_blocks_version}.db", bt, seed=b"400")
def default_1000_blocks(bt):
from tests.util.blockchain import persistent_blocks
return persistent_blocks(1000, f"test_blocks_1000_{saved_blocks_version}.db", bt, seed=b"1000")
def pre_genesis_empty_slots_1000_blocks(bt):
from tests.util.blockchain import persistent_blocks
return persistent_blocks(
def default_1500_blocks(bt):
from tests.util.blockchain import persistent_blocks
return persistent_blocks(1500, f"test_blocks_1500_{saved_blocks_version}.db", bt, seed=b"1500")
def default_10000_blocks(bt):
from tests.util.blockchain import persistent_blocks
return persistent_blocks(10000, f"test_blocks_10000_{saved_blocks_version}.db", bt, seed=b"10000")
def default_20000_blocks(bt):
from tests.util.blockchain import persistent_blocks
return persistent_blocks(20000, f"test_blocks_20000_{saved_blocks_version}.db", bt, seed=b"20000")
def test_long_reorg_blocks(bt, default_1500_blocks):
from tests.util.blockchain import persistent_blocks
return persistent_blocks(
def default_2000_blocks_compact(bt):
from tests.util.blockchain import persistent_blocks
return persistent_blocks(
def default_10000_blocks_compact(bt):
from tests.util.blockchain import persistent_blocks
return persistent_blocks(
def tmp_dir():
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
yield Path(folder)
# For the below see
if os.getenv("_PYTEST_RAISE", "0") != "0":
def pytest_exception_interact(call):
raise call.excinfo.value
def pytest_internalerror(excinfo):
raise excinfo.value
async def wallet_node(self_hostname):
async for _ in setup_node_and_wallet(test_constants, self_hostname):
yield _
async def two_nodes(db_version, self_hostname):
async for _ in setup_two_nodes(test_constants, db_version=db_version, self_hostname=self_hostname):
yield _
async def setup_two_nodes_fixture(db_version):
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(2, 0, {}, db_version=db_version):
yield _
async def three_nodes(db_version, self_hostname):
async for _ in setup_n_nodes(test_constants, 3, db_version=db_version, self_hostname=self_hostname):
yield _
async def four_nodes(db_version, self_hostname):
async for _ in setup_n_nodes(test_constants, 4, db_version=db_version, self_hostname=self_hostname):
yield _
async def five_nodes(db_version, self_hostname):
async for _ in setup_n_nodes(test_constants, 5, db_version=db_version, self_hostname=self_hostname):
yield _
async def wallet_nodes(bt):
async_gen = setup_simulators_and_wallets(2, 1, {"MEMPOOL_BLOCK_BUFFER": 1, "MAX_BLOCK_COST_CLVM": 400000000})
nodes, wallets = await async_gen.__anext__()
full_node_1 = nodes[0]
full_node_2 = nodes[1]
server_1 = full_node_1.full_node.server
server_2 = full_node_2.full_node.server
wallet_a = bt.get_pool_wallet_tool()
wallet_receiver = WalletTool(full_node_1.full_node.constants)
yield full_node_1, full_node_2, server_1, server_2, wallet_a, wallet_receiver
async for _ in async_gen:
yield _
async def setup_four_nodes(db_version):
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(5, 0, {}, db_version=db_version):
yield _
async def two_nodes_sim_and_wallets():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(2, 0, {}):
yield _
async def wallet_node_sim_and_wallet():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(1, 1, {}):
yield _
async def wallet_node_100_pk():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(1, 1, {}, initial_num_public_keys=100):
yield _
async def two_wallet_nodes():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(1, 2, {}):
yield _
async def three_sim_two_wallets():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(3, 2, {}):
yield _
async def setup_two_nodes_and_wallet():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(2, 1, {}, db_version=2):
yield _
async def setup_two_nodes_and_wallet_fast_retry():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(
1, 1, {}, config_overrides={"wallet.tx_resend_timeout_secs": 1}, db_version=2
yield _
async def three_wallet_nodes():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(1, 3, {}):
yield _
async def two_wallet_nodes_five_freeze():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(1, 2, {}):
yield _
async def wallet_node_simulator():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(1, 1, {}):
yield _
async def wallet_two_node_simulator():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(2, 1, {}):
yield _
async def wallet_nodes_mempool_perf(bt):
key_seed = bt.farmer_master_sk_entropy
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(2, 1, {}, key_seed=key_seed):
yield _
async def wallet_nodes_perf(bt):
async_gen = setup_simulators_and_wallets(1, 1, {"MEMPOOL_BLOCK_BUFFER": 1, "MAX_BLOCK_COST_CLVM": 11000000000})
nodes, wallets = await async_gen.__anext__()
full_node_1 = nodes[0]
server_1 = full_node_1.full_node.server
wallet_a = bt.get_pool_wallet_tool()
wallet_receiver = WalletTool(full_node_1.full_node.constants)
yield full_node_1, server_1, wallet_a, wallet_receiver
async for _ in async_gen:
yield _
async def wallet_node_starting_height(self_hostname):
async for _ in setup_node_and_wallet(test_constants, self_hostname, starting_height=100):
yield _
async def wallet_nodes_mainnet(bt, db_version):
async_gen = setup_simulators_and_wallets(2, 1, {"NETWORK_TYPE": 0}, db_version=db_version)
nodes, wallets = await async_gen.__anext__()
full_node_1 = nodes[0]
