dustinface e3d7122d80
cmds: Don't exit in migrate_legacy_keyring_interactive (#13037)
Exiting leads to the actual start command not running after the mirgation was done successfully. Also we have a daemon connection open here if we trigger the migration via `chia start` commands and exiting in there leaves the connection opened which leads to exception traceback outputs.
2022-08-18 14:55:49 -05:00

721 lines
26 KiB

import logging
import os
import sys
from blspy import AugSchemeMPL, G1Element, G2Element, PrivateKey
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from chia.consensus.coinbase import create_puzzlehash_for_pk
from chia.daemon.client import connect_to_daemon_and_validate
from chia.daemon.keychain_proxy import KeychainProxy, connect_to_keychain_and_validate, wrap_local_keychain
from chia.util.bech32m import encode_puzzle_hash
from chia.util.errors import KeychainNotSet
from chia.util.config import load_config
from chia.util.default_root import DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH
from chia.util.ints import uint32
from chia.util.keychain import Keychain, bytes_to_mnemonic, generate_mnemonic, mnemonic_to_seed, unlocks_keyring
from chia.wallet.derive_keys import (
def generate_and_print():
Generates a seed for a private key, and prints the mnemonic to the terminal.
mnemonic = generate_mnemonic()
print("Generating private key. Mnemonic (24 secret words):")
print("Note that this key has not been added to the keychain. Run chia keys add")
return mnemonic
def generate_and_add():
Generates a seed for a private key, prints the mnemonic to the terminal, and adds the key to the keyring.
mnemonic = generate_mnemonic()
print("Generating private key")
def query_and_add_private_key_seed():
mnemonic = input("Enter the mnemonic you want to use: ")
def add_private_key_seed(mnemonic: str):
Add a private key seed to the keyring, with the given mnemonic.
passphrase = ""
sk = Keychain().add_private_key(mnemonic, passphrase)
fingerprint = sk.get_g1().get_fingerprint()
print(f"Added private key with public key fingerprint {fingerprint}")
except ValueError as e:
return None
def show_all_keys(show_mnemonic: bool, non_observer_derivation: bool):
Prints all keys and mnemonics (if available).
config = load_config(root_path, "config.yaml")
private_keys = Keychain().get_all_private_keys()
selected = config["selected_network"]
prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][selected]["address_prefix"]
if len(private_keys) == 0:
print("There are no saved private keys")
return None
msg = "Showing all public keys derived from your master seed and private key:"
if show_mnemonic:
msg = "Showing all public and private keys"
for sk, seed in private_keys:
print("Fingerprint:", sk.get_g1().get_fingerprint())
print("Master public key (m):", sk.get_g1())
"Farmer public key (m/12381/8444/0/0):",
print("Pool public key (m/12381/8444/1/0):", master_sk_to_pool_sk(sk).get_g1())
first_wallet_sk: PrivateKey = (
master_sk_to_wallet_sk(sk, uint32(0))
if non_observer_derivation
else master_sk_to_wallet_sk_unhardened(sk, uint32(0))
wallet_address: str = encode_puzzle_hash(create_puzzlehash_for_pk(first_wallet_sk.get_g1()), prefix)
print(f"First wallet address{' (non-observer)' if non_observer_derivation else ''}: {wallet_address}")
assert seed is not None
if show_mnemonic:
print("Master private key (m):", bytes(sk).hex())
"First wallet secret key (m/12381/8444/2/0):",
master_sk_to_wallet_sk(sk, uint32(0)),
mnemonic = bytes_to_mnemonic(seed)
print(" Mnemonic seed (24 secret words):")
def delete(fingerprint: int):
Delete a key by its public key fingerprint (which is an integer).
print(f"Deleting private_key with fingerprint {fingerprint}")
def derive_sk_from_hd_path(master_sk: PrivateKey, hd_path_root: str) -> Tuple[PrivateKey, str]:
Derive a private key from the provided HD path. Takes a master key and HD path as input,
and returns the derived key and the HD path that was used to derive it.
