
421 lines
18 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import logging
import random
import time
from secrets import token_bytes
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple, Type, Union
import pytest
from blspy import G1Element
from import Delta
from chia.plot_sync.receiver import Receiver, Sync
from chia.plot_sync.util import ErrorCodes, State
from chia.protocols.harvester_protocol import (
from chia.server.outbound_message import NodeType
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.util.ints import uint8, uint32, uint64
from chia.util.misc import get_list_or_len
from chia.util.streamable import _T_Streamable
from tests.plot_sync.util import get_dummy_connection
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
next_message_id = uint64(0)
def assert_default_values(receiver: Receiver) -> None:
assert receiver.current_sync() == Sync()
assert receiver.last_sync() == Sync()
assert receiver.plots() == {}
assert receiver.invalid() == []
assert receiver.keys_missing() == []
assert receiver.duplicates() == []
async def dummy_callback(_: bytes32, __: Delta) -> None:
class SyncStepData:
state: State
function: Any
payload_type: Any
args: Any
def __init__(
self, state: State, function: Callable[[_T_Streamable], Any], payload_type: Type[_T_Streamable], *args: Any
) -> None:
self.state = state
self.function = function
self.payload_type = payload_type
self.args = args
def plot_sync_identifier(current_sync_id: uint64, message_id: uint64) -> PlotSyncIdentifier:
return PlotSyncIdentifier(uint64(0), current_sync_id, message_id)
def create_payload(payload_type: Any, start: bool, *args: Any) -> Any:
global next_message_id
if start:
next_message_id = uint64(0)
next_identifier = plot_sync_identifier(uint64(1), next_message_id)
next_message_id = uint64(next_message_id + 1)
return payload_type(next_identifier, *args)
def assert_error_response(plot_sync: Receiver, error_code: ErrorCodes) -> None:
connection = plot_sync.connection()
assert connection is not None
# WSChiaConnection doesn't have last_sent_message its part of the WSChiaConnectionDummy class used for testing
message = connection.last_sent_message # type: ignore[attr-defined]
assert message is not None
response: PlotSyncResponse = PlotSyncResponse.from_bytes(
assert response.error is not None
assert response.error.code == error_code.value
def pre_function_validate(receiver: Receiver, data: Union[List[Plot], List[str]], expected_state: State) -> None:
if expected_state == State.loaded:
for plot_info in data:
assert type(plot_info) == Plot
assert plot_info.filename not in receiver.plots()
elif expected_state == State.removed:
for path in data:
assert path in receiver.plots()
elif expected_state == State.invalid:
for path in data:
assert path not in receiver.invalid()
elif expected_state == State.keys_missing:
for path in data:
assert path not in receiver.keys_missing()
elif expected_state == State.duplicates:
for path in data:
assert path not in receiver.duplicates()
def post_function_validate(receiver: Receiver, data: Union[List[Plot], List[str]], expected_state: State) -> None:
if expected_state == State.loaded:
for plot_info in data:
assert type(plot_info) == Plot
assert plot_info.filename in
elif expected_state == State.removed:
for path in data:
assert path in
elif expected_state == State.invalid:
for path in data:
assert path in
elif expected_state == State.keys_missing:
for path in data:
assert path in
elif expected_state == State.duplicates:
for path in data:
assert path in
async def run_sync_step(receiver: Receiver, sync_step: SyncStepData) -> None:
assert receiver.current_sync().state == sync_step.state
last_sync_time_before = receiver._last_sync.time_done
# For the the list types invoke the trigger function in batches
if sync_step.payload_type == PlotSyncPlotList or sync_step.payload_type == PlotSyncPathList:
step_data, _ = sync_step.args
assert len(step_data) == 10
# Invoke batches of: 1, 2, 3, 4 items and validate the data against plot store before and after
indexes = [0, 1, 3, 6, 10]
for i in range(0, len(indexes) - 1):
plots_processed_before = receiver.current_sync().plots_processed
invoke_data = step_data[indexes[i] : indexes[i + 1]]
pre_function_validate(receiver, invoke_data, sync_step.state)
await sync_step.function(
create_payload(sync_step.payload_type, False, invoke_data, i == (len(indexes) - 2))
post_function_validate(receiver, invoke_data, sync_step.state)
if sync_step.state == State.removed:
assert receiver.current_sync().plots_processed == plots_processed_before
assert receiver.current_sync().plots_processed == plots_processed_before + len(invoke_data)