full_node_2 = nodes[1]
server_1 = full_node_1.full_node.server
server_2 = full_node_2.full_node.server
wallet_a = bt.get_pool_wallet_tool()
wallet_receiver = WalletTool(full_node_1.full_node.constants)
yield full_node_1, full_node_2, server_1, server_2, wallet_a, wallet_receiver
async for _ in async_gen:
yield _
async def three_nodes_two_wallets():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(3, 2, {}):
yield _
async def wallet_and_node():
async for _ in setup_simulators_and_wallets(1, 1, {}):
yield _
async def one_node_one_block(bt, wallet_a):
async_gen = setup_simulators_and_wallets(1, 0, {})
nodes, _ = await async_gen.__anext__()
full_node_1 = nodes[0]
server_1 = full_node_1.full_node.server
reward_ph = wallet_a.get_new_puzzlehash()
blocks = bt.get_consecutive_blocks(
assert blocks[0].height == 0
for block in blocks:
await full_node_1.full_node.respond_block(full_node_protocol.RespondBlock(block))
await time_out_assert(60, node_height_at_least, True, full_node_1, blocks[-1].height)
yield full_node_1, server_1
async for _ in async_gen:
yield _
async def two_nodes_one_block(bt, wallet_a):
async_gen = setup_simulators_and_wallets(2, 0, {})
nodes, _ = await async_gen.__anext__()
full_node_1 = nodes[0]
full_node_2 = nodes[1]
server_1 = full_node_1.full_node.server
server_2 = full_node_2.full_node.server
reward_ph = wallet_a.get_new_puzzlehash()
blocks = bt.get_consecutive_blocks(
assert blocks[0].height == 0
for block in blocks:
await full_node_1.full_node.respond_block(full_node_protocol.RespondBlock(block))
await time_out_assert(60, node_height_at_least, True, full_node_1, blocks[-1].height)
yield full_node_1, full_node_2, server_1, server_2
async for _ in async_gen:
yield _
async def farmer_one_harvester(tmp_path: Path, bt: BlockTools) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[List[Service], Service]]:
async for _ in setup_farmer_multi_harvester(bt, 1, tmp_path, test_constants):
yield _
async def farmer_two_harvester(tmp_path: Path, bt: BlockTools) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[List[Service], Service]]:
async for _ in setup_farmer_multi_harvester(bt, 2, tmp_path, test_constants):
yield _
async def farmer_three_harvester(tmp_path: Path, bt: BlockTools) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[List[Service], Service]]:
async for _ in setup_farmer_multi_harvester(bt, 3, tmp_path, test_constants):
yield _
# TODO: Ideally, the db_version should be the (parameterized) db_version
# fixture, to test all versions of the database schema. This doesn't work
# because of a hack in shutting down the full node, which means you cannot run
# more than one simulations per process.
async def daemon_simulation(bt, get_b_tools, get_b_tools_1):
async for _ in setup_full_system(
yield _
async def get_daemon(bt):
async for _ in setup_daemon(btools=bt):
yield _
async def get_temp_keyring():
with TempKeyring() as keychain:
yield keychain
async def get_b_tools_1(get_temp_keyring):
return await create_block_tools_async(constants=test_constants_modified, keychain=get_temp_keyring)
async def get_b_tools(get_temp_keyring):
local_b_tools = await create_block_tools_async(constants=test_constants_modified, keychain=get_temp_keyring)
new_config = local_b_tools._config
return local_b_tools
async def get_daemon_with_temp_keyring(get_b_tools):
async for daemon in setup_daemon(btools=get_b_tools):
yield get_b_tools, daemon
async def wallets_prefarm(two_wallet_nodes, self_hostname, trusted):
Sets up the node with 10 blocks, and returns a payer and payee wallet.
farm_blocks = 10
buffer = 4
full_nodes, wallets = two_wallet_nodes
full_node_api = full_nodes[0]
full_node_server = full_node_api.server
wallet_node_0, wallet_server_0 = wallets[0]
wallet_node_1, wallet_server_1 = wallets[1]
wallet_0 = wallet_node_0.wallet_state_manager.main_wallet
wallet_1 = wallet_node_1.wallet_state_manager.main_wallet
ph0 = await wallet_0.get_new_puzzlehash()
ph1 = await wallet_1.get_new_puzzlehash()
if trusted:
wallet_node_0.config["trusted_peers"] = {full_node_server.node_id.hex(): full_node_server.node_id.hex()}
wallet_node_1.config["trusted_peers"] = {full_node_server.node_id.hex(): full_node_server.node_id.hex()}
wallet_node_0.config["trusted_peers"] = {}
wallet_node_1.config["trusted_peers"] = {}
await wallet_server_0.start_client(PeerInfo(self_hostname, uint16(full_node_server._port)), None)
await wallet_server_1.start_client(PeerInfo(self_hostname, uint16(full_node_server._port)), None)
for i in range(0, farm_blocks):
await full_node_api.farm_new_transaction_block(FarmNewBlockProtocol(ph0))
for i in range(0, farm_blocks):
await full_node_api.farm_new_transaction_block(FarmNewBlockProtocol(ph1))
for i in range(0, buffer):
await full_node_api.farm_new_transaction_block(FarmNewBlockProtocol(bytes32(token_bytes(nbytes=32))))
await time_out_assert(10, wallet_is_synced, True, wallet_node_0, full_node_api)
await time_out_assert(10, wallet_is_synced, True, wallet_node_1, full_node_api)
return wallet_node_0, wallet_node_1, full_node_api
async def introducer(bt):
async for _ in setup_introducer(bt, 0):
yield _
async def timelord(bt):
async for _ in setup_timelord(uint16(0), False, test_constants, bt):
yield _
async def setup_sim():
sim = await SpendSim.create()
sim_client = SimClient(sim)
await sim.farm_block()
return sim, sim_client