from chia.wallet.derive_keys import _derive_path, _derive_path_unhardened
class DerivationType(Enum):
path: List[str] = hd_path_root.split("/")
if len(path) == 0 or path[0] != "m":
raise ValueError("Invalid HD path. Must start with 'm'")
path = path[1:] # Skip "m"
if len(path) > 0 and path[-1] == "": # remove trailing slash
path = path[:-1]
index_and_derivation_types: List[Tuple[int, DerivationType]] = []
# Validate path
for current_index_str in path:
if len(current_index_str) == 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid HD path. Empty index")
non_observer: bool = current_index_str[-1] == "n"
current_index: int = int(current_index_str[:-1]) if non_observer else int(current_index_str)
(current_index, DerivationType.NONOBSERVER if non_observer else DerivationType.OBSERVER)
current_sk: PrivateKey = master_sk
# Derive keys along the path
for (current_index, derivation_type) in index_and_derivation_types:
if derivation_type == DerivationType.NONOBSERVER:
current_sk = _derive_path(current_sk, [current_index])
elif derivation_type == DerivationType.OBSERVER:
current_sk = _derive_path_unhardened(current_sk, [current_index])
raise ValueError(f"Unhandled derivation type: {derivation_type}")
return (current_sk, "m/" + "/".join(path) + "/")
def sign(message: str, private_key: PrivateKey, hd_path: str, as_bytes: bool):
sk: PrivateKey = derive_sk_from_hd_path(private_key, hd_path)[0]
data = bytes.fromhex(message) if as_bytes else bytes(message, "utf-8")
print("Public key:", sk.get_g1())
print("Signature:", AugSchemeMPL.sign(sk, data))
def verify(message: str, public_key: str, signature: str):
messageBytes = bytes(message, "utf-8")
public_key = G1Element.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(public_key))
signature = G2Element.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(signature))
print(AugSchemeMPL.verify(public_key, messageBytes, signature))
async def migrate_keys(root_path: Path, forced: bool = False) -> bool:
from chia.util.keyring_wrapper import KeyringWrapper
from chia.util.misc import prompt_yes_no
deprecation_message = (
"\nLegacy keyring support is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming version. "
"You need to migrate your keyring to continue using Chia.\n"
# Check if the keyring needs a full migration (i.e. if it's using the old keyring)
if Keychain.needs_migration():
return await KeyringWrapper.get_shared_instance().migrate_legacy_keyring_interactive()
already_checked_marker = KeyringWrapper.get_shared_instance().keys_root_path / ".checked_legacy_migration"
if forced and already_checked_marker.exists():
return True
log = logging.getLogger("migrate_keys")
config = load_config(root_path, "config.yaml")
# Connect to the daemon here first to see if ts running since `connect_to_keychain_and_validate` just tries to
# connect forever if it's not up.
keychain_proxy: Optional[KeychainProxy] = None
daemon = await connect_to_daemon_and_validate(root_path, config, quiet=True)
if daemon is not None:
await daemon.close()
keychain_proxy = await connect_to_keychain_and_validate(root_path, log)
if keychain_proxy is None:
keychain_proxy = wrap_local_keychain(Keychain(), log=log)
legacy_keyring = Keychain(force_legacy=True)
all_sks = await keychain_proxy.get_all_private_keys()
all_legacy_sks = legacy_keyring.get_all_private_keys()
set_legacy_sks = {str(x[0]) for x in all_legacy_sks}
set_sks = {str(x[0]) for x in all_sks}
missing_legacy_keys = set_legacy_sks - set_sks
keys_to_migrate = [x for x in all_legacy_sks if str(x[0]) in missing_legacy_keys]
except KeychainNotSet:
keys_to_migrate = []
if len(keys_to_migrate) > 0:
print(f"Found {len(keys_to_migrate)} key(s) that need migration:")
for key, _ in keys_to_migrate:
print(f"Fingerprint: {key.get_g1().get_fingerprint()}")
if not prompt_yes_no("Migrate these keys?"):
await keychain_proxy.close()
print("Migration aborted, can't run any chia commands.")
return False
for sk, seed_bytes in keys_to_migrate:
mnemonic = bytes_to_mnemonic(seed_bytes)
await keychain_proxy.add_private_key(mnemonic, "")
fingerprint = sk.get_g1().get_fingerprint()
print(f"Added private key with public key fingerprint {fingerprint}")
print(f"Migrated {len(keys_to_migrate)} key(s)")
print("Verifying migration results...", end="")
all_sks = await keychain_proxy.get_all_private_keys()
await keychain_proxy.close()
set_sks = {str(x[0]) for x in all_sks}
keys_present = set_sks.issuperset(set(map(lambda x: str(x[0]), keys_to_migrate)))
if keys_present:
print(" Verified")
response = prompt_yes_no("Remove key(s) from old keyring (recommended)?")