# For Start/Done just invoke it..
await sync_step.function(create_payload(sync_step.payload_type, sync_step.state == State.idle, *sync_step.args))
# Make sure we moved to the next state
assert receiver.current_sync().state != sync_step.state
if sync_step.payload_type == PlotSyncDone:
assert receiver._last_sync.time_done != last_sync_time_before
assert receiver.last_sync().plots_processed == receiver.last_sync().plots_total
assert receiver._last_sync.time_done == last_sync_time_before
def plot_sync_setup() -> Tuple[Receiver, List[SyncStepData]]:
harvester_connection = get_dummy_connection(NodeType.HARVESTER)
receiver = Receiver(harvester_connection, dummy_callback) # type:ignore[arg-type]
# Create example plot data
path_list = [str(x) for x in range(0, 40)]
plot_info_list = [
file_size=uint64(random.randint(0, 100)),
for x in path_list
# Manually add the plots we want to remove in tests
receiver._plots = {plot_info.filename: plot_info for plot_info in plot_info_list[0:10]}
receiver._total_plot_size = sum(plot.file_size for plot in receiver._plots.values())
sync_steps: List[SyncStepData] = [
SyncStepData(State.idle, receiver.sync_started, PlotSyncStart, False, uint64(0), uint32(len(plot_info_list))),
SyncStepData(State.loaded, receiver.process_loaded, PlotSyncPlotList, plot_info_list[10:20], True),
SyncStepData(State.removed, receiver.process_removed, PlotSyncPathList, path_list[0:10], True),
SyncStepData(State.invalid, receiver.process_invalid, PlotSyncPathList, path_list[20:30], True),
SyncStepData(State.keys_missing, receiver.process_keys_missing, PlotSyncPathList, path_list[30:40], True),
SyncStepData(State.duplicates, receiver.process_duplicates, PlotSyncPathList, path_list[10:20], True),
SyncStepData(State.done, receiver.sync_done, PlotSyncDone, uint64(0)),
return receiver, sync_steps
def test_default_values() -> None:
assert_default_values(Receiver(get_dummy_connection(NodeType.HARVESTER), dummy_callback)) # type:ignore[arg-type]
async def test_reset() -> None:
receiver, sync_steps = plot_sync_setup()
connection_before = receiver.connection()
# Assign some dummy values
receiver._current_sync.state = State.done
receiver._current_sync.sync_id = uint64(1)
receiver._current_sync.next_message_id = uint64(1)
receiver._current_sync.plots_processed = uint32(1)
receiver._current_sync.plots_total = uint32(1) = receiver.plots().copy() = ["1"] = ["1"] = ["1"] = ["1"] = ["1"] = ["1"] = ["1"]
receiver._current_sync.time_done = time.time()
receiver._last_sync = dataclasses.replace(receiver._current_sync)
receiver._invalid = ["1"]
receiver._keys_missing = ["1"]
receiver._duplicates = ["1"]
receiver._last_sync.sync_id = uint64(1)
# Call `reset` and make sure all expected values are set back to their defaults.
assert == Delta()
# Connection should remain
assert receiver.connection() == connection_before
@pytest.mark.parametrize("counts_only", [True, False])
async def test_to_dict(counts_only: bool) -> None:
receiver, sync_steps = plot_sync_setup()
plot_sync_dict_1 = receiver.to_dict(counts_only)
assert get_list_or_len(plot_sync_dict_1["plots"], not counts_only) == 10
assert get_list_or_len(plot_sync_dict_1["failed_to_open_filenames"], not counts_only) == 0
assert get_list_or_len(plot_sync_dict_1["no_key_filenames"], not counts_only) == 0
assert get_list_or_len(plot_sync_dict_1["duplicates"], not counts_only) == 0
assert plot_sync_dict_1["total_plot_size"] == sum(plot.file_size for plot in receiver.plots().values())
assert plot_sync_dict_1["syncing"] is None
assert plot_sync_dict_1["last_sync_time"] is None
assert plot_sync_dict_1["connection"] == {
"node_id": receiver.connection().peer_node_id,
"host": receiver.connection(),
"port": receiver.connection().peer_info.port,
# We should get equal dicts
assert plot_sync_dict_1 == receiver.to_dict(counts_only)
# But unequal dicts wit the opposite counts_only value
assert plot_sync_dict_1 != receiver.to_dict(not counts_only)
expected_plot_files_processed: int = 0
expected_plot_files_total: int = sync_steps[State.idle].args[2]
# Walk through all states from idle to done and run them with the test data and validate the sync progress
for state in State:
await run_sync_step(receiver, sync_steps[state])
if state != State.idle and state != State.removed and state != State.done:
expected_plot_files_processed += len(sync_steps[state].args[0])
sync_data = receiver.to_dict()["syncing"]
if state == State.done:
expected_sync_data = None
expected_sync_data = {
"initial": True,
"plot_files_processed": expected_plot_files_processed,
"plot_files_total": expected_plot_files_total,
assert sync_data == expected_sync_data
plot_sync_dict_3 = receiver.to_dict(counts_only)
assert get_list_or_len(sync_steps[State.loaded].args[0], counts_only) == plot_sync_dict_3["plots"]
assert (