if response:
print(f"Removed {len(keys_to_migrate)} key(s) from old keyring")
print("Migration complete")
print(" Failed")
return False
return True
elif not forced:
print("No keys need migration")
if already_checked_marker.parent.exists():
await keychain_proxy.close()
return True
def _clear_line_part(n: int):
# Move backward, overwrite with spaces, then move backward again
sys.stdout.write("\b" * n)
sys.stdout.write(" " * n)
sys.stdout.write("\b" * n)
def _search_derived(
current_sk: PrivateKey,
search_terms: Tuple[str, ...],
path: str,
path_indices: Optional[List[int]],
limit: int,
non_observer_derivation: bool,
show_progress: bool,
search_public_key: bool,
search_private_key: bool,
search_address: bool,
prefix: str,
) -> List[str]: # Return a subset of search_terms that were found
Performs a shallow search of keys derived from the current sk for items matching
the provided search terms.
from chia.wallet.derive_keys import _derive_path, _derive_path_unhardened
class DerivedSearchResultType(Enum):
PUBLIC_KEY = "public key"
PRIVATE_KEY = "private key"
WALLET_ADDRESS = "wallet address"
remaining_search_terms: Dict[str, None] = dict.fromkeys(search_terms)
current_path: str = path
current_path_indices: List[int] = path_indices if path_indices is not None else []
found_search_terms: List[str] = []
for index in range(limit):
found_items: List[Tuple[str, str, DerivedSearchResultType]] = []
printed_match: bool = False
current_index_str = str(index) + ("n" if non_observer_derivation else "")
current_path += f"{current_index_str}"
if show_progress:
# Output just the current index e.g. "25" or "25n"
# Derive the private key
if non_observer_derivation:
child_sk = _derive_path(current_sk, current_path_indices)
child_sk = _derive_path_unhardened(current_sk, current_path_indices)
child_pk: Optional[G1Element] = None
# Public key is needed for searching against wallet addresses or public keys
if search_public_key or search_address:
child_pk = child_sk.get_g1()
address: Optional[str] = None
if search_address:
# Generate a wallet address using the standard p2_delegated_puzzle_or_hidden_puzzle puzzle
# TODO: consider generating addresses using other puzzles
address = encode_puzzle_hash(create_puzzlehash_for_pk(child_pk), prefix)
for term in remaining_search_terms:
found_item: Any = None
found_item_type: Optional[DerivedSearchResultType] = None
if search_private_key and term in str(child_sk):
found_item = private_key_string_repr(child_sk)
found_item_type = DerivedSearchResultType.PRIVATE_KEY
elif search_public_key and child_pk is not None and term in str(child_pk):
found_item = child_pk
found_item_type = DerivedSearchResultType.PUBLIC_KEY
elif search_address and address is not None and term in address:
found_item = address
found_item_type = DerivedSearchResultType.WALLET_ADDRESS
if found_item is not None and found_item_type is not None:
found_items.append((term, found_item, found_item_type))
if len(found_items) > 0 and show_progress:
for (term, found_item, found_item_type) in found_items:
# Update remaining_search_terms and found_search_terms
del remaining_search_terms[term]
f"Found {found_item_type.value}: {found_item} (HD path: {current_path})"
) # lgtm [py/clear-text-logging-sensitive-data]
printed_match = True
if len(remaining_search_terms) == 0:
# Remove the last index from the path
current_path = current_path[: -len(str(current_index_str))]
current_path_indices = current_path_indices[:-1]
if show_progress:
if printed_match:
# Write the path (without current_index_str) since we printed out a match
# e.g. m/12381/8444/2/
sys.stdout.write(f"{current_path}") # lgtm [py/clear-text-logging-sensitive-data]
# Remove the last index from the output
return found_search_terms
def search_derive(
root_path: Path,
private_key: Optional[PrivateKey],
search_terms: Tuple[str, ...],
limit: int,
non_observer_derivation: bool,
show_progress: bool,
search_types: Tuple[str, ...],
derive_from_hd_path: Optional[str],
prefix: Optional[str],
) -> bool:
Searches for items derived from the provided private key, or if not specified,
search each private key in the keyring.
from time import perf_counter
start_time = perf_counter()
private_keys: List[PrivateKey]
remaining_search_terms: Dict[str, None] = dict.fromkeys(search_terms) # poor man's ordered set
search_address = "address" in search_types
search_public_key = "public_key" in search_types
search_private_key = "private_key" in search_types
if prefix is None:
config: Dict = load_config(root_path, "config.yaml")
selected: str = config["selected_network"]
prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][selected]["address_prefix"]
if "all" in search_types:
search_address = True
search_public_key = True
search_private_key = True
if private_key is None:
private_keys = [sk for sk, _ in Keychain().get_all_private_keys()]
private_keys = [private_key]
for sk in private_keys:
current_path: str = ""
found_terms: List[str] = []
if show_progress:
print(f"Searching keys derived from: {sk.get_g1().get_fingerprint()}")
# Derive from the provided HD path
if derive_from_hd_path is not None:
derivation_root_sk, hd_path_root = derive_sk_from_hd_path(sk, derive_from_hd_path)
if show_progress:
# Shallow search under hd_path_root
found_terms = _search_derived(
# Update remaining_search_terms
for term in found_terms:
del remaining_search_terms[term]
if len(remaining_search_terms) == 0:
# Found everything we were looking for
current_path = hd_path_root
# Otherwise derive from well-known derivation paths
current_path_indices: List[int] = [12381, 8444]
path_root: str = "m/"
for i in [12381, 8444]:
path_root += f"{i}{'n' if non_observer_derivation else ''}/"
if show_progress:
# Print the path root (without last index)
# e.g. m/12381/8444/
# 7 account levels for derived keys (0-6):
# 0 = farmer, 1 = pool, 2 = wallet, 3 = local, 4 = backup key, 5 = singleton, 6 = pooling authentication
for account in range(7):
account_str = str(account) + ("n" if non_observer_derivation else "")
current_path = path_root + f"{account_str}/"
if show_progress:
# Print the current path index
# e.g. 2/ (example full output: m/12381/8444/2/)
sys.stdout.write(f"{account_str}/") # lgtm [py/clear-text-logging-sensitive-data]
found_terms = _search_derived(
list(current_path_indices), # copy
# Update remaining_search_terms
for found_term in found_terms:
del remaining_search_terms[found_term]
if len(remaining_search_terms) == 0:
# Found everything we were looking for
if show_progress:
# +1 to remove the trailing slash
_clear_line_part(1 + len(str(account_str)))
current_path_indices = current_path_indices[:-1]
if len(remaining_search_terms) == 0:
# Found everything we were looking for
if show_progress:
# +1 to remove the trailing slash
_clear_line_part(1 + len(current_path))
end_time = perf_counter()
if len(remaining_search_terms) > 0:
for term in remaining_search_terms:
print(f"Could not find '{term}'")
if show_progress:
print(f"Search completed in {end_time - start_time} seconds")
return len(remaining_search_terms) == 0
def derive_wallet_address(
root_path: Path,
private_key: PrivateKey,
index: int,
count: int,
prefix: Optional[str],
non_observer_derivation: bool,
show_hd_path: bool,
Generate wallet addresses using keys derived from the provided private key.
if prefix is None:
config: Dict = load_config(root_path, "config.yaml")
selected: str = config["selected_network"]
prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][selected]["address_prefix"]
path_indices: List[int] = [12381, 8444, 2]
wallet_hd_path_root: str = "m/"
for i in path_indices:
wallet_hd_path_root += f"{i}{'n' if non_observer_derivation else ''}/"
for i in range(index, index + count):
if non_observer_derivation:
sk = master_sk_to_wallet_sk(private_key, uint32(i))
sk = master_sk_to_wallet_sk_unhardened(private_key, uint32(i))
# Generate a wallet address using the standard p2_delegated_puzzle_or_hidden_puzzle puzzle
# TODO: consider generating addresses using other puzzles
address = encode_puzzle_hash(create_puzzlehash_for_pk(sk.get_g1()), prefix)
if show_hd_path:
f"Wallet address {i} "
f"({wallet_hd_path_root + str(i) + ('n' if non_observer_derivation else '')}): {address}"
print(f"Wallet address {i}: {address}")
def private_key_string_repr(private_key: PrivateKey):
"""Print a PrivateKey in a human-readable formats"""
s: str = str(private_key)
return s[len("<PrivateKey ") : s.rfind(">")] if s.startswith("<PrivateKey ") else s
def derive_child_key(
master_sk: PrivateKey,
key_type: Optional[str],
derive_from_hd_path: Optional[str],
index: int,
count: int,
non_observer_derivation: bool,
show_private_keys: bool,
show_hd_path: bool,
Derive child keys from the provided master key.
from chia.wallet.derive_keys import _derive_path, _derive_path_unhardened
derivation_root_sk: Optional[PrivateKey] = None
hd_path_root: Optional[str] = None
current_sk: Optional[PrivateKey] = None
# Key type was specified
if key_type is not None:
path_indices: List[int] = [12381, 8444]
"farmer": 0,
"pool": 1,
"wallet": 2,
"local": 3,
"backup": 4,
"singleton": 5,
"pool_auth": 6,
if non_observer_derivation:
current_sk = _derive_path(master_sk, path_indices)
current_sk = _derive_path_unhardened(master_sk, path_indices)
derivation_root_sk = current_sk
hd_path_root = "m/"
for i in path_indices:
hd_path_root += f"{i}{'n' if non_observer_derivation else ''}/"
# Arbitrary HD path was specified
elif derive_from_hd_path is not None:
derivation_root_sk, hd_path_root = derive_sk_from_hd_path(master_sk, derive_from_hd_path)
# Derive child keys from derivation_root_sk
if derivation_root_sk is not None and hd_path_root is not None:
for i in range(index, index + count):
if non_observer_derivation:
sk = _derive_path(derivation_root_sk, [i])
sk = _derive_path_unhardened(derivation_root_sk, [i])
hd_path: str = (
" (" + hd_path_root + str(i) + ("n" if non_observer_derivation else "") + ")" if show_hd_path else ""
key_type_str: Optional[str]
if key_type is not None:
key_type_str = key_type.capitalize()
key_type_str = "Non-Observer" if non_observer_derivation else "Observer"
print(f"{key_type_str} public key {i}{hd_path}: {sk.get_g1()}")
if show_private_keys:
print(f"{key_type_str} private key {i}{hd_path}: {private_key_string_repr(sk)}")
def private_key_for_fingerprint(fingerprint: int) -> Optional[PrivateKey]:
private_keys = Keychain().get_all_private_keys()
for sk, _ in private_keys:
if sk.get_g1().get_fingerprint() == fingerprint:
return sk
return None
def get_private_key_with_fingerprint_or_prompt(fingerprint: Optional[int]):
Get a private key with the specified fingerprint. If fingerprint is not
specified, prompt the user to select a key.
# Return the private key matching the specified fingerprint
if fingerprint is not None:
return private_key_for_fingerprint(fingerprint)
fingerprints: List[int] = [pk.get_fingerprint() for pk in Keychain().get_all_public_keys()]
while True:
print("Choose key:")
for i, fp in enumerate(fingerprints):
print(f"{i+1}) {fp}")
val = None
while val is None:
val = input("Enter a number to pick or q to quit: ")
if val == "q":
return None
if not val.isdigit():
val = None
index = int(val) - 1
if index >= len(fingerprints):
print("Invalid value")
val = None
return private_key_for_fingerprint(fingerprints[index])
def private_key_from_mnemonic_seed_file(filename: Path) -> PrivateKey:
Create a private key from a mnemonic seed file.
mnemonic = filename.read_text().rstrip()
seed = mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic, "")
return AugSchemeMPL.key_gen(seed)
def resolve_derivation_master_key(fingerprint_or_filename: Optional[Union[int, str, Path]]) -> PrivateKey:
Given a key fingerprint of file containing a mnemonic seed, return the private key.
if fingerprint_or_filename is not None and (
isinstance(fingerprint_or_filename, str) or isinstance(fingerprint_or_filename, Path)
return private_key_from_mnemonic_seed_file(Path(os.fspath(fingerprint_or_filename)))
return get_private_key_with_fingerprint_or_prompt(fingerprint_or_filename)