get_list_or_len(sync_steps[State.invalid].args[0], counts_only) == plot_sync_dict_3["failed_to_open_filenames"]
assert get_list_or_len(sync_steps[State.keys_missing].args[0], counts_only) == plot_sync_dict_3["no_key_filenames"]
assert get_list_or_len(sync_steps[State.duplicates].args[0], counts_only) == plot_sync_dict_3["duplicates"]
assert plot_sync_dict_3["total_plot_size"] == sum(plot.file_size for plot in receiver.plots().values())
assert plot_sync_dict_3["last_sync_time"] > 0
assert plot_sync_dict_3["syncing"] is None
# Trigger a repeated plot sync
await receiver.sync_started(
PlotSyncIdentifier(uint64(time.time()), uint64(receiver.last_sync().sync_id + 1), uint64(0)),
assert receiver.to_dict()["syncing"] == {
"initial": False,
"plot_files_processed": 0,
"plot_files_total": 1,
async def test_sync_flow() -> None:
receiver, sync_steps = plot_sync_setup()
for plot_info in sync_steps[State.loaded].args[0]:
assert plot_info.filename not in receiver.plots()
for path in sync_steps[State.removed].args[0]:
assert path in receiver.plots()
for path in sync_steps[State.invalid].args[0]:
assert path not in receiver.invalid()
for path in sync_steps[State.keys_missing].args[0]:
assert path not in receiver.keys_missing()
for path in sync_steps[State.duplicates].args[0]:
assert path not in receiver.duplicates()
# Walk through all states from idle to done and run them with the test data
for state in State:
await run_sync_step(receiver, sync_steps[state])
for plot_info in sync_steps[State.loaded].args[0]:
assert plot_info.filename in receiver.plots()
for path in sync_steps[State.removed].args[0]:
assert path not in receiver.plots()
for path in sync_steps[State.invalid].args[0]:
assert path in receiver.invalid()
for path in sync_steps[State.keys_missing].args[0]:
assert path in receiver.keys_missing()
for path in sync_steps[State.duplicates].args[0]:
assert path in receiver.duplicates()
# We should be in idle state again
assert receiver.current_sync().state == State.idle
async def test_invalid_ids() -> None:
receiver, sync_steps = plot_sync_setup()
for state in State:
assert receiver.current_sync().state == state
current_step = sync_steps[state]
if receiver.current_sync().state == State.idle:
# Set last_sync_id for the tests below
receiver._last_sync.sync_id = uint64(1)
# Test "sync_started last doesn't match"
invalid_last_sync_id_param = PlotSyncStart(
plot_sync_identifier(uint64(0), uint64(0)), False, uint64(2), uint32(0)
await current_step.function(invalid_last_sync_id_param)
assert_error_response(receiver, ErrorCodes.invalid_last_sync_id)
# Test "last_sync_id == new_sync_id"
invalid_sync_id_match_param = PlotSyncStart(
plot_sync_identifier(uint64(1), uint64(0)), False, uint64(1), uint32(0)
await current_step.function(invalid_sync_id_match_param)
assert_error_response(receiver, ErrorCodes.sync_ids_match)
# Reset the last_sync_id to the default
receiver._last_sync.sync_id = uint64(0)
# Test invalid sync_id
invalid_sync_id_param = current_step.payload_type(
plot_sync_identifier(uint64(10), uint64(receiver.current_sync().next_message_id)), *current_step.args
await current_step.function(invalid_sync_id_param)
assert_error_response(receiver, ErrorCodes.invalid_identifier)
# Test invalid message_id
invalid_message_id_param = current_step.payload_type(
receiver.current_sync().sync_id, uint64(receiver.current_sync().next_message_id + 1)
await current_step.function(invalid_message_id_param)
assert_error_response(receiver, ErrorCodes.invalid_identifier)
payload = create_payload(current_step.payload_type, state == State.idle, *current_step.args)
await current_step.function(payload)
["state_to_fail", "expected_error_code"],
pytest.param(State.loaded, ErrorCodes.plot_already_available, id="already available plots"),
pytest.param(State.invalid, ErrorCodes.plot_already_available, id="already available paths"),
pytest.param(State.removed, ErrorCodes.plot_not_available, id="not available"),
async def test_plot_errors(state_to_fail: State, expected_error_code: ErrorCodes) -> None:
receiver, sync_steps = plot_sync_setup()
for state in State:
assert receiver.current_sync().state == state
current_step = sync_steps[state]
if state == state_to_fail:
plot_infos, _ = current_step.args
await current_step.function(create_payload(current_step.payload_type, False, plot_infos, False))
identifier = plot_sync_identifier(receiver.current_sync().sync_id, receiver.current_sync().next_message_id)
invalid_payload = current_step.payload_type(identifier, plot_infos, True)
await current_step.function(invalid_payload)
if state == state_to_fail:
assert_error_response(receiver, expected_error_code)
await current_step.function(
create_payload(current_step.payload_type, state == State.idle, *current_step.args)
assert False, "Didn't fail in the expected